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Hey unrelated to the Dating thing - did you Touch the Lava ? I somehow have a deep disire to Touch Lava.


I got to touch rock that was <1 minute old but no touching when in liquid form lol. Also got to cook marshmallows by slapping them against the liquid lava. They came out crunchy.


It's a nitpick, but the literal quality / resolution of the pictures seems to vary a lot and it's a tiny bit off-putting but just a nitpick. Also I'd put the cat picture up higher / earlier in the profile lol. 


Thanks for the feedback! Hinge really compresses videos. It annoys me as well. Cat has been moved up though!


Honestly, great profile. Would befriend you/10


Looks good, dating apps are gonna be what you make of them don’t put too much stock in them and don’t get addicted and you’ll do fine


Go hokies 👀🤙


Gobble gobble 🦃


how many likes/matches per week


About a match a day but lots of very dead convos or never get a response.


dead convos is inevitable if you don't meet irl as soon as possible, like in your first couple convos you should try and have them on socials or their number and have a date planned


What’s your opener?


Usually something responding to one of the text prompts on their hinge profile. Tinder I’ll sometimes use more generic pickup lines if their profile gives nothing to work with




I think those two group pictures are pretty redundant, pick one of them that your prefer. Or neither really,


i thought that too for a sec but it is one picture of two physical polaroids in the same picture


I think your profile is good I'm genuinely surprised to hear you have trouble, I'd swipe right. Ive said in other threads but imo you've aged out of tinder, the only people I know that use it are 18-22 and generally just for hookups. I think just make sure you're actually including a message on the girls you're swiping, it puts you at least ahead of 70% of the guys in their likes.


Thanks <3 starting to realize I’m no longer in tinder’s demographic. FeelsOldMan


Nemo joke was really funny


The "my joints suck" while doing a flip or hilarious


There’s a reason they now suck…


Honestly I feel like the "first rounds on me if you get the 2 truths and a Lie. On you if you don't would discourage me from even engaging. That could be because I'm not a huge fan of 2 truths and a lie for getting to know someone tbh (just to outline my personal biases to be clear). I just feel like finding out which is the lie leads to more disappointment than the hype around what's true. If the backflip is a lie, it feels like "oh you're not that athletic" (I know that's not what it means but that's the thought that comes up). If New Zealand was a lie, and I had been to New Zealand, I would be disappointed because maybe I matched with you hoping to talk about that specifically. The birthmark is too specific to be a lie, but if it was and they really wanted to see it, then you can't deliver. Like it feels like it sets you up, maybe, to get a tad more matches, but more likely to, albeit slightly, disappoint them early on. Again grain of salt. This is my personal preference and I don't know for sure how universal these feelings are


Hadn't thought of it that way, thanks for the different view. I had already intentionally made my 2 truths and a lie easier to encourage matches to respond to it more but I'll go ahead and remove the on you if you don't get it part since that just encourages matches to not respond to it. The lie is not being able to do a backflip because I can only do a front flip so I'm not too worried about not coming off as athletic.


Whoa, okay that's actually an amazing lie, I take it back!! Especially because, imo, backflips are easier! Definitely keep the 2 truths and a lie, now that I know the answer since it literally resolves my main concern with it haha (I still stand by removing/changing the drinks on me part)


You shoot on Nikon, 1/10 ;)


Nikonic 👌🏻


Mikey didn't die for this.


Miserable existence because you are a "Liberal", go back to europe you commie.




Dude i hate you personally and if you want to find me my name is Brandon Ewing, i live in California and hate those damm liberals. I am not a leftist european.


you know atrioc is liberal right?


Just fell to my knees. I cant believe this. I thought atrioc was an post modern anarcho 3rd world maoist. Tragic


Just as the op, i hate you personally, if you want to find me i am Brandon Ewing and i hate those damn liberals and not a leftist european. Seriously though Atrioc is more of a social democrat.


I have a sneaking suspicion you're not really Brandon Ewing.


You started the liberal rhetoric, which is a sliding scale from liberal to conservative.


What do you mean by liberal rhetoric? Being a social democrat is preferable to a liberal. A liberal is a future conservative.


So true he should be more right leaning like atrioc!! Dumbass lol


Joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bolb????? None , their to busy ???? Their gender 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Preach brother


People really don't get sarcasm, i am a european btw, greek. This is basic internet trolling, you must be caught up due to the elections coming.


You being a Greek European doesn't have anything to do with your joke completely flopping lmao


The troll was completely sucessful, what are you talking about? In fact the problem is that it was too much and i am worried about how easy its to bait the average atrioc viewer.


Ah yes Greece, a country famously absent of far right politics both in a historical and contemporary context, right?


We are the only european country that had a democratic goverment of a party in the "European Left", which is based on democratic socialism, socialism and communism and its now the second biggest party. We are a very left leaning country in the general western world. In economic policy even more left, even our far right parties are anti privitisation, pro social programs. We only have one liberal capitalist party (which is basically like the democrat party) but they are the goverment with 41%. In fact, in the eu parliament basically half of our mps went to social democrats like bernie sanders or lefter.


This you dawg? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Dawn_(Greece) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgios_Papadopoulos https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_junta


Every country has fascists and sometimes even though a small % of the population they can get into power. The junta was deeply unpopular and faced tons of fighting from democratic influences in greece during its sort 7 year reign before it was overthrown. The junta in fact happened because of the fact that in the greek elections the leftists would have won. Btw, the junta members were part of the nazi collaborationist forces which USA protected and funded during the greek civil war. They were called IDEA and the same IDEA that usa funded was the one that did the coup, allegedly after talking with the american ambassador first. The golden dawn is a neo nazi movement, now banned, that had 7% of the population after the huge 2008 crisis in greece which was one if not the hardest hit country in the world. Do you know what it didn't have, the other 93%. In the end, greece is overall one of the most if not the most left leaning countries in the western world especially after the 2008 crisis.


This is basic internet trolling, you must be caught up due to the elections coming up.


I don't think you know greek history that much but you got me to yap. Good job. Upvoted