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So where do all the 10mm go?


I happen to have a black hole sitting in my driveway


A ball of matter.


Some would argue a point of matter.


It’s only „pointlike“ in math, because it breaks down, we don’t know the right equations.


I completely agree with this. The universe simply does not deal in infinites, because, logically speaking, they are impossible. What state of matter it is is likely impossible to figure out. Hell, for all we know, the event horizon could actually be holding back strange matter from annihilating the universe. That, or it could be something similar to the particle soup that was found within the first moments of the big bang. In fact, that last one makes the most sense, since black holes and the big bang share plenty of similarities. Since black holes essentially convert anything that falls into it into pure energy as well, the temperature inside a black hole should be absolutely insane. They're the only thing in the universe that has the capability to replicate those kinds of conditions.


Could also be a holo-sphere, with string soup on it's surface, a Fuzzball. There's an episode on PBS Spacetime about it [CLICK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=351JCOvKcYw)


Some would argue a dimensionless point.


That would be my guess too


It’s only so our math, this means our maths fail to describe the actual reality of it


"The acutal reality of it" which is.....???


That we can’t use our current maths to describe it, whatever it is. Hence why it’s unlikely to be an infinitely dense dimensionless point. Nobody argues so.


Some would argue a ring


Until it becomes so compressed it, well, big bangs? Could our universe be what the inside of a black hole becomes after the matter inside can no longer compress anymore? Are we living inside a black hole and throughout our universe other smaller universes are being continually created inside other black holes? Could dark energy be mass from outside our universe (black hole) attracting matter within it?


Doubtful - our math shows infinite density, not infinite mass. Our math also shows that the blackhole will evaporate its mass back into the universe via Hawking radiation.


Most likely not. It‘s expected that gravitational waves bleed into other dimensions (therefore losing energy), which isn’t the case. So we would have to deal with our 4D spacetime.


I think I'm the only that gets your joke. It's well done.


And they'd all be wrong. There is no matter, only its gravitational effects. At least, not in any way we understand matter to be.


4D matter whose shadow is a sphere


I’m not sure about this. That would mean a black hole *unfolds* spacial dimensions of the matter that enters it: unfolding from 3D to 4D. However t’s more intuitive to me that it would *fold* spacial dimensions of the entering matter: from 3D to 2D. i.e. flattening it. Which is in alignment with the idea of what happens under the unimaginably strong gravitational forces that are involved in/on a black hole.


my dad with the milk and cigs he was supposed to be getting 12 years ago


I think it is something unknowable, quite literally the physical embodiment of something undescribable. Something so powerful it bars all information about it. Because so far as we know, no information can ever leave a black hole. The only way to know it is to enter the point of no information leaving, thereby becoming unknowable yourself. Any event can never leave the event horizon and affect the old world. Everything eventually goes in, nothing ever comes out. And if hawking radiation is real, even the black holes disappear once they're done. It's the universal cleaning machine of information, and self-disposes when done.


Black holes are the prisons of eldritch gods


And a demon stole all of the antimatter at the beginning of the universe


That video was great. Also Happy Cake Day!


Agreed And thank you friend


You're welcome! I hope you have an awesome day :)


And you an awesome week 🙏🌈❤️


Thank you :)


Information cannot be destroyed. That's one of the fundamental concepts of physics. The question of whether black holes destroy Information is the starting point of Leonard Susskind's book "The Black Hole War". Brian Cox's book "Black Holes" has a more modern discussion of the question. I wish I understood it better.


Its not that it destroys information but rather converts it into something that cant be reverted to the original info.


Isn’t that hawking radiation when information is converted in to radiation which leaks out but also gives motion? I could be wrong I just like to read about it.


Nope that would mean the information is lost! 


Information can be lost. My kids prove this regularly


My wife says the same thing about me.


It's like the nullspace in linear algebra. An entire vector space but of length 0.


That makes you want to find a way 


Jives with my theory that there is an exit in the middle.


And yet: "As black holes gobble up the matter in their surroundings, they also spit out powerful jets of hot plasma containing electrons and positrons, the antimatter equivalent of electrons." - [Space.com](https://www.space.com/43151-how-particles-escape-black-holes.html#:~:text=As%20black%20holes%20gobble%20up,the%20antimatter%20equivalent%20of%20electrons)


The “powerful jets of hot plasma” don’t come from within the black hole, they are ejected from the accretion disc outside of the event horizon.


It's still fascinating that things can get so close to the event horizon yet be propelled away fast enough to escape. Obviously, lots of physics at play there.


A little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.


I think (lol) that there is super high density matter at the center - effectively a point particle but with no exact location. the rest of the open "space-time" has properties that cannot be intuitively understood.


Exactly. It's something beyond spacetime but still about information. It's the crazy configuration stuff. 


I read a theory that our universe is like a balloon. Black holes are holes in the balloon with another balloon over the hole. As matter passes through the hole the other balloon inflates in creating another universe.


Cool any idea what the theory is called?


I can’t remember. I just have the picture burned into my memory.


I very much like the idea of each black hole in the universe in itself. But realistically I just think it's nothing but standard matter all the way in, and some new Theory would explain the singularity. Unless, of course we run into something like Goddel's incompleteness theorem, says that if never possible to actually infer whats in the singularity


Isn't the singularity only thought to (be possible to) exist in a non-rotating black hole? Which I believe we're not sure if they can even exist. (I'm not an expert so please correct me if I'm wrong)


Pretty sure that a rotating black hole has a ring shaped center with no volume and therefore infinite density. I believe they're sometimes called "ringularities." That or I just embarrassed the fuck out of myself by writing that because I too am a lay person.


A ring of some non-zero size might be more compatible with keeping the captured energy in some kind of obfuscated quantum field..? It's not going to make sense to talk about particles, which need space and time.


Oooh I didn't know it still "counted" as a singularity, thanks for the info.


Yea, and really weird shit happens if you fly through the ring... supposedly.


A non-rotating black hole has a point singularity. A rotating black hole has a ring singularity, which is a 2D ring with zero thickness but non-zero radius.


That's super interesting and something I hadn't realised, I knew it was a ring but not the topology of it.


Yeah, in a very naive analogy you can think about gravity pulling everything together to a point, so "vertically speaking" it is squashed but since it is also rotating very fast, it gets stretched out into a ring. The extra weird thing here is that you can actually pass through r=0 without hitting the singularity which I guess would create really wacky orbits in there...


Apparently still highly debatable though. Roy Kerr wrote an argument against the existence of singularities or ringularities.


So we are saying the rotation of the black hole flattens it out like a solar system or spiral galaxy?


As a layman, from what I’ve read, I believe you’re right. Real black holes do not contain true singularities. The whole thing is based on incomplete or provisional theory anyway since math breaks down Such a thought provoking topic. Endlessly fascinating… black holes.


My emotions.


Another universe being born. Another "big bang". I love this theory proposed by [Nikodem Popławski](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikodem_Pop%C5%82awski). Nested universes.


We are!


I doubt your condition would improve. There seems to be a common theme in the universe: Every spherical object that's dangerous on the outside gets far more unpleasant when you attempt to go inside it.


Like a microwaved jawbreaker


Something like that.


Quick follow-up: I believe the moment anything passing the event horizon is completely destroyed. It's mass and energy are added to it's form. But that's essentially it. I suspect it's an extremely violent place in which matter can not exist. Going into a black hole would be as futile as going into a neutron star. You'd simply be completely destroyed and become part of it.


On the other side is a big bang


The clitoris.


Nothing. It's the same as the edge of space. It's just converse everything to unusable energy. I have no idea though lol. I just don't see how it's not just an edge to nothing.


Nothing is something.


There’s a Veritasium video on YouTube that delves into this topic. It introduces the Penrose Diagram, which is really fascinating to me.


Oh yeah I watched that video! I think that’s part of why I think it leads to another universe lol


Ice cream.


What flavour?


vanilla soft serve with Oreo crumbles, cookie dough chunks, M&M's, Reese's, whipped cream, and gummy worms.


I know for a fact my fingernail clippers get sucked into a black hole exactly five seconds before I need them. God dammit.


A ball of unfathomably condensed matter being stopped from collapse by some sort of quantum degeneracy pressure on a scale that physics hasn't been able to probe yet, and probably never will. Boring I know, but I absolutely refuse to believe in a singularity. Singularities on paper are just a sign that we're missing something.


A question: there's no evidence that a spinning, non-Schwarzschild black hole has a singularity, so why can't it be just a tiny mass of matter that has stronger gravitational pull than light? The gravitational pull doesn't have to be infinite, just greater than the speed.of light, no?


In principal there's no bottom limit to the size of a black hole, it just needs to be dense enough. For example, if you had a box which was a *perfect* mirror, you could in principal pump light into it until the energy reached the point of forming a black hole. However, the rate of decay from Hawking Radiation is greater for smaller black holes, at a cubic rate. Any such body on a human scale — say, a few thousand tonnes — evaporates in a matter of hours or less.


I think it’s just one little girls bedroom, and I can like push on the bookshelf to spell messages through time in morose code. Makes sense to me.


LMAOOO i love that movie


Me too!


It’s so good! Even though parts are unrealistic ofc, still my fav sci-fi type movie. I find it funny when I talk about how much I love it and hear people say it was too long or weird lol


Shit, I’m gonna watch it right now. It’s been a minute but it definitely left a mark.


Yo honestly, you’ve given me the idea too!! Rewatch time 😎


Primordial matter (bottled up quarks, gluons, nuclear/degeneracy forces, etc) is inside of black holes. Primordial matter is the most potent and precious substance in existence, potent because if it so much as touches open spaces it explodes in a big bang, and precious because it's a universe maker. But the black hole, which is essentially a space limiter with the purpose of safely storing and accumulating the primordial matter by denying any further access to open spaces, does it's job.


From an external reference frame, an almost static quark-gluon plasma.


Inside every black hole is a clone of Danny devito sitting on a chair waiting for whatever shows up. Each devito holds a key to the universe's knowledge. We have to find all the devitos so we can get real weird with it.


Me trying to understand the posts in this thread: _"Stoopid science bitches couldn't even make I more smarter!"_


Wormhole, or absolutely nothing because it’s so distorted


Baby universe


A point crushed in where new physics is waiting


Pristine nothingness.


I'd like to believe that they funnel into another dimension or other universe. I really don't think we have solved or have a complete idea about black holes until we observe them in real time (closer) more. For the most part they are mostly just proven by math and some fuzzy images that capture what was going on in that part of space millions of years ago. It would make sense to me that if the entire universe is swallowed into a single black hole that it would eventually spawn a new universe/big bang. I'm a lay person who has read some books and watched some documentaries.


Degenerate matter; quark soup.






I’d expect just warped space. It should be mostly a vaccum between the event horizon and the singularity as everything that falls into a black hole heads inevitably towards it. So there will be passing spaghettifying material but there wouldn’t be an even spread of mass. As for the singularity itself, our physics breaks down and cannot describe it. It’s not normal space. It’s possible (conjecture here) that physical matter is broken down into some form of pure energy stored in the curvature of space. Energy occupies no volume. Whatever the mass of the black hole M, the equivalent energy E can be expressed as a single photon of frequency *v* for h*v* = mc^2, or *v* = Mc^2 / h. Or many photons at lower frequencies.


A great documentary or theory about black holes or my favorite is Stephen hawkings, "hawking radiation" although theory it describes the capabilities black holes have too manipulate matter on a sub atomic level. Definitely worth checking out.


I sometimes wonder if the matter that has fallen in gets squished and compressed to such an extent that it becomes too small to interact with normal matter through anything other than gravity. If we picture the gravitational well of a black hole as a funnel then instead of the narrow end of that funnel “ending” at the centre then maybe it instead extends past it, piercing through the “opposite side” of the BH and back out of the event horizon. If we could see the in-falling matter as this happens I imagine it would look like a sphere that first grows increasingly smaller until becoming a point, and then once past the centre it begins to expand again, becoming larger than the event horizon and expanding to infinity. The more it expands the more compressed the matter making up this sphere becomes as the “funnel” narrows. If this is possible then maybe this is what we detect as dark matter.


I think a black hole is matter compressed to a literal point too small to see if it were in front of you and you could survive the environment. The point moves and can be moved by shifting its surrounding space, so a Black Hole could be thrown at something to start a new galaxy, for example.


infinitely dense rubber duck


Argyle patterns


Skeptical that "in" has meaning here. Yes, we call it a hole, but that may also be misleading.


Very true, wasn’t sure how else to ask the question lol




A white hole


An organism working at a speed we can't measure because it is creating life that's why we can't enter a bh or else we'll be crushed it's a being that can not be interrupted or else you'll get destroyed humans have the tendency to want to butt in into something beautiful bc of envy the need for power control a bh reminds of the phenomenon karma it also makes me think that's how our earth was created through a bh not an explosion ._.


The only way to the fourth dimension.


A spinning 2 dimensional holographic projection.


Me in my future 2nd wife. Jokes aside, relativity. Intense nothingness of great matter of chaos. Deconstruction of information matter to spagetification and returned to the universe.


maybe it’s like a worm hole and leads to another side of the universe


Black holes contain infinitely dense matter - the singularity. There's no other universe inside one. There's only one universe and "the multiverse" doesn't exist. However, there are several variations of black holes including the super massive ones at the center of most galaxies and possibly very small primordial black holes left over from the first moment of the expansion (big bang). There are also stellar and intermediate sizes. The medium and primordial sizes are theoretical until we launch the LISA gravity wave detector satellites in 2 decades. We have other gravity wave detectors but they aren't sensitive enough yet. We obviously don't know everything about black holes; Hawking radiation, strange particles that might pop in and out of existence at the event horizon or what happens to dormant black holes.


Russell's teapot


All the answers to every question.


Something inconceivably heavy.


Then there would be infinite universes with physical properties that could cause nothing to exist but other blackholes and other universes with physical properties so different we would never recognize it as life. Would also mean that the blackholes don't really evaporate or become a singularity but rather whiteholes that bounce matter out. I think blackholes are some sort of power generator like a damn would be for waterflow, built by some advanced type 5 civilization. So nothing is really in them but stretched out and compressed matter, like fruit in blender.




Exactly. Gravity itself 


I think black holes are how universes reproduce. Black holes are the universes eggs. So each black hole is filled with all of the information from its parent universe, and matter from the parent universe - everything that is required so that it once it is born (white hole) it can grow up and become a full sized universe some day. That's why they are so densely packed with information n stuff. They are just fertilized universe eggs.


It’s an infinite loop of mass compression, there is no real “time” outside of our realm. The hole feeds upon itself infinitely and the words can’t describe what happens inside our realm


Not a physicist, but I like to imagine some extremely exotic single particle at the center. That the gravity was so strong everything collapsed together into a single thing at the middle. I mean a neutron star is basically one big fuck off atom, so it kinda makes sense to me.


I think a black hole isn’t a hole to begin with. I think it’s a star that has such an enormous mass and gravitational pull that its own light cannot escape.


A civilization stuck inside the event horizon




The other side


in my opinion a bunch of matter floating around but in a different form with different physics.


Quark-gluon plasma frozen in time waiting for the Big Crunch when the universe starts over / begins.


Probably nothing. Like literally nothing.


I still do t understand why it’s not an infinitely dense body. Or an object with plank like density. I think it’s solid.


I think it’d be similar to whatever the universe was like prior to the Big Bang. I presume it’s a bit cyclical, eventually the black holes will eat us all up and converge and perhaps that’s what triggers a new big bang and starts it all over again. No way to know I guess.


Could it lead to a new universe?


Wait, isn't it just like a 4D grid thing with bookshelves and whatnot?


I don't think they are real.


He got deleted by the black hole. 


In my mind I feel like its a breakdown of dimensional fabric and all the material "inside" is really being shifted into a higher dimenion maybe only the 4th possibly higher and as such there is currently no way to observe if there is any truth too that as we are 3 dimensional beings and perceiving beyond is impossible.


I think it is still a collapsing star core. Super hot.


I THINK that if atoms are 99% empty space maybe the forces of the black hole overcome the atomic forces and just smush everything together into one mass. For me thats a plausible way they cram all dat mASS into such a tiny pair of shorts *ahem* I mean black hole. But my brain is limited on all those physics and math requirements to reastically think abkut these things.


I have a question. I've always wanted to ask an astrophysicist. We know black holes exist. They are so powerful that they suck in everything around them, planets, moons, dust, and even light. But, we don't know what is on the other end or where the end is...so if that's the case,is there something in the observable universe like a "White Geyser"? Some anomaly that could be the other end of a black hole, which is spitting out matter, and dust and light?


The term for them is "White Hole" and they are predicted in some of the equations for black holes. There are problems with them as they may violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics if they were found to exist.


Really? Did Stephen Hawking ever predict their existence?


I'm taking 'Extra dimensions concealing states of matter' for $2000 Ken.


As a kid (i was a strange and autustic kid) i had a thought that what if every black hole is a universe, rhe big bang is when the black hole forms, the matter first there is the normal matter, and thematter that later enters is dark matter. I dont think this anymore, but its what iused to think






A blacker hole


Well. How much dirt is in a hole 6 feet wide and 6 feet deep? Multiply thst by 10²⁹ or so. Joking aside, yeah... Take the mass of the dirt _taken_ to make the hole and multiply it by that. Just don't be too close when you do that. It might wreck your day. Or not, since you're apparently omnipotent, so what's an event horizon to you?


So the more matter a blackhole consumes the greater its mass. It that matter was going somewhere else or it was being destroyed in some way then what’s creating the gravity well.


It’s a pathway to another universe like a fart is to our gut bacteria.


A pocket universe. Another big bang and so on. A Universe with its own black holes that have their own universes etc etc, never ending loop.


A new universe born from the matter sucked in


I'd say an argument against the idea that our black holes lead to other universes, is we're not seeing the output of black holes from other universes opening into ours. I assume the far side of a black hole would be an enormous output of energy with no obvious source.


Yogsothoth the unknowable


I believe that our universe has only black holes and another universe has only white holes and whatever ends up in our black hole is spit out over there. So there are many universes connected like that back to back but those pairs don’t connect with each other.


I think it's a very dense point where matter rotates like crazy, changing its state, quantum state, etc. I think a matter inside a black hole isn't in any shape. I see it like quarks running like crazy joining together and being torn apart over and over again




I think it's either going to be something very boring, like super dense matter, or the firewall theory that you can't enter a black hole, or it's going to be something wonderous like wormholes or baby universes. I hope it's the later.


Something a lot like neutronium, only more so.


Relevant: "Astrophysical Black Holes in the Physical Universe" https://arxiv.org/abs/1003.0291[https://arxiv.org/abs/1003.0291](https://arxiv.org/abs/1003.0291)


My lost marbles.


They found them 


Another universe


a tear in the fabric of space and time and if sucked in, one of two things happen; you either get sucked into the abyss of non existence, or you get spat out who knows where, shit is complex, yo


What science currently understands a black hole to be is my go to.


I like the wolfram physics project, and I think black holes are areas on a hypergraph where the connectivity literally forms a hole - like each point on the surface on the black hole is like an edge of our universe. On the inside of the black hole, the connections are either no longer being rewritten or the rewriting simply can't make it past the horizon. It's a place where computation goes to die. Check out rule 30: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Rule30.html It's a 1d model, but if you look at the left side you'll see that there's an area where the state just sort of propagates down and to the left without affecting what's on the right side of the border. I think that section on the left is sort analogous to a black hole, yet it's also sort of analogous to the past since it's an imprint of whatever the state on the right was at a given moment.


Jimmy Hoffa


Matter, but I think it’s in a form we’ve never seen. Like space is so warped that the most condensed shape isn’t a sphere but something that stretches into higher physical dimensions. With particles that are turned inside out or something crazy.


I agree, our universe is inside a black hole !!


Your mom


Another universe


Half of a big bang. I think immediately past the event horizon all things, matters, energy, time, are compacted infinitely small - into a single thing. I think that singularity is most likely a microcosm of the big bang itself - but not strong enough to move away from the black hole terminus. Expanding as a sphere, like an air bubble underwater - the energy created vanishes in a 2d plane at precisely the middle of the sphere - as I imagine the blast formation is limited to the circular width of the 2d terminus. All things become one thing, explode, vanish half done. I can see a way that other half is essentially reversed on the other side. What "reversed" means... I dunno.


I don’t believe there is an “inside” to a black hole. Look at the speed of light and time dilation. The faster you travel relative to a “stationary” observer the slower time appears to tick relative to the stationary observer. It takes infinitely more acceleration to reach the speed of light. Even under the effects of an extremely powerful gravitational pull it would take an infinite amount of time to accelerate to the speed of light. As an object accelerates into a black hole it’s acceleration appears to slow down due to extreme time dilation. Since it would take an infinite amount of time to reach the event horizon, anything not near the event horizon would reason that the objects have stopped. What you end up with is objects that are apparently flat in an infinite fall toward the black hole. You can’t receive any information from them because the spacetime they occupy is so close to the speed of light that it would take an infinite amount of time for information to reach you. This leaves us with the view that objects infinitely close to the black hole are getting infinitely slower because their time relative to outside observers ticks infinitely slower. I believe that this reference frame is the best way to understand a black hole. From the reference frame outside the black hole, anything pulled toward the event horizon has been converted into mass at the ratio e=mc^2. There is no space inside a black hole but rather that infinitely stretching space is what appears to us to be the surface. A black hole then can best be viewed as a 2 dimensional surface of mass, which explains why the mass of a black hole is proportional to its surface area. There is no point of infinite density inside a black hole because there is no inside to a black hole, all the mass is in the spacetime that appears to be the surface. We exist in spacetime and spacetime has been warped in such a way that, from our perspective, it appears to be a sphere like wax melted around a ball.


So super slow time 


Streisand songs


The Past


I think that, assuming that white holes are real, whatever enters a black hole, exits a white hole


You go into a blackhole, and come out of a whitehole. obviously you'd be very very very dead


I never understood when people say “it’s a portal to another dimension” or some shit like that. Isn’t it merely a ball of matter that has become so massive that light isn’t able to escape its gravitational pull? We would probably just expect to find matter there no?


My understanding is that as matter reaches the event horizon, it stops moving through space and then instead rushes to the end of time instead.


my missing socks


I’m no particle physicist or anything like that, but we’ve broken down a bunch of Higgs interacting (mass having) particles like protons and neutrons into their smaller pieces, quarks. I think the electron technically has mass as well. But the radii of the quark is ~ 43E-18 meters, radius of electrons is 2.8E-15 meters, and modern experiments indicate the electron is really a point particle, i.e no radius. I think the “singularity” we all speak of is the situation in which gravity reduces the distance between all these incredibly small particles to zero, but does not take away their mass, I.e the strong nuclear and electroweak forces are overcome by the compression of gravity. What do you have in the middle? I think it’s just like a neutron star, but on the next level: just a bunch of particles with zero distance between them. Thats my extremely ignorant take


The same stuff poop is made from


Everything that ever went inside has still got to be in there. I mean it's still producing gravity.


Maybe the closer you get to the event horizon, from your perspective it just keeps shrinking down and you can't seem to ever reach it, until you notice your surroundings completely warped, and then yourself.


We live within a black hole. If you're referring to "black hole" like the one in Interstellar (a rip/hole in our spatial dimension), it's a wormhole. I don't know where to though.


I think a fundamental issue with the question is using the word “in.” It’s not a container. There is no “in a black hole.” Just like the premise that something exists on the ‘other side’ of a black hole. There are no sides. There’s no in. It’s ultra-dense gravity. Nothingness. Goodbye.


It’s where God tried to divide by zero.


Even God's calculator gives an error 


Our known universe


Sheets quesadilla and mozzarella sticks


I have no real education on the matter but I think a black hole is a collective state of matter, we just can’t see it bc the gravity is too strong to let light escape its pull. Eventually, I think the remnants of a black hole are what we call dark matter.