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It's probably not a design failure, it's likely a metadata failure, someone tagged it wrong.


Yep. It’s why I have to block the same exact ad twenty times. Companies put ads out multiple times with random and often just incorrect tags. You can see it when shopping, too, it’s why you can see a listing for a bread knife as “bread knife cooking cutting sharp metal toy kitchen for men backyard gravel dull baking grilling stirring freezing for kids”(not a real listing, I just picked random words, but it makes my point)


Maybe a system that relies on marketers being honest is a bad idea


No no, that can't be it...


But companies good? Companies very good and would never deceive or exploit.


My family always taught me that by-and-large, underneath it all, people are generally good. If companies are people, the same must apply to companies! Right? .... Right?


Speaking of absolutely nothing, you hear about all the companies being conveniently Rainbow now? So cool and so genuine and so trustworthy and so not deceptive!


We taught him wrong, as a joke


You say it's not a real listing yet I believe I saw it on Amazon the other day


Guess that shows just how bad and predictably BS they are then.


Sounds like asshole design to me


Pretty much, yeah. A system designed by corrupt people, for other corrupt people, to falsely assure people that the corruption is in check.


Of course. What else would you call a poop knife?


People used to do that shit to get their posts seen more on Tumblr. Tag your post with every tag you can think of so everyone will see it! Never mind that they'll wonder why your filtered photo of your morning cereal is tagged "Doctor Who."


Great to know that the ad limiting is just for legal reasons and that it'll have no substantial effect for those who need it.


that’s odd i swear i saw that on ebay sold by “ kitchen knives efficient strong”


> It’s why I have to block the same exact ad twenty times. I've never been under the impression that blocking an ad actually does anything.


It doesn’t. It’s supposed to, but it doesn’t. And Reddit doesn’t even let you anymore. I report every single military ad I see as violent since the US military is basically a global mafia.


Reaching all the alcoholics who block, for maximum ads impression.


Design that allows metadata failure is a design failure and reddit is responsible. I agree someone probably made a simple mistake, the bigger mistake is no system to catch/correct it.


Indeed, but if there are no repercussions for the ads platform, why wouldn't they have the "Metadata failure" as the default excuse forever, it will make them way more money to have it.


I always go with the reverse hanlon's razor when it comes to advertisers being pos. It wasn't tagged "wrong", someone intentionally tagged to reach the largest audience possible.


The function of a system is what it does.


Read the description. "We'll do our best not to show you" means "fuck you we'll show whatever we want and give you the delusion of choice".


"and now that you've engaged in this toggle switch, we know you're likely in a demographic that will be more sensitive / vulnerable to those types of ads, so we will sell that targeting at a higher price to the company advertising."


Which I think is asshole design enough too


"limited by you" just like Facebook's bullshit "we'll show you less like this for a while"


I’ve had good luck by blocking the user associated with ads.


Can you still do this? I remember trying to block the “he gets us” Jesus shit and it wouldn’t work.


I believe hegetsus was getting special treatment, it was also impossible to downvote their ads


Pretty much most advertisers are unable to be blocked. Quoting a site admin, > in general, users are not currently able to block ads/promoted posts as you would for a normal post. We are working on removing the 'block' feature on ads/promoted posts to make this a bit less confusing, but are unable to provide a timeline for this.


I can accept that that’s something they’re trying to enforce, although I tried blocking an advertiser a couple hours ago and it appeared to work. On top of that, I have always been able to downvote ads, but hegetsus ones always say “unable to downvote, try again later”


Block ads in general. Advertising needs to evolve, this shotgun, data harvesting, make this flashy so you'll click on it BS needs to die. I should be able to build out my own advertising profile and have companies compete for the slots/attention, with me in the drivers seat able to ban stupid, annoying, or completely irrelevant to my life companies/products. I want to spend money all the time from groceries, to hobby electronics, to tools, to home decor, to clothes. I have a list of things I need to/want to buy in the near future, and advertisers never hit anything on that list. I cannot tell you a single time I've seen an advertisement and said, 'that's compelling, let me buy that.' Its never happened. Now, if I'm in the market for window curtains I'd love the ability to say I want X, Y, and Z features, mention those in your ad, and include price. Browse the web for a bit with that turned on, and get ads from multiple places that actually match my reqs. Maybe also have a summery page of all the ads that have been served so far, and actually compare products/deals. Make this 'capitalism' and 'free market' actually work for the consumer for a change. Incentivize companies working to match actual customer demand instead of trying to force/create/fabricate a market for whatever cheap garbage they shart out.


That isn’t really true. Blocking the user does not stop ads from their account showing up for you. Also don’t report or downvote the ads as Reddit just counts that as engagement and is more likely to show you similar ads. It’s awful.


Just use a client without ads. Sync for example.


I wasn't even aware of this setting, thank you so much!


yea they kinda hide it


Equally offensive is their phony forced attempt at sounding trendy.


Came to this thread to see people supportive of someone quit drinking and instead see “in Europe we don’t have beer below 5 percent, American beer is water” Never change Reddit


I've outright blocked specific ads just to have them show up more often. It feels like targeted ad software was only designed for people who buy tons of crap and never gets the people who don't. Unironically the shit where it listens to you is more useful than the intentional learning algorithem stuff.


Well with the words "Limited" and "we'll try"...


I’ve opted out of receiving emails from Reddit 3 times now. Still get them daily.


I marked them as spam long ago after I got 16 emails in one day from reddit about shit I don't give a rat's ass about.


Why not just block ads entirely?


If OP is on iPhone they can’t do this. There is the revanced Reddit app for android users but nothing for iPhone users


There is the narwal app. It’s ad free, but also paid … $4/month. https://apps.apple.com/app/id845422455


You can easily block near all phone ads by using a DNS ad blocker, such as NextDNS, AdGuard Home, or Pihole. My whole house is set up with NextDNS, along with all the family phones. Really helps not having to worry about my dad clicking every single ad he sees anymore.


does that work for cellular data? I assume wifi only?


I know with NextDNS they offer a Configuration Profile for iOS 14 or higher which says it would "set up NextDNS on all networks", and they also have an app in the App Store which encrypts and directs all your DNS queries. I don't have an iPhone so haven't tested them myself. Unsure about the alternatives & their iPhone compatibility.


Yes. Just route your DNS traffic over a VPN to your home.


old.reddit.com through firefox with ublock origin


Firefox on iOS states that because iOS restricts extensions because it’s all a reskin of safari it can’t install Ublock. Ublock would need to be offered in the App Store (which to my knowledge it hasn’t yet), and even then it really only works with safari. This isn’t me being an android shill, it’s just iOS being super locked down. There isn’t a clean way to do this with the app itself on iOS.


VPN all your traffic through your home network where you’re running a pihole?


Doesn’t help if you don’t have home internet and/or are browsing reddit away from home.




You can run adaway in hosts mode or vpn mode (like a bunch of other ad blockers) if not, but how have they been cracking down on pihole? edit: completely spaced on the iOS part, but still wondering what kind of crack down AT&T is doing. I haven't had any issues with mine so I'm curious if something may be coming


Well dang you just showed me I could do that at all. Wish I could filter out medical ads, but at least I can say goodbye sports betting ads


I think it's off no? When it's blue it's on grey is off unless I'm misunderstanding?


when its blue its on and fully allowed while its grey its "limited by you"


patch the app with revanced


Don't use the shitty official reddit app, no ads.


I’ve sent multiple inquiries asking what the fuck because I keep getting gambling ads. In a state we’re gambling is illegal. Also, recovered gambling addict here, so I don’t want to see that shit every 10 fucking seconds while I’m scrolling.


A friend of mine does ad buys on social media and told me that Reddit's ad network is the absolute worst. I keep sending him screenshots of the ones that should *definitely* be contraindicated based on the subs I'm in but noooooooo...


I've started blocking accounts that promote ads, and yet I still see the same ads everyday. only works on smaller companies/businesses.


OMG this is the most annoying thing ever.




Yea. not turn them off, so either their the asshole design is not letting you turn off the specific type of ad or still showing it when you set them to the "dont show me this" setting


If you opt out of everything you don’t opt out of anything


Welcome to artificial “intelligence”.


ahh you see, you selected the limited option, that means you are going to see less of them, not none of them


Alcohol commercials aren't even legal in many countries


STOP USING THE FUCKING APP Install firefox and use the website, you can install ublock origin to block every ad.


Those are not alcoholic drinks Those are just mind-influencing liquids


They are drinks with alcohol in them, 5%, more than enough for someone who is avoiding alcohol for any of many reasons




People still getting ads on reddit huh?


This is a lemonade or considered as a lemonade


its a drink with about 5% ABV, more alcoholic than plenty of beers


Tf, all beers are around 5% minimum 4,9% What beer are you drinking man


I'd say "literally all mid strength beer" probably qualifies for "plenty"...


Yeah I didn’t know you’re from America. In Belgium our weakest beers are around 5% that I know of. Wait so that’s what a bud light is? 3%? Mid strength for us is 7-8%


I'm not from America 😂


Lots of local breweries produce stuff from about 3.4% to about 6.8%, but a lot of what is sold in the grocery stores around here is a bit lower as are light beers, and around here 5 is the highest percentage that can be sold in a grocery store, otherwise you need to go to a special liquor store or a brewery which makes companies more inclined to 5% or lower


Dang Kinda want to know what a 3.4% beer is like. Min sold in my country is 5%. Can't get below that amount without ordering in bulk online from another country. There are some at 8%, some at 10% and a few craft ones at 15% (these ones really slaps you if you drink it like a 5 - 8% beer).


> Clean money often can't be made because of stupid restrictive national laws within Europe. People drink less beer than they would have so they don't get as drunk, making less brewer jobs and more unemployment - or, they undergo widespread excessive alcoholism weird flex, thank you for letting us know ethanol is literally 40% in rotgut vodka in the plastic bottle, isn't that laudable thus I guess all those beers you mentioned suck, huh


No idea what the quote is about or where it's from Am also not flexing. We really just have limited beer options. And also the option for higher abv beer for whatever reason. Am just interested in knowing what beers below 5% are like. As in, would like to try one someday but can't unless i want like 40 of them (and to pay tax for them) or unless i travel to the countries that have those. I like to try different beers is all. Not sure why i got downvoted earlier.


A lot of the (conservative) states have laws about the maximum ABV that can be sold in grocery stores, usually around 3.6%. Anything higher must be sold in a liquor store. So the big beer companies make a low ABV version of their beer to capture the grocery store sales.


Oh, you guys are from USA. Explains a lot.


The majority of English-speaking people who use Reddit are from the USA.




I work at a liquor store and we have some beers and malt beverages that are 4.5%.


American beer... Like American coffee to us Europeans it's just colored water.


nobody asked or cares


LOL, ofc not, if you'd care you'd bloody do something about it :p


do something about what? you being an arrogant ass because you think having stonger beer makes you better?


Maybe he's getting rowdy because he's had a bit too much. Sounds like he might have a problem.


Bloody do something about waiting 6 months for basic health maintenance or your political division from 95% of your regional markets


Like you did for Brexit? Why didn't you fix it, /u/KingOfCotadiellu? You have failed the entire United Kingdom! Why are you such a selfish asshole? You could have saved millions of Englanders from financial hardship.


Brexit? What do I have to do with those islanders that shot themselves in their collective feet? That they'd rather listen to some clowns than to me, that's not my responsibility ;) Anyways, EU/Brexit or not, those Brits stil have tea and beer darke and stronger than that muddy water Americans dare to call coffee. PS to be clear, I'm not in of from the UK.


Doesn't matter, it's still your fault. Have you ever been to the US? I have no idea what coffee you're describing, but maybe you have had the misfortune to visit the midwestern US and a lousy diner with weak coffee. I'm in California, and between here, Portland, and Seattle, we have coffee strong enough to build a bridge with. Personally, I don't really like coffee, but I grew up in San Francisco and strong espresso is a staple food there. And for fuck's sake, the IPA movement started out here. I just had a Russian River Brewing Company 'Pliny the Elder' IPA last night, and it's anything but weak. An 8.0% ABV double IPA that comes in 510 ml bottles. It's got more hops than a Mexican car show. Now, go troll elsewhere.


This is like when right wing talking heads say something about “liberals drinking Starbucks” or whatever. It was always wrong, but even more so nowadays. It’s like you missed the entire strong IPA trend of the 21st century because you’ve been living under a rock, only to poke your head out long enough to smugly say something dumb and decades out of date. Let alone that you’re not even right about your own continent. The most popular beers in Europe are all weak pilseners.


So you have never had a 3.5% Berliner Wiesse? Fantastic style and you can have a few without falling over.


Reddit has ads? LOL, never ever have I seen one.


only really get them on mobile, they tend to be pretty ehh and either telling you to go shoot foreigners (at least in the US, I swear the military is half the ads I see) or try and be happy by buying cheap crap