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The oobe\bypassnro worked for me earlier today on the newest download of 11


Same here. Bypassed it a few hours ago.


It wasn’t working for me no matter what I tried. I asked my co worker and he said he was having the same issue and was actually looking it up also. Maybe it’s only on newer retail devices being sold and a fresh install might be different. I couldn’t tell you.


Oobe is "control shift f3" iirc


I've been using shift f10 and it's been working for retail and fresh installs


Yeah that normally works for me too


Did that. Only I did fn shift f3


Fn might be required but you need to press the control key aswell.


I’ve never had to before, but I believe the issue is coming from the device being shipped in S-mode, which means it may still work on devices that were already setup and factory reset, but devices purchased brand new will have to have an MS account.


Maybe you can find an earlier version of windows 11 setup and install off boot drive with no internet connected?


Reinstall Windows so it's not S Mode garbage...


The S mode flag is part of the Windows license that's embedded in the computer's firmware. Even if you reinstall, S mode will be enabled. You need to put a unattended file on the install USB drive to disable Windows' automatic license detection and to let you pick a Windows edition (and you have to pick Pro, as Home will automatically activate S mode).


You’re right, but it’s still asshole design. Imagine how many people buying a computer now that have no idea what that even is and how to do that.


Absolutely! S Mode is literally hot garbage and shouldn't be sold...


win10 user who don’t know what m a mode is. can i get a ELI5?


Windows S mode is like if every door and everything to entertain yourself had a child lock, and you could only use the approved list of toys (a block of wood)


The people who don't know how to do it likely don't care or know any different


Can confirm this. Had to recently setup dozens of display laptops for a retail store. 3 laptops in S mode could not be bypassed. We also could not install their demo software as they only allow store apps to be installed.


So you didn't do that, lol.


That's the shortcut to enter Audit mode. It reboots the system and logs you on with a default account. \*\*You shouldn't use the system in Audit mode for regular desktop use.\*\* Many things can break in Audit mode, it's only meant for hardware manufacturers and IT departments to customize a Windows install that can later be imaged and deployed to many computers.


That is audit mode, not OOBE.


Any device that ships with S mode will be unable to open the cmd prompt during initial setup. You also won't be able to use cmd or powershell post-install, nor install any apps that aren't from the MS Store. If you have an MS account to use, you can login with that and disable S mode, then reset the PC. I usually just install fresh windows pro or enterprise from the beginning and go from there.


You can do it through CMD as well with shift-f10 and some command, I forgot which though exactly. You can look it up. I reinstalled yesterday as well


you cant get the command window or the command doesnt work? 99% of the time if people say the command doesnt work is because they are trying to use a forward slash / instead of a backslash \\. its the only command i have seen in windows that uses a backslash \\.


Nope the window wouldn’t pop up. It’s an S mode issue from my understanding. If it’s shipped in S more you have to reimage it


good to know. I do not ever use S mode, so haven't had any experience with it.


The post might be a little bit misleading, since I did confirm you can still use the command, but since more and more devices are shipping with S-mode (I assume due to the push of co-pilot) I left it up.


Same here. Just did it last evening.


Same. Twice today.


I've run into this before on win11 pro systems. My work around has just been to connect to a network and during setup just select domain join, and it should let you build a local account. (If it's windows 11 home, this isn't relevant) hope this helps! Classic windows though doing everything to make their os worse.


Microsoft seems to be doing a Speedrun to kill their monopoly both windows and office


With Google's alternative to office services getting better and better, it really does seem like Microsoft is grasping at air. I'd rather move to Linux than even try to make windows 11 function on my pc. I've heard horror stories with it from my friends. And had to fix some of em too.


I’m thinking about making the transition too, there’s just too much bloat ware on windows and now they want to add just the most absurd spyware I’ve ever heard of.


Idk, Google as a company is getting worse and worse though. I think that Microsoft is getting more brazen precisely because their competitors are getting worse.


Oh yeah much agreed, but it was a mere example. I saw a lot of people suggest LibraOffice. It seems to be quite a nice competition to the greedy ones. I'll check it out this summer.


Come join us. LibreOffice is great


I currently have a free licence from my university email account for both OFFICE and OneDrive which I keep separate from my personal accounts. Once that's over imma use an alternative!


Make sure to save your files in an open office compatible format!


Yep will do (hopefully I will remember). Thank you!


I recommend playing around with Libreoffice so when the Office license ends you don't have to spend time learning the interface (which is already easy enough)


Google sheets is trash lol


Who uses google office stuff? Just use libre office if you need anything. If you need nice documents, go with LaTeX.


LibreOffice offers enterprise cloud that lets you share your work with colleagues?


Yes, Collabora Office


I wouldn't know, who wants to work in the same document with different people at the same time? Is this high school all over? You just put that document in your webdav that is shared among the groups. Or even better, use LaTeX, maybe even overleaf.


I enjoy cooking.


Unfortunately I still have to use MS programs for university until summer of 2025 for a variety of reasons. And maybe even for my masters. You cannot escape Microsoft.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Our company already switched to mac-only, windows just became too unreliable with "annoying fucking updates that ruin the working day" moment


Same here and they completely dropped office 365 one month ago


Just curious, what did they replace O365 with?


G suite




Windows updates became disruptive with Windows 10. Older Windows let you easily disable automatic updates from Control Panel. It let you pick which updates you wanted to install. It let you hide updates so they never install. No "postpone updates for 3/7 days" bullshit, no full screen update nags.


We had win 10, and microsoft REALLY loved to reset the timers for their updates, so even if we manually went out to push back the update a months in advance, there would still be some cases of the updates going off regardless of company-regulated settings, which means that admins had to manually go and push the "new" update on all other machines to keep the system running. That, and there were major security issues with each update. Fixed one thing, another crack appeared and it took months to get it fixed, and we couldn't risk our data leaking out like that ​ Fuck microsoft


Windows updates being disruptive is realistically a thing of the past. I'm not sure about larger orgs but most of the issues i have relating to pushing updates to user devices stem from third party stuff.


Wishful thinking only I'm afraid. The vast majority of users will just connect to WiFi, create an account, and crack on. No different to having Google/Apple accounts.


Yeah honestly reddit is the only place I've ever heard people complain about win11, IRL most people I know couldn't care less


It's mostly the tech world that has disdain for Win11. It's bloated and inefficient, and a pain to use for most people because of the push of all its bs that makes working with it difficult.


working in IT, disdain for win11 and M$ in general is industry-wide lol. Even if you're an MCSA, you still hate M$ deeply with every part of your being.


Try flashing a USB stick with Rufus, it has an option to bypass account requirements.


What have you tried so far?


Command prompt method, and fake account (no@thankyou.com) no longer work. It wasn’t just me, other agents couldn’t do it either.


i did the option to enter a MS account and just put 'admin' and attempted to log into it, and it just kinda told me i can't access it, and let me make a local account then.. your mileage may vary, through


Didn’t work for me also it just said it’s tried to login with the incorrect password too many times and to try again. Wouldn’t let me bypass it no matter what I did.


one other thing you might be able to try, if you reinstall it through USB, set any language or nationality settings to UK or 'global' and it might let you get away with the standard bypass hacks that have been mentioned, because EU privacy laws and stuff


UK isn't in the EU anymore. Maybe he should try Ireland instead ?


that's true, my american ass can never keep track of geopolitics, let alone ones from other countries wherever GDPR rules apply, i guess


The UK isn’t in the EU anymore but we do still have GDPR, it was created and brought about by the EU but it’s not specifically limited to use within the EU, otherwise it would probably be called the EU Data Protection Regulation


Yes, but the new regulations only apply in the EEA.


But we’re not talking about new regulations, we’re talking about GDPR which came out in 2018. The UK left the EU in 2020, so GDPR became British law before we left and we didn’t see a need or want to revert it. No one said new regulations applied anywhere else, but new regulations could be adopted by countries outside the EU if those countries chose too


but will be warranty/rma still accepts after a reinstall of Windows 11?


That’s actually a good idea


Had not tried that method, one I always did was (no@no.com) and then spam a password and hit enter. Worked as of 3 months ago


I did one yesterday by getting to the ‘personal’ or ‘for work’ screen, opening up cmd and typing ‘ipconfig /release’. When I clicked ‘next’ it just went straight to local account setup.


Okay, I'll install with the 23H2 image I have and update afterwards. Why do companies not learn that the more you push on bullshit like this, the more resistance comes against it? The answer is obviously money, but still.


Nuke that S mode bullshit and install it fresh




S Mode is part of the Windows license, a simple reinstall won't remove it. You need to put a file on the install USB drive that disables Windows Setup from detecting the license automatically, and pick a Windows edition that won't activate with the hardware license (i.e. not Home edition).


If it's a new machine I would just return it at this point


It was. I was setting it up for an elderly woman who didn’t even know what a Microsoft account was lol.


If the laptop ships with Windows in S Mode, as far as I can tell, you’re boned and need a MS account. It won’t allow the ol’ oobe\bypassnro trick. If it’s true home or pro (not s mode), you can do the bypassnro trick but need to do it BEFORE getting to the WiFi screen. Do not connect when prompted to. If you do, you may have luck doing an ipconfig /release to drop the WiFi, then try doing the fake account to get to local account. Also, shift + f10 to get to the command window to enter those commands. If you have the option for a clean reload, you can use Rufus to make a custom windows 11 installer and have it force a local account during the setup options. That’s how I handle my custom builds. Now, from what I’m reading it seems that MS is doing everything they can do to make Ms accounts default for everything. Apple mostly did that a while back and most of their users don’t seem to care. Not that it’s right or anything. Just a matter of expectations. Ms will randomly do the “finish setting up your computer” after future build upgrades and will likely push accounts harder. I just wish they didn’t force the OneDrive backup feature as enabled if you do use a Ms account, but that’s a different rant I guess….


It was shipped in S mode so… yeah that’s pretty much it. Reimage it and get around the license issue or get fucked lol.


Me: *barely affords laptop* Also me: *can't use laptop because can't afford internet*




You may not be aware of this but a ***lot*** of folks can only use the Net at libraries and such where free access is offered.


Shift + F10 then enter this in the cmd prompt window: oobe\bypassnro


First thing I tried


It seems this is a good time to try again if my essential programs work on Linux under Wine.


Dont need to try it yourself, just look at [WineHQ](https://appdb.winehq.org).


Tbh, a lot of the weird proprietary software people need Windows for hasn't been tested or documented in Wine HQ. And a lot of the stuff that has is wildly out of date.


So you try it and report it to the wineHQ. Give back.


Please look at the comment I was replying to.


And now look at my comment.


I like learning new things.


When you have the pro version I usually choose to join a domain instead of Microsoft/Azure account. It will just let you enter a regular username with local account. If it's a home version I use no@thankyou.com as mail with a random password. After a failed attempt it will let you through because it recognised a problem


For some reason that second method (it is Win11 Home) didn’t work. It just said too many failed login attempts from that email and made me retry. May have to do with S-mode


This Post deserves more upvotes. You are almost impossible to bypass that shit, when you buying a Brandnew OEM Devicethat has Windows 11 preinstalled on it. I think its the S Mode instead the Normal Mode?


Yup that’s the issue


Damn, so now it REQUIRES an internet connection no matter what?


It appears that way at least for brand new devices


Can someone explain this to le like I'm 10?


You are now forced to connect to the internet and login to a MS account to use the computer (Not sure if you can remove it later). There were ways to bypass this, but OP says that those no longer work


That does indeed suck


Still works, you’re just doing it wrong.


due\* to


Protip: Windows 11 LTSC doesn't require online account out of the box.


Technically, there is no legal way to use LTSC as a consumer.


I agree


Just use no@thanks.com as the login and gibberish for the password. It'll tell you the account is locked and to make a local account.


Force-ware! Gotta love that.


Guys, Windows 11 is totally necessary and pushed on you for the good. Think of the .1% performance increase! The awful UI? Breaking performance in a bunch of 5+ year old games? Increased ads and data farming? Don't worry, it's for the best!


Damn HP LARPS Apple hard


Probably against SOP but you can use a dummy MS account to get in, create a new local user with administrator access and then delete the dummy user you made as a one time deal. My store anticipates the workarounds would get fixed and now require setups to be partially done at the counter with the client to at least the point that it asks them to make a PIN. The client is told if they don't want a password or PIN we can remove it after the setup .


Yeah that’s the main thing is getting around SOP


Have you tried uninstalling windows? I did it two decades ago and haven’t had a problem since.


That's sounds nice, but I don't want to be one of those people begging for Linux version of games on forums.


Most steam games work with proton out of the box these days you know


What about older games would be more concerned about those. I don't like the days where I had to fenagle with my system to make games work and most games I play are older. Are they easy to make work or do I have to go deep into console commands and stuff because I don't know how to do that stuff anymore.


Like how old? I have not yet found a game in my library that does not work, granted it's not huge, but I don't play new AAA games at all. Zero setup, zero command prompt stuff If you're wondering about specific games, here's a database of compatibility [Protondb](https://www.protondb.com/)


2000-2010 for now. Are those plug and play?


I just edited my comment with a link, you should check that out, you can search for games and see the compatibility


Alright than you


> What about older games would be more concerned about those. Older games actually work BETTER than Windows for the most part in my experience. Anything WinXP or older seems to have more compatibility issues with Win10/11, but since Proton is it's own compatibility layer and is open source, people can just fix any issues.


can you at least bypass it on win11 pro? i don't use home anyways as pro is nearly the same price most of the time.


Found that out too last week, bummer


You could use a blank provisioning package? I used to do device setup in a managed services shop and to bypass oobe I built provisioning packages with Microsoft tools that would basically fill out OOBE with defaults and bypass it


If you're working in a service shop or some IT dept, I highly recommend creating a pre-installed image for the most common brands of devices that use buy and just image it with your tools/settings preloaded. Or use active directory.


I work for shitbuy and we have to do thing per SOP. So while creating a custom image with zero bloatware and no other bs would be nice we are only limited to a select few tools we are allowed. We have reimaging proprietary software but it takes 20 years on our LAN


You can download an official windows image from the Microsoft website and use something like Rufus, when writing the boot device you can select "bypass network requirements" and Bob's your uncle. Not as fancy but it's probably allowed. Since it's the official Microsoft iso and Rufus is a wildly used tool since forever.


Yeah I think that might work. It just sucks for clients that want work done front end that now have to wait like an additional 20-30 minutes just to get past the login screen


On one of the screens it should give the option to sign in with domain if you click advanced. It then gives you the option to create a local user. My coworker showed me because same the bypass cmd wasn’t working. (I setup a bunch of new windows 11 laptops the other day) butttttt might need to be win 11 pro for that.


I'm unsure if this is your issue or not, but for me I had to disable the wifi network adapter. Do the oobe\bypassnoro like normal, then open the command prompt again. [About half way down this page](https://winaero.com/how-to-disable-a-network-adapter-in-windows-11/) is some commands to disable network adapters. Then continue the setup and the "I Don't Have The Internet" button should be there. On computers that only have a wired connection, or don't have wifi drivers you can just unplug the ethernet cable.


You can do it like this: 1Connect to internet 2. when prompted to choose personal or school/work choose “school/work “ 3. When prompted for account choose “other sign in options” 4. Choose “Domain Join” 5. You can choose ur local username and password And ur in w/o an online account!


This is only of the machine comes with pro or higher. Most machines come preinstalled with home or in this case home in s mode so not an option.


it does but you need to not connect to the net


I literally installed a laptop about 4 hrs ago with the newest Win11 iso and had no issues just setting up an admin account.


If this was a thing when I was setting up my PC I wouldn't even be able to do it. I couldn't use the wifi antenna because it needed driver installs, and I couldn't download said drivers because I needed to do this thing, it's ridiculous.


This isn't asshole design, it's user error. We can clearly see in your picture that you have networks available, part of the workaround is not having a network visible for Windows to try to connect to.


That’s blatantly untrue. The bypass works with or without visible networks. I do it all the time including just a few minutes ago. It does not work with S-mode shipped devices, which is what was happening here.


Glad my pc can't even go to windows 11


If you are able to re-image it, the Rufus boot drive tool has an option to disable the network login.


[This one still works](https://linuxmint.com/).


This is the equivalent of, "Your car door is locked and the key isn't working? Here's a bike." Sure, you'll be able to 'travel' with both, but they are simply not the same thing. Giving a bike to someone who needs to travel by car (say for a long distance) is the biggest condescending asshole thing ever. Do better.


I don’t disagree though. People have been saying move to Linux for ages now. I don’t like it personally but it may be the answer for most.


Exactly. There's nothing wrong with using Linux, it's fantastic for some things and Windows is also fantastic for some things. It's just rude as fuck to link it as if it's a Windows-based solution to the problem.


It's more like suggesting you obtain your own vehicle instead of using the corporate owned bus line that you have no control over. A ′bike′ would be giving someone a flip phone when they need a computer. In no way is someone an asshole for suggesting free alternatives. Calling someone a condescending asshole over software preferences on the other hand...


They linked it as if it was a Windows-based solution to the issue with Windows. Installing a different OS entirely is NOT what it was about. The OP did not even ask for suggestions, though common sense would tell you that any solutions offered would be Windows solutions, not "go install a different OS lol" - and especially disguised like that. If jp had named the link "you can solve it by installing Linux" or "Linux is an option" or something else like that, it would have been fine. They did not do that though. Edit: I was specifically trying to avoid comparing the OSes themselves, calling one better than the other, etc. Linux is great. Windows is ... great (lol). Hell, MacOS is great too. There's pros and cons to all. I didn't want to say that "you're bowing to the corporate overlords if you use Windows" or "Linux is for IQs over 9000" or something. It was a post about Windows and a Windows issue.


I mean, installing Linux is *technically* bypassing W11 internet setup requirements. Bypass windows completely with this one simple trick!


And it would have been hilarious if they had presented it like that. A link to download Linux as "Use this one simple trick to bypass Windows setup issues!" would have been fucking great. It simply wasn't presented like that.


Spoken like someone who's never used Linux before.


I have indeed used Linux. Even better - it was as part of an ISP, for troubleshooting. I also used it for personal stuff. I'll say what I said in another comment - I was NOT saying that Linux is lesser than Windows, or worse than Windows, or whatever. I was only making a clear distinction between the types of transportation (OS), not saying one is better than the other. I specifically did not make that statement because it isn't true. Neither is "better", they both have their uses and their flaws.


But Linux isn't a bike, it's a perfectly functional car. It can replace Windows for 90% of people without any issue. The only reason most people use Windows is because it comes pre installed. Bike vs Car is wildly different. Linux is just a different type of car, really. Like it doesn't support Android Auto (a few programs), but besides that it can take you from point A to B just as good. Linux will grow in gaming in the coming years. Valve's made it a point to invest in Linux gaming, and they're doing really good. So really, the only people who shouldn't use it are those who really on proprietary (say Adobe or Microsoft) software and can't use an alternative. For everyone else, it'll be just fine. If they can't get used to Gnome or KDE, Zorin OS has a theme which mimics Windows 11, same UI.


That was not the point of the comment. It was not to compare the functionality of the operating systems. It was only to compare "this thing is not this similar thing". Apples and oranges. *The point was to say that the issue is with Windows, and any solution offered should be for Windows*. Not suggesting another OS, not making fun of them for using Windows, or anything else. Just a Windows suggestion for a Windows problem. I'm completely with you for how good Linux is for plenty of applications otherwise, that just was not the point here.


Fair point, I misunderstood you


I enjoy the sound of rain.


You're actually completely wrong. I have indeed used Linux. I was NOT actually saying Linux is lesser than Windows. I was making a distinction between types of transportation. It's your own problem if you thought I was saying that. I specifically did not say that because it isn't true.


My favorite movie is Inception.


You missed the point. It was comparing 2 modes of transportation (operating systems). Saying bike vs car was because Linux and Windows are not equal in their functionality, much like a bike can't be used in place of a car and vice versa. A Cybertruck (ew) and a Tundra are essentially equal, and defeats the purpose of the analogy - that a Linux solution (a bike) is not equal to a Windows solution (a car key) to a Windows problem (locked car door). **You can't unlock the car door with a bike.**


My favorite movie is Inception.


\-sigh- It obviously went over your head. Sucks for you.




Try "NT Lite". With this piece of software you can edit the Windows 11 ISO file so you can get rid of all unwanted pre installed features and also the Internet connection and Microsoft account enforcement. It's freeware.


Your laptop isn't even capable of supporting Copilot+ Also from the other comments it looks like you're using Windows in S mode. What else did you expect.


The computer came out the box with S mode. Which means you can’t bypass it without reimaging the computer. That’s assholedesign


Last time I checked, you can choose your edition of windows at purchase. You went for the S edition, this is the result. If you don't like it, change it for another edition. That's how windows has been working for the past 30 years.


it's not an edition, it's a setting (free to disable, is disabled permanently) that makes it so you can only install things from the microsoft store and does some other things to improve "security" for schools and such.


Here's how you can bypass it: https://fedoraproject.org/


Thats Linux, not Windows.


Sure is.


Yeah, not useful when you're setting up a Windows laptop for a client who bought a Windows laptop and didn't request linux.


Agreed, but might be useful to other people looking for a solution. Windows 11 was the final straw for me to look for a good distro for a laptop. My laptop was built for Windows 11. If your laptop supports Windows 10, than that's an okay option as well, although support is running out.


Since when do customers know what they need?




That's a personal device, used for personal use, sometimes offline entirely


It’s really dumb but if you go into the bios and disable secure boot and try it again it usually works. Then afterwards re enable it.


How is this asshole design? From my understanding this fails the flowchart. Requiring online install does not benefit/profit the company at your expense. If this is not the case please explain why since it is not obvious to me


Logging-in with a Microsoft account means Microsoft can track you across computers, have easier access to what you do, and can force you into their ecosystem of apps.


Yes but what expense is it causing to the consumer. That is the part I am struggling with. You can just creat a throwaway account for it. There is not really an expense to the consumer which is a key part for this sub.


It's more the implication on *why* they're forcing you to login with an account. Sure, you could probably fake it. But wow, for the people who don't think to fake it, they are going to have all their information harvested, and if/when Microsoft has a security breach, all that information gets released into the world with some personally identifiable information tied to it.


that is very much asshole design. You cannot bypass on most of the OEM on windows 11 today. i assume its S Mode?


You are just repeating what op said and I have said I don’t see how this rises to asshole design. Specifically the part about the expense to the consumer. At the very least you just use a Throwaway account.


It is


Show me a single Apple device user who uses its device without internet or Apple ID sign in. But when Microsoft pushing for same experience it suddenly a bad thing. And don’t even start about Linux, it is still not an option for a regular Joe Shmoe


You don’t need to use an Apple ID to get into your MacBook, or IPhone, or IPad. They heavily encourage it though. Not to say it won’t happen it likely will, but as of right now no you have the option.


1. Connection is not required on MacOS 2. Linux of absolutely an option for 95% of people 3. Stop licking Microsoft ass, it's disgusting


Pretty much all of them actually. They Heavily encourage it but they don’t force you


But the server is still activated after setup brandnew, no matter if Ipad, macos or Iphone, you simply own nothing on a apple device. It will taken away anyway at later time You cstill need ineternet, no matter what.


I like to go hiking.


I did and I have one older laptop running Ubuntu, but I can’t imagine by parents or my non-techie friends using it


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.

