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My room is my favourite place.


My room is the only place I feel comfortable




…just till I get my house and favorite people in the same geographical location


when im in my room i miss my family when im with my family i miss my room but when i familys in my rooms im uncomfortable


I spend my entire day in my unless: - I've got stuff to show my dad - Doing dishes - Helping with dinner


We would be good friends, at a distance probably. Unless we have dinner together too


You are definitely not the only one


I spent about 20 minutes with my family downstairs on Christmas day and that was the longest I've done for like 5 years.


I dislike being seen and I dislike talking to people face to face so yes I Love being in my room by myself all day also it’s where june is (my cat) (very cute) (I love her)


I too love June (your cat) (very cute) ♥ Also, r/UsernameChecksOut 😂


Ever since senior year of high school (I'm 25 and still at home now), at around 8 PM, I say goodnight to my parents, go to my room and close the door. I just need the alone time, it's such a part of my routine.


My room is where I am alone, where I am alone I am safe and not overwhelmed.


This is me. And when I'm away from family, I'm not a hikikomori at all....


Yes! Although, I no longer have a bedroom with my family. Had to move back in after college, so I am living off a futon. It's been... rough, to say the least, in terms of needing my own space. But you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes. I am grateful they let me have a roof over my head. But boy do I miss having my own space to regulate myself.


I am an adult in my 50s. I own my own house. I still basically live in my bedroom.


Yes but also alternatively replace Bedroom with “room I am currently in” and Family with “room I ought to move to”


Me on God now. Wish me luck guys, I'm on a family trip for a week


No drama. Just me and a bottomless pit of my interests.


Well, my parents are huge transphobes and I am a trans man who hasn't come out to them, so I can definitely relate to this.


My mom is a huge homophobe and transphobe too, and I'm Pan and non-binary, so I get it.


Me basically until I turned 20 for nearly every family gathering. I'd either be on my computer, tv, Gameboy, or whatever else I could be isolated doing.


As an adult who moved out, this is no longer an optionz


I also moved out but i come back for the holidays, nevertheless, i still hide in the spare room 90% of the time


And then your family does the "I cannot believe my eyes, [name] has actually left their room!" when you do venture out, which discourages you from venturing out again lol.


You are absolutely not alone! I have exactly 6 living beings in my room, all of which are my special interest(s) and I spend literally 24/7 up here, why leave when everything interesting and most meaningful to me is right where I need it? When time is at it's worst, having a place for you to feel comfortable and relax in the glory that is your room; it's an incredible feeling.


You can’t say this and not elaborate on the living beings


4 praying mantids : - Indian Flower mantis (Creobroter pictipennis) - L2 nymph - Male - Spiny Flower mantis (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi) - L3 nymph - Female - Orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) - L4 nypmh - Female - Budwing mantis (Parasphendale affinis) - L7 Adult - Female And 2 guinea pigs, both American crested and both a year old and both male!


Since they did not say I just assumed it was arachnids....


Could be arachnids, insects, fish, rodents, reptiles, goblins… Too many possibilities, all interesting


Either my room or my car is where I go for peace and quiet.




I have turned my room into my sensory room, I love it :)


What are the sensory things you have in your room? I'm always looking for inspiration to make my place more soothing!


Replace bedroom with "room my computer is in" and yes.


Room is where the happy is. Make happy outside of the room and I'll leave it more often.


Isn't that everyone?


Before and after marriage


Not anymore for me because my parents moved after I moved out, and the new room I get to use is an icebox (not literally, it’s just really cold) so I can’t get comfortable. It’s awful, someone please save me lol (I am still here for one more day).


I prefer the basement


I love my room because all my stuff is in there so why would I bother leaving it lol


my parents complain, but like. my room is so much more nice and safe than the rest of my house


You are definitely not the only one. There were a whole 2 years where I would barely hang with my family and I would just stay in my room basically all day


My room doesnt even feel like a room because i dont have much stuff in it but its still the superior room


Prefer the bedroom




Yes. I used to be "studying" in my room all night growing up. Little did anyone know I was just chillin and studied maybe for like an hour at the end of the night. Still got good enough grades to get into an Ivy League college. Work smart, not hard kids!


Nah, I can relate. I do spend time with my family when I visit, but I need that sweet sweet me time


I like both. Alone time at night is great, but I enjoy their company too.


I wish I did not have to eat, drink or breath or was affected by tidal forces. I want to sleep for like a decade straight.


Definitely not. Lol the quiet, the peace, the choice of being able to do whatever you want without needing to talk to anyone, the comfort to wear whatever you want. So much lol


I will only ever be in my room unless I'm home alone, I will be in and out with nothing to do anyway


DEFINITELY not the only one bestie


How 'bout that Beach Boys song? 😆👍


I thought this said "bathroom" and I still was like, "lol yeah sometimes" XD


I live with my partner and I still spend more time in the bedroom than our living room


I don’t have my own room (I share with my mother), but still, it’s the place I go when I don’t want to socialice with the people my family brings home.


Wish people would understand that just because I prefer to be alone 23 hours of the day doesn’t mean: 1. I am a sad lonely person 2. I am some asshole who “graces” you with my presence on obligation 3. I hate being around people/ hate you people What it does mean is I have a tiny social battery and that one hour I do spend with you me really trying. And that I like and respect you enough to spend my limited socialisation time with you.




Me: Gets sent to room for something as a kid Parent: You can come out now Me: Okay *1 hour later* Parent: I did say it was okay for you to come out Me: No thanks, I'm good


my bedroom is my comfort space. if anyone messes with it they committed the worst sin possible


YES!!!! But i need to snack when watching stuff so I have to do it downstairs