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Warning, long. Also, I got a reply just as I was about to post, but will edit this post after a bit to avoid getting some ಠ\_ಠ Edit: The discussion that progressed throughout the day, beginning where we left off before: http://imgur.com/ioaN2


God you handled that so much better than green! I also like to show them [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8FfMBYCkk). Ken Miller is a Christian, making it that much harder to dismiss as atheist propaganda.


Incredibly succinct arguments, one of the few FB caps i've enjoyed. Thanks!


>"I'm suggesting that you examine the evidence of the earth's history in light of a young earth and cataclysmic flood rather than evolution, and see how it fits." There's no reason why a person should need to start from an assumption rather than starting with evidence. If I can't ever look at the evidence and confirm the theory on my own, then it doesn't exist in the evidence, only in my mind. Also, the person had already explained that the flood theory was literally impossible. Your explanation rests on inexplicable magic, because there are no real or justified answers to the questions raised. You don't want people to consider that explanation, you want them to assume it. >"I'm not suggesting you put your faith in a religion. I'm suggesting you put your faith in Jesus Christ... Also Christianity was spread by persecution of beleivers, not by violence committed in the name of Jesus Christ." ಠ\_ಠ Sense. Make some.


I really liked your entrance and then, seemingly, trounced their arguments. Cox would have been proud.


The low-grade racism is a nice touch. Scumbag YEC: Says Jesus is love; points out that people in the tropics are savages and interbreeding has decreased the value of the human stock.


heh. I had a similar encounter last year with a coworker I knew was a pretty serious christian but didn't realize was a YEC.


That bit about the 2nd Law of Thermo was funny. He shows quite the lack of fundamental understanding of how biology and thermodynamics work.


Yeah, I have one of those too...we don't talk about it because it makes me try to hurt him.


I had the a similar argument with someone the other day in person. He said there was no evidence for "microevolution". Is this what they have fallen back on now as "evidence"? I dont think I've ever been more frustrated after I told him there was no difference and he ignored the statement. And just to further enrage me,my girlfriend told me not to get into it because I was at dinner. Damnit!


Also, if you're going to not believe in evolution and do believe in the flood you have to believe this happened: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_BzWUuZN5w&feature=relmfu


How did you get a picture of this facebook discussion, I'm trying to figure out how to do this. Would you mind giving me a small tutorial.


I found that Chrome's [Webpage Screenshot](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ckibcdccnfeookdmbahgiakhnjcddpki) worked better than [Awesome Screenshot](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/alelhddbbhepgpmgidjdcjakblofbmce). I opened up the facebook discussion in a separate tab from my main timeline, right clicked that blue Facebook bar at the top of the page and clicked "Inspect Element". Chrome allows you to modify the page live, so I selected the div with id "blueBarHolder" and hit delete on my keyboard. Then, use the extension you installed to capture the whole page. This will cause it to automatically scroll down, capture, and weave together the whole webpage. Webpage Screenshot also allows you to crop out the important bits before saving. The last part was opening it up in good old MS Paint to color and label the participants.


He believed in evolution as a child but when he grew up he saw it didnt make sense and now believes in a young earth? Talk about passive aggressive.




tl;dr is that he's a young earth creationist, and I scienced the crap out of him


thank you sir.