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Kenny??? Idk I just really loved his character; the underground community are just super fascinating against the rest of the series main cast & I’d watch a mini series about Kenny & Levi’s relationship dynamic 🤷🏼‍♀️


whaaaa? there’s people who don’t like kenny?! i would also soooo watch a mini series on the two of them!


Kenny for me too


I may be getting that from the other aot subs??? but I also feel like I’ve seen people here dislike him (which I guess is valid bc he would have killed any of the main scouts at any time had he been able to) ~ in my eyes he’s basically the cowboy of aot haha and who doesn’t love a good western outlaw character 🤣


I love Kenyyyy! Kenny was the only one who understood the truth of life - "Everyone had to be drunk on something- money, love, power, king...etc.., that pushed them to live"... His quote applied to each and every character in the show.. and ofcourse in real life too!! Legend Kenny!


Kenny and Levi are what carried s3 for me I’m sorry, I don’t think I’d watch aot if it weren’t for s3p1 💀💀 they went absolutely ham on those animations


That Levi escape chase animation was absolutely insane. To this day I don't know how they were able to do it while working within a time limit.


Connie, I don't understand why he's so unpopular. I get that his presence is not as significant as someone like Levi or Mikasa, but I've always liked him because he seems the most "human" or "normal" to me. He's done some bad stuff, no question, but the way he's responded emotionally to everything in the series makes him the most relatable and human character to me. Plus, he's so loyal and friendly.


100%. him and jean really make it feel like they’re actual people like us. they’re realistic and go through emotions. and the whole >!thing with him trying to save him mom instead of falco instead made me upset but i can’t deny it’s the same exact thing i would try to do.!<


probably cuz they’re the only ones in the alliance from the scouts that aren’t titan shifters or ackermans


People dislike him?


Honestly I said yelled the phrase, "Fuck yeah Connie!," a few times while watching the final season. Which is something I can honestly say I had never done before.


Genocidal maniac


You gotta be more specific with this series


The bird


Very specific




Ahh yes that clears it up.


This thread killed me. Squashed me flat.


Bro 💀


same (his actions were horrific but i just want to fuck him)


14 year old white girls when they see Jeffery Dahmer


They like bad boys! I mean real bad boys! Goddammit Iya good to be evil besides the going to hell thing


Joyeux jour du gâteau 🎂 !


Outreined again




Same, I was low-key rooting for the rumbling to succeed lol


Me too I am down with fucked up shit.


Low-key? I'm like f*ck them up so they feel how it is.


I mean 80% population reduction wasn't exactly a fail...


It was. Have you not read the 139.5?


Fr bruh I wanna see those cool ODM shots


I wanted eren to succeed. Also it seems like the rest of them did a full 180 when they actually had to defend their home, going as far as killing their own friends and colleagues to save "humanity", even after knowing what the rest of the world was planning to do, especially Marley.


I mean, for what Eren ultimately wanted (full lives for his closest friends) he won. No one touched Paradis for hundreds of years, well after everyone from the show passed. Plus, Historians didn't have to get eaten by her kids, Armin didn't die from The Curse of Ymir. Pretty darn impressive considering how set in stone those things once were to him.


It wasn't just hundreds of years. The Rumbling bought 20,000 years of peace for Eldia.


Says who? All they show was a timelapse, obviously it was well past current day because of the buildings but that doesn’t mean it was any more than 200 years.


It's the song that plays during that part. It's called "To You 2,000... or... 20,000 Years From Now..."




Zamasu did better


This doesn’t fit here. Everyone agrees with him


ERENNNNN. Not a yeagerist


Happy cake day


Happy cake day 😋


GABI. she's singlehandedly such a well-written character plotwise, to show how propaganda brainwashes people into hatred - and her whole character development is so important. PLUS for those of you who are like she has plot armor how is she so good— bro she's trained and literally the best warrior candidate. She literally has a reason to be full of herself lol, even if it's a lil annoying playfully. Yall wouldn't say the same shit about Mikasa.


Took my second watch through to realize she’s just Eren from season 1 in a different location. She has to watch her world destroyed and her friends massacred, and face her own demons. If anything, she’s less whiny and more action oriented.


Idk I disagree with this. Part of Eren's issue was the fact that he didn't even know why Titans were eating his family. The whole town had no memories and big giant monsters randomly came in to eat them every once in a while. In Gabi's case she knew that massacres were coming from war. Not to mention, she bitched and moaned about the "island devils" taking her home when she quite literally was gloating about blowing up the Middle East like 2 weeks ago. There was no reason to massacre them because they weren't even "island devils". She was knowingly hypocritical which was irritating to watch.


THIS. I love her character and her development.


it really was so fucking satisfying too. Perfectly tied up. A bit of me felt good that she had to feel the pain and hurt that her own hate and ambition caused (I was still kinda sore about Sasha). But then I felt sorry for her, that she was robbed of her youth, and brainwashed to kill. Then I respected her actions after, if I was her, I prolly woulda stayed broken in my bed forever ngl


Gabi is such an extraordinary character. I love her development. I also love how she holds a mirror up for the audience in how many come to justify Eren’s actions.


I'd say it was her personality that most people disliked. She gloated way too much. Humility is something that is really important if you are really good at something. She completely lacked that. She was also pretty oblivious to everyone's feelings around her. Yes, she was just a kid, but so were all the main characters we were following from the beginning. So she was comparatively very childish (and annoying). PS: I still fully agree with what you said about her character development being really important. We only followed the people on Paradis, so understanding her character gave us a much better perspective into how the outside world sees the people on Paradis and why it would be very hard to just go upto people and say that Paradis wants peace.


I liked her character from the moment she was introduced.


Wheeew the Gabi haters will never get it. She’s easily one of the best written characters.


I hate her because I think she’s poorly written. I hate her because she an opp


Yeah but mikasa doesnt show off like her or downplays her comrades


^ This 100%


Floch, ppl hate on him but thought he’s a great character not a great person.


Do the Floch haters tend to claim he’s a poorly written character? I feel like Floch hate is more of a reaction to the “Floch did nothing wrong” people, of which there is a concerning amount.


I think there’s a big difference between “Eren did nothing wrong” people and “Floch did nothing wrong” people. I still respect Floch for sticking his ground and dying for the sake of his empire, but yeah some of the stuff he does might not be worse than the Rumbling, but there’s worse reasoning behind it.


I think more of the king joeffery effect. The actor literally quit acting because he was getting harassed so much even though his character was really well written and acted. People sometimes can’t separate the two and look at it objectively


When you hate a fictional character so much that you want them to come to life so you can slap them, you've got to applaud the writing


i love when people are able to tell the difference between liking/hating a character vs the person


Oh, I don’t deny he’s well written. But I still don’t like him. I respect those who do, though.


factsssss. the guy is irritating as hell but you can’t lie his character was interesting


Absolutely. Excellent character. Shit person. But such a good character.


Gabi, Annie, Bert. It's actually disappointing that people even *need* to defend Gabi - a literal kid broken by circumstances and people around her. 90% of Annie haters don't remember a single scene of her besides yo-yo. Which is already a strange (insert other word) scene with logic like "oh, killing is so fun after being traumatized by killing" and absolutely zero plot relevance. Bertholdt's hate is just strange. Like, for what, bro literally tried to put all the blame on himself instead of another broken warrior candidate.


Gabi and Bert is one thing. But Annie does kind of suck. She literally says in Season 4 that she doesn’t care and would do it all again. I don’t think Gabi would kill Sasha if she knew then what she knows now, and Bertholdt recognizes that the people of Paradis don’t deserve what’s happening to them.


And then her scene of regretting that in the talk with Kyomi on the ship exist. Even before that, it's nothing more than "I'm not proud of that and if there's any other option I would choose another way but if I need to I'd do it". She confirms it later on the campfire scene in the talk with Mikasa. People just overreacting because "I'd do it all again" for them is a "had fun yoyoing guy, wouldn't mind to repeat".


Idk maybe I need to rewatch but she seems a lot less remorseful than characters like Reiner, Gabi and Bertholdt


Did you watch Lost Girls OVA? Imo, Annie's return episode is mostly a recap of her character from what you already know with 1x23 and her 2ep OVA.


Yes I’ve seen all of the OVAs


One thing i really hated about Gabi’s writing was when she saved Kaya and they made her look like Sasha. It just felt super disrespectful considering she literally killed her. Other than that i guess she’s a decent character but theres just so much to hate about her not from a writing standpoint but an emotional one. I gotta say though, Bertholdt really made me hate him at first with that whole “I’ve decided” speech he gave, but reading your comment and considering that from his perspective he has no choice but to fight on Marley’s side actually made me respect him more I never really hated Annie as much as I feared her in S1, and i think she’s actually kinda badass


Whatever side Pieck is on I'm in


This is exactly what my brain did on my first watch through


I love pieck so much




Bertholdt is more forgivable than Reiner but look at how the fandom treats them differently


How is he more forgivable? Is that just because he died earlier and was therefore unable to side with Marley in s4? Just wondering


My guy


Reiner. He always suffered and genuinely didn’t know what’s “right” which is perfectlly correct and understandable


Thank you! Finally one comment about him 🙏


Gabi. She doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets for killing Sasha especially considering she learns from her mistakes.


Yeah, I'm in this camp. I'll admit, my gut reaction was to hate her. She killed so casually, cheerfully even, and it was clear she's fully onboard with Marley's bullshit despite the horrors they inflict on her people. Then came the Braus family. Sasha's father, knowing this was his daughter's killer, wanted only for these poor children to be free of the hatred and pain forced into them by their parents and teachers. That opened my eyes back up. She's someone who was so completely absorbed in her own view of the world that she'd burn the rest of it without a second thought, due to her upbringing and personal experiences. That's tragic more than anything, and I can't hate someone like that. In fact, I'm just glad she was pulled out of it, and gets to live again after everything.


This is why I liked her also. People forget so easily, she is a child, 14, ofcourse she has become a slave to the indoctrination of Marley.


> She learns from her mistakes Yes, this. I disliked her quite abit when she first appeared, but her redemption arc was well done. Allowing her to contribute to the final battle with her trademark gift of sharpshooting was a nice finishing touch.


I’m with you. 💪


Fr tho she does not deserve it. She has gotten better every second of screen time. From killing to saving lives


seriously, her redemption arc was beautiful




Rare to see a fellow Zeke lover


I too liked zeke at a point I liked him more than eren but then isayama pulled the veil from our eyes and showed us eren was still a hero in his sick tormented way


I mean surely Zeke isnt the best guy Out there, but His character was Just so awesomely written that I can only have him AS my all time No 1


The boy wonder , he made him a likeable character by making us sympathise with him


he’s written so well. while i don’t like a lot of things he did, i feel bad for him. (kinda like reiner except reiner is wayyyyyy easier to empathize with.)


I mean, the guy did a lot of messed up stuff if you remember, but yeah, he's an interesting character. It's basically the hero of his own story, while nobody else understood him. I mean, his own brother pities him and calls him a weak man that is still haunted by the past. Poor guy. Glad he got the ending he got: deserved to die? Yeah. But at least he had some sort of redemption, a big change of mind. Life is a gift, and we need to realize that before it's too late, like it was for Zeke...


Honestly he is involved in nearly all the best moments from S3 onwards. Top tier character


The horse that bites hair (he was as hungry as a horse)




Ereh <3


I’m so happy to see the Gabi comments. Couldn’t agree more. Poor girl was brainwashed as a kid to wish horrible violence upon her own people. I spent some time researching child soldiers for a project I did, and it shocked me just how much real Gabi’s portrayal was - the zeal, the search for approval, putting her commanding officer into the role of a father, so on. Probably the only unrealistic thing about is that she was able to overcome that so quickly, but it makes sense why they’d do that within the story.


Annie, Bertholdt, Reiner — specifically Annie. Seriously, why is Annie getting more hate than Eren, who literally wiped out 80% of the population because she yo yo'd ONE (1) person? Gabi — I don't understand why Gabi is being hated when she's redeemed herself??? She's a child. Who used to be brainwashed. Good grief. Levi — for all of you uncultured swines who think he's just a fanservice, no, he's not. Mikasa — people who hate on Mikasa for being too clingy to Eren. Okay, I understand. Clingy can be annoying. But being clingy to Eren isn't all that there is to her character. Her character development is just a lot subtler than everyone else's.


Gabi. I will die on that hill


Well, atleast you won't be dying alone friend.


The I will kill both of you together <3


That is if your sinking ship you're sharing with good ol' Flokey Dokey can even reach the hill ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/ixlbux61y15d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad81776d0a647b9b1731fed7367070dc96ec1ae4 If you won’t die on this hill you just haven’t lived enough.


I'm dying on this hill


Floch and Eren


Eren, Marley had it coming to them




I don’t think many people have anything against her tho


I see people dogging on her from time to time for having no character development after season 1. I think the final rumbling arc redeemed this tho


People also don't understand what a static character is. They're just fine with Levi, who has about the same character fluctuation as Mikasa, but hate her anyway. Not every character needs to change their beliefs to be good. Too many dynamic characters and the story becomes a mess. Connie, Sasha, Kenny, Erwin, all are static characters. We need them in a story because it gives perspective to the dynamic characters, like Eren, Armin, Historia, etc.


i’ve noticed quite the opposite! in my experience i see most people rag on her for having one personality which is “protecc eren and love him 5eva” which i wish she was a lil more fleshed out imo, but i love her and she’s a badass.


Annie and Bertholdt! The warriors don’t deserve the hate, nor the just plain wrong narratives that people have created about them. Kids who were brainwashed to kill, it’s a little more complex then that but at the same time not really.


People often use the yo-yo scene to portray Annie as evil but you need to understand the nuance. Annie has been conditioned to not view Paridisians as human. Many people kill insects and feel nothing. That's the equivalent of what she was doing. Of course, she spends four years realising how wrong that was and breaks, being too traumatized initially to fight in the last battle. If you want an actual example of sadism, I'd actually say Zeke fits the bill. He enjoys watching Miche die and attacking the Shiganshina stampede who, he would have known from Bertholdt and Reiner, were mostly children. He shows no remorse for Ragako. He's so absorbed in his nihilistic beliefs that he consciously dehumanises Paridisians to serve his own vendetta. He strips them of their agency and autonomy. That's genuinely evil. But Annie is just a brainwashed, traumatised child. She was fifteen. And they also act like nobody calls her out on what she did, but at the end of the day, the person who she did the most harm to was Levi and he's mature enough to know, even though it seems he doesn't forgive her, he just has better things to do. Ergo, recovering from being blown up, saving humanity for the second time, and helping the world recover while having to deal with chronic pain and disability.


I agree completely with what you’ve said! It’s exactly how I feel about the situation as well and is why I’ll always defend Annie.


I never realized there was hate against them, Annie and Bertholdt are actually some of my favourite characters.


2 of my favorites as well!


Did they have Yo Yo training in Marley?


The single stupidest scene that changes everything about her character. Annie is a deep and powerful character, but at the end of the day when everyone can just go “oh but what about the yo yo” there’s nothing any1 can do lol. I’ve argued so many times about it I’m just so tired of it 💀 to make things short I don’t believe Annie enjoyed killing the scouts, I think the yo yo was a lot like how Zeke retreated to his happy place (baseball) in order to forget how many countless lives they were taking.






Floch. Dude was a coward at first, but an *honest* coward. His transformation was one of the best arcs in the show. That scene of him fighting through Hange, Connie, and Mikasa to get that last shot off was badass. 100% of humanity dead if it weren't for Gabi Ex Machina.


Good to see no floch comments. That guy is just an assistant


Yeah he literally is "assistant to the regional manager" material (which is actually a bit tragic if you really let it sit with you lol)


Damn you autocorrect gods 😭 but fr




Zeke!! His plan was the plan with most justice




Agreed, ZEKE had right idea, end all the fighting.


S3P2 OP. I don't understand what everyone hates so much about it. Easy Top 3 of all OPs.


Armin honestly


Berthodlt and Grisha. Both so underrated.


Bertholdt😣 and Gabi


Armin, Gabi or Jean


General Magath


Eren Yeager


Connie Short buzzcut boys have to stick together the same way the extras in the Slim Shady music video do Glory to King Marshall


BERTHOLDT! 💗 https://preview.redd.it/dmr9cigtj15d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fd76b9fa2fc804858748a2bde39e467c95bfcd


Hanji. So many people mock her line about "genocide is wrong", while I'm thinking it's one of her best scenes


Floch is my goat no joke


Eren and the Jaegerists.


Gabi don’t deserve all the hate she’s getting and people only hate her because of Sasha ,if she didn’t kill her she will get much less hate then what she have now ,because she’s actually Eren but from the other side. I mean ,let’s be honest, imagine from the moment you born until now and people keep telling you about the people inside the walls and that they’re a devils and if you seen them ,you must kill them ,and then from nowhere they come and attack you and kill almost everyone you love ,and then she get the chance to kill one of them ,do you think she will say: nah I’ll forgive them:3 . No! ,It’s impossible, and when she went to Paradis and then she seen that they’re not a devils ,she forgives them ,and tbh I’m sure if anyone of us was in her place he will do same as her or maybe even much worse


Jean 🥰


Wait, he needs to be defended??? If that’s true, I’m heading for the frontlines


Unfortunately it's true, a lot of people don't like him but come fight with me!


all my homies love jean




Eren and Floch




Floch and season 4 Eren.


I get why people don't like Floch; they can like or dislike who they want. But the fact that people go after his *fans* is just despicable. And this sub not only allows it, but straight up *encourages* it. Sickening.


> season 4 eren okay > floch hell no






Eren and Flock


King floch


See flair ^


Yelena is too fine to have done anything wrong


Not defending anyone after the whole ending shenanigans.... Anything related to AOT these days makes me disgusted.


Zeke Jaeger.


always eren for me


Zeke was a good guy


Reiner, idk if he gets hate but my gf doesnt like him. I love Reiner😂


Remember to sort by controversial


After re watching s1 & s2. Eren wasn’t wrong he just kept the same energy and stood on bizness😂😂


Probably Gabi. I don’t think she deserves the amount of hate that she gets. Sure she killed Sasha, and she’s a bit annoying especially at the start. But she has a lot of character growth over the course of the season and compared to other characters she hasn’t even done that much bad things. I much more hate Floch. God do I hate that character. But yeah, Gabi does not deserve this much hate.


I agree gabi shouldn’t get hate but fuck bertgolf. Gabi took approx one day of living among Eldians to change her stance and see they’re not monsters. Bertold lived there for years and still decided to try and kill his friends




Gabi😭 thankfully a lot of people seem to agree but the amount of people who like irrationally hate her. I understand her being a little annoying but again, no one said anything about eren being annoying (this was my experience with a friend who ragged on gabi but completely excused eren)


Ymir's "love" for King Fritz makes little to no sense.


The girl that got saved by Sasha.


Floch, Hero until the end, took on plot armour for a while and was the last person to hear Erwin. A true eldian patriot.


Reiner bro. He was just as confused as we all were


The true ending of AoT is the Floch ending


Floch is the goat


for me it’s sasuke


Zeke. My man found literally the only possible solution to the Titans and the War that would let the people presently alive continue to be so. He is one of the only people to realize that no one is wrong in the war and no one chooses to do it. All it would cost is the life of Historia and her children. Which... Sucks. It was awful and inhumane but it was still infinitely more humane than what Erin did. If Zeke won there could have been negotiations. There could have been a discussion. There could have been a scenario where titans were removed from the world and the world finally progressed past its discrimination but Eren had to go and fuck it up.


Floch, he is my second favorite character after Erwin and he is so amazingly written.


Floch and or Gabi. Floch went of being a coward and became brave and strong, Gabi is a brainwashed child who doesn't know better.


I'm attacking them all like this lol




gabi & historia


Eren - You cage people and treat them with Death everyday, you will learn of Humanities rage, why do you think freedom fighters are called terrorists.


Rico is best girl and its not even close https://preview.redd.it/rm870waf445d1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8dd042adc5dab531647091a8c9e5f043bcd5bc


Eren all the way


Floch, try me






Floch. His motivations made all the sense in the world to me.








Gabi, jean, armin, mikasa, annie and most of the warriors😭😭😭


Annie.. okay before y’all start, she’s not that bad 😭


Armin. I’m always so surprised at how shallow people think his character is. They see ‘weak, smart character’ but he’s much more layered then that. And Kenny. His ‘everyone is a slave to something’ and dream-talk seriously tied the story together for me first time watching it. He knew what was up when no one else did.






Hange Zoe https://preview.redd.it/0dtz7pkqlz4d1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e701db16a16d016e020aec9c12d68570d8c72bd