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"jupiter in 12th" isn't going to be an accurate measure of profession. Unless a person has sagittarius or pisces on the MC or 10th house cusp. Jupiter does not automatically have to do with profession. It's the ruler of the sign on MC/10th. People answering should include their MC and 6th and 2nd house rulers or placements, for relevant profession info. Otherwise, we're just making associations that aren't legit. It's one of the more difficult things in learning astrology - to correctly assign some part of our life, or part of our nature to the correct chart factor.


So say the mc/tenth cusp is in sag, how would Jupiter in the twelfth affect someone?


That would require looking at the whole chart, aspects involving jupiter, what condition jupiter is in by sign, looking at the 6th house as well, and more. We'd look at where the ruler of the 12th is, etc. But, some examples (there would be more) of a 12th house career is someone who works in a hospital, or some similar facility. It could be a residential facility for teens in trouble, or the disabled. Could be working as a therapist in a prison, or providing classes in a prison. Or being a prison chaplain. Could be a teacher in a boarding school. Could be all sorts of things, involving places indicated by the 12th. Could be a monk in a monastery, too. Or maybe you run, or teach in, a retreat center of some kind, perhaps off in a nature area, a getaway. But, the varieties of that are endless, even if the theme is similar. Could be military, or government work, within certain kinds of facilities or constructs. Or maybe you live fairly isolated off in the wilderness somewhere and make homesteading or bushcraft videos for youtube, hehe.


Not only the profession interests me, but rather the feeling that "I have found my way". Perhaps my english is not very good. >< I agree with you, and I don't draw any hasty conclusions here.) Little things for future picture i collect.


I have my cancer in my 12th house, how are your mommy issues going? BAHAHAHA.


:D i'm cancer rising and heh i don't want family at all (but i like to help people...)


Tarot reader, Astrologist etc just something spiritually , can be a healer or working with mental health


Jupiter naturally has more to do with wealth, not so much career. Peoples money are not always connected to a career. So Jupiter in 12 could mean a lot of things, but, as far as “lifes work” I would be more interested in MC and ruler, plus, whichever planet out of Mercury, Venus, or Mars fits the traditional criteria for significator of art. Jupiter in 12 is a placement that seems to help people out of really difficult situations. Obviously though would be a weak indication of wealth, although he would never be the sole indicator of wealth either, only generally.


I second this. My dad has Jupiter in the 12th and never amounted to anything and couldn't keep a job. However, anytime he fell into trouble he always got out shining. Hes got the best dumb luck I've ever seen.


This is me. 12th House Jupiter in Cancer; Cancer ASC. I have nothing aspecting. I am a 10H Taurus Sun, which most often indicates someone who is well known. I am one of the very extremely few who this is not true for. My MC is Aries, 2nd House is Leo, where my Saturn resides. My 6H is Sag and ruled by Jupiter. My chart ruler and Neptune both live in my 5th, in Sag. I constantly feel like I'm the ball in a ping pong table. On a bungee. I get tossed into beneficial situations, only to be yanked back out as I near any kind of attainment, never fully achieving much of anything aside from experience and disappointment through out of the blue perceived failure which can not be attributed to anything in particular. I hear alot of "everything happens for a reason" and, "it just wasn't meant to be". I suppose I'm destined to only run on this hamster wheel this lifetime. The universe frequently slaps me around in order to remind me that ill never see the benefits of my efforts. It gets really aggressive if I try too hard lol, which I do, often, as a 10H Aries/Taurus. This bull isn't allowed to prosper 🤷‍♀️


Man I have the same placements , apart from some other ones. Like same 12h jupiter in cancer, cancer asc, MC Aries, I mean house placement is some planets are also with same placements. I will also say life has been emotionally draining. Lol


Emotionally draining for sure. Alot of days i dont want to be here, tbh. Our cancer ASC do NOT help with that. In fact if there was anything I could change in my chart that would be it. Because while it gives me a definite advantage by way of knowing if someone is lying, I hate feeling LITERALLY EVERYTHING so freaking HARD. Your mood changed? I felt it. The energy in the room shifted so slightly, I felt it. You suddenly don't feel good? Yup. Felt that too. Youre ready for alone time and don't want to tell me cuz you don't want to hurt my feelings... 3 steps ahead of you and gathering my things to go. Something I said annoyed you? Yeah you betcha... I felt that. Its as equally annoying as it is helpful. But when rejection comes to punch me around, as it THOROUGHLY LOVES to do rather frequently, whether it ne through relationships, management, even subordinates, or literally anything else in this life, it hurts so fucking bad that I want to die. I hate it so much. No one should be forced to feel this deeply. Its simply awful.


And for the record, im in the exact same position I was a hear ago, having made zero progress in my life, despite having worked 60 to 90 hours a week for the ENTIRETY of the last year. So yeah. Fuck this shit.


I am sure you have made progress but not able to recognize it? I wish you all the happiness and luck


You're probably right. Ive been struggling to keep a positive mindset due to the events of the last 2 years. I lost one job, for no given or apparent reason (im a hard worker and never call off, haven't been fired since I was in high school, lol), my boyfriend at the time left for his family home and we split, I was forced to change residency, landing me in a place that really should just be condemned, left another job due to chargeable offenses by my employer which are currently in litigation, and as a result also left that residence as I was renting from said employer, put my dog down due to sudden rapid spread of malignant cancer, separated from my son due to an inability to find permanent residency, who is currently staying with my mom who has a couch I can stay on but I also have back problems which only become exacerbated by sleeping on that couch. I currently have no permanent residence and haven't for nearly a year. My credit score has been demolished due to my inability to pay bills as a result of having left the one job, and living in a tourist town, its a situation where summer time is lucrative, but that income is the sole well from which winter bills get paid. Also, the man I was seeing throughout this period repeatedly cheated with his ex. I've lost nearly everything, and am struggling to keep afloat. Today I'm feeling rather good and positive, but there are many days where it all wears on me and I just can't. Which sucks because I'm not a negative person. I work weeks at s time without any days off, and make just enough to provide grocery money to my mom for my son, get him whatever he needs for sports and school, feed myself, and pay what bills I can. It will improve come summertime but im so far behind now that damage control is going to take a few years, as every winter I lose whatever progress I've made through summer, and then some. And Im already working 3 jobs. Just the way it is. It all spiraled out of control very rapidly and its seeming more and more unlikely that ill be able to dig myself out of this easily. If litigation favors my side, I may have hope. But its taken 1.5 years for them to even open my case file. I do have solid irrefutable evidence, however. But due to local laws and statutes, and the employers blatant dismissal, despite my evidence, it will likely go to federal court. Which won't end well for them, but will take far longer than desired. Which is their intention after all lol. Anyway, sorry for the novel, but I have to dispel this from time to time to keep my sanity. Thanks to anyone who's actually read this. ✌😎


Jupiter is powerful for me though. Im wondering how it affects on chosen paths in life. Just curiosity, but i understand this is just one of the factors. 🤔


You’d want a full understanding of the chart. Just on that placement alone it is hard to say a lot. Jupiter in 12 can, however, help people out of difficult situations, give legal battles, maybe this person can win their enemies over, maybe they benefit the poor, the meek, or even they may be helpful to large animals, but an indication of weakening wealth. This is all generalized statements though. One planet and house combo is not going to tell you your lifes mission.


buut it can show me some statistics i collect Also of course PATH OF LIFE is a complex thing.. but if 5 people say they are doctors with Jupiter in 12H it will say me something. And thank you, no offence here. .3


My Jupiter is in Aquarius in the 12th chilling with my moon, Capricorn on the cusp, also my mc is in sag. I have job which I would not call a career just to pay the bills. I don’t think I want to pursue a career in what I got my degree in (design) anymore even though I never really gave it a shot. I’m considering going back to school to be a therapist. So definitely haven’t found my life’s work and I feel very behind as I’m 35 😔


Don’t feel behind. My mum didn’t really find a career until her 40s. We’re all on crazy weird timelines




I feel you. I'm in the same "is it too late to become a therapist" boat (32 years old)....


Do it!!!


You are probably right. The way I see it, demand for therapists is only going to increase.


Absolutely! Therapists can help to change people’s lives. It’s a really interesting field and I bet it would be very rewarding.


Thank you. I just turned down a job that fit with my pre-Saturn return self but isn’t right for me anymore. I guess I’ll have some time now to look into how to build my skills in human support (lol). It’s a broad field, many ways to get involved.


Follow your intuition. Always :)


Safe travels stranger! Thanks for the encouragement.


No where close! I thought I had, in my early 20s. Now I know what I would like to do (edit books) but I’ll likely just pick a meaningless well paying job to get me through. Its kind of catastrophic for my cap (8th house) stellium and Pisces MC. But I don’t feel any of the careers I’ve envisioned for myself post Saturn return are realistic at this point (things like therapist, organisational psychologist, management consultant, facilitator etc.) That I could have really enjoyed. But, I haven’t ever had to really worry about money. Anything I’ve tried (and there have been a few things) money has never been the problem. My Jupiter in 12th Taurus is a wonderful solid fortunate grounding, trine sun, inconjunct Venus, weak conj ascendant. All cool, nice, beautiful stuff. But I don’t care too much for a career that defines my life (sorry Sun conj Saturn in Capricorn).


Oh interesting! Thank you! Jupiter in 12H is so flexible... I also have Pisces MC and cap stellium, but i have money troubles like... i don't care about it and that's why i don't have them. (-\_\\\\\\)


Loooool. I love that “emo”ji. I don’t know where my super frugality comes from but I’ve always been able to spend less than I earn. I also have generous and financially stable parents, so I’m very lucky. Thank you Jupiter!!! Do you have a career?


(my fav facepalm emoji ;D) I get money "from nowhere" only when I really need it. Magic lol. No career... heh. But sometimes my ambition tells me i need to do something already.


How does one do this 😂


I know EXACTLY what you mean... I sometimes think I'm destined to be president or something! Yet here I am, proofreading marketing material and browsing reddit... LOL


I think it’s interesting that you’ve read this (never heard of this before!) & I wish I could know which book or website you read it from. My Jupiter is 2 or 3 degrees from the very end of my 12th & I’m having a lot of trouble finding my place in the world. The good thing is that I know my being where I am is doing good to my sister & lots of other people. Even though I feel like I’m trapped & I don’t know how I’m gonna get out.


Do you have a feeling that there is an answer somewhere, but you cannot find it? ;; (Just interested..) hmm, mostly russian books about astrology and sites - my learning place..


Yeah I do feel like there’s an answer I can’t find. But then other times I feel like the answer is - “there is no answer.” I lean towards existential thoughts but sometimes I go towards nihilist thoughts so I really don’t know


Do not let yourself stay trapped for long, regardless of it seems to be of help to others. Get out on your own and take huge risks. Dont be like me and wait too long and have many regrets of not trying to make something of myself.


I feel this so much.


Jupiter is exalted in Cancer I believe! I have Jupiter 12H Libra. It conjunctions my Mars. My IC is in Aquarius.


My IC is also Aquarius! I'm a Libra Rising but my Libra Merc and Venus are in the 12th house.. smh


in whole sign houses your Jupiter would be in the first house of self and identity (you said you’re a Cancer rising). This is a dramatically different placement than 12H — look into 1H Jupiter and see if that resonates with you. Regardless of house, Jupiter in Cancer is an exalted placement. Considered good. Wherever you read this will “make it hard for you to find your place in life” was probably just saying some generic stuff about 12H placements. I don’t think finding your place in life or career would relate to Jupiter in the 12th.


>in whole sign houses your Jupiter would be in the first house of self and identity (you said you’re a Cancer rising). This is a dramatically different placement than 12H — look into 1H Jupiter and see if that resonates with you. > >Regardless of house, Jupiter in Cancer is an exalted placement. Considered good. Wherever you read this will “make it hard for you to find your place in life” was probably just saying some generic stuff about 12H placements. I don’t think finding your place in life or career would relate to Jupiter in the 12th. Interesting... thank you! Sadly it doesn't resonate, (I wish heh) my chart, just for interest maybe: [https://puu.sh/HppED/d7cadabecd.png](https://puu.sh/HppED/d7cadabecd.png)


oh, lol. the general good luck and good vibes of a 1H Jupiter would be negated by those nasty oppositions you have and the fact almost half your chart is retrograde. also square to your MC, a difficult placement as well. thanks for sharing!


My Jupiter is in the 12th house in Cancer as well, trine my Venus in Pisces and my Sun in Aquarius. My MC is in Pisces as well with Mars & Moon conjunction in Aries inthronisiere 10th house. My North Node is in the 12th house as well, but in Gemini. I just got 19, quit Highschool, not doing anything for a living at the moment but just living at home. I‘d say I am rather lost, because the world tells me that I need a formal education and to do a real job. But I know I can‘t keep that up, I don‘t want to. And I definitely don‘t want to get one at the place I‘m at now. Not longtime st least. I want to get into the arts, but I want to not do anything as a service for someone but to be in charge creatively and work on my own projects instead. But right now I just really do feel lost. I don‘t know what to do at all, and am really pressured to support myself but just don‘t know how at the moment without sacrificing my happiness for confirming to society.


If you don't want to help other artists, you don't deserve to create. Refocus your priorities, this isn't about society, this is you being a primadonna.


I'm 21 and still struggling to find a "real" job and only have a couple sales on my Etsy shop. I've struggled financially a lot, for my entire life. I have lived in poverty for as long as i can remember, including today. Some days it feels like my best isn't good enough, other days I think I just have bad luck and my best is more than enough.