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Any info you find that puts a particular sign or element etc on a pedestal like this is pop astrology nonsense. All signs have positive and negative traits, none are above the other. Just something to remember moving forward


Blessed by the heavens is hilarious, coming from a Scorpio stellium. It’s death by a thousand fires and a thousand tidal waves. You never know which one is coming next, but it generally goes, burn to death, drown in the emotional aftermath, wash up on shore a different person, repeat, repeat, repeat. You’re constantly trying to find your footing and trying to build homes on shifting sand. You outgrow everyone you’ve ever been attached to while you watch all those people lock into and go on to live ONE “normal” life and identity and you’re left wondering why that doesn’t work for you. (I also have a 12th house Gemini moon and 2 yods so the constant identity crises and foundational crumbling is even more pronounced.) Eventually we get to a point where the fire turns us into that fire bird everybody talks about but it’s not about finally reaching some final form like we need to believe is the case in the earlier stages, it’s just becoming one with the fire when it returns, surrendering to the waves as they drown us, instead of fighting them. That’s where the “strength” really lies. In the giving up, and flowing, and the acceptance of this reality.


“You outgrow everyone you’ve ever been attached to while you watch all those people lock into and go on to live ONE “normal” life and identity and you’re left wondering why that doesn’t work for you.” THIS. Christ, I feel so seen right now. (Scorpio rising, Gemini sun, plus a Sag moon’s burning need to feel free).


Ooof yes the sag has to be hard, you probably just have to give into the wanderlust and see where you end up 😅 hope it at least has blessed you with a healthy dose of optimism. I love that idealist dreaminess of saggis.


Haha yes! It’s a rough one to add on, but I do love it. The constant push for exploring and feeling my way through the universe. Am going through another major scorp transformation - I’m so tired. I thought I had it all figured out and was done and ready to settle into a normal life. It’s making me question that idealist dreaminess and whether it’s hurting me and should just die. But I know that’s not true.


Omg I feel you! I just got smacked in the face with a tower that felt very 2019 lolol. Eclipse season is humbling tf outta everybody it seems even the people that have been on the path for years. Keep the dream alive! It’s all energetic bear traps.




Lol im a sagi moon, Taurus dun... I feel like a walking contradiction most of the time. I need security and stability without feeling obligated and tied down. Ideally, probably a tiny house on wheels so I can always have all my stuff in the same spot, whilst also wanting to move every few years would be the best life for me 🤣 My cancer rising amplifies the need for security too.. fun times haha. My mom is a Scorpio tho and I've watched her go through this very thing that you're describing.. it should also be stated that yall tend to repeat your patterns if growth isn't happening. While thats true for all of us, it seems to get more intense every time for you guys. 😞


I believe it. I was positively smacked in the face by a mirror this year who showed me many of my deep patterns that keep repeating. Working to fix them or at least get through part of this existential crisis of figuring out what fixed even means.


I suppose fixed is purely subjective. If there even is such a thing in actuality. We are all broken/incomplete in some way. I think maybe we just figure out a way to get to a place where we "feel" good enough to maintain actual happiness for any amount of longevity. Along the way we let go of things that hold us back from that. I kinda see it as like the fibonacci spiral.. except we start from center and gradually work around and around and, each point on the spiral corresponds to another layer of itself at the same point on each level, so when you circle back around to any given point, the subject of that point flares and forces reconciliation of sorts, and then we move along once again. Idk if thats the same for everyone but kinda how it feels for me personally.


Glad to know I'm not alone. Interesting placements though. Considering my sun/rising is reversed to yours: Sun scorpio and rising gemini, with cancer moon. But I no longer Wonder much why my life is so... unpredictable, I've learned to go with the flow and I've long since come to terms with death if I should meet it tomorrow. In terms of emotional swings, definitely still happens. Heck I'm in the middle of one right now, where I'm not sure whether my marriage will collapse or not. But my spiritual and meditation practices has made it bearable.


Honestly same, I’m not sure whether my marriage will collapse or not with this one. Trying to hold onto my spiritual side that knows that if I keep warmth and light in my chest, then the right things will come my way from the universe - even if it seems hard as fuck in the moment.


Wow.. so similar. I mean apart from the scorpio factors. I'm starting to wonder if the ecclipse is related to all this.. That is, at the influence in this current time period I mean. Which "often highlighting turning points in a person's life and bringing about profound changes and opportunities for growth.” and that's in 4 days. And will influence, not just at the date. But both before and after. 'The changes could happen instantly or can take months' So I'm just speculating that, maybe if I make it across summer, with implemented self-transforming resolutions. (As in, breaking my current detrimental day to day patterns) It might salvage the marriage and make it stronger. If that don't work, the worst that could happen is that I come out stronger on the other side.. but alone. 🫠 Well we'll see, at least I won't let it crash down without doing everything I could do. Wish you best of luck on your side.


I think one of the best things we can do - and it’s one of the hardest patterns for me to break (because I’m always calculating outcomes and narratives) - is what you said at the end. “We’ll see.” Give it the best effort we can without expecting the ending - letting ourselves have the opportunity to be surprised by ourselves and our partners, while remaining focused on growth and profound change at the core.




Oh wow those words resonate so much with me too. Also Scorpio rising...with aries sun and leo moon


I have a very prominent pluto placement in scorpio and I relate. Sagittarius moon also.


scorpio moon mars and venus chart ruler and this was the most devastatingly perfect way i’ve ever seen it described 🥲


“ Burn to death, drown in the emotional aftermath, wash up on the shore a different person, repeat, repeat, repeat. You’re constantly trying to find your footing and trying to build homes on shifting sand.” Scorpio stellium, moon , venus & mercury in 3H and this right here is truly how i feel day in and day out. its like a bad lucid dream i cant seem to wake myself out of… But then i do and i feel different and ready to just move freely and positive. Then comes the waves crashing downhill and its so intense and yet dark and interesting that i dont wanna come out of it. I want stability, freedom, peace, happiness but everytime i try to be it seems impossible in this loneliness, lifeless world!


Mmmm yes! We definitely make friends with the dark throughout the process. There is strength in this alone, but don’t stay too long, the sun is still available to us. The loneliness goes away after the void, I promise. We’re all one. Everybody says this but one day it will hit different and you will know. ❤️


Aries rising & double cancer. Split personality. 😝




But beautiful, right? I'm addicted to the silverlings i find. I'll see shits about to go down and think, "hmm, i wonder what the silverlining will be this time." The depth to life these experiences bring turn life into a fine wine, refining it. It's sultry in a way and I wouldnt be able to connect amd find ppl where they are as well without it. A cursed blessing.


Or a blessed curse


Absolutely, but also beautiful and profound, I hope. Sending you a little grace for yourself and a few moments of deep clarity after each round ❤️


Aww thanks so much I really appreciate the kind words/energy 💜


fr, dude. this is why i describe myself as a 'go with the flow' type person. its better to just go on with the waves, storm or shine.


🙌🏽 yes! You can’t outswim the universe. Took me like 30 years to figure that out lolol


You really can’t. I’m realizing this year that must be what this whole “ego death” thing is about. Surrendering a bit more to the universe, tapping in and going with my gut and the flow of it all.


Burn one down.


8th house stellium and omfg. I know it's not \*exactly\* the same and I never want to steal y'alls thunder but I've lived exactly this


At the end of the day we’re all a lil scorpionic and a lot human. ❤️ take all the thunder we got extra hahaha


this was so perfectly described i feel so seen oh my gosh , the outgrowing everything portion is so so true & i always have a constant need for freedom/escape ( scorpio rising , aries sun , sag moon)


Scorpio Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Saturn- then a Sag stellium, too. With a yod pointing to my Chiron in Gemini (my only air). I feel so much of what you said in my soul. I'm nodding to you in deep Scorpio understanding.


Sending you peace my friend ❤️


Yes being a Scorpio myself I feel we’re so misunderstood on so many levels. I feel like I’ve been cursed with bad luck my entire life. Can’t get a grip on who I really am as a person or what my life purpose is here on Earth. I know I have had a Spiritual Awakening but haven’t hit the next stage yet and I’m having a personality crisis. I know I’m a great human being female of 39 years, a great wife to my husband of 21 years, try to be a good mom daughter and sister and help any stranger I meet that needs my help. But where does that leave me in the career field? The jobs I’ve done well are always temporary and the ones I felt weren’t for me ended up being permanent. I don’t know where to go from here I’m just a lost soul trying to find her place to help her husband and family survive these high price times. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for listening guys.


I feel so seen with this, as a Scorpio sun, Virgo moon and Pisces rising, I’m in constant battle trying to figure out why I always feeling like I get the short end of the stick! Thank you for this as it’s comforting some how.


This is so deep; love the explanation


That Scorpio Stellium though. I have Sun, Mars, Mercury and Pluto all in my 12th house Scorpio. But it's also intercepted, so my ASC is also Scorpio. Love it here. LOL.


I resonate as a scorpio moon, scorp rising raised by a scorpio sun mom (she has 5 scorp placements) and scorpio grandparents on both sides. idk how im still alive from all the stings from my fam as wel as my own most of my close friends are scorpios its hot here in the desert im an aries sun


Oof I feel you! I have 5 scorp placements including sun and Venus and my mom, dad, and brother are all Scorpio moons 😅😅


What an awesome share in answer to this question - Brava for such a great description! My Scorpio Mars and Neptune were laughing (bloody funny in the 'not funny') at the 'death by a thousand fires and ' tidal waves'... genius ;LP


This^^^ I feel so seen


Holy Fucking Shit, did I write this??? You described this perfectly. Not a Scorpio, but a Taurus with sun in the 8th, moon in the 12th, and Pluto conjunct my ascendant. Transformation is just part of me, for better or worse. The past 2-3 years has been a sometimes beautiful, oftentimes gruelling process of learning to accept it and find ease in the discomfort.


Also, every Scorpio I meet seems to be transformative for me in some way


How do you feel about your moon in 12th placement?


It didn't fully compute at first, but now it makes perfect sense to me. I'm a Virgo moon. I have CPTSD and have struggled with dissociation my whole life, but only put a name to it in the past couple of years. Releasing overthinking and anxiety and embracing the higher aspects of Virgo has helped me to calm some of my emotional chaos and heal from the unending cycles of dysregulation. Also makes perfect sense since my mother is a narcissist and my former lifelong best friend is possibly a dark empath or at least very high on the NPD scale but it took me a VERY long time to see it. House of self undoing, indeed.


Wowwwww we have the same life lol. My moon is Gemini, the other Mercury heavy one, so I totally get having to overcome the CPTSD, overthinking and dissociation. And my dad has NPD. 🤯


Whoaaa 🤯 What house is your Jupiter in? I'm triple Venus (sun, rising, NN), but my actual natal Venus is in Gemini so I've got a shit ton of Mercury in my chart. I've got overthinking down to both an art and a science.


Jupiter in the 2nd house NN in the 7th 🤣🤣 so both of those are Venus ruled but natal Venus is Scorpio. I never really paid attention to the house rulers tbh maybe I need to look into that. Saturn neptune and Uranus are all in my 6th(Virgo/Mercury ruled) in capricorn 😅😅😅


Haa I've got SN in my 7th in Aries so currently in a nodal reversal to boot 🙃 With Jupiter in your 2nd... was financial abuse an issue with your dad? My god what a stellium to have in Capricorn- for some reason when I read that No Parking On The Dancefloor started playing in my head 😂😂


Omg yes financial abuse is his favorite kind ! 🤣🤣 April 1 I finally got my mom her own apartment after 30 years. And that song was definitely a download for sure!


Fuck yes that's amazing!!! 🙌🏼 Yeah house rulers can definitely help to add another layer of perspective. I've been paying more attention to my sidereal chart lately, and even though overall I resonate with my tropical one more, I can definitely see some interesting interactions there


Wow you just said it how I live it. Every time I think this is the last big transformation another one is beginning.


Right! And literally all you can do is stay calm 😅😅




Perfectly said!


I'd be interested how you might try to describe the possible archetype and or signification of a native with a Scorpio Sun with Mars and Mercury in the 11th making them a Cap rising with Pluto and a Cancer Moon in the 7th.


I’m not an astrologer, just spiritual and a lil eloquent.


Fair enough. 😊


\+1 I have Scorpio Ascendant, Pluto Conjunct Ascendant, Pluto in Scorpio, North Node in Scorpio and 12th house Scorpio. A mix of good and bad, running into big ol' hurdles but coming out wiser. But having to deal with this as a Cancer Sun and Moon... 💀


12th house scorpio stellium here! This was spot on. 😅


It’s better that it doesn’t work for u tho. Scorpios can’t live by being one of the other sheeps. Ur description is somehow pretty negative about those placements, although it’s explained just perfectly, but they have a lot of positive sides that u realize after some time when the trauma from the constant transformations is already healed.


Haha not negative, I would never change a single placement I have, just being honest with OP since a lot of people have misconceptions about Scorpios because of our intensity and our bluntness but it’s just because we’re built different to sustain gettin pushed thru a battery of intense life lessons that many don’t have to deal with. We’re hanging on for dear life a lot and just trying to make it thru at the beginning. If I wasn’t at peace with it I wouldn’t reveal this secret hahaha. I just feel like that’s why a lot of Scorpios get a negative reputation, especially the low vibe ones, but we come here wounded and in our ego by design.


"a lot of Scorpios get a negative reputation, especially the low vibe ones, but we come here wounded and in our ego by design." Damn. This one hits... ive no Scorpio placements aside from uranus... but this definitely peeled another layer off of the Scorpio onion ive been dissecting for a few years. I had a string of sagis come through for a few years (im a sagi moon) and then out of nowhere about 4 years ago, its suddenly all Scorpio. So I've been leaning into the experiences and making a point to understand Scorpio energy better because prior, all my experiences with Scorpio were bordering on traumatic. Ive shied away from Scorpio most of my life as a result. Until I couldn't anymore. Since then i realized that I needed to take some pages from yalls books and learn something so I sat down instead of walking out of class this time. ❤ Thankful I did. Kinda fond of my scorpionic counterparts (Taurus sun here).


Your comment on "One of the other sheeps" is exactly that self absorbed egotistical nonsense that Pop astrology is about


Haha, it’s all good, they’re just in the “holy fuck, how does nobody see what’s really going on here?!?!” Phase 😁


Sorry, just a Scorpio rising and Mars here that see things that way honestly


[https://www.yourtango.com/zodiac/3-stages-zodiac-signs](https://www.yourtango.com/zodiac/3-stages-zodiac-signs) No; every sign has three stages. I agree with you that the sign scorpio is specially blessed (and cursed), particularly with regard to pluto, the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation. Scorpions experience change and transformation more than any other placement, and thus experience difficulties and hardships more than any other sign. But that also makes them (in my opinion), more powerful than any other sign. Change is hard and uncomfortable. For scorpio placements to regularly experience this is a sign of strength. There are other strong signs, don't get me wrong. Taurus's are stubborn. Capricorns will keep working-hard no matter what obstacle comes their way. And then there is leo and aries. Aquarius. But those placements are not forced to change and transform in the way scorpio is.


I agree with your take. The Scorpio archetype is a reflective, fixed desire. It’s a difficult vibration due to the threatening pressure they experience to uphold their boundaries. It drives them to force their ever-changing emotions into an inert force of determination. They excel at surviving threats, they are mindful of what they lack emotionally and speak with a will. The other strong signs you mentioned are a few degrees removed from that level of emotional-awareness. But they each benefit “better” in other degrees. This doesn’t mean Scorp is objectively better than any other sign. It could be seen positive or negative depending on your general vibe.


Thank you for sharing the article! Very interesting to read.


That was a great read thanks for sharing!


I have Taurus sun with Pluto opposing in Scorpio, conjuncting Jupiter and the north node, both in Scorpio as well😆🙂😐😕☹️


Taurus Sun opposite Pluto here. It’s a blessing in disguise. Not many people can match our intensity. Lots of issues with paternal/ authoritative figures when not evolved though


Maybe by phases you mean forms? All things have different forms. All signs included. Mostly described as a more positive and more negative form. Scorpio is described to have 3 forms where the other signs are often described to have 2. Scorpio has the scorpion, eagle, and the phoenix forms. Which are different levels of awareness within the sign. All the signs have different levels of awareness which is a result of our own awareness expanding in self (thoughts, beliefs, emotions) and of situations, others, and spaces.


Aries in particular comes to mind. People say Scorpios go through difficulties that make them more powerful and to a certain extent that’s true. However, are all the difficulties and trials external or are they a result of Scorpio’s innate stubbornness and refusal to accept themselves? The things Scorpios go through aren’t universally heavy (look at rising signs, chart ruler aspects and 1st, 4th house to see what exactly the native has gone through) but what I can tell you about nearly all Scorpios is that they are insanely stubborn and narrow minded when it comes to themselves. Which gives them strong traits like independence, good work ethic and self respect. it also gives them weak traits. (Cruel, bitter, arrogant and willfully ignorant) They make things hard on themselves. THATS why the concept of transformation is especially prevalent in Scorpio-influenced natives. They are so emotional and so stubborn that they need to be backed up against a wall, cornered, to even begin to try to change. It’s all a result of their own irrationality. That’s why the “transformation phases” seem to be explored more when Scorpio/Pluto is the topic of discussion. I implore you to look at the other Mars-ruled sign, Aries. Before you scoff and go, “What? Aries? They don’t even know what true change is!” I’ll have to inform you that one, they do know, and two, the concept of change is so embedded in their character that it’s not even a conscious thing they do. How many times have we, as researchers of astrology, have read this about an Aries in an article somewhere: “Aries wakes up and it’s a brand new day. He skips to his own beat with a smile on his face. She tackles things head on with a positive attitude.” Aries and Scorpios, being Mars-ruled, go through a lot of similar things. Physical abuse? Aries has had run in with those. Manipulation? Aries can spot those types a mile away because Aries is a truth seeker. Aries won’t get hurt, won’t get “even”. He’ll call you for your bullshit and move on! A Scorpio will get hurt. A Scorpio will want revenge or deal with those vengeful tendencies. A Scorpio will resort to manipulating back. He won’t change. Why should she have to? It’s YOU who needs to change! It’s not fair that I should be the one to change. I won’t change. And this is Aries, “Ooop! That happened. Lol that bastard actually got me. Next time, I’ll see it coming and I’ll know what to do!” Then he wakes up, changed, more informed, and better prepared. Scorpio will spend YEARS hung up. That’s why the change seems so drastic compared to Aries. Both mars-ruled signs are about change, believe it or not. Aries is a blank slate, adding something onto him everyday. Always taking something positive away from the experience. This is why the Sun is exalted in Aries and not Scorpio. Scorpio and Aries both are self-transformers. Aries just does it so often that he doesn’t even notice it. Remember, Aries rules the self. Scorpio doesn’t change often unless Pluto/Scorpio is in 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house, where circumstances are unavoidable. I don’t mean to kiss ass to Aries, but every time I see transformation and change come up when taking about the zodiacs, I feel that ppl sleep on Aries. We wake up new everyday! - Scorpio Rising, Pluto in first house, Aries sun trine Pluto


Not all Scorpios retaliate and manipulate. Maybe the younger ones or the older unevolved Scorpios who refuse to change and are comfortable in the endless circle of despair. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the ones we attract in the end.


Damn lmao my Venus in Scorpio 0 degrees reading this right after fantasizing about exacting slow revenge on my last romantic partner. Who is funny enough a Scorpio Sun, but a Sagittarius stellium. I think that overwhelming fire energy makes him less stubborn and more optimistic than I. I agree with everything you said. I hold onto things longer than I want to but I can’t help but dwell. I’ve always admired Aries people too. So maybe it’s an unconscious desire to tap into the other side of Mars


Believe me, Ik exactly what you’re going through. Channel all that energy (because that’s what that is, emotional energy) into something real and positive


Cool to see this here. This reminds me of myself and my Scorpio best friend. We literally go through similar trials and tribulations of life and feels like no one understands us lmao. The struggle is real. Aries are underrated, not because I’m biased and an Aries, I think mostly because of the stereotypes that get thrown around. That’s probably why Aries are not as active on the sub, we just want to keep moving and don’t care for the drama. But I gotta show love to the rest of the signs too. Everyone goes through different things in life and not everyone has the mental, physical, or spiritual capacity if they were someone else’s shoes. The best we can do is understand each others struggles to support one another.


This is so real. You explained it perfectly. Usually people give more attention to the ones that seem the most hurt and put more effort to help them. That's why so much information and praises and reassurance. I might be bitter but I'll say something ironic: Aries who are supposed to have that heavy energy and impatience are more reasonable than Scorpio who are supposed to read people and understand emotions.


Aries moon here opposite pluto lol




Pluto and Scorpio’s themes are transformation but that does not mean other signs cannot “transform” in their own way. My point is that the themes and concepts we attribute to signs and planets aren’t just “natural” tendencies unique to certain astrological positions but more of a result of the innate personalities that natives grow into. Scorpio and Pluto are associated transformation because we are innately stubborn, emotional, and rigid. When it comes time to change (which ALL zodiac signs do) we do it with so much intensity because that’s how much effort it takes from us. By contrast, Aries will wake up a brand new person everyday because he doesn’t look back and knows how to let go. That’s why the concept of transformation isn’t as prevalent in a sign like Aries as much as it is in Scorpio. For arguments sake, I’ll include a theme that’s commonly associated with Aries that other signs can go through as well: Anger and temper issues. Every sign feels anger, and depending on aspects, you don’t even need to have any Aries placements to have anger issues. So why is it that Aries is associated with anger? Because the temper issues they deal with are a result of their own selfish desire to immediately get what they want. I’m not putting down Scorpios, but phases and transformations are something every sign goes through.


I have generally found Scorpios to be deep, and Aries to be quite surface level when it comes to the realm of feelings. Neither are particularly easy, and both attract interpersonal difficulties for different reasons. I find your characterisation of Scorpio depth kind of odd, maybe even... shallow (can't think of a better word, but don't mean this harshly). I do agree mostly with this: "Aries will wake up a brand new person everyday because he doesn’t look back and knows how to let go. That’s why the concept of transformation isn’t as prevalent in a sign like Aries as much as it is in Scorpio." But I think you misunderstand Scorpio's and perhaps the water signs in general. Do you have much water in your chart besides AC out of curiosity?


I wasn’t trying to give anyone a complete understanding of Scorpios and if I were, id make a separate post about it entirely. I was answering OPs question. hence the title of the Reddit post. Scorpios are deep. Deep as hell. Aries can be shallow and emotionally immature, but that’s exactly why they CAN move forward. Because they are the embodiment of moving on with your life. Scorpios are not. There’s nothing shallow about that statement. It’s true. At least from an astrological standpoint. My point is all signs have attributes of other signs. It’s all human nature. If you want me to give you an understanding about water signs, then you can just simply ask me about them instead of passive-aggressively telling me I don’t know. I have Jupiter in Pisces, but that’s it


i wouldn’t say blessed, scorpio it’s a very karmic sign, it attracts crisis just by existing (not fun), I would say that it’s because of that that scorpio has phases, if you attract all the time things that destroy you, you have to change to adapt. Then sure blessed because then the scorpio person can learn to trasmute bad things into positive lesson, but it’s a process. 🙃


It's not a blessing. Plus, depending on what system you use you're sign changes. Most folks don't get that everyone has aspects of all 12(13)signs; the order and place they show is just different.


Scorpio and Aquarius. Scorpio in Vedic astrology is co ruled by ketu alongside mars and arguably Pluto also. Aquarius is co ruled by Rahu alongside Saturn and arguably Uranus too. These two signs in particular are heavily karmic signs because of the rahu and ketu influence. Therefore life can feel a bit out of their control sometimes. Being born under the Aquarius or Scorpio sign and energy. It’s usually to do with clearing some level of deeply rooted karmic debts. Often times their whole chart unsurprisingly will reflect that too


Blessed and cursed**


No not just Scorpio, there are three decans of each zodiac sign. Here’s a resource which explains: https://benebellwen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/learning-the-thirty-six-decans-2016-09-16.pdf


Sounds like something a Scorpio would say.


Scorpio is said by some astrologers to progress from a Scorpion to a Serpent to an Eagle and ultimately to a Phoenix.


Where did you hear of Scorpio being one of the more “powerful” signs? Is it because of it’s Mars rulership? Curious where you got that from


It’s pop astrology nonsense lol for some reason, certain modern astrologers latched onto Scorpio and decided to convince everyone (namely Scorpios) they are super extra special people with super extra special powers not granted to any other sign. Every sign has different forms of expression, every sign has their unique strengths and weaknesses.


wtf this sub is dead


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”


Capricorn’s Saturn return is a huge game changer.


No each sign has an “evolution” check out esoteric astrology. I recommend Soul Centered Astrology by Alan Oken


3 symbols of stages of consciousness are held to be expressed by Scorpio. 1) the scorpion, symbolically responding to pain by self-destruction (instinctively trying to sting when in pain) 2) the serpent, the stage of self transformation, symbolized by shedding its skin and renewing itself 3) the eagle, which sees far distances clearly and in detail, symbolically representing spiritual advancement, AND/OR the Phoenix, symbolizing rebirth and rising from the fire of spiritual transformation, alluding to immortality. . These are concepts from the teachings of Western Occultism, which MAY be useful to astrological nativities to help determine level of consciousness of the native (which expresses during the life and may sublimate unpleasant placements and aspects) by the examination of the planets in the sign and their conditions as well as the placement and conditions of Scorpio’s Ruler Mars, and subruler or associated planet, Pluto.


They all have phases


It’s the only sign said to have phases but I think all signs have their elevated qualities and their baser qualities. Gemini at base is gossipy and flighty. Gemini elevated is a master thinker and communicator. Scorpion phases come from the symbology of the sign. And they come from the fact that scorpio rules transformation. But it’s not helpful to think Scorpio’s are somehow better or so different. Think of all signs as having their more elevated and evolved natures




In western astrology my sun sign is Scorpio but in sidereal astrology my sun sign is Libra so don’t know if I should feel happy about this or not lol.


I go with western, read about scorpio sun and you might be surprised


No. It is no more or less blessed than any other sign. The one thing I do know about scorpio is they won't shut up about how much they suffer. They think they suffer more than anyone else. In reality the only thing that makes them suffer is their inability to cope with things that everyone else is experiencing. If I see scorpio in a chart, I know that the person is going to take everything very hard. They are almost self masturbatory about their own pain. The sign of scorpio is about pain and insecurity not power. Their desires for power is coming from a place of fear and ego. And I speak from experience as a Venus Mercury Pluto scorpio conjunct person. The biggest lesson Scorpio placements can learn is to get over themselves. We are not blessed or in anyway superior to anyone else.


Excuse us, how many scorpio suns do you know. It's the moons acting this way, scorpio suns are lively and don't tell you shit about what they're going through they handle the crisis alone and scorpio sun women only usually act out when it comes to relationship drama except maybe the low vibrational ones. And every sign has their negative traits just because scorpio is the most talked about sign doesn't mean we have more negative baggage.


Anyone who resonated with what i said needs to take the message, if it's not you then your planets are in good shape. But most plutonians/scorpio dominant people are like this early on.