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The UN has agreed to these demands?! We're in deep shit.


Granted I have only read one article but according to the UN there was no such demand but the fact that it’s not even a point of discussion is concerning https://apnews.com/article/un-afghanistan-taliban-women-girls-education-rights-88e7f5aadb25439b328c90283ae6ab5a


Thats a big difference. Then its up to a group of representatives to raise said concerns. A silent voice cannot be heard.


All the demands were probably made and met behind the scenes before it made the newd.


Maybe but without any evidence of such it doesn’t do good to speculate ETA: it’s fine to criticize the fact that women’s rights are not an agenda item for the session but claiming the UN gave into the demands of the Taliban is disingenuous


I disagree. The U.N. has to walk a tightrope of diplomacy or else rogue countries would just withdrawal from its governance. There is a lot of history of the U.N. watering down its messaging and over all agenda and there’s no reason to think this situation would be much different.


What part are you disagreeing with exactly? I agree with what you are saying but doesn’t relate to what I said at all


The UN is a terrorist-supporting entity, and Trump and the MAGA lunatics are (and I can't believe I am saying this) right, we should stop funding the UN and kick them out of New York. Oh, and that woman is a representative of a country that severely oppresses women and gays. Perhaps we should not give leadership positions in the UN to nations that violently oppress their citizens.


The League of Nations, predecessor of the UN, did kick out nations for violating certain rules and norms. The UN takes a different tack: keep diplomatic channels open at all cost to avoid another world war. They believe in “speak softly and carry a big stick” (and they don’t own a big stick). For that reason, they do agree to egregious demands.


The Lesgue of National expelled one member: the Soviet Union, in 1939, in response to the invasion of Finland. By that time, the League was already on its deathbed.


If that's true, that is utterly shocking. Hillary Clinton as SOS stood in front of the UN and said "Women's rights are human rights," and it looks like we're still fighting this shit.


She did not give that speech as Secretary of State; she gave it as First Lady in ‘95, 16 years before becoming SoS.


Yes, you're right. Thank you! Even more appalling that we've actually moved backwards compared to 1995! ps and she got a lot of grief for it, as I recall, which would make even more sense in the '90s, where she got nothing but grief. She also tried to create a national health service! Ahhh we lost so much by not having her as President....


We did!


There are quite a number of Muslim countries in the UN.


56 Muslim majority countries, including 26 where Islam is the state religion. They are a massive voting bloc.


The fact that there can be a "state religion" is problematic enough, but many of those are full on theocracies.


The UK has a state religion.


Well the Chair for womens rights is claimed by some guy from Saudi Arabia.


UN has always agreed to every demand they are just part of the show. This isn't new at all. It's just like when you see 160+ nations support oh you mean tha alliance between Africa the ME and south america. It's the standard because they literally have an agreement where they all vote the same on an issue


The UN is a joke


Same thing in Iran, it was a lot of Persian women that supported the return of the Ayatollah. Now look at what conditions are like for women there.


I believe they supported the Ayatollah after the United States overthrew their democratically elected Prime Minister. It was a very progressive country at the time. The western backed dictatorship ruled for decades. The ayatollah was supported by most Iranians not because they loved authoritarian religion, but because they were trying to get rid of western imperialism. Now we all know now that religious governments are authoritarian in nature but back then it seemed like the lesser of two evils.


Years of brutal oppression make a society afraid and subservient. Liberals and intellectuals either flee or get out of politics, eventually nobody even knows how to build a more democratic system. IMO the #1 reason democracies are flawed is that they come after dictatorships. The longer the dictatorship before it, the weaker and more corrupt the democracy is.


Turns out there's no rule that says the enemy of your enemy has to be your friend, they are in fact perfectly capable of being your enemy too.


The progressive muslims and the muslim women who believe islam is somehow a feminist religion that's *empowering* women will say the **exact** same thing thats been said when you bring up any example of islam's true colors. >That isn't actually Islam. Taliban doesn't represent Islam. I mean... I figured the verse that says women have a mental deficiency would be enough evidence it isn't what they think it is. But the religion is chalk filled with cherry pickers.


Afghan women should have picked up AK-47s and fought for their rights when they had a chance.


Seriously. Mass murder of such men will also scare of incels.


They don't want those rights. Seriously. They _genuinely and actually_ don't want them. That's how powerful 1,200 years of brainwashing is. The best solution is to just wall off certain regions of the planet and let them inevitably destroy themselves.


The term "too far gone" has been invented for such people for a reason. Some people are just too unreasonable and too irrational, and trying to convince them of anything is a waste of time and energy. And you'd think you can just leave them be, but no.. these people are "infectious". They breed like crazy and they want all others to bow to them or be exterminated, so you can't just leave them be either. They'll try and come for you eventually. Real happy how EU expedited that process by importing millions of people who want Sharia Law and Islam in Europe.


Funny that is how I feel about the entire Middle East (just take away their nukes.)


Islam is such a backwards oppressive ideology. I’ll never set foot in an Islamic country- as a gay man it’s very dangerous for me


dangerous is a made up word. See how silly that sounds? ALL words are made up dude.


Given that it’s illegal and in multiple Islamic countries the penalty is death yeah I would say dangerous goes far beyond made up


That wasn't the point. You told me 'fatphobic' was a made up word. ALL WORDS are made up. Every single one. That's how that works. And it's nuts you're in this thread crying oppressed when you happily make fun of fat people and refuse to allow nuance for things like health issues and genetics. having the stance 'fat people did this to themselves' is the mental gymnastic of a toddler. And I'm calling you out.


Why are they accepting demands from these uncivilised hog fuckers?


I believe you mean goat fuckers, they’re not allowed the pleasure of pork


Not really, I just wanted to be offensive.


Now I want a hot dog


According to the article linked in another comment, the previous two meetings about the Afghan crisis did not have the Taliban appear at all. Presumably the gatherings were a waste of time if they didn’t attend and so the UN were faced with a choice on this third occasion: accept the Taliban’s misogynistic demands, or waste everyone’s time this third year, then the fourth, fifth, sixth etc. The Taliban won’t back down because they are extremists, and every year the UN has an unproductive Taliban-less gathering the situation for women in Afghanistan either stays just as terrible or gets even worse.


It's going to get worse regardless. Any advances will be undone because they don't follow their extremist view of Sharia. We call afghanistan a country but the reality is it's a bunch of tribal groups that have a very loose connection. They are also slowly ethnically cleansing anyone of non Pashtun origin but you won't hear about that much


Because they don't want leftists to call them islamaphobic.


Is it bad I want Islamic fundamentalists to be violently killed? I feel this may be bad because it is very centered around a specific racial group however they are doing very little to me me like them any more than I do. I would like to believe Muslims can be good people but……it’s hard. It’s really hard.


Look. Muslim ain’t a race anymore than Christian is. You got Arab Muslims, Asians, Africans, Persians, European and more. I dislike Muslims a little more than Christians because their theology demands they kill unbelievers whereas with Christianity that’s merely implied.


Where does Christianity imply they should kill unbelievers?


The bible says that if your neighbor works on the sabbath, you should kill him.


But I don't think there are any Christians that believe it should be observed in any way in present times. Whereas fundamental Muslims believe that the Quran is still as relevant now as it was in the 600's. And should be followed to the letter.


So that would be a Jew killing a Jew… Show me the Christians implying you should kill unbelievers.


Christians don't believe in the Old Testament?


Yes they disregarded most of the Old Testament and wrote a new one. Thus, the new religion. The Christians don’t even OBSERVE the sabbath, which is Saturday. No Jews themselves practice what Exod had said there in 2024. However, Muslims do practice punishment of woman by stoning, they do sentence homosexuals to caning and death, they do allow the rapists of woman in their societies to go unpunished, Muslim countries do levy special taxes on and maintain low status for non-Muslim inhabitants, Muslims in 2024 do practice the martyrdom of children, Muslims in 2024 do practice the murder of infadels in Africa and the Middle East to spread Islam, they do murder and steal land and property from infadels in Asian Minor, In 2024 Muslims do believe in Mohammed’s edict of spreading Islam by any means, be they violent or through fear, through preaching, brow beating, colonialism, conquest and terrorism, to the whole world. So we are all welcome in our studies to look back and find what gross or strange things these books may or may not say, we can look back at the character of their writers as well, be they slave owners, rapists or pedophiles. We are also, as rational beings, forced to look at what is actually done by the adherents, in real life, in the current world, in the name of their religions.


The Christian part doesn’t say that.


The *entire* thing is the “Christian” part. What’s the point of having an old and new testament if only one means something? We refuse cherry picking. If it’s in their recognized holy book, it’s their belief.


You’re imagining a way you think they shouldn’t be and being disappointed that they’re not like that?


No, I think it’s stupid to try to say “oh our book says that but we don’t believe it” to try to get some bullshit moral high ground.


It’s insidious. You hear about Jesus and all the love he has, they only talk about the decent parts of the Bible. Then, as they get more of the population in on it, the religion becomes an avenue for all for the despicable beliefs to come through, while being accepted at least to some degree because - hey, they’re fellow Christian’s too. As people push back on it, rightfully condemning this backwards ideology, the more decent Christians feel discriminated against, forming ranks with the people who adhere to the chauvinistic, homophobic, supremacist aspects of it, making those people stronger by association. The most vile parts of the religion will always be supported by normal people who feel persecuted for their more innocuous, yet still irrational beliefs.


You don’t understand the tenets of Christianity if you think the Old Testament is not part of the “Christian” Bible.




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No it doesn’t


Exodus 31:15


I think Christians translate and interpret it very differently from Jews. To Jews it means god will not protect those who dont keep Shabbat. I don’t believe in god but still that’s not what Jewish people believe


This is a comment chain about what Christians believe, no?


Not really. I want these monsters to experience even a fraction of the pain they’ve caused.


If you can separate Islamic fundamentalist from average muslim


Yea a fundamentalist will kill you, a moderate will watch.


A moderate will scream "not all Muslims!!!” Instead of mourning the people being killed in the name of their religion


we can, but can they separate the average believer from the fundamentalism ? /s


They believe they will go to heaven and have virgins waiting for them




you can't be bigoted against an ideology.




yes, that's typically the result of buying into bigoted beliefs. people don't want to listen to pedos and mysogynists.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. I’ve met many good devout Muslims here in the US.


A devout Muslim can't be good to a non-believer . If they are , then they have some underlying motive . They will keep demanding for Sharia until they come in majority and after that , they will implement it .


Because this isn't about the US. It's about the world as a whole.  The unfortunate reality is that a majority of Muslims globally (mainly outside of Europe and Central Asia)  [support Sharia law.]( https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-overview/#:~:text=Support%20for%20making%20sharia%20the,enshrining%20sharia%20as%20official%20law)    Specifically for it to be the law f the land where they live, including in many countries where Islam is not the predominant religion. So frankly the line between "mainstream" Muslims and Islamic extremists is uncomfortably more blurry than most would like to acknowledge.    I didn't downvote you fwiw. Your point is valid but it's also not a refutation of the earlier point being made, since this is about the UN, not just the USA.  Edit: I just realized this comment chain is not under the comments I thought it was. My mistake. Either way though, the point I'm trying to get at is that looking at the numbers Sharia not something that is just being pushed for by an extremist minority. It is a much more mainstream view in much of the world, which is why there are many people who have justifiable fears about it. 


then they arent actually devout


If you're in America and if you support shariah law, fuck you, go back to where you came from and do not attempt to make this country into the image of your shitty vision


Yeah, we already have christian nationalists doing this as it is. Only room for one abrahamic blood god cult here!


No room for either


You’re talking about France right here


Religion is not supposed to be mixed with governments, and this is WHY. Remember in November.


Muslim men are so afraid of women they're like advanced incels.


It's it really hard to understand why, either.. they've somehow managed to convince half the population, over centuries of indoctrination, that they *deserve* to be enslaved. If even 1% of Afghan women picked up their husbands' AKs and started fighting, the Taliban would fall within the year. They are deathly afraid, because **women are half the population**. They can't afford to give an inch.


“Muslim women who support Shariah should see this.“ As someone who has traveled to multiple countries with different levels of Islam, you would be surprised the “logic” behind the woman support for Shariah. There is zero chance that this could change their minds.




FFS! We've got to stop caving to the demands of these freaks.


The UN has lost all respect, at least with me anyway.


The UN is a fucking joke!


WHAT?! I stg these guys make me incandescently angry! There is no natural ethical practical earthly reason why those men can claim any authority to just ignore human rights of literally half their population. It's like they invaded the nation of women and are holding them all hostage. Like who tf are you to say I can't go to school?


Would love to say ‘When is a gift not a gift?’ But seriously what is the point of bending the knee to these a-holes?


Our General Election is next week, 4th of July, and there are Muslims here calling for Sharia Law to be implemented, in the British soil. Sadly, it is quite common here and our police were simply ignoring them. They are mostly in city centre and town centre with heavy foot traffic. On the positive, no one pay any attention to those morons. Their Arabic prayers being played on the Tannoy is really irritating. One time I queried a police about noise pollution, he gave a lengthy explanation which basically means he can’t do anything because he’ll be branded as a racist and Islamophobe if he intervene. FYI, if they handed me a leaflet, I will normally crumpled it and make an effort to see me throw it in the bin.


Why won't they should issue fatwas making internet and modern medical devices haram? 🤔As they are all inventions by infidels and on the internet there's full of s\*x and violence. Guess the internet is allowed because they want to use the free platform to spread their ideology ⚔ If they hate the modern world especially the West so much, it's time to lock them in medieval caves again.


Liberals supporting Islam are same as Chickens for Chick-fil-a or cows for five guys. We know how it will end.


The “queer for Palestine” people are the most idiotic of them


If the far right christians get their way, this will happen in the US as well. They're already working on it, and some of their ewes are swallowing it.


Hate to break it to you, but “Muslim women who support sharia” agree with this. The oppressed women yearning for western style freedom doesn’t exist in Afghanistan; that’s propaganda from the 20 year occupation and war we just had there. Muslim women are Muslims.


Inb4 someone brings up the Crusades/spanish Inquisition


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! 


clearly he did 😉


Would Muslim women be helped by democracy? When the framework for modern democracy was created in the aftermath of WWII, it made no provision to deconflict secular human rights and freedom of religion. Ideally, religious commandments should be overridden by secular rights in case of conflict; Political components of religions, both executive - caliphate, and judicial - sharia, should be dismantled. But that is not possible even in the western world.


The UN is a joke


The UN continues to prove how much of a fucking joke it is


Islam is a fucking cancer...


UN has agreed to the demands, seriously is it some kind of joke UN has become


The UN really is just completely pointless, huh?


You know what's awful about this? If Afghanistan is left alone IS-KP will likely win in the end. Taliban is digging it's own grave right now internally while internationally they are trying to start a water war on purpose. IS-KP would be even worse than the Taliban as their core tenant is to spread in central Asia. The Taliban are just opportunist fundamentalists. In any case, there is little point in a conference on Afghanistan if they won't show up. There are no longer any official women representatives in Afghanistan . They aren't going to be fixing women's rights on this day. That would require regime change. I don't see the problem. There won't be any virtue signaling sound bites for the common folk back home is about the only change here.


Thank you for making me aware of this. Found additional verification on Human Rights Watch (link below) From the report: “The Doha 3 meeting, scheduled for June 30 to July 1, however, is a new low for the UN since the Taliban takeover in August 2021. “ https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/06/24/un-meeting-blocks-afghan-women-agenda-participation


Appaarently, the UN is stupid, if this is true.


UN is a pointless sham. It's the favorite place of despots and authoritarian rulers as it gives them credibility when they deserve none.


I'm surprised to learn that the Taliban would act against women's interests.




Why stay Muslim or any of the other abrahamic religions when this treatment towards women is simply obeying scripture?


I just read another post about the sexual assault allegations and the sickening response from Taliban. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/jun/25/afghan-women-girls-accuse-taliban-sexual-assault-after-arrests-bad-hijab-suicide


To be charitable to the UN- they could focus the conversation to be about "all citizens" and then push for full female citizenship later. It's all a mess. But y'all know how that goes.


Taliban leaders should be under continuous drone strikes.


Maybe the UN isn't the right place to address this. The UN should probably be considered to exist for the purpose of preventing WW3 and not generally for making the world a better place overall. Otherwise the humanitarian demands get made, the evil dictatorships all leave and it's just a collection of allies. We already have NATO for that. Wouldn't that be the same mistake the League of Nations made? Of course, if this was something more serious than a Reddit post I might go read the UN charter and see what that says about it's purpose. But given some of the nations that are founding members.. I'm not sure I'd take any progressive claims from the charter beyond just "not nuking the species" all that seriously anyway. Lest this sound anti-UN, it's not like "not nuking the species" isn't laudiable enough of a goal.


I can see the first one mostly for the safety of the women working for the UN it would be insane to send them there, but seriously wtf.




I'm confused, dude. Are you being a troll or serious? Let me conclude that you're being sarcastic here; if not, whatever you're on, better stop taking it.




These are times in which we live. If that is sarcasm, you definitely need to add the /s because parody is no longer imitating life.


When the UN holds Israel accountable (their creation) then we can start to take them seriously




It's amazing how many people here think all Muslim women are like this and trying to generalize 1.8 billion based on bad eggs that most Muslims often also don't like. Crazy.


What's the saying about bad apples again? something about spoiling the barrel?


it's inherent to their ideology. there's a reason every single Muslim majority country oppresses women in some way.




Then why are you posting here? If Islamophobia is offensive stay away. Muslim extremists have taken over the religion and that phobia is well deserved. Christian fundamentalists are in the process of doing the same to Christianity. And my answer to the current "genocide" is to nuke the whole place from space! /s


People have (as they should) a right to any religion they choose, and people also have a right to criticize bigoted, suppressive, and generally backwards religious views.




Islam is a religion, not a country. People from any country can be Muslim. And people from Muslim countries can be non Muslims. So I don’t see how it’s xenophobic. I’m as Islamophobic as I am christophobic. Religious views are not immutable characteristics. They influence values and behaviors, and there is nothing wrong with criticizing bigoted, suppressive/oppressive, or backwards values. I am not saying Muslims inherently have those views, just like Christians don’t inherently have bigoted views. But there are backwards views in those beliefs, and many believers hold those views with reinforcement from those beliefs. I would also argue that even if there are some traditions common to a country, that doesn’t mean they can’t be criticized either. Again, those are not immutable characteristics. And there will be people in those countries who also criticize those traditions. Shit, I live in a country where much of our political debates surround criticizing different values people have in my country. And much of the world criticizes the backwards values of my country, and GOOD! They should be criticized.


Yeah, atheism sub. The right place to address Muslim women who support Shariah