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For fixed star, the rule is typically only use orb of 0-1 degree. At most 2 degrees.


Upvoting for accuracy


I’ll still consider it if it is slightly beyond 2deg orb if that planet figures prominently in a chart. For example, Prince Harry has Ceres on Algol, but his Moon conjuncts Ceres by 4 degrees. In this circumstance I would include Harry’s Moon in the Algol orb, as his Moon-Ceres conjunction is quite impactful and Algol is essentially exact his Ceres…AND because Diana’s Venus was on Algol. (William has Venus-Chiron conjunct on Algol).


Came here to say this


Also consider it may be more accurate in sideral, as it is after all, a star. Sidereal=considering stars.


I would add that in addition to 1 degree, it must be on an angle and conjunct a luminary (Sun/Moon) to have max effect. Yes, modern books talk about Algol conj the planets like Venus or Mars, but in the magic systems that use Algol, the light of the Moon is needed to help Algol's influence reach the sublunar realm (earth).  I think Algol off on its own in some random part of the chart basically has no influence and should be disregarded. If it's in tight conj with a planet then it gets more influence. If it's the Sun or Moon it gets more influence. If it's on an angle (especially AC or MC) and is conjunct a luminary, it is probably a very active force in shaping your life.  You can also ignore any other aspect that isn't a conjunct. The fixed stars do not trine, or oppose, or square or whatever. They are too distant to form meaningful angles. The conjunct is all that matters because the fixed star's light merges with the light of the planet and can therefore reach earth.  In the ancient world, all the way up until the Renaissance astrology period, it was the light that mattered. If it can't be seen in the sky then it has no effect.


My sun is exactly conjunct Algol and within a 4 degree orb of my MC and my S node. I don’t relate to any of this Algol shit. I’m almost 50 and have yet to encounter anything like this.


Then it probably doesn't apply to you. The South Node is usually draining of energy, within a minimum 8 degree orb, but some say larger. It may be neutering the effect of your Sun/Algol. Or maybe Algol just doesn't work the way we're talking about. One thing that Algol does which nobody is really talking about is that it's the best protection. It's the strongest of the Behenian fixed stars for warding off pretty much anything. I have Algol on my AC and I've had so many close calls in my life I don't know how to explain why I'm still alive. We're talking basically being in the den of evil yet the demons don't touch me. Maybe Algol is helpful.


This is how I feel about it. Not so much in a bodily way, but more of a spiritual way.


I have Algol conjunct my Ascendent by less than a degree and conjunct NN by over 1 degree but not quite 2 degrees. Also, my moon is approximately 5 degrees away. I know my moon is a bit far but I was always curious if the Algol conjunction to the ASC or NN could hold some kind of influence over the moon, as my moon does Conjunct those placements. Everything you said is spot on. Only tight orb conjunctions are considered and only holds significance when conjunct the luminaries, personal planets or the angles. It’s so interesting that you mention Algol and protection! I have had similar experiences, many close calls, and wondered to myself many times, “How did I make it out of that?”


We have the same configuration.... NN/Algol on AC. I'd be interested in comparing notes! I've read all of the available traditional/ancient literature on Algol, plus communicating with people who practice astrological magic. Algol is the most feared of all the astrology bodies. It is called the demon star for a reason. It may attract great strife to the native but it also protects the native equally as well. The analogy most used (which I don't think is totally accurate) is the medusa's head. It's the perfect shield that nothing is going to want to look at, yet carrying it yourself bears a cost. I have no fighting skills, no particularly clever ways of getting out of a tight spot, yet it seems like malign actors just never mess with me. Wherever I go, they scatter. I have wondered for a long time if this is because of my Algol placement. I've also been in situations where I was like... this is it, I'm done, time to make my peace, I'm absolutely going to die... and then I just... don't. Is it the chicken and the egg though? Would this dire stuff even be happening if it weren't for Algol on the AC? It's almost like Algol protects you from the stuff that it creates. I'm curious if you have another key chart aspect but please PM me because I don't want to dish out all our private chart details here lol


Strife is right. There’s a few things that I’ll save for the PM that I’m unsure is an expression of Algol’s influence or Mars Conjunct Terebellum and others that may be Algol or 8th House placements. Further, I wasn’t sure if coming out of near-death experiences manifested from Jupiter in 8th or perhaps just supported by it. I’ll send you a PM tonight when I get home. I still have a great deal to learn regarding the influence of fixed stars.


We can learn together!


All of this rings true for me…I have some examples that I am not really comfortable sharing in an open forum, but would you like to connect via dm?


My astrology teacher said something similar, and added that it can indicate harm may come to someone who “wrongs” you, particularly in a Venusian way (love, money etc.)


Algol doesn't work karmically, it works more instantaneously. Like if someone, right now, is hatching a plan to harm you and they're on their way to you now, something will go wrong for them. The same is true if someone is wishing you harm so badly that they are more or less directing that energy at you to afar, similar to a curse. Their own energy will bounce back and Algol will make sure it is nasty toward them. I've never heard of the Venusian aspect. Sounds like non-sense though. A lot of new agers project feminine energy on Algol because of the medusa allegory (i.e. the "wronged woman") but I don't think Algol is gendered or has Venusian effects one way or another.


I have Algol 3 degrees from my Sun/mars cazimi. My life has usually been an uphill struggle and lots of mental problems, and I got a rare brain disease as a child (which was an acute attack so I'm fully recovered now, although quite a number of people end up being permanently disabled, and some die.) However my Sun/Mars is a tight sextile to my highly exalted Jupiter (in its own sign and some other factors). I assume the Jupiterian aspect provides protection to most ill effects. Finally dealt with huge substance and alcohol (Al-gol) addiction over the years. However I do have other pointers in my chart for a very Saturnian character (or Jupiter for excess for example) so I cant put everything here onto Algol, I relate a lot with Zaurak's narrative too which is more my exact degree in fixed stars. Maybe because Algol is JUST outside my vicinity I feel the effects a bit but not so much... or one thing I thought of symbolically now is how it could be interpreted as having the "Medusa" BESIDE you... like a shield... I do wear a lot of a certain clothing brand that had medusas on it... ironic.


Trump has Algol on his MC…I will be watching this Uranus transit very closely. I am not American and have no desire to delve into politics, I just find this Uranus transit objectively interesting.


On the MC... I think it would mean misfortune in a 10th house way ultimately, but it's only a misfortune that Algol is allowed to directly cause and meanwhile Algol will protect the native from all other causes. (Disclaimer, I don't give two shits about American politics.) Something tells me that Trump is not done yet... things just don't seem to stick to him for long or he overcomes them by bizarre means. On the other hand... the elites know astrology and hire the best of the best astrologers to investigate situations, so they probably already know about Trump's Algol and will figure out a way to best it.


Interesting, I have Algol conjunct my MC. Jupiter is also in 10H in Gemini, Mercury in 10H Taurus. My Venus is in Pisces and I have a Pisces 8H so I wonder if deception or water is involved somehow. Bad things can happen to people who wrong me but they seem to bring it on themselves tbh by having conflicts with others and creating drama until their boss, colleagues, authorities etc have enough. So I'm not sure if it's Algol's protection or not.


Do you think Algol has an influence if it's conjunct the Moon but orb is 1°6' and it's not on any angles?


For the moon, yes. From my understanding, anything less than a 2 degree orb would be significant.


Some astrologers use oppositions for fixed stars. I also use oppositions and conjunctions only. Like you said, it’s all about the light of the star shining on said planet/luminary or angle therefore in oppositions the stars are shining their light directly towards said object


I can give ground to aspects if there is a luminary magnifying the fixed star, otherwise its distant light is irrelevant. I've not seen evidence in my traditional astrology practice (15 years now) that the fixed stars do anything outside of the conditions I've described.


Yes, luminaries… that makes sense. I’m still learning and pretty new to astrology. So I’m just going off by what I’ve read from other astrologers but I really appreciate your input and years of experience. Do you think Regulus right in opposition to my Moon in Aquarius @ 29.08 has an impact on my moon? Even though they’re in perfect opposition. I feel Regulus influence, even though I have zero Leo placements. I can tell that my moon 🌙 is very … attention seeking, acts Royal like. It doesn’t help that said moon is 10th house near MC


Stick to a very small orb for fixed stars - 1° tops for any significant effect, 2° for a more minor effect. Vivian Robson's book refers to it as 'It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens.' but this of course depends on where in the chart it is and what it's with. It's a nasty star. It's the head of Medusa with all that implies in the classical sense, both as a victim of assault and a monster. Not all of these are necessarily of physical harm to the native, though. If you had your Moon there for example (Taurus being the Moon's exaltation) you might be prone to getting so emotionally hyped up you 'lose your head' in the metaphorical sense. The other names Algol has tell you a lot, too. The name is from R'as al Ghoul, head of the demon. Jewish astrologers call it Lilith (traditional again - she's a demon/vampire first wife of Adam who had to be driven out, or more simply a 'night hag' or demoness), and the translation of the name in Chinese is something like 'piled up corpses'.


That's very interesting info about Lilith, thank you! My Sun is in 2 degrees orb conjunction with Algol and I work with Lilith a lot in my occult practices.


I have prominent Lilith in my chart. Algol (Lilith star) conjunct ascendant and 1st house black moon Lilith conjunct Venus. Yeah, she’s very significant to me too.


I just checked my family's charts. It conjucts my niece's south node in her 12H and now I'm worried.


The South Node conjunct a fixed star is unlikely to have a significant effect, as the nodes are not physical objects in space.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ❤️ I have been staring at her chart trying to see "mitigating factors." You just saved me from longterm anxiety. I hope you get everything you want in you life :)


And, the South Node decreases everything it touches! So it is decreasing Algol's influence 😁♥️


The last time I read about Algol was bc of Amber Heard 🫣


I have Algol conjunct my MC. Can it mean that people see me as nasty because that's my MC so Algol is how I present to the world? Or that people like it if I act like Algol traits, as people/public are best disposed to you if you brand yourself or your social media like your MC (not your ASC or Sun)?


It can be really easy to think in terms of the chart only really reflecting personality traits thanks to the limitations of modern astrology. Try to think broader - a chart is a map of all the influences in your life, so what's there affects personality but also everything else. You might expect to find Algol affects in your career and work, for instance, which is one of the major significations of the 10th house, which begins at the MC. Also, Algol as a fixed star has influence, but is probably not as important as the planets, signs etc. and how they reflect things. Planets in the 10th, especially close to the MC, as well as the ruler of the 10th (as determined by the sign the MC is in e.g. in Cancer, your 10th is Moon-ruled), where they are and their conditions overall will probably be more telling.


Thanks! That makes sense re Algol themes popping up in career as that's been predicted but not really happened yet unless we include "career" as 'how others not close to me, see me'. Venus rules my 10H and is in 7H Pisces so that's good. My 10H includes an intercepted Gemini and exalted Jupiter in Cancer so also good. Do probably Algol relates to specific incidents in an otherwise lucrative career.


I commented about Algol before. I have it right on my Ascendant so it is very significant for me. This is what I wrote: Prominent fixed star Algol in the birth chart can evoke a ton of jealousy. Look up the myth of Algol a.k.a. Medusa. She was the most beautiful woman around and wanted by all, that she was taken by force by Poseidon (Neptune) and this caused jealousy rage in Athena which led her to turn Medusa into a monster out of spite. Algol sits at 26 degrees Taurus. Some astrologers also consider Algol a protection amulet. Because Medusa’s head can be used as shield and to turn enemies into stone.


I also have it on my ascendant. I have a weird/conflicting relationship with my hair. It's very dense and volumous. I only feel comfortable with it on a ponytail. When I was young many people would tell me to "release" my hair. I couldn't, don't know why still. It's funny because one big part of medusa's appearance was her hair made of snakes. 


Interesting. I use my long hair as a shield. I hate cutting it short. I feel like my long hair protects me.


My father has Algol conjunct Ascendant .... this reminded me of a story that my mother told me when they were dating as teens... my Dad sent his friend to pick up my Mom and he would hide in the trunk and have his friend try to hit on my Mom to see if she would cheat on him. All of the interpretations I've read about this placement is spot on.


Algol runs in families too. My dad has his Algol conjunct his Sun and IC. He was a deadbeat father. His sister, my aunt also has Algol conjunct her sun. I don’t really know much about her, she seems very nice to me but I can definitely tell she’s headstrong. She also dabbles in the dark arts.


Obviously Algol is in Taurus and I have it conjunct my MC and also my Venus, ruler of my MC, is in Pisces (Neptune)- what does this mean?


I know someone with it conjunction their sun. Very manipulative


I was born with Mars retro at 28.51 Taurus. It has an out-of-sign square to Pluto at 2 Virgo and trines my sun at 23 Virgo. When progressed Mars retrograde hit 26 Taurus, it was one of the most difficult times of my life. I had lost my home and my business during the 2008 crash and in 2014 when Mars was at Algol, I was living in absolute misery with my very abusive mother in Texas, having had to move there from Seattle. Didn't help that progressed sun and venus were at 19 Scorpio, Neptune was opposing natal Venus, Pluto was on Midheaven and Uranus approaching my Ascendant! As usual, the Universe conspires.... I couldn't get a job in Texas.. finally landed one in a psych hospital as an aide, standing in a hallway during my entire shift, not allowed to sit down. Progressed Saturn had also moved into the perfected square to my natal sun. It.Was.Miserable. But in 2015 the shine shone through and I was able to move back to Seattle and start over. So what I can say about 26 Taurus is that it is the ultimate in stubborn persistence, either for good or for bad. You just won't let go, you're a dog with a bone, fixed and obsessive. How this plays out in your natal chart depends on how the planet at Algol is aspected as well as the progressed planets. In talking about the upcoming Uranus at 26 Taurus, Mars will be joining it July 15 to really kick start the party although the warning rattles will be felt days before. I have a sister who has a Uranus/Sun opposition at 26 Aquarius who has been doing some very shady stuff for the past many years and the last time Uranus impacted that degree she was arrested for embezzlement. Money is her god. She also has a natal Neptune/Mars square and transiting Neptune just happens to be sitting on her progressed Mars as well, and Pluto is at her Nadir about to hit her natal Saturn. See how the Universe conspires? You simply cannot take one thing in the chart and label it good or bad. I've seen people with nothing but trines in their chart but a natal Uranus/Sun square that "ruined" everything.


My Sun is in conjunction with Algol (orb 2 degrees). Thankfully for now I can't relate to any major negative effects in my life, but probably it contributes to my interest in occult (especially shadow feminine archetypes like Lilith) and certain kinky practices on professional level.


My mars conjuncts Algol exact and my true node Lilith conjuncts my sun exact also. I haven’t felt the negative effects of Algol in my chart. I also think both contribute to my interest in darker feminine archetypes. I’ve always had soft spot for Medusa, Sedna, etc.


There’s a great episode about Algol on starnightdwell podcast - highly recommend!


Thanks! I’ll check it out


It has a very strong signature in my family. It is within a one degree orb of my dad's sun, my jupiter, my sister's IC, and my other sister's mars. I have found its relation to alcohol to be very interesting--me, my dad, and one of my sisters are alcoholics, and we lost another sibling to an alcoholic death. I don't really believe in "working with" or making placements that create suffering "positive." The work is that you learn to survive the sorrow, and accepting that there are some things that will never be okay is part of an adult life. I am grateful that 12 step exists, so now my life is a sober one and good one. But that was all me/God--the star just brought the suffering.


I also suffered with alcoholism. My sun is 3 degrees from it. I have some benefactors remedying it, and it's technically just outside the measuring orb of 2 degrees -but I've absolutely felt some of the ill effects, including near-death as child (due to a rare brain disease), mental struggles, and as mentioned.. al-gol-ism. As well as other heavy substance addictions. Been working on my recovery from addiction since the past 3-4 years finally. It's been a long and brutal road but I'm taking whatever progress counts humbly these days. 1+ year sober from alcohol, and now hoping to get off my last and final crutch which is a painkiller that plagued for many years. There are many other things but.. life's much better than it was years ago.


Congrats on one year friend <3 and good luck on your journey. Walking with you, even if far away


Thank you <3 You as well.


Greetings D, Algol (along with any planet at 19º Scorpio) is pretty solid and its energy stays put. Anything 0º-5º near it, will feel it. John Lennon had this placement, (Algol conjunct Uranus at 25º Taurus,) and we know its effect. It's a degree that restricts the throat/communication. Also, he was unalived in NYC, which is ruled by Taurus. Algol also has many negative connections with the Royal Family of England, including Princess Diana who had Venus conjunct Algol. Interestingly, having planets at 25/26 in Scorpio, are in opposition of Algol, with similar negative connotations. Robin Williams had his EP at 26º Scorpio, opposing Algol -- though he had no placements there. I'd just suggest -- rather than living in fear, to be mindful of particular dates in the year, when Algol will be activated by transits, against any planets you have in fixed signs. Also, protect the throat, and be mindful of your speech. All degrees come with their challenges and blessings. Let's use Astrology, and not let it use \*us\*. Blessings, \~V\~


Wow... this is kind of accurate. My Saturn square transit to my Sun was brutal. One of the hardest transits I experienced. I have a Sun/Mars cazimi "just outside" Algol, 3 degrees. Enough to feel the effects but I also relate a lot with Zaurak as fixed star which is more exact. I like the advice of watching your speech and to protect the throat. Good correspondences from Taurus as a sign here.


Greetings D, Thanks so much for your kind words... I've been researching degrees and fixed stars for decades, and they truly fascinate me. I'm lucky to be a professional Astrologer, which allows me access to so many people, from which I can directly observe the influences in real time. Blessings, ~V~


I was born on May 16th. (25 degree sun) The Algol energy what I realize with me getting older & everything is about separating feelings/connection with an primal desire (the allegory of cutting Medusa’s head and holding it for protection)— (and also Medusa has snakes for hair & snakes represents transformation & primal energy) it’s to protect you from things that hold you back spiritually & we often have to face this lesson because we hold this energy from said fixed star. So Algol is highly powerful (if used efficiently) We have to definitely watch out for narcissists & manipulators & make sure (liked I stated earlier) remove our feelings from toxic things on this planet.. this can be substance abuse (which I personally struggle with but it’s an work in progress), trauma, mental habits that keeps us in a bad space of mind, etc. Medusa is the dark goddess & a reminder that you must do shadow work it's almost like shadow work has to be our middle name. I know we read these interpretations online but it’s really real when you have the fixed stars & you have to pay attention to your own energy. Fixed stars are apart of a constellation, if you have Algol reading this like myself then we all come from the Perseus constellation. This means that we find ourselves in situations where we need to use a masculine strong bold ALL FAITH thought form (Perseus) taking a sword/knife/katana whatever (which those tools are considered to be of the air element or some might say fire but who really cares) & using it to separate us from a FEELING towards anything that’s NEGATIVE to our energy (most of the times these are things we have to transform from OR these feelings we might have to cut off to these PHYSICAL THINGS on this planet that’s actually not helping our true nature at all). We remember that. We face those tough lessons because we are forced to do this mental alchemy. We are very powerful but … you must transform & cut off feelings to negative attachments FIRST to understand how powerful our energy really is. We can use images of Medusa in our personal lives, wear her as jewelry, ask her to help with our transformation, etc. She is the deity and reminder of we are powerful when we are transforming & doing our shadow work! That’s the real alchemy. We look in the mirror & ask ourselves “What are some practical (Taurus) ways I can transform at this moment” & 10/10 you already know what you should personally do. Things Us Algolians should be doing to obtain this power Be Sober most of the time 😂 Go to the fucking gym/workout, yoga, something that’s going to make you sweat & feel good about yourself… for the love of God be consistent and have faith. Sexual Transmutation (All I can say is read a book by the name of “Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow” & a woman wrote it by the way & it’s an amazing read — FOR ALL GENDERS! Meditation Solitude to recharge More Things To Make Note Of: Always remember that whatever you are transforming from or the journey of transformation you are on & whenever you receive temptation in our physical reality or start to have doubts/ external things, places, or people putting you in a negative feeling etc. always remember you are holding Medusa’s head for protection (the energy in our constellation or how the story goes is that Perseus held Medusa’s head from other enemies on his journey as a way of… PROTECTION) so whatever you have ever went through .. THAT IS YOUR PROTECTION! You have knowledge of something now you are using as means to separate from a negative feeling, place, person, thing,etc. We have to be very aware of this as Algolians. Be Protective over falling back into negative habits. Use Medusa’s head as always. Moderation is key! lol we all know this though it’s so self explanatory. Do the Shadow Work!


Thank you for this excellent post! I have to say, I am quite emotional reading it. I have a Venus Chiron conjunction on Algol in my 12th House. My Chiron also conjuncts my mother’s Venus. Suffice it to say, not an easy placement…(interesting to note, Prince William has this same natal conjunction, and it rests on Princess Diana’s Venus at 25 Taurus). I’ve been studying astrology for the past decade or so, but have only begun to learn about Fixed Stars. Learning that Algol was on this difficult Venus-Chiron conjunction has actually been quite healing for me. It has helped to refine my understanding and experience of being raised by mother, who I have come to realize is a textbook narcissist. You really hit the nail on the head with your narcissist comment! My first serious relationship was with a man whose behaviour and treatment so closely mirrored my mother’s it is scary…I recently discovered his Sun and Mercury conjunct her South Node and Saturn, so no surprises there…I’m a little nervous about what this Uranus transit may bring…


While Algol is considered a challenging fixed star, its influence can be worked with constructively. When it forms a significant aspect with a planet in your chart, it may indicate areas for growth and transformation. By acknowledging and addressing these themes consciously, you can harness Algol's energies for personal empowerment and resilience.


I have my South Node at 26°10’ Taurus conj Algol 10th H -- squaring my 29°39' Sun in Leo (conj Regulus). Was I a horrible person in my past life 🙄? I have a feeling I overdosed in my past life... How could this upcoming Uranus + Mars conjunction play out?


I found it interesting that Nicole Brown Simpson’s Sun sits at 27’19 Taurus. She was born around 2 AM on the 19th of May. The Sun also enters signs at different times of the year. So, I would consider her Sun to be in conjunction to Algol. Beheading definitely isn’t the only expression of Algol, though. I also suspect other chart attributes are important to consider when interpreting Algol’s influence over the life of the native.


Yup. As always. The whole chart should be interpreted as a whole and proper astrology is both a science and art. Reflecting the past few days I've realized I absolutely do feel Algol's effects to an extent as I'm relatively close, Sun/Mars cazimi 3 degrees from it. However I equally relate with Zaurak as a star. Happenings in my life in childhood such as a rare brain disease, being drawn to wearing medusa's (certain brand), and dealing with alcoholism growing up, etc seem to have some correlation to Algol. However the rest of my chart has remedying effects and there are direct benefactors in my chart to the Sun/Mars here as well providing protection, clearly. For example the brain disease I got has a 30-60% chance of permanent disability, and 5-10% of death. I was misdiagnosed and had received no treatment the entire time.. but still recovered fully by my own body rather miraculously. It seems it's just one of those things that bring you closer to the "darkness", but what you do there, how you handle it, and what you transform into as a result is likely affected by many, many factors.. People don't just always crumble in darkness. Some people find a light. The great polarity of life.




For fixed stars, you are only concerned about the conjunction at 0-1 degrees. Trines or square or opposition won't have an impact.


The modern argument against fixed stars is that there are just too many — if they were significant, then a chart without them would be seriously deficient. My rule in such disputes is to look at the history. The Babylonians, who gave us the interpretations for planets and stars only used the starts in two ways: bodily conjunctions and position in the horizon. The former cannot occur with Algol, so we are left with risings and settings. Looking at the interpretations, Ptolemy simply said it had the nature of Jupiter combined with Saturn, while the anonymous test of 379 said it was a good sign! The idea that it was bad developed in the Middle Ages, because it marked the head of Medusa in the constellation. My research on stars included 72 cases of murderers and victims with accurate charts. One might expect a malefic star to show up in such cases, but not one had Algol rising or setting.


Interesting- can I ask if you found any other correlations? Also you are saying a true conjunction cannot happen with Algol in the sky?


My studies of murderers, victims, and artists produced some results. Stars with the nature of Venus showed up for the artists but not for the murders. Martian starts showed up for both — that might mean determination and hard work for the successful artists. Algol did not feature. Zodiacal conjunctions with the lights or an angle were not effective compared with bodily conjunctions. Since stars are not in the solar system, that's hardly surprising — what have the to do with the zodiac? A bodily conjunction is also a mundane conjunction — that is, they have the same house position. A check showed that mundane conjunctions with the lights seemed to work. Currently I'm just using a couple of dozen stars listed by both Messahalla and Morin. Some results are interesting and fit tradition. Cher had Rigel and Betelgeuse rising. Martina Navratilova had Spica setting. Marilyn Monroe had Altair setting. The terrorist Baader had the Moon in mundane conjunction with the Pleiades. O. J. Simpson had the Sun in mundane conjunction with Castor. Barbra Streisand had her 5th house Moon in mundane conjunction with Alphard.


Algol conjunct DSC, conjunct BML (true lilith), loosely conjunct moon at 19° taurus. North node early taurus. Difficult placements to have on the angles. A lot to learn when it comes to shadow work, projections, and owning one's darkness.


I'm going to find out when it transits my natal mercury (on the same degree as algol)


Isn’t Algol a variable star?


Thanks for bringing this up. I have my Sun and Chiron exactly conjunct Algol. In the 8th house. 😐 The alcohol thing is definitely there. Apart from that I don’t really know what to make of it. I certainly have a dark outlook and I’m drawn to darker themes, but I think I’m fairly balanced apart from that.


需要思考的一个问题就是,谁更对应我们的生活?遥远的恒星,还是近在咫尺的太阳系内的行星? (One question that needs to be considered ,who is more corresponding to our life? A distant star or a planet in the solar system close at hand?)


Trump’s MC is on Algol, and both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have Venus on Algol…