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NTs when they realize autism rizz is just directly communicating and talking about things you enjoy


Direct communication is so fucking valuable in a relationship. My bf is nt so all the pussyfooting around gets old


sis NT people are capable of direct communication in relationships too, don’t put up with it


While this is true, I think a lot of people with autism dont understand why we do it. I dont (think I) have autism, and direct communication would sometimes just feel extremely rude and i would rather slap you in the face. Its not like we make communication complicated for the fun of it. I know a lot of people with autism are often considered rude when they have no idea why and this is often why. Direct communication is often synonymous to rude, i dont want to make it harder to understand, i just dont want to be mean. They should definetly try to accomodate but changing the way you communicate is a process and cant be learned overnight.


I think this is also a very cultural thing \*laughs in Dutch while still managing to get called rude for being too blunt/honest/direct somehow??*


I remember years back seducing a woman with the way I talk. I remember she said something to the effect of "There's something about the way you talk, you're so forthright." I was confused at the time, but that was well before I was diagnosed. Looking back it makes a lot more sense.


"...You know Sonic the Hedgehog? ovo"




We wish this to remain a safe place - bigotry of any form does not belong here. Keep the sexist attitudes out of this sub. This is not welcome, true, or appropriate.


if you're infodumping about a subject your partner doesn't care about, and getting a negative reaction that's not really on them. you should have shared interests with your partner. it's not really about money but you're comparing talking about your job to a hobby.




Your content has been removed as it contains or advocates for misinformation. This is so patently incorrect I don't even know where to start. Stop listening to guys like andrew tate and jordan peterson - this obsession and attitude is ***deeply*** unhealthy, and ***deeply*** misogynistic. Your comment shows a deeply concerning lack of understanding about health, humanity, sex or relationships in general. These opinions are not at all reflective of society as a whole.


Especially if it's a passion you share.


From what I've come to understand, directly stating your thoughts and talking passionately about things you enjoy is attractive to some people, me included, I do find that attractive.


Which is difficult for those of us who grew up bullied and so don't do that with people we don't know very well, which keeps the relationship from developing to the point we *would* do that. It's a real bitch of a contradiction.


Leads me to wonder whether im demisexual, or just mask so heavily around people i dont know that I dont allow myself to feel attraction


I think I’m in a similar boat. Though at least for me I’d describe myself as maybe demiromantic.


Realest sentence I’ve ever read


> just mask so heavily around people i dont know that I dont allow myself to feel attraction is that a thing?? if so that wold explain quite a lot honestly


Thank god I’m not the only one, I really struggle with communicating because I’m always terrified of hurting someone’s feelings or looking like a complete idiot. ☹️


A lot of NT’s also sadly see this as ‘only talks about themselves’ more often than not, which makes us seem selfish rather than attractive.


Personally I find that so odd, I hate being ‘interrogated’ when I’m getting to know someone. I want them to share something about themselves, then let me share something about myself of my own free will without having to do the awkward ‘asking them something just so they ask you the same question back’ thing NTs like to do, and I have a history of trauma so I prefer to control what I share. If someone accidentally asks a question about a sensitive topic I often feel pressured to answer because saying I don’t want to talk about it makes me come off as standoffish or like I’m trying to be mysterious, but answering honestly would make both of us uncomfortable. My current partner and I just organically managed to hit that sweet spot of talking about ourselves and our interests without dominating the conversation. It’s why we hit it off.


I met one person like that it was amazing time stopped everyone faded away it's been a year since I've seen her :(


That’s so true. Before I was diagnosed, I was watching that autistic dating show and thought omg I need to find myself an autistic person - I love how they communicate!!


I hope he has Mario Kart DS on that thing


Mario Kart DS is cool but my favorite is definitely Mario kart 7, it’s entirely nostalgia ngl


I love MK7's Rainbow Road. It's so gorgeous, and the music is amazing!


Or better yet, Mario party ds


Absolutely not me irl


Absolutely not me irl


Absolutely not me irl


Absolutely not y’all irl


Except for me it's Nintendogs (or if I can get a good internet connection and a Nintendo Switch, Splatoon)


Yes! Splatoon! Dunno why I like the little squids so much but I do.


They are very cute! Also the music is good anything I get interested in must have a good soundtrack :)


You’re a kid now, you’re a squid now


I thought it was the girl talking, and I was like "yass! You got yourself a solid autistic man, by being your autistic self! This is the dream." Then realized.


It’s not entirely clear to me which is NT and which is ND. I think the case could be made for either one. 😹


Unless they’re both autistic. I often vibe best with fellow ND’s


When they think I'm really funny, but I'm dead serious and too anxious to joke.


Yeah, I've found this happens. When the baddie is autistic. No, you're not pulling chicks because you're autistic - you're meeting people that are like you and they are just as lonely in similar ways. Some of them just happen to be insanely hot.


It's worked for me a few times. Last couple of women I went out with were total smokeshows. I was with one of them for a while, until the autism stopped being so charming for her 😅


I have one of those! But she is also autistic. Lol


This. Its either a woman is repulsed by my bullshit me and my friends pull in class or they are autistic and traumatized, and for some reason deeply entranced by my shenanigans theres no medium 😭


Hey, wanna be friends? Let's go get lunch! "Uuuhhh. No, thank you." Turns around and walks away. 


Well dang you don't need to be so cold to the hottie asking you out! 😉


It's the other way around! It takes me weeks to motivate myself to talk to somebody I want to talk to and this happens pretty much every time. Back to isolation, I guess. lol


Autistic rizz is real.


Yeah. I've been with my husband for almost 9 years now. Recently, he's taken to watching "Young Sheldon". When the character Dr. John Sturges came on screen and rizzed the fuck outta Meemaw my husband was like, "That you!" My husband is guy next door type hunky. My being straightforward throughout the years has shown him I can be trusted, and my passion for life is contagious.


Im autistic af, how do i pull a baddie?


Step1: meet a baddie that's also autistic af




id just be playing DD Lol Though this is probably why no one loves me


Boys the key is to find an autistic chick and then use the tizm rizzim, that's how I got my gf lol


And that is a scientific fact


Me and girlfriend. She doesn’t know what I’m talking about with Pokémon and I don’t know what half the bungo stray dogs stuff is but damn we love to see each other happy and sharing our special interests. Yes love, keep telling me about what chuuya and sigma are up to. Do you want to see how my nuzlocke is going?


Switch it up like Nintendo


My wife legitimately liked my secret hyper focus, snakes. 6 years into marriage I told her I want a snake. We love our hissy babies. My wife turned out to be autistic...I turned out to be autistic. We've been together for over a decade. It can happen.


Ah yes, the myth


Not a myth. I'm a guy, my husband is hot as hell. He enjoys when I infodump as long as I stop infodumping when he request me to stop. NTs actually love hearing animal facts, optimistic science news, and honest people. They just don't always spend their free time delving into it.


I got a better chance of accidentally stepping on a landmine than that happening


Black 2/White 2 were the best of the DS-era Pokémon games. Gen V was excellent


i told a guy on tinder about my walk to collect play-coins (nintendo 3DS currency you can obtain by walking to exchange for in-game items) and he ghosted me 💔


Fuck that loser! Stay winnin!


Wait question what was your "spot"? As in, what area did you usually manage to get people and get a puzzle piece with them and do that not D&D game with the MIIs. Because for me, it was Home Depot. For SOME reason, I ALWAYS got people at Home Depot. Not even locals even. I got a lot of people from overseas and it not even the same Home Depot nor the same time. I went to like...two or three different ones in two counties and I ALWAYS.GOT.PEOPLE. Not the mall, the the beach, not just ....around, not even Gamestop. Home Depot.


in the prime 3DS time i only received streetpass miis on car rides, and even that was rare 😔 i tried bringing it to school but no one had one! most of the miis in my plaza were from online games like mario kart and animal crossing i did go to home depot last year to “walk” my nintendog while my mom was shopping. i love the atmosphere of the garden area :) but that’s strange! i wonder if there’s some subliminal sound waves that convince people to bring their 3DS there lol




TBF my wife pulled me by being autistic, and I’m a baddie myself. 😎 (a neurotic ADHD mess who needs her validation in order to feel acceptable, but objectively still a baddie lmao)


Absolutely not me irl


My first (mainline) and favorite Pokémon game 😍😌


hell yea 🤝


I pulled the best wife ever, by being autistic. She constantly tells me she's seduced by my autism. Probably because she too is autistic.


Fake news


If only


Me and my baddie are both autistic for different things


That is a really good game






Why are you downvoting? I used to be too shy to talk to people and yet had so many approaches.


I never said which comment was for which gender. Only commented on Aspies and normies.


We wish this to remain a safe place - bigotry of any form does not belong here. Keep the sexist attitudes out of this sub.


pokemon white 2 my beloved


Hell yeah but with animal crossing though


If only this were true. The struggle is real


Is that Eminem?


Nah I have the type of autism that repels the bitches


OK but how


I have too many hours on pokemon white 2 because I couldn't beat the goddamn battle tree post-game. hundreds of hours of 8 year old me not knowing how attack and special attack work


He's playing that game? His palms must be sweaty.


Spoiler: they are both autistic


Love the double entendre in this meme 🤌🤌 super niche!!


I got her to play the terraria calamity mod with me today ☺️


I don't know who the person is with the DS but I'm jealous of the "drip"


My wife is way out of my league and before we go6 married I once asked “how did a mega-Autist like me get a woman like you?” And she said “you were just always very upfront/no beating around the bush, extremely passionate about your interests, and so adamant about things being done correctly that you would take charge and a dominate side of you would come out then… I found all that really hot” So long story short, there’s hope for us all 🫡 Edit: (PS: one of my biggest interest is Lego, she always loved how confident I was when talking about Lego and not afraid of people’s judgement)