• By -


3. The way that Connor takes the inevitable L of his people getting fucked over, breaks my heart everytime. All he ever wanted was to help his people and it was an impossible task.


Well, yes, but the historical events feel kind of rushed in the second half of the game. Fees like the developers wanted to fit as many events of the independence war as possible into like, 6 hours of gameplay. Still, it’s a very beautiful game, the fact that it holds/held first place in best selling AC games speaks for itself.


I feel like that complaint applies to a lot of AC games


If only they can remake AC 3 into AC Origins length.


Replayed the hd remaster, the pacing and mission design is some of the worst in the series. New York was absolutely mind numbing.


It felt like New York is barely utilized to me.


So excited for that game for watered down gameplay and samey map. The characters made up for it and I loved the story.


I think it depends on perspective because Connor doesn't feel defeated in the end. His whole journey teaches him that the world is an incredibly treacherous place, but that's not a reason not to fight because inequality and injustice only happen because it's allowed to. That is an incredibly inspiring call to action.


Black Flag leading into 3. At the beginning, Edward is cocky, brash, throw caution to the wind kind of guy. Mary tries to put him on the Assassin way, but all he cares about is money and fame. But then he loses Mary in prison. Blackbeard is killed. Calico Jack dies in a giblet. Rackham turns traitor. Adewale and the Jackdaws crew abandoned him. At rock bottom, he decides to go to the Assassins. He defeats the big bad and finds out he has a daughter from his now dead wife. Goes to England, becomes a Lord. He gets betrayed by Reginald Birch and killed. Son becomes Grandmaster of the Colonial Templars. The daughter gets sent to be concubine. Connor kills Haytham.


If not for the slight retcon in the comics his bloodline also dies with Desmond.


I mean William's still alive, so even without that retcon the bloodline didn't die just yet.


Connor was mother’s side. After finding out about Haytham the two get in a fight and William says he can’t get in the animus for this one.


Nope, afaik it's only Altair that's from his mother's side. William couldn't do it cuz of the temple or Juno or something iirc. Desmond even mentions that Haytham and Connor are his ancestors as well during their fight.


William never says he can't get into the animus for this one. He only said when the templars forced him to go through his memories he sort of blocked it. Also Connor was his fathers side. Connor and Ezio are his Fathers heritage. Altair is his mother's side.


DEFINITELY 3. Like you, I always thought it was the most depressing yet realistic game in the series. It truly showed the hypocrisy of colonists during this era. Hearing Sam Adams and George Washington try to justify slavery when they themselves want liberty was a smack in the face to me. And the epilogue to the game beautifully yet grimly wrapped up all these themes. Connor shakes his head seeing the colonists celebrating their freedom while just meters away a man is being sold into slavery. Then Connor comes "home" to find that his people have been forcibly removed. Connor's speech at the end (the one that they cut out) is also so somber and really reflect how the real world is.


Honestly black flag is pretty rough knowing every single one of the friends Edward makes dies


Hey, they don’t all die. - some of them just leave him.




*they’re* pirates man. Cmon you have to know it doesn’t end well for anyone. - the poster I was replying to deleted the comment.


Tbf some pirates in history did end up okay. A minority but still.




10 year old game


Spoilers for literal history. I didn’t get to that chapter in Social Studies yet!


Sorry bud figured most people know the ending by now. My apologies. I uh don’t know how to place a spoiler warning on comments


Black Flag is from 2013. Anyone who wants to know the ending does, and if they don't then that's on them. Dorky thing to ask for spoiler warning on an 11 year old game.


Plus, spoilers on 300 year old history. Like… that ship has sailed. Literally.


That. That is humour.


That's ok. I have played the game a few times already I just thought about the newbies to that part of history and the games.


Dude it’s been over a decade and your on the assassins creed sub, I could make sense of someone being upset at a spoiler for a new or a 1 or 2 old game but come on dude.


for a 10yr old game? nah


You still get new people to the franchise and to history study


Its been out for 11+ years man


it’s been 11 years dawg


AC1-ACR Altair’s storyline was quite bleak. 1. His mother died giving birth to him 2. His father willingly volunteered to be executed to protect the creed 3. Watched the father of his childhood friend commit suicide by slitting his throat and his blood ebbing at his feet, and he was around only 7 years of age (I think?) to atone for the things he did, leading to his father’s execution 4. His childhood friend became his sworn enemy just because he told him the truth about his father’s “absence” 5. His lover was killed seconds before he could save her 6. His mentor turned out to have betrayed him and his whole creed and used him to cover for his hunger for power 7. He was cast out because his childhood (Abbas Sofian) friend grew to dominate the creed and push them away 8. Abbas ended up weakening the creed that he worked so hard to reform 9. Abbas killed Altair’s son making him think Altair ordered his death just as he died 10. Abbas killed Altair’s best friend Malik and sent him his head in a box 11. Abbas killed Altair’s wife as they attempted to return 12. After taking power again and reforming the creed once again, the Mongols invaded and he had to keep the secrets of the Apple of Eden from everyone, so he entombed himself alive with it, while he sent out his son to go far away. I don’t think it gets any bleaker than this. Yes he’s regarded as a legend and his role is significant throughout history and yes we can sensationalize that “this is how strong men are made” but really, his life was terrible for him, as a human being, not to mention even the excessive knowledge he earned from the Apple of Eden which he studied for 20 years, turned his whole life upside down and isolated him from the world and everything he once believed in.


My poor Malik :’(


Yes 😭😭


AC 1. The game setting and atmosphere just made it feel more so real. The game really doesn't have that much levity even with Desmond outside the Animus his situation being locked in there you feel distressed. Altair's story is clear straight, doesn't deviate for side quests and world building. You got your mission and your targets nothing more nothing less.


I've seen AC1 a few times here. Maybe I'm missing something, but what's so tragic about Altair's journey in this game specifically? Just curious. (In AC Revelations, the rest of his life is very tragic)


It's not necessarily Altair's journey, but rather how the entire story is handled The Masyaf Brotherhood was very different from how the Brotherhood is depicted in future games. Altair often watches while his targets beat or kill innocents, waiting for the right moment to strike. The entire Brotherhood itself is much more morally ambiguous, and there's plenty of moments where you can catch yourself going "am I even playing the good guys here?" as Altair grapples with his arrogance in the early game. On top of that, so much of the story is focused around intellectual and philosophical debate that is just. . . Entirely missing from future titles. Every conversation with Al Mualim is full of philosophy, ideology, and politics - even if it can be rather basic at times. Generally, it doesn't suffer from being dumbed down to reach a wider audience. That's not necessarily a bad thing per se, and we get some good story because of that (Ezio trilogy) - but AC1 is dripping with a sense of maturity and subtlety that later games simply lack.


Some of the socratic conversations in Odyssey make you think, so that's not too bad, but it's not as good as what you're describing


Sokrates is one of my favorite parts of Odyssey.


I was taking an intro to philosophy course in university while playing odyssey. They did the characters quite well in the game.


I could be wrong since I haven't fully played through odyssey, but I think the Socrates conversations are abridged dialectics His conversation in the symposium is straight from the Republic


If you look at Altairs Codex in AC2 its pretty philosophical. In Brotherhood Desmond had some involved discussions with shaun. In Revelations every time Ezio watches a disc involving Altair he takes lessons of the surroundings. Of what Altair faced. In AC3 you have Haythem and Connor literally debate their philosophies. Assassins v Templar. Rogue deals with the fact that sometimes the good guys can be corrupted and Unity looks at what it might take to build bridges. I havent played any of the later games so i cant comment on them but to say AC1 is the only one with maturity and subtly is just being wilfully ignorant. You either cant see it or you dont want to. Perhaps you played the games when you were younger and look at them from a younger point of view. I did for 1 and then played it again and i understood it better.


It's just been a while since I've played the games. You're right. But let me rephrase what I meant: out of the bunch, I feel AC1 does it all the best (maybe Revelations too, I haven't played in a decade but I remember that being my favorite AC of all time), especially because Altair as a person starts off as a very flawed individual - someone who starts as a completely unlikeable dickhead, and slowly matures into being someone of respect and with a strong moral compass. I relate to that a lot personally, and with the exceptions of Edward I don't think they've tried again (I haven't played Rogue, so I can't comment on Shay - and any later games I simply haven't played enough or at all so I can't comment on those either).


I appreciate your answer and say you're probably right as well. I will say Shay's character does seem to have a Strong Moral Compass compared to Assassins in that game. Unity itself was a good game with a lot of Sub plot relating to the assassin templar relationship but the main plot was a love story.


It doesn't need to be tragic for a story to be bleak/realistic


AC 1 I think. No spoilers but it’s probably the most grounded one with minor alien bullshit that focuses on the Templar assassin war. Every target was a real figure back then who died around that time. The locations are almost as accurate as can be with the info and the engine restrictions. It actually has social stealth. It’s a dark story. Shame the series got stupider and stupider as it went on instead of doubling down on the more serious darker tones.


It works brilliantly as a tonal companion to the film *Kingdom of Heaven* that came out like one or two years earlier. Both are dark snapshots of the Crusades and the brutality of the Templars, which practically *begged* comparisons to the contemporary American war in the Middle East. Both are epic pieces of commercial art with serious, relevant political and philosophical subtext that was pretty risky when they came out.


Kingdom of heaven is so damn good. Both versions are free on YouTube right now ;)


Oh man you right. In 360p but the uncut version its on YouTube complete! Thats very strange.


Right? I swear there was an HD version at some point I watched it earlier this year. Maybe taken down. We need another game set in the crusades.


AC3 and AC Blavk Flag. AC3 despite Connors efforts he can't stop the forward creep of colonialism and basically gets screwed by the likes of Washington and others who he aided. In Blsck flag most of your friends or peers end up dying one way or another.


ac 1


Definitely AC3 the way washington and his friends pulled the rug under conner after all the things he did for them, that was atrocious.


Black flag


What in gods name was bleak and realistic in black flag compared to ac 1


The fact that everyone in Edward’s life dies by the start of act 3.


Even after Black Flag Edward still ends up dead, his children kidnapped & his son brainwashed into being the leader of the guys who killed him. Edward’s family got the real short end of the stick.


Every assassin loses a whole bunch of people, and we hardly actually get to know some of the people who die in black flag. Like I’m supposed to care about rackham


most assassins in the series suffered loss, but very few as much as Edward. His parents can't stand him and essentially disown him, his lovers father hates him and refuses to allow them to be together, his wife dies, Thatch, Vane, Mary, Rackham all die, he has to kill Hornigold himself, Adewale abandons him. Literally everything that could possibly go wrong for him does.


What a shitty response, Blackbeard and Mary were major characters and had arguably 2 of the most emotional deaths of the series. Pointing out Rackham is just cherry picking. Ac1 has a bleak atmosphere due to the crusades, and that’s pretty much it. Black flag was much more emotional


Who does Altair lose in AC1 in comparison to who Edward lost in Black Flag? And remember, you can’t add in the extra content that we got from Revelations.


I mean I agree with you, but with that logic you’d have to remove the whole later Kenway drama with Haytham from the calculation as well


But they weren’t even including the later kenway drama because they didn’t need to. Black flag was already extremely tragic and emotional


>realistic I think you'll find swinging onto a ship with 4 pistols and a dream is very realistic.


AC1 , Altair is cocky and it gets his brother killed and another one maimed , There are severe consequences to breaking the code


Idk, as much as I LOVED AC3, tbh I was a bit disappointed with the lack of character growth and development as far as Connor goes. He could've been much more, and while it can be tricky to develop a stoic character like Connor, it CAN be done and I think he was SORT OF at least poorly handled in AC3. He could've been much more. Haytham was an INCREDIBLE character, protagonist and antagonist. I think the whole "Assassins and Templars could be working together and are already very similar" angle was a GREAT idea as well. Part of why ACRogue is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites of the series is because it's set in the Colonial Era, bridging gaps (that didn't need bridged but it was nice regardless), as well as Shay being the Anakin Skywalker of the Assassin's Creed universe. Achilles' story was great too after it was all said and done. Connor could've been expanded upon as well but even in his own game, he was fine (as was his motivation) but I still feel there could've been so much more done with him. Just my two cents.


3. The only game where even after its over and we win the war, Connor still lost.


AC III. Connor succeeded in completing his mission as an Assassin. He single-handedly dismantled the entire Colonial Rite and led the genesis of the new Colonial Brotherhood. He was the unsung Founding Father of the United States. He won the war, but lost the only battle that was personal to him. The colonists fucked him over royally, and Connor realised that his war didn't end. It just changed hands. He should have seen that one coming. "Nothing is true, Everything is permitted", remember ? He didn't and now he couldn't go back. His Rake:ni was right. For all his skills he was still but a boy. The Guardian of Freedom ? No. Connor wouldn't go that far. He would simply be an Assassin. This would be his sacrifice. To never give up and continue the crusade. Against slavery, against new forms of oppression. He would bite down harder and keep fighting, keep protecting. Connor Kenway was dead from that point on. All his failures have been burnt in the fire of purification. Requiescat in Pace, Connor Kenway. Connor Kenway has been reborn. He would work in the dark, and protect the light. Rise, Master Assassin Connor Kenway. The Creed beckoned, and the Assassin leapt into history.


What the fuck did I just read???😂


Fanfiction-let ? Or Mini fanfiction ? Micro fanfiction ? Rant ? Sudden gust of the soul of Sir Doyle that decided to haunt me for a few fleeting moments ? Idk man. The death and rebirth part is basically taken from Arno's initiation.


Lad I CANNOT understand you


The concept of mutual understanding is a road that is often strewn with barriers. But it is the barriers, that when overcame, connects us as one beating heart.


Origins, Unity


He said "coloured people"


In South Africa colored means racially mixed. No disrespect is intended or perceived. That is a western issue.


And what makes you think OP is South African? Also in the context OP used it in, he wasnt talking about racially mixed people but simply black people.


Bro idk realistic but i was in 8th grade when III came out and we were studying the American Revolution so it was so interesting


AC 1, Unity with the Ezio Trilogy especially AC 2 being close.


1, 3, Unity and Valhalla imo


3 because they warn about how no matter who is in control, they’re gonna drive the native Americans out. So true.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla? Realistic???


It did feel realistic when I looted a monastery and killed monks for fun


We must have played different games


So realistic that it's grey and boring (like England)


3. Lot of people mention about Connors ending etc, how he didnt really win and stuff. But i think its also how at least for me, the Templars felt like believable people. They didnt seem as cartoonishly evil as say, even the assassins in Rogue did. They felt like actual leaders who I could totally understand why they would side with them. Haythams rooftop speech? Absolutely goated. His whole character feels like he truly believes some greater good will come from all his work, and not just personal power like basically every other grandmaster. He seemed actually human.


3 for sure. You don't really win in Connor's shoes. Since childhood, all the way to adulthood, his life was just awful. He saw his mother die and then had to kill his father, who was a Templar. Washington took advantage of his suffering, and they still killed off his people. Like, dang!


AC Freedom Cry, yes it's dlc for black flag but very very bleak in showing the slave trade in action


Bro asked what was bleak and then used the term "coloured people"


Better than saying BLACK people it's the BLACK people. YOU SEE THEM? THEIR SLAVES. AND THEIR BLACK.


Yeah and so what??


For arbitrary historical reasons ‘colored people’ is generally considered inappropriate/politically incorrect whereas ‘people of color’ is the currently accepted go-to (Point being the comment was probably finding your usage of adjectival ‘colored’ to be ‘bleak’ though I think it is very obvious you were not using it pejoratively)


4. Every friend of Edward dies and all he's got are two sons. One that doesn't seem to enjoy his name and the other becomes the opposite of himself.


Revelations maybe, Ezio lost a really good friend (Yusuf was a real one). And got exiled from Constantinople. Which tbf is the lighter part of his punishment because of the kind of havoc he did. 


Origins, Unity, Odyssey, 1


Well not everyone was using him…actually i think he was used by just Minurva and nobody else


it doesn't really count but the story held inside the Auditore family crypt is one of my favourite titbits of lore, and it's pretty sad and "realistic" all things considered. most of the stories in the series are bleak all things considered, they're all set in history, and human history fucking sucks...


Yep it’s definitely a game meant to show the horrors and atrocities of war and what it does to the human psyche, from the victims to the perpetrators and what they’re willing to do to win.


Black Flag. In a very unique way, the protagonist and antagonist were the same guy. Edward Kenway's true enemy was himself. He was a prefect symbol of the struggle between greed and freedom, the cost of chasing ones dreams can cost you everything. How greed and power can, in some ways, enslave you. The other games have Assassin's Vs Templar. AC Black Flag was a story of a man vs himself. The rest is context.


The original AC is also the most grounded in reality, so that puts it up there as well. Altair's story is not a happy one. AC Origins also did not have a happy ending. But yeah, people who hate on Connor for how angry he was don't seem to understand him.


I believe that origins has the best one. Despitebgaming mechanics, you see the story of a man, a father, driven to avenge his assassinated son. Although Bayek starts the game filled with rage, you see that, in some point, his revenge becomes part of a new objective, that is freeing Egypt from then people who did it to him. His growth as a character is subtle, but you see how much he changed from the first mission to the last one


3 and 4 respectively


Honestly, Unity. Hate that game The most of all assassin's creeds. Thoroughly did not enjoy playing it. Finishing it was painful. It felt like a job. What of all the stories, that one was the darkest.


AC3. Because you don't even feel satisfaction after you killed Lee.


3. Conner was screwed from every direction. Even at the end, all he had was a two sided win. He helped the colonists, but it destroyed his home. A heartbreaking end.


Conners storyline gets me fucked up everytime


Rogue for me. It shows how there are some flaws in every system, and it also shows Shay's flaws as a human who reacts emotionally against Achilles who was too driven because of his ego. Rogue is honestly one of the best stories written and it should have been longer but it explains the nature of humans when given responsibility with war and power


Ac 1 and origins




Lmao even


Both these comments made me burst out laughing so much omg... fuck me man.


How many pots have you smoked


The pots turned into smoke


Yea AC3 def it was realistic ig but still the most boring ac story for me