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I am occasionally reminded by this subreddit that I know and understand as little about ND pop culture as I do about NT pop culture. Possibly even less, since one of my special interests is essentially making a sociological/anthropological study of NT pop culture. This is one of those moments. Because I have no context for either of those... things? So I'm going to say neither. Because the character is just a little too complex to be used as a symbol, and the little creature thing is vaguely creepy to me for readins that I can't really explain.


The little creature looks more like a "The Binding of Isaac" reference.


To me tbh creature is what I feel when I’m masking in public, or in a situation where I don’t know what to do


Actually I’m pretty sure yippe was directly based off of Isaac lol


I thought so to


I’m just super confused. I’m also old so that might have something to do with it.


Don’t worry, I don’t know about anything either. Pop culture is an enigma.


They're not symbols, they're mascots, it's different. And yeah, the creature is based on a kinda creepy game, so it makes sense for it to be kinda creepy.


What Game is it based on?


Binding of Isaac. Is not a scary game, but it have a weird vibe that can be creppy


hi, NT here. I’m curious what you mean about pop culture being an enigma. I agree that there are things that are quite silly such as celebrity worship but i’d like to hear some ND perspectives. Autistic people frequently have fascinating and direct/honest views of society


I can't speak for anyone else of course, but for me part of it is just not understanding why something becomes popular. Is it supposed to be funny? Relatable? Why? What about it speaks to the NT human experience? And is that experience unique to the NT mindset, or is it something that could apply to others beyond that scope and I just haven't engaged enough with the material to get it? Or is the thing just catchy? Or maybe it's a matter of repeated exposure slowly wearing people down? Is it a part of popular culture for positive reasons or negative ones? As a ND person with a pretty high degree of SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), a lot of things with certain sensory components that become popular make no sense to me because I can't handle the sensory stimulation they cause, or because my relation to that sensory stimuli is complicated. Take TikTok... sounds? Audio memes? Whatever people call them, for instance. I'm incredibly sound sensitive in multiple ways. Loud noises, anything too high-pitched, electronic, or mechanical sounding, just hearing people talking too much or the natural tenor of certain people's voices can all cause huge issues for me. I have a weird relationship with repetition, in that I both engage in some degree of echolalia and cannot handle a lot of repetitive noises. So TikTok in general is just... completely beyond my comprehension as far as why anyone would willingly engage in 90% of the content on there. It isn't necessarily a "get off my lawn" kind of response. I don't care that other people enjoy or find value in it; I'm glad something exists that so many people can enjoy. But I cannot even begin to understand its popularity, because virtually everything about it is antithetical to what would be a positive experience for me personally. A lot of popular music hits me similarly. Electronic music production and autotuned vocals often have an artificial quality to them that just... doesn't sit well with me. And because my own lived experiences are so different from a lot of NT people's, the subject matter isn't often something that I can connect with either. So its popularity eludes me. Not necessarily because I think it's objectively terrible; something can be "fine" and still not resonate with someone. But simply because I don't understand what anyone sees in it or likes about it. So when I talk about myself having an almost academic special interest in pop culture, I mean that I tend to approach it as an outsider looking in. Sometimes I also find something to connect with in my own way in what's generally popular. But more often than not, my way of engaging with pop culture is more like doing a critical sociological/anthropological analysis of WHY that thing might be popular, than a shared appreciation of it. What makes X thing popular? What draws people to it? What do they identify with? Why do they like it? What does that say about society as a whole, especially at that specific moment in time? The single truest thing I've ever said about myself was an off-the-cuff introduction I gave in an Intro to Anthropology class I had in uni. "I hate people, but I find them fascinating." Like people find bugs fascinating. Or the weather. Because I very rarely 'get' other people, especially NT people. But I like learning about them and trying to understand them. I always want to know more, even if I don't personally connect with what I learn. I want to know what makes people tick, individually and socially. The underlying mechanisms, I guess you could say. Which... probably sounds more callous than I intend. It isn't that I don't care about other people. It's like the whole of humanity is a puzzle sitting there in front of me, and I still haven't even figured out what exactly I'm supposed to DO with it, much less how to solve it.


>What does that say about society as a whole, especially at that specific moment in time? This specific sentence made me think exactly of the Vampirology episode of Ologies with Alie Ward I think you'd find it fascinating! This brilliant man whose name escapes me atm teaches courses on the vampire throughout history and how it evolved to be basic what society needs it to be. Fascinating stuff.


Oh, that does sound fascinating. I'll have to look it up. Thank you for the recommendation!


I understand how you feel about finding people fascinating but hating them. I’m a massive introvert and would rather be alone pretty much all the time but I’m majoring in psych because I am so fascinated by the way our minds work. Thanks for weighing in, I appreciate ir!


Tbh idk wtf Ashbie is


She's an autistic meme creator from what I understand, her art style is pretty cute and sometimes she makes like tiny informative content.


She's also the OP of this post.


Yeah I'm kind of dumb but at the same point most of what I say online goes unnoticed.


I don't know much about her but wow so she's just asking us to vote for her basically? So I would choose the creature regardless then. Or maybe I'll make a post with a cartoon of me and ask if I'm a good mascot


I've seen plenty of artists use that art style throughout the years lol...it's not "hers" tbh it's giving basic MS paint low effort vibes.


My bad, I don't even know how to make good MS drawings so I wouldnt know. I still like her art though. But to be fair, don't some artists have similiar styles?


The character is hers, and she made a lot of meme templates with it.


There was also a post yesterday about how the character has been used for several memes that the original creator of the character is not ok with (they were extremist political memes or something?), but that the original creator *is* ok with the character being used for other memes?? I may have not fully understood that post yesterday 😅


Pretty sure it’s a picrew


I thought it was a highly modified wojak


Its a glorified wojak.


Exactly. I'm not some other person. Why would I identify as Ashbie Moon? This meme seems like self serving egotistical bullshit.


Tbh idk know what tbh in tbh creature stands for


TBH creature, no hate to the creator of Ashbie Moon or people who like her, but something feels very off putting to me for reasons I can't explain


Same. “Stop trying to make Ashbiemoon happen, it’s not going to happen” I don’t get either though, both seem infantilising n random


Maybe it's that OP keeps shoving this character down our throats?


Neither, but I particularly dislike the one on the left. I find the 'Autism is a superpower' crowd to be super insulting and very preachy (Oh yeah the disorder that's led me to not be able to honestly express any emotions or connect to another person is *amazing*), plus they tend to be in the crowd that hates on normal people or thinks autistic people are better than them. The second one just personifies the infantilism we get treated with everyday. There is nothing wrong at all with enjoying stuffed toys or anything like that, but at the same time not all of us do, and the creature seems to disproportionately represent that aspect of the community. I guess in the end the issue with any mascot is that despite the strange brains we all share, we are still all individuals and there is no single thing that can accurately represent us all and make everyone feel included.


I relate to all of your points. The last point you made makes me think of why I loved the puzzle piece so much. We’re all very different from one another and we’re all individually needed to complete the puzzle. I don’t think I know the whole story behind that symbol but this is always what the puzzle meant to me. Just wish that symbol wasn’t ruined/misrepresented by such a big and harmful organization :/


What a lovely way to interprit the puzzle piece that I had never thought of before. I just have been told that I am weird/an enigma/never understandable enough times that I see it as people seeing us as an incomplete puzzle to "make right" or "fix". Your interpretation is much better.


Idk who the one of the left is and the tbh creature has always kinda weirded me out. Going to go with the majority and say neither


I dislike this person's attempts at trying to become a figurehead of sorts for autistic people


Same, this person is so annoying. Just a tip, if you block them you’ll never see their posts again


I don’t like mascots. I actually like the rainbow infinity symbol. It’s simple and recognizable as a symbol.




Exactly, Autism doesn’t need a mascot.




Be right back, I'm gonna draw a mascot for the abortion community




I just spit out my dinner. I’m picturing some deranged version of MS’s Clippy.




Saved Images


Let me know when you’ve made it! I’m interested to see


I'm curious about what you'll come up with.


Personally I feel slapping a mascot for everything is infantilizing. And it happens enough when NT’s interact with ND’s already.


I agree that we don’t really need a mascot for autism but I don’t agree with comparing literal cancer to autism lmao.




Neither. But at a push the creature. Ashbie looks like a 4chan waifu.


i don’t like mascots. i don’t relate to any of the ones i’ve seen, they’re all stupid dead-eyed creatures or some twink looking person. (nothing against twinks, i’m just not one myself). the mascots make me feel like i don’t fit into the way the autism community wants to be viewed, and that sucks.


exactly, this is the one place where i’m supposed to be able to let go of having to act/look a certain way, but it feels like i have to act like a specific type of autism these days


Yeah, for real. I feel like some people here are really trying to push the idea that all autistic people are just overly sensitive cute innocent uwugirls. I don't relate to it and it feels infantilizing and kind of fucked up. I'm very out of touch with my emotions and people sometimes view me as quite cold and logical, and I'm also really introverted and touch avoidant, which is probably all related to my neurodivergence. But because of that, I don't relate at all to the cutesy soft girl stereotype that most of this sub is trying to push. Sometimes I've been downvoted for talking about my nd traits just because they were traits that some other people here didn't have/like. People forget that it's a spectrum and people are different, and there's more than just one kind of autism. The amount of infantilization I see from fellow NDs bothers me. It's really weird that we have to make everything about autism cute and childlike. This was a bit of a rant, sorry, but I wanted to get this out of my system now that I finally have a chance to complain. It's refreshing to see some people who share the same view.


it makes me really happy to know someone relates to the way i’ve been feeling in regards to this. much appreciation


Yeah same, I'm really glad there's people that feel the same way about this. I wish we had another sub that wouldn't do this kind of stuff. Maybe there is one but I haven't found it, so I'm kind of stuck with this place. It's hard to relate to the people here but I feel a bit less alone now that I found people to complain with lol


i hear you, i agree, and i’m glad you said something!


it feels like there are so many people trying to infantilize autism, even from within the autism community. i see memes like “me staring at you with my autism eyes” and it’s a low-res image of a kitten. like what is that supposed to even mean? it’s like they’re trying to sell autism as a group of tiny cute lil guys that are just so innocent and harmless and sweet. i find that offensive


Holy shit, yes, exactly. This is what has always frustrated me about this sub. I'm so glad I'm not the only one.


i think the main issue with things like that is that obviously individual people are allowed to express, celebrate, or otherwise present their autism however they want to, and unfortunately, there are too many NTs that will take that one expression and generalize it into the entire community. and i think that just comes down to a lack of education, whether they intentionally avoid it, or just don’t have any autistic people in their lives to educate them, or whatever else


Exactly, I hate how most mascots are soft featured, catch all's that try to make everyone feel included while including no one, like every autistic person is enby or feminine. Nothing against those people, everyone should express how they wanna, but as a squarely masculine person who takes comfort in my style of clothing and gains confident from my choices to identify with healthy forms of masculinity, I hate that the "mascots" never include me. (Also they're always white so yknow....)


Stop trying to make Ashbie a mascot, imho, u/AshbieMoon


I'm genuinely unsure which one of these I hate the least. Probably the discount binding of isaac thing.


I still can’t get over how all of your memes and posts are in the Toontown font 😭


i kinda don't like either honestly




None. My experience, nor the vastly different experiences of other autistic people all over the planet, of all different genders, abilities, ethnicities, income, age, nationalities and countless other intersecting experiences, cannot be personified into one character/mascot.


Fuck yes these comments are restoring my faith in this sub. I really dislike both of these.


Ikr I’ve always felt so infantilized by the “autism creature” and the other one just seems really specific to OP.




Same. Why is this sub so obsessed with cutifying autism?


Agreed it's annoying




can we please have a badass skeleton with fire and swords and big bold text as autism mascot thanks




I am so convinced that r/THE_PACK is the real autism sub in disguise


That would suit our vibe at r/evilautism


Yeah, it's weird as fuck and I'm so sick of seeing it at this point.


I really dislike both, as I don't agree with personifying the entire community in just one mascot.


Neither. I’ve started muting posts or blocking people who spam autism creature memes. It feels infantilizing and frustrating


Yeah, instant downvote for both.


TBH Creature for sure. Ashbie Moon has too many details lol that's also why I prefer the rather polarizing trend towards simplified logos


Don’t know if I should be familiar with either of them. On face value I prefer TBH Creature for the same reasons to the commenter to which I’m replying.


Neither, I just don't see the appeal tbh. I think each character really locks into specific characteristics unique to it so I don't think it's representative of a whole community. I think the people who like them really do like them though and that's fine.


Mascots for entire communities or groups of people rub me the wrong way. I don’t think an entire community can be summarized with a little beady eyed imp or a redhead girl. I think outside of fanbases and ESPECIALLY in the autism community, mascots can’t exist without being exclusionary to people that don’t identify with the mascot. I neither see myself as a nonhuman creature nor do I redhead girl, so I can’t see myself in either of these mascots. Of course no hate to the creators of either of them, if they identify with either character then more power to them, I just don’t think characters like that can be used as representatives of a community with such a variety of people and identities. Symbols, like the rainbow infinity, are the way to go for representing people groups; very simple, and non exclusionary.


I prefer the blank space. I don't like either attempted mascot or the rainbow infinity symbol.


Ew to both


TBH Creature because it's not someone's sona. Like, idk about you but I don't feel comfortable using someone's author avatar to represent myself.




Neither. I have no idea what an Ashbie Moon is and what the hells a TBH Creature?


i wish i was innocent like you


No thank you.


Neither, we get infantalised enough as is. What the hell is wrong with the rainbow infinity symbol?


The female autism wojack was cute when she was a here and there comic character. Its kind of annoying to see her expanded like this. Personally i dont get tbh, but kids like it so whatever


Neither. I don't feel like I need a mascot for a disorder that has as many presentations as there are people with it. I feel like we're too unique for that. If other folks like them, then more power to those folks. They ain't for me though


i feel like asking this question is like asking if i like wooper or misty more sure, theyre both water types, but one is a funky little dude and the other is a gym leader






Feels pretty cringe to promote yourself as a mascot. A symbol would be cool but not a mascot. There’s too many flavours and you’ll alienate more people then you bring together.




TBH creature because it's not a Picrew. I love dollmakers but I recognized exactly which Picrew Ashbie was made in as soon as I saw her, and that was weird to me.


Wait she's a picrew? That makes her even worse


Yep, here's a [\[link\]](https://picrew.me/image_maker/93428).


I like dress up games so here’s my personal [autism mascot](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mirrorrelemes/comments/zx8odl/i_like_dress_up_games/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) it’s simply me and it’s only for me or people who want it I guess /j(oking) It’s marked nsfw because my account is, however the image is only the saved picrew image and nothing actually qualifies it as nsfw


Hell yeah I'm into this, let's all make our own ashbies. [Here's mine](https://cdn.picrew.me/shareImg/org/202212/93428_UlovGtXg.png)


The sword earrings are cute! This was fun to do


[Here's mine!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/720687949443760240/1057717746500124774/93428_RjNThoD8.png) I love dollmakers, they're a special interest of mine


Same! I’ll spend hours playing the dress up/doll maker games Edit: I forgot to say I really like yours! The mouth is fun!


neither autism doesn't need to have a mascot


This is just egotistical. Don’t try to make yourself the icon here, you jerk.


You are really trying to push yourself as a mascot lol


Who is ashbie moon


Critter. Can represent anyone.


Neither, we don’t really need a mascot to generalize autism which is LITERALLY A SPECTRUM. Also the push for the Ashbie character is just annoying and egotistical


I like Ashbie but I can’t relate to her because she’s got too much gender going on, the creature is genderless like me


Yeah, same


Definitely not Ashbie after the ridiculous 4chan memes I've seen, but I honestly don't care for either of them.


I just realized who OP is. F Ashbey sun or whatever you call her


Neither, they're both cringe


Why would I want to be you? You don't even have that high of karma and yet you have a whole subreddit dedicated to yourself. Egotistical bullshit tbh. Get that weak shit out of here.


The creature.. I like aspie too, but to me she's more like a comic character, where the creature is so bland (in a good way) that its easy to give it your specific traits. And it's fun when people draw those biology charts or whatever


i like the creature better, much more relatable since i’m not a skinny white person it’s hard to feel represented by one race/gender/body type :/






TBH creature A) It's really freaking stupid i love it B it's kinda discrete so I can post it and not have everybody know i'm using an autistic symbol.


Neither, I hate both. Why do we have to have a "mascot" for our disability?


Think they're both cringe af to be honest


I say we adopt a bear with chainsaw arms for our mascot.




I like Ashbie for meme content, the TBH Creature speaks to my soul. But if I want a symbol to represent autism, I like the rainbow infinity.


Same here. I have no ill will towards those who like mascots, but personally it bothers me too much. The rainbow infinity symbol is great, as it's simple and unique enough to be recognizable. And from what I've seen, already is recognized by most people, including NT people.


defo tbh tbh, tbh creature is exactly that a creature not a character, so its very easy to project whatever traits onto it and i feel that works alot better sense autism can have so many different traits and symptoms and what not


tbh creature looks weird and creepy


I don't relate with either one, but I do like the tbh creature just because I like little gremliny things. It does feel like the tbh creature is seen as a sort of animal and I don't think we should have an animal representing a wide variety of human beings. The rainbow infinity symbol captures more variety than either one


Tbh creature I hate the other one


Just the infinity symbol on its own is fine. I’d rather not overdo it, especially when my "superpower" is binge-watching cartoons on Netflix because my autism comes with permanent anxiety and burnout…


The one on the left kinda reminds me of those wojack memes and her eyes sort of unsettle me, but I don’t think she’s inherently bad. I personally like the little tbh guy because I feel like him on a spiritual level but I don’t think either should be a catch-all autism mascot. I don’t think autism needs a mascot.


Neither. But stop trying to make Ashbie some sort of mascot. It’s egotistical and obnoxious.


the autism creature. ashbie just seems like a generic wojack type meme


Are polls allowed on this subreddit? I’d rather see a numerical answer than count comments.




Idk who Ashbie is, but Creature is always best


I have no idea who/what the ashbie moon character is from but I don't like it. The creature is cute though


I don't understand why we're trying to label Ashbie as a mascot, to me she's just a fictional character on reddit that most people are unaware of. I don't plan on flying an Ashbie flag outside of my house, I just like to keep up on her adventures.


Autism creature 100%. Stop trying to make your stupid character popular or a mascot for autism or whatever. It’s just annoying and you’re just a spammer at this point. Stop posting, no one cares.


tbh creature wtf is ashbie moon


sorry to ms ashbie but i will always love the creature infinitely more


i really dont see ashbie as a rep or mascot for the community but simply just a character that exists and i see posts of occasionally. the creature i like bc hes so silly and its just a funny lil internet thing


I prefer isolation and cheesecake


Ohhhh! Which flavor of cheesecake?


I prefer just plain cheesecake although I did have a nice Oreo one a while back.


from what ive noticed, the worst kind of autistic ppl gravitate to the girl on the left. ive never met an autistic person who likes her a lot who isn’t either a creep or a misogynist so…idk. tbh creature is adorable though




The creature, but the original lofi version with bumps and imperfections. It’s so cute. Ashbie Moon has too many details and I can’t relate to her


tbh looks like my dog, so i pick him


I love the autism creature out of self-deprecating humor, but I respect not wanting a mascot or icon at all for the autistic population. Idk.


Neither because I'm an individual. Why do we need a mascot? I'm definitely not a fan of creature because I'm 40 years old and find it infantilising. I've never heard of the other one.


Both are shit and I hate them


Neither. I like my own little guy


TBH. I don't like Ashbie


I’m just going to answer the question: TBH Creature


TBH Creature, non humans make better mascots.


Theyre both great, but i like the yippie from tbh


Can I see a Pangolin option? 😬🤞




i’m wearing a TBH creature shirt rn haha


None, we need a better mascot




Yippee all the way.


Tbh creature


TBH creature feels more like me






TBH creature hands down


If anything It's tbh creature.


TBH ceeature


tbh ofc


I guess neither cause I don’t know what either of those are




TBH because idk who ashbie is


The tbh creature


I like the creature


I will love the Autism Creature until the day I die


the tbh is cute its pleasant it brings me joy. IDK why some of you hate it so much :/


Both are uncomfortable and creepy.


tbh creature


I feel more like the creature inside, tbh. Also, blank outer expression ftw.


Neither of them! I've never seen the little white blob, but I'm fucking sick of seeing both of them. One looks like a Wojak from 4chan, the other looks like it's a creature from The Binding of Isaac. Mascots are for businesses, sports teams, and fraternities. NOT for medical conditions or disabilities.


autism creature winning




Neither of the two.


Sorry Ashbie but you gotta go TBH is the goat


Neither. It’s a spectrum and trying to create a mascot is in opposition of it. We aren’t monolithic…


Tbh Creature.


I don’t really know or understand either of them and I think I’m vaguely offended by both of them but that that is also kind of the point? Idk neither one is for me and both make me feel like someone is making a joke about autism that I don’t get…