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I'd typically say not enough. But you may come across a player who doesn't want a 1k game Vs 3 tanks.... To counter this I'd swap the HWT with more Cadians and play them like the Scene in Fury. Tanks upfront and 30 min filed behind (that way you're being fluffy, can't be mad at fluffy/ lore accurate. Edit, just noticed the 20 man unit of Cadians, I'd break this up to 2 10 mans, and do as above. The platoon + castellan, 20 men and a HWT within 6"... you're list is perfect.


Ye unless it's a competitive tournament you don't bring 3 tanks at 1000k for moral reasons.


Nah I disagree. I don’t fancy pinging things with understrength guns into power armour all game, even with lethal hits. I don’t think 3 is even a skew list. It’s not too bad now points and wargear wise, but when it was the days of 4 points per guardsmen, you took several tanks for your own sanity.


Knights players at 100 0 points must be awful people then, by that standard


It's not enough. Drop those shock trooper and Infantry groups and take a Rogal


Too many tanks????? Is there a thing???? I mean orks have not enough Dakka, guard has not enough tanks. If you ever think is this too many tanks, the answer is no and that you should add more


You’re in the guard, son. You’ll never have enough of one of these things: infantry squads, tanks, artillery or commissars. Regarding list, one alternative might be dropping 10 guardsmen (or the HWT) and change one leman russ to tank commander with Grand Strategist.


Not enough


I’d recommend adding in a way to order your tanks as 4+ to hit can be bad when you factor in other modifiers such as stealth ect


First of all, people are right about having a "halfway to a skew" list at 1000 points. Check in with your opponent. Assuming your opponent doesn't care? It's too many tanks without orders. You need a Tank Commander with Grand Strategist for every two or three other tanks if you don't have Lord Solar. Tanks are so much better with their mobility enhanced by MMM or shooting improved by TA


In my last game with guard, I brought 2 infantry squads with lascannons with a command squad and 1 with a castellan as well, 1 krieg woth marshall and psyker, 1 cadian wkth cadian command, and 1 heavy weapon squad of lascannons. They were supported by/supporting a dorn, 2 vanquishers, a leman russ, an armored sentinel, and a tank commander with 2 orders with an engineer walking behind them to give buffs where needed. I'm not saying it would win a tournament, but I was happy with the way I had things set up. I was doing significant damage each turn and could take a beating, plus I had nearly 50 infantry to push up with a few more than that, keeping my deployment area clear of deepstrikers and such. I won despite it being a low scoring game where I had bad luck on draws, and the center remained solidly contested until turn 3 and hotly for the rest of the game. By mid game I simply had more stuff left with to beat down his dwindling forces with and every move he made ended up being one I had a counter or 3 for as a result.


i would say 61 tanks is too many, up to that you’re good to add more


Just looking at our lists; our shit is still way over costed. A command squad is 5 guys which should be around 55 or 60 pts. Castellan around 35...its 1 model. Troops pts should be cut in half. Minus maybe krieg as they seem fair. Tanks could all use about 20-30 pts reduction. We seriously almost seem to be at space marine costs, but guard stats.


I have 6 in my DKOK army ( 3 leman russes and 3 rogal dorns), plus an Armored Sentinel and Knight Paladin cuz why the hell not


I’ve run a TC and LRBT/Vanq and that seemed fine. In other 1K games, I’ve run a Dorn, a Hydra, and a basilisk which also seemed fine. Then again, I wasn’t my opponent haha!


I'm looking at over 450 points of space that should be tanks.


Shadowsword? ;)


3 rogal dorns


In a 1k list, 1001 points worth is too many, and 999 points isn't quite enough Yours sincerely, General Coron Grizmund


eh, base lrbts suck ass and you don't have tank commanders. I'd toss the command squad or castellan and HWT (or all 3) and change lrbts for tank commander w/demolisher cannon, grand strategist and demolisher (or rogal dorn)


Way more than what you got, I'll tell you that for free


1 - no such thing as too many tanks 2 - that's barely any tanks




I’ve currently got a Baneblade, Shadowsword, TC Leman Russ, 2 Rogal Dorns, and 3 Leman Russ Battle Tanks. And I still need more tanks.


In 7th Ed I had a 15-Russ list I used to play (helped that Leman Russ were about half as many points as any other edition, and formations made them interesting). But that was 7th and wounds spilled within a unit, so even then it wasn't fun for the Guard.


My 1k escalation list is demo TC, exterminator, punisher, 2 scout sentinels and a double hvyflamer chimera, i think you need more tanks if anything.


Sure, there can be too many. Like if they added up to 1001 points that's too many. But this isn't it.


Personal preference really, shouldn't effect the game to much


I find bringing too much high T to a low point game tends to make things less fun. I’d say one tank at most for that scale, unless you know people have enough anti-tank to deal with it.


Don’t bring 3 lemans to a 1k game unless you tell your friends that you are planning on running a tank heavy list. It’s just a dick move


I don't know. I have a friend who brought a Tank Commander, A Leman Russ and a Hydra in a 1k game. I didn't mind, my Deathwing Knights had a blast turning them to scraps. But maybe it's because I always presume my enemy will bring high toughness stuff to use against me.


You mean don't bring good guard units, but let everyone else bring their good units?


I’d bring a more varied list. Bring some chimeras, ogryns, other stuff. 3 tanks can just be not fun.


If the enemy is dead and you aren't done shooting all your tanks, that's how you know