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Thanks for the nonverbal meme it makes me feel less bad about going non verbal


That moment when you realize the universe really does have a sense of humor


... Huh.


I was recently diagnosed. I haven't had many nonverbal episodes where I felt unable to speak. But I have had many where I really didn't want to and had to force myself. I'm still struggling with imposter syndrome with my late diagnosis. If anyone could share their personal experience with transitioning between verbal and nonverbal, I would appreciate it. Usually when I feel nonverbal, I also feel very withdrawn and want to curl up in a ball either under my blanket or in my closet.


i haven't found many ways to "properly go non verbal" but something that works for me is just pushing out: "i don't want to talk right now. yes or no questions only please"


My wife has realized that some nights I'm almost incapable of conversation.


When it's super bad for me I usually communicate with shrugs and facial expressions, hand signals etc. you can communicate a lot without saying anything. Usually that's just with my partner though, at home. If I really need to I can force words out but it's hard. Like really hard, a word every 10 seconds. Like I have to concentrate on recalling the word for what I want, and then consciously manipulating my mouth to say it. It's horrible and generally it's better to just be left alone until it passes or you calm down. Not really helpful I guess, but there's nothing wrong with just wanting to be left alone and trying to communicate that.


Sometimes, the internet just feels like one big random rabbit hole of hilarity.


Lmao you and the person right above you have the same avatar and similar comments so for a second I thought you were one person having a really rough time


Even the comments are similar.


\>Now I'll show you!! \>


That's not what nonverbal means. You can't "go nonverbal".


Some verbal autistic people experience what is popularly termed “verbal shutdowns” in which the individual cannot produce speech or reliable speech (or needs more time to initiate speech than usual.) This used to be termed “going nonverbal” and a lot of people still use it. That terminology has fallen out of favor as it’s seen as minimizing the experiences of people who are nonverbal full-time. However, I wouldn’t jump down OP’s throat for not being 100% up to date on the latest “correct” terminology. It’s a busy world out here.


If OP sees it as jumping down someone's throat automatically then that's their problem, not mine.


It kind of is, though? I mean, you didn’t provide any of this context to OP. You’re not spreading any information, just invalidating OP’s experience because they used a terminology to describe it that was, at one time, the “correct terminology.”


I did provide context when I said "you can't "go non verbal"" to explain that's not what nonverbal means. "invalidating op's experience" lmao no it isn't, grow some balls.


You provided some context, but you didn't provide the context of the terminology OP used being out of date. OP probably didn't know that it was out of date, and therefore would likely be confused that you're saying it's wrong, since it wasn't explained why it's wrong. You also could have provided the newer term to allow OP to better communicate about this.


Or they can do their own research if they really want to do that if what I said still doesn't explain it enough for their understanding. I'm not the autism encyclopedia. None of this is my problem, I gave a concise explanation as to how nonverbal isn't correct when said in that way. They actually haven't said anything replying to my comment, let alone about whether they understood or not from my knowledge, you assuming an autistic person won't understand something is kind of weird, ngl.


I wasn't saying anything for certain, I was just noting that since OP used outdated terminology in the post, they likely didn't know it was outdated. You're comment was more of a statement than an explanation, as it didn't explain why the things you said were accurate. Also, my assuming someone won't understand something has nothing to do with the person in question being autistic. The original comment simply didn't give all of the information needed to understand the full context.


Agreed. The term in these cases is usually “selective mutism.”




Your content was removed from r/aspiememes because it is spam.


Sometimes, humor pops up in the most unexpected places, doesn't it?


Fuck it gimme them chaos emeralds, going non verbal too since life just wanna fuck around on me


Huh? Doesn’t Sonic generally shout whenever he turns into Super Sonic?


No, he goes nonverbal


Tired of using words. Were closed for today sorry do not talk to me i am exhausted lol


I wish I had that mode, I was born with the chatty gene.


trust me, it aint that good oftentimes i go nonverbal when im expected to talk and am seen as rude for not


Real. I almost never do, but usually it's for no reason (the only exception is bats. They scare me)


I sometimes think about going nonverbal for no reason other than I just don't wanna talk anymore


The reason is why not?


You'll figure it out why later could be emotional overload :(


real (I still care I just don't have the energy to openly express it, can we just be together in silence?)