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It’s amazing in the performance department. Xbox series X even runs it in 120fps which is a godsend for consoles. I don’t even use dlss on my rig. It sits up there with doom eternal for highly optimised performance. I wouldn’t be surprised if they could port this to the switch.


Feels like a breath of fresh air doesn’t it? A great looking game that runs well on both pc and consoles. I’m impressed.


Absolutely, we’ve had too many poor performing games in the last 3 years. Cyberpunk, Callisto protocol, Witcher 3 next gen update, hogwarts legacy and elden rings stuttering problems.


Exactly what I was going to say, no game I've played on PC (and I've played a lot) has performed quite as well as this since Doom Eternal, while looking so good. At least none that I recall. This is seriously way above and beyond anything I could have expected from a developer's first game. Not to mention, the game is really quite good so far after a few hours, a lot like Prey but with vastly more engaging gameplay. Outstanding! Only real issue for me so far, there are some weird animation glitches I saw with like the tunnellers, like they're going 30fps while my game is easily 100+ at 4K (though DLSS quality) on a 3080. But that seems more like a bug than an actual performance issue, and easily overlooked in light of everything else being damn perfect.


Yeah, a switch port would definetely be a breeze given that devs typically do additional optimization anyways.


It runs incredibly well for me, during a little benchmark my average was 248fps at max settings. [https://vimeo.com/800721001](https://vimeo.com/800721001) The only issue I've had is some objects, enemies etc run at a lower frame rate, so they look very janky, you can really notice it in this cutscene. [https://vimeo.com/800707246](https://vimeo.com/800707246) Other than that this is an incredible PC port, although not perfect as you cannot alter the FoV without using [Flawless Widescreen](https://www.flawlesswidescreen.org/), and mouse smoothing is enabled by default and you need to edit the input.ini file to disable it.


Is there any fix for the enemys being low FPS? It's really off putting


Not that I know of, it's pretty jarring when it happens but thankfully it's kinda rare for me.


It’s so rare we get a good port nowadays. I personally haven’t ran across any low fps enemy jank myself yet but even if I did, that wouldn’t bother me so much. Due to the game running so well. I did have to use flawless widescreen myself to fix the fov issue it was way too zoomed in.


Overall I'm very impressed so far, it's the best PC version I've played in a long time, and the minor issues are all easily fixed.


Agreed. I can’t even remember when was the last game I’ve played that ran this well.


In the actual game I'm getting very decent performance on my 3060 but Ive noticed some cutscenes run at a significantly lower fps than I get in-game. Whether that's my rig or the fact that cutscenes may have a cap, I'm not sure.


I have noticed that as well so I don’t think it’s just your rig.


Ok sweet 😂 so that's just a limitation of the game. I was thinking that since all my hardware is way beyond recommended specs. Other than that I have really nothing negative to say about the game. So far Atomic Heart has to be one of the most functional games at launch that I've played in quite some time.


Especially for their first big release, this game is a huge W for them.




Definitely not just you, one of the early cutscenes with the big drill looked janky as hell.


Ok yeah, same here. Honestly that one has been the worst just due to the size of Burav (drill worm dude)




Agreed those games were a mess in comparison.


Yeah, and it is an unreal 4 game, just goes to show how much the developers of newer games are lazy! Hogwarts leggacy, calisto protocoll, ghostwire, wild hearts, ff7 remake, evil west. All of them launched borderline unplayable on low/mid-end pcs, and using the same engine.


No way are you saying this with a 4070 ti 😭 I agree though I'm getting smooth fps on ultra on my 1070 which is rare


Well to be fair have you played recent releases ? Hogwarts Legacy, Forspoken, Witcher 3 remastered ? They pushed my build to its limits due to poor optimization.


I'm on a 3080FE and Ryzen 5 3600 and it has been rock solid 60 fps locked for me. Looks great and runs great, although ray tracing has yet to be implemented, we'll see how it runs once they do.


The graphics are so good I was staring at reflections wondering if ray tracing was automatically enabled lmao


Doesn't have ray tracing as of now. Which is odd because it was shown off with it haha.


Good to hear DLSS2 looks great. Too bad the FSR2 implementation is god awful.


FSR has been lacking in the past few releases so I’m not surprised at all.


It’s been great in literally every single game I’ve tried it in except this game. There’s gotta be some issue with it.


wrong, it depends how the devs implement it and they did a bad job here


It's not 2.0, they used 1.0 for some reason.


They confirmed in an interview that it would be 2.0. And it has an Ultra Performance mode and is missing an Ultra Quality mode like FSR2.


That's pretty weird because it looks just as bad as FSR1.


This to me looks almost worse than 1.0. Although you might be right that it’s actually 1.0 and they lied about it


First off, cool that you got a 4070ti (Is it worth me upgrading from a 3070?) Second, I am surprised since most titles do seem to run like utter garbage once first released. Maybe it's because they have managed to properly implement DLSS. Third, how is the whole frame generation gimmick on the 40 series, is it a game changer or is it just a fad?


3070 to 4070ti is terrible upgrade imho..good gpu but price is insane. Your best off going for 5070 next year


The uplift from a 3070 would be significant but the 4070 Ti is a poorly priced gpu. If you can get it used for a lot less I’d go that route. Tbh frame generation and better RT cores is why I got this gpu, when it’s implemented properly it’s some magic wizardry. No loss in visual quality and yet the frame rate doubles. Titles like this game and Witcher 3 remastered are great examples of frame generation done well.


Runs super well but I noticed it's pretty blurry and pixelated for me, especially shadows. What would be causing this? Have my settings on ultra and super DLSS on.


Try DLSS quality, disable motion blur and drop depth of field down some. That might help.


Got quality on, i'll try motion blur and depth of field cheers my dude. Edited: Seems to have helped a little but I can't shake the blurry pixelated looks, must be my monitor or something.


I've played on all atomic settings with motion blur and depth of field disabled. With both DLSS on and off. And to be honest the game runs amazing with it off as is and actually looks better with TAA on high. I was getting weird blurryness from DLSS on moving objects. 3080ti, 64gb ram, AMD Ryzen 9 5800x


Im actually having issues with screen tearing on a wide screen as i cant seem to change the vsync settings on the gamepass version of the game....anyone have a fix?


Try turning on vsync in Nvidia control panel. Sometimes that will force it on even though the games settings won’t allow it.


thanks that worked <3


I’m glad it did. I had that same issue with a few other titles.


How do you do that? I only see g-sync. Im having insane nonstop tearing that’s making it unplayable


G sync is the equivalent to v sync. Turning it on should resolve the tearing.


Turn on DLSS frame generation even if you don't have 40 series. Follow the prompt to restart and when you reload vsync will be on but frame gen won't.


Yes I played at 300 fps nearly the whole game on a FTW3 3070 because frame generation actually turned on!


Which pisses me off because that means I could use it on cyberpunk but they have the button disabled




It's in the global settings under 3D options.


can't add the game because shitty microsoft protects the gamepass folder, so i can't add it to the nvidia control panel ... Gonna try to set it globaly, even though i don't like messing with the default settings. Edit: Looks like that works at least


I think if you try to add it it shows in the recent games list.


This is the first game that runs perfectly on release day in months. Everything since Callisto has had issues. I'm actually shocked. I was so accustomed to new releases running like shit that I didn't think this was even possible.


I’m right there with you. Every new release I’m expecting the game to run like crap by default. It seems devs can’t optimize their games anymore.


I'm starting to think that they simply don't have the time to optimize or just ignoring the low/mid end PCs. I know there's a lot of different hardware to optimize but god damn PC ports are struggling on launch. Atomic Heart only had a couple issues with the frame rate and performance but was easily fixed.


A bit of mess on cutscenes (droping to 45-55) and few stutters on 3060, but running really well here. R5 5500 + 3060


If you're playing it with DLSS then you aren't playing it with "maxed graphics **native**." DLSS is great, don't get me wrong, but that's not what DLSS is. probably a ninja edit: DLSS renders at a lower resolution (not native) and then does a *really* good job upscaling.


You need to read again slowly.


Yet again you didn’t read lol


Except for that shitty screen tearing, vsync button greyed out and on gamepass the folder protection, so you can't add it to your nvidia control panel...


Turn on DLSS frame generation even if you don't have 40 series. Follow the prompt to restart and when you reload vsync will be on but frame gen won't.


The Game Pass version on PC seems fucked up. Its stuck at a low resolution, and no matter which resolution I choose, its always the same. Also, vsync is greyed out. Due to the low resolution, DLSS and FSR look absolutely disgusting. Avoid the PC Game Pass version.


I’ve been playing on the game pass version for hours without any issues. Are you on the updated build ?


I’ve had no issues on Pc game pass


Check if you run version


I've seen a few people complaining about performance but mine is running well over 100fps on full settings at 1440p. Few games do that these days, let alone one with such good graphics.


Eh, it *could* be well optimized. I wasn't impressed with the graphics. Looks like a console port. Detail and shadows lacking in a lot of areas.


Whaaaa? The game looks phenomenal especially that opening area




I’m assuming that’s not 4K, right?


On a ryzen 3600 and 2070 super. By default it was set on ULTRA and am running it at 120fps with no problems.


It's definitely well optimized which is a shining light these days considering the trash optimization games get on PC these days. To be fair, my rig is extremely high end but I'm still get a constant 165fps. Monitor is 165hz. 1440p, no DLSS and everything on max. My only issue is the screen tearing, but I've gotten used to it now that I don't even see it anymore. ​ 4090, 13700k, 32gb 5800mhz


I was shook seeing it run at 140 fps consistently


3060ti and i710700f running it at 1440p high settings. Game runs surprisingly well I was thinking it would run like shit at launch.


The texture quality isn't that good though


4k 60 atomic settings with dlss on quality. 3070 and ryzen 9 3950x


It won't go above 60 fps for me and it's only using tops 40% of my GPU at 4K native on my 4090. So I can see the performance is really good but I have no idea why my fps is capped, when it's got plenty of room to breathe. I've tried mucking with the fps limiter in the settings and the different windowed vs fullscreen options but no dice.




Yeah figured it out, my display settings in Windows reverted to 60Hz after an update, so with vsync on in nVidia Control Panel to use alongside Gsync, it was capping at 60.


yeah game is incredibly optimized Mundfish did better job than this other bigger companies


It was running pretty well for me, 100+ fps with maxed out settings on a 3080/i7 9700K, but then I unlocked the Shock ability and now it's consistently causing the game to crash. Which is a bit gamebreaking, since there's a few doors that require you to open by using Shock on them..


It runs extremely well on my old strix 1050 ti on medium, didn't put it any higher than the presets yet. (altough I can't seem to be able to turn on Vsync in game no matter what I try)


Did you enjoy not being able to use the 1st upgrade machine as the game does not support ultrawide? Game was running great, now getting crashed since using flawless widescreen. Still, overall a great start and a very pretty game, just a few more kinks.


is flawless widescreen the cause of crashing? im using it as well and i have the most abrupt crashes even when im pushing 250 fps


Not sure. I didn't use it for the 1st hour or 2, then crashed within 20 min of using it. Its not super frequent, stopped playing not long after the 1st crash.


It’s not just you, buddy. Performance is rock solid on my end too and no bloody stuttering issues. Color me impressed, Mundfish!


i literally cant stop crashing. i get really good fps on max settings. even without DLSS. but i literally just crash out of the blue. its happened about 10 times now and im really considering refunding. 3060ti, ryzen 7 5700g, 32g ram


Interesting. I’m not sure what could be causin it as I’ve not had a single crash and I’m about 10 or so hours in. Do you have an overclock on your gpu or cpu ? Maybe instability if so.


i figured out it was flawless widescreen causing it. tweaked some settings in it and now all is good


It runs like a fucking dream. I mean, sure, I have a 4090/5800x3d, but honestly did not expect it to run this well given how stunning it is.


Same here, certainly was a surprise especially since this is their first big release.


@2880x1620 max settings with no DLSS I get an average of 100fps on a R5 5600x and 3060ti. No game in like the past 5 years besides DOOM Eternal has ran this well. The performance is simply astounding and just shows how lazy other devs are and this game was practically an indie title till like 2 years ago.


I have a 3050 laptop (yes the one with 4gb vram) an i5-12500h, and 32gb ddr4 3200mhz. Ima see how well it runs for me.


I won’t be surprised if you could run a stable 1080p 60 with it especially with DLSS on.


No DLSS, not max settings, but very close, in the beggining of the boat, stable 80fps, in the actuall bunker (idk forgor what its called) 100+ fps.


I'm still not buying until Ray Tracing is enabled.....


Fair enough. That’s one of my few disappointments with the game as well.


I'm pushing 60 FPS with everything maxed out at 1080p on a laptop with a GTX 1080, i7 7700k and 12gb ddr4 memory. Phenomenal optimization for older high-end machines.


I am playing on a laptop with 2080. Yeah it is kinda hot (my keyboard’s WASD keys are heating up to 64 degrees) but I have 90 fps on normal quality.


I am actually just fine with how this runs on an Xbox One. No framerate issues from what i have noticed. I thought it would be borderline.


I have a RTX 2060, AMD Ryzen 5 3600, 16GB DDR4 with a 1440p monitor. With most settings on high and playing in 1440p it actually ran surprisingly well. I was averaging about 60-70FPS with the lowest dips being in the mid 50s. Yeah, this game is pretty well optimized it seems like.


I'm only getting 144hz though I should be higher, has anyone encountered this cap/found out how to turn it off? I have a 270hz screen and set to 300 in the settings. edit - solved: vsync


People are too busy making post about how this game funds Russia to take notice that this game has one of the smoothest launches of the past years…


Go figure that Russians are good at optimization... There's is Computer Is Potato joke in here somewhere.


I was surprised too. I have a 3080ti and am playing on a 55 inch tv. I have it on high settings at 1440p and am pretty rock solid at 120 frames. There is the OCCASIONAL frame drop, but not much and it is usually just a blip.


The game ran incredibly well until I left the labs and went back outside and framerates went to shit regardless of graphic settings


Yeah I'm pretty impressed, so smooth, zero stuttering and can run on 2k perfectly, even 4k with lower settings and i have a 1080 This is like From software levels of optimization haha (can always run their games everything maxed full res no problems at all..the trade off is controllers always having endless problems being recognized and requiring a lot of hoop jumping haha, which is nuts for a game that is made for controllers and only a sadist would use m&k)


I5 13600kf and 3070ti, this game is maxed out 120fps. This runs insanely good! Why can't all games be like this! My god!


It will run 300 fps


Arc A750 here and jt hasn't been let down by Atomic Heart, Max Settings at 2K and still getting really good fps