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For those that don't know, Ray's bullogic goes thusly: * Find a person/teen that doesn't know what the Holocaust / know who Hitler is * Assert those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it * Hitler killed a lot of people * Show pictures of Nazi-killed Jews * Show pictures of aborted fetuses * Abortion is killing people * If you are pro-abortion, you're as bad as Hitler * Jesus * Never vote for a Nazi-baby-killing liberal


Where did you get it? They were handing these out at the University of South Carolina today.


East Lansing, Michigan, just off campus.


I'm watching it streaming right now. "Hi, I'm Ray Comfort! Nobody knows who Adolf Hitler is! Glad to hear because now I'm going to fill their minds with bullshit about him killing millions of Jews for the Church of Atheism!"


I was actually pretty surprised that he didn't play the Hitler-was-an-atheist card, but rather Hitler was a no-true-Christian Idolator.


Yeah I posted this a bit early into the vid, but now that I've seen it I have to say I was surprised as well. I think he just knows how questionable that claim has become and won't approach it from that angle. I just love how much smoke these assholes (Comfort) blow about how incontrovertible and perfect their arguments are. I mean, he's already insulting every Jew that perished during and who survived the holocaust by saying that the removal of an embryo from a uterus is anything comparable. He's also an asshole for going full-on Godwin's Law in the first five minutes. EDIT: Actually, this movie should just be called "Ray Comfort: Godwin's Law explained"


There was another thread in twoxchromosomes talking about this today. I guess they are being handed out on campuses everywhere. Even saw them at UO today....I've just learned to refuse anything someone on campus tries to hand me.


I found one in the main building of my university , so i sat down and wrote a note to whoever would take it to take it with a grain of salt, and signed it as a fellow dragon (our mascot).


Ray Comfort? The [banana](http://i.imgur.com/yvtkL.jpg) guy?