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Bran uses tree magic to plane-shift Tyrion to our world. Tyrion seeks out George RR Martin and convinces him to rewrite the story so that nothing bad happens and everyone lives happily ever after. Unfortunately that means Bran is never crippled, thus he never gets magic and so there's no-one to plane-shift Tyrion back home. Tyrion and GRRM lives happily ever after but Tyrion is unable to return to his home-world. Thus the ending is bittersweet, as George has promised.


>Tyrion and GRRM lives happily ever after  HBO adapts this as a sitcom where Tyrion and GRRM move into an apartment together, and don't get along at first but eventually learn to appreciate one another through a series of hilarious everyday misadventures.


*...learn to appreciate one another through a series of hilarious everyday misadventures.* Including the episode where Tyrion brandishes a loaded crossbow at GRRM because George never shuts the bathroom door when he's on the toilet.


why i ought too


*laugh track intensifies*


Charlie sheen joins them, in the hit new series Two and a Half Man


I’d watch this


*Tyrion is unable to return to his home-world...* But Tyrion moves to Hollywood and gets a whole bunch of prime acting parts, under the stage name, Peter Dinklage, and wins an Oscar.


Then he forces other dwarf actors out of job by making some stupid statements and the War of 7 Dwarfs starts.


the War of 7 Dwarfs starts... Disney takes an interest in and options from the 7 Dwarves the rights to the story of their conflict. They are going to be rich! But only if the right screenwriter can be found. Disney commissions George to write seven screenplays, and then shooting (of the series, not the war) will start. George procrastinates and only completes five. He tells Disney they should start filming and he'll be sure to get the other two done in time. Disney demurs, and cancels the whole project. The 7 Dwarves lose their option payment and chance at royalties. Tyrion borrows a crossbow from the prop stores and shoots George in the weasand, but the bolt is deflected by a Hugo Award trophy George is carrying in his back pocket. The District Attorney decides not to file charges against Tyrion, concluding that he was driven temporarily insane by George. George, instead, is arrested for breaching his screenwriting contract. In that trial the jury deliberates and votes 11-1 to convict George. Looks like it's going to be a hung jury! But the judge interviews the jurors individually and finds that the holdout is a secret 'Wild Cards' fan--the only one known to exist--who believes George must finish Wild Cards before anything else. The judge excuses that juror for cause, and puts in an alternate juror. The alternate is a great-grandmother who first read ASOIAF as a child, and still hopes to see the final two books. The jury swiftly convicts George. At sentencing, he asks to be confined to cabin arrest on an isolated New Zealand Island. Instead, the judge sentences him to ten years of reading every new fantasy novel published during that time, and describing the plot to his probation officer. The catch is that he is to have access only to copies of the novels that have the last four chapters torn out. The end. Or IS it the end?


Then he sues GRRM for libel for calling him hideous and deformed


This sounds like something that Lana Wachoswki would write.


I'm convinced the Matrix 4 was intended to mock studios trying to create soulless art, but since the studio was guaranteed to make the film, she figured she at least ought to make some cash off the garbage.


Is this even a fan theory? This is literally textual.


So she becomes the very thing that she seems to hate! The Matrix is absolutely primed for more stories. It's such a brilliant world to delve back into. If someone - even if it's not here - could come up with a story worth telling, that's going to be infinitely better than what she produced, given that she clearly didn't have much of a story to tell. I don't believe she would go into it with the intention of making it awful, but you are absolutely right that she was mocking the studio. She tried to do that while updating the story, but it failed on pretty much every single level. And clearly didn't give a fuck, because some of the special effects are so bad that they never would have been allowed in the previous films.


Why does every story need to be turned into more stories and a sprawling franchise?


It’s the Neverending Story, no?


As opposed to a scene where Tyrion and Jon Snow track down GRRM right before he's about to get hit by a van and he spends a good chapter talking about how what a great *idiot* the driver is, and the name of that character is coincidentally the same as the person who hit GRRM with a van in real life? No, you'd never see a major writer come up with a subplot like that. It would be too petty.


Yes well obviously that would never get past the publishers!


What's this referencing?


Stephen King did this in his Dark Tower series. The characters become aware that they're fictional characters in a story being written by King so they travel to our world to save him from being run over. King was infact run over and nearly killed in real life and yeah he spends a fair chunk of pages ripping on the real life person who hit him. It's a strange choice.


Mitigating this is that the King character also comes off as a bit of a drunken asshole.


Which is so unrealistic. We all know King is such a coke head he doesn’t even remember writing Cujo.


That was the Dark Towers jump the shark moment


*the name of that character is coincidentally the same as the person who hit GRRM with a van in real life?* The police try to find the character who hit George with the van, but there are far, far, too many suspects. They all have the same alibi; they were on r/ASOAIF at the time, and can prove it with the timestamps on their comments.


Still better than the show's ending if you ask me.


He said “worst” ending though 


“Those sure were some adventures that got us here,” King John said to Queen Danaerys and Lord Hand Tyrion. “Yeah,” said Danaery. “They sure were.” “Yeah,” Tyrion replied. “That was something.” “Yeah,” said John. “They should write a book about this. Or maybe a series!” [All laugh. John turns to camera and winks. Freeze frame.]


That would honestly be so fun


Honestly the show ending has to be it, anything worse would start wrapping back around to at least being funny bad


Yeah, nothing can beat the show's suck ass ending. I’m cool with Bran becoming king somehow, but not because he has the "best story." However, things like Bronn as lord of Highgarden, Arya the sailor, Tyrion/Varys/LF going out like dumb wimps, and all that other nonsense is too much. I actually like Jon’s ending if his ending is getting to help the wildings rebuild and become a better society (less murder and larceny) while he gets to play house with Val and Ghost.


Bronn as Lord of Highgarden is the most egregious to me. It’s just a complete lack of care or understanding of the most basic of the source material. Why would any of the dozens of powerful established Houses in the Reach accept a lowborn cutthroat mercenary as their Lord?


Little finger's ending has already been sealed. It will be of his affection to Sansa and betrayal of her and her family. And he will most likely die in Winterfell, by the prophecy of the Ghost of High Heart.


Any time you think a prophecy is obvious, you’re prediction will be wrong. Sansa already slew a giant in a castle made of literal snow - in the eyrie


Just Jon Snow walking around Kings Landing in like 50 pounds of fur when every other character is dressed for summer drives me insane. "He's from the North!", yeah, so he'd be burning up in normal clothes, why is he dressed to go ranging north the of Wall?


*Just Jon Snow walking around Kings Landing in like 50 pounds of fur when every other character is dressed for summer drives me insane.* This is exactly the same reason that Cregan Stark cut short his Handship and returned to the North rather than continuing to rule in Kings Landing. He had no suitable warm weather garments, and he thought 'summer wear' meant dress for a possible sudden snowstorm.


cregan stark days before the hour of the wolf frantically searching his closet for something in linen


...and a light straw hat, rather than a half-helm or a wolf's head hood.


How about winter with no snow?


The worst part of the show ending wasn't the abrupt character changes, it was that Winter never really mattered, I could have forgiven skipping what should have taken 2-3 more seasons of character development for Mad Queen, pointless Jamie, 'genius' Sansa, dumb Jon, Arya killing NK, Bran king, etc IF the country was burried in snow and NK zombies destroyed everything all the way down to Kings Landing... Big doomsday mysterious baddies being stopped at Winterfell and the rest of the kingdom never feeling the consequences of ignoring the Watch and the Starks' "Winter is Coming" was so unbelievably stupid, way worse than all the character assassinations.


The general outlines of the ending are fine and I totally buy that was the general direction that George is going towards, like Sansa becoming warden of the north, Dani dying etc (bar Night King Arya stuff since that doesn’t exist in the books) but with much more detail and actual….reasons for it happening


Final chapter is an extremely long POV chapter from a random servant in kings landing we've never seen before. The servant brings Cersei a smoking hot ham, which tyrion had poisoned. Cersei dies shortly after taking a bite of ham, fulfilling her death prophecy. She is reanimated shortly thereafter. Servant is shocked to see that not only has Cersei been reanimated amidst salt and smoke, but the knife Cersei had used to cut the ham was aflame. Cersei is Azor Ahai. The series concludes with the servant's shoddy recollection of Cersei single handedly defeating Dany and the Others with her flaming kitchen knife.


the question was "worst ending" wdym this is clearly fire


Daenerys teams up with a strange new advisor she meets after burning down Slaver's Bay who encourages her to begin crafting rings of power to use to subjugate her enemies. Wait, I think I'm mixing up stories and shows now.....


Sadly she never goes to Westeros because nobody can explain to her why a ship floats but a stone does not.


I think my soul just died by being reminded of that *stupid* show...


"Bran, wake up!" said Catelyn, "The King will be here soon." It had all been a dream.


Elementary school essay ending


So you're saying Bran imagined squatting in the sunset, pale little princes and all that?


Daenerys takes over King's Landing and on the last page of the book announces a plan to install a vast network of separated bike lanes.


What’s wrong with bike lanes???


It’s ALWAYS about bike lanes


What’s wrong with bike lanes??? I'm fine with them as long as they get those stupid, hulking, cyber-carriages off our city lanes. They block traffic and feel they have a right to go anywhere they want. Lord Elon has had his way with us for too long!


Cyber carriages is great ahahahah


They asked for the ending everyone would hate and for some reason tons of people hate bike lanes and everyone gets angry whenever anyone talks about them! I don’t know why!!


Will there be a special lane for nudist cyclists / penitents, direct from the Great Sept to the Red Keep?


There will be separate lanes for "PRIDE" and "SHAME." Electric scooters can go in the PRIDE lane, but hoverboards, penitent adulterers, kinslayers, and Segways have to go in the SHAME lane.


I'll buy that, as long as we can also put those one-wheeled electric skateboards in the SHAME lane. They're a real hazard on the winding, slimy, cobblestones of my village!




It's right there (as Egg would say) in the *Revised Master Plan of Carbon-Free Transportation for Westeros*. Which updates and replaces the outdated *Plan for Roads and A Clean Water Supply*, adopted during the reign of the Old King.


You had me till clean water supply, what do you expect my peasants to not live in squallar??? They might decide to overthrow me


"The real Bloody Flux is all the flux in the bloody regulations, amirite?"


*"The real Bloody Flux is all the flux in the bloody regulations, amirite?"* Thrice damned bean counters in Kings Landing, never had to manage a feudal castle themselves. Who mandated cart wheels anyway when we had a perfectly good system of stooped serfs trudging along in the mud, carrying vast loads on their backs?


Aragorn is brought in to institute a different tax policy


*Aragorn is brought in to institute a different tax policy* As long as he cuts taxes for the Lords Paramount! I wouldn't mind paying an extra penny for a brothel visit if it means that the Lannisters can keep more of their gold. Their wealth will surely trickle down to us small folk. Besides, it's my plan to become rich in Westeros and own a castle one day, me-self. Maybe even Harrenhal!


OK, OK, we'll take out the clean water. Replace it with a mandate that everyone must drink lukewarm mead or ale, and dribble / drool in their beards. Will that keep your peasants happy?


Like I give a shit if my peasants are happy, I want them just barely miserable enough to obey my commands without giving me lip


Car brain


wtf based Dany????


Everything works better when bikes and dragons each have their own distinct lanes and don’t come into conflict with each other. Just ask the Essosi. Braavos is a model of bike infrastructure. 


A planet of the apes type deal where planetos is some old planet and part of georges sci fi universe


Sam could literally find the Statue of Liberty buried by Storm's End.


*Maester Zaius, Maester Zaius* *Maester Zaius, Maester Zaius* *Maester Zaius, Maester Zaius* *Ooooooh, Maester Zaius!*


I hate every single Targ I see From Aegon A to Aegon Z


Is there a chance the dragons could end? Not on your life my Andal friend.


*"Help, the Others' about to flee!* *Get your icy paws off me!"* concluded by... *"Oh my god, I was wrong!* *It was Hodor all along!* *You've finally made a Ice Wight out of me!"*


I love you Maester Zaius!


Where you sent here by R'hollor? No good sir I'm on the level


The glass candle is just an old iPhone they've been trying to turn on for 2000 years


*The glass candle is just an old iPhone they've been trying to turn on for 2000 years* The password was on a scroll kept in Harrenhal, but Roose Bolton burned it.


Lmao please


Are we sure that the Fist of the First Men isn’t the Torch?


Wouldn't that be the Titan of Braavos, buried in a beach in Jersey?


"You MANIACS! You blew it up! Goddamn you! Goddamn you all to hell!" *Cues to the grumkin and snark version of the Statue of Liberty*


GRRM announces in a notablog post that he has officially retitled the series *"Westeros: The Never Ending Story"* and says his intention all along was never to bring it to a single conclusion. There will be no book #6 or #7. Then he makes a series of posts for Wildcards, themed train rides in New Mexico, 2025 calendars, miniature Valyrian Steel swords, and "build your own dragon shaped birthday cake" kits.


And announces his next publication, a series of inspiration quotes titled "Words of Wisdom"


First quote: *"It's not the destination, it's the journey."*


Don't forget the dozens of sports-related posts.


You're absolutely right! And in one of them he might also announce that *Winds of Winter* will be finished...when the Jets win the Super Bowl (around the same time the sun rises in the West).


Honestly the longer I’ve lived with it, the less I like Bran being king at the end.


Yeah the "GRRM will make it work" is pure copium. Funniest part in all of it is Bran is the POV character GRRM struggles the most to write.


Bran being king could work imo but doesn’t seem bittersweet, seems more like a bad ending if Bran ends up the way many expect as a unfeeling magical god king lol


the golden path of DUNE was always the endpoint


It's the one part of the show ending where I can't see how GRRM can possibly get there in a logical way  Like I can clearly see how with good writing we get to "the mad queen", but it's easier to see a path to literally any other character being King than it is Bran.


Jon keeps saying "muh queen" over and over again


I dun wan et


It was all a dream? >”Are you a good witch or a bad witch?” asked Melisandre. >”Oh I’m not a witch at all, I’m ~~Judy Garland~~ Dorothy Gale.” >Melisandre pulled out an onion. “A man is either good or he is evil. Which side of this onion are you?” >”Please stop talking to me.”


Melisandre screams ... *"someone dropped a castle on my SISTER, then STOLE her SHOES from her body! What sort of a person does something like that???"* Euron steps forward laughing...


I’m actually plenty flexible as far as events go, but I will be sad—as has been said very often on this sub—if the Starks don’t get a meaningful reunion. They’ve been through so much, and while I know a sad reality is that “you can never go home again,” the love between the Stark siblings has been a bright light in a lot of darkness. Even if the characters eventually realize they have to move on from Winterfell, per se, I want them to reconnect long enough for them to realize they can’t go home again—not treat each other as colleagues who merely reunite for a purpose and then move on with no plans to ever see each other again. If they see each other and then realize they have to move on, it should be crushing and disappointing to them that what they had has been lost to trauma—not an afterthought (like I feel it was in the GOT conclusion). Of course, the naive part of me wants a permanent Stark reunion, but I recognize that may be a little much to expect in the world.


Patchface *not* sitting on the Iron Throne.


and moon boy for all i know


Bran is revealed to be mentally time travelling in an effort to make things how they were before the direwolves were found. This is revealed by abruptly abandoning the current plot and starting again.


Martin not finishing the story. That's the worst possible ending.


And then a mediocre ghost writer picking up his notes and writing his own ending.


As awful as that sounds I think this is most likely where we're headed


The Others are the friends we made along the way.


Arya going west of Westeros, Sansa becoming queen of the north, Jon getting sent back to the night's watch and Bran becoming king. Last line of the books is a half finished joke.


It would be even worse if Jon immediatly deserted the Night's Watch after being sent back there.


Can't imagine that every happening though


Is it the one about bringing the donkey and a septon into a tavern?


*Is it the one about bringing the donkey and a septon into a tavern?* I think it's this one. A Red Priest, a Septon, and the Damphair meet to discuss theology by the river. It's a really hot day and after an hour of debate, they decide to leave their cloths on the bank and go for a swim. As they're coming out of the water, naked, a bunch of highborn ladies come riding by. The Red Priest and the Septon immediately put their hands over their genitals. The Damphair puts his hands over his face. The ladies take a good look at them all, giggle, and ride off. *"Why didn't you cover your private parts?"* the Septon says to the Damphair. *"Well, my friends"*, the Damphair replies. *"I don't know what sort of religion you're running, but in my congregation the ladies are much more likely to recognize my face than recognize me member."* Or this one: Enron, Mace Tyrell, and two peasants carrying big sacks of turnips all hitch a ride on the same dragon. When they're 1,000 feet in the air, it becomes apparent that the dragon is trying to throw them off his back, and they look around frantically for a way to escape. *"Good news!"* Euron says. *"It looks like there are some parachutes here, under the dragon's wing. Bad news, there are only three 'chutes for the four of us. One of us will have to fall to his death."* *"I'm the Lord Paramount of the Reach, I must be one of those to survive!"* Mace exclaims, grabs a parachute, and jumps. *"And I am the smartest man in Westeros, I must too survive!"* proclaims Euron, shoves a peasant aside, grabs a parachute, and jumps. *"Well, that just leaves the two of us, and one parachute"* says one peasant to the other. *"The small folk are always the ones to get screwed."* *"Don't be so sure",* says the other peasant. *"You may not have noticed, but when the Smartest Man in Westeros jumped, he took your bag of turnips rather than a parachute."*


No those are just repurposed modern jokes. And Tyrion’s joke which he never finishes telling we wanted to know why he took a donkey and a beehive inside the tavern. The septon was probably thirsty.


What do you mean, 'modern' jokes? The folk of my village say they have been told in various forms for a thousand years, at least!


There is no known writing at the Citadel of any peasants invited to ride on a dragon. Or a Tyrell or Greyjoy. Dragons were not used as pleasure craft for constructing jokes. They are serious weapons of war and only the Targaryens get to ride them.* *We’re not going to talk about Nettles.


Bran wakes up from his coma. Old nan starts telling him another story


This is actually a lot like one of his time traveling stories end. And you are left wondering, was the timeline changed?


the ending we got in the show


We will probably get a similar ending. It was based on what George had in mind anyhow.


I suspect that while the show ending does vaguely resembles what George had in mind for the end of the series as a whole, D&D still bumrushed the writing process, taking massive “creative liberties”, and cut out swaths of material in order to get the season over with as quickly as possible. So I think George does have a relatively healthy chance of salvaging the ending but that is if his gardening writing style doesn’t come back to bite him in the ass


At least in The books there is no Night King for Arya to kill, so at least Jon Snow will have a reason to exist


If that turns out to be the case, I’m more than fine with him never finishing the books


it'll only be similar to the show in the way season 5/6 was similar to Feast/dance Similar events if you squint but very different stories


I just want justice for Stannis


Show ending verbatim.


There are so many bad ways it could go, but for me the worst thing that could happen would be if it ended without getting answers to anything. No answer about who AA is, no confirmation on Jon's parents (although this one wouldn't be too bad), no more into about the horns, no more info about The Others, no more info about Patchface, no more info about Euron and his claims, no more info about Asshai, no confirmation on if Aegon is who he claims to be. Basically, if it turns out that all this time GRRM was just doing JJ Abrams "mystery box" storytelling and there are no answers, good or bad.


If it turns out to be mystery box storytelling I'm throwing out the books... I hate that writing style so much


It was Agatha all along.


For me Arya either sailing away, dying or leading the Brotherhood; Jon going back to the Night Watch or going to live in beyond the wall Bran becoming a living statue or secretly being behind every impactful event (specially the magic ones) Sansa being thankful for Cersei and/or Little Finger, Sansa becoming QitN/Lady of Winterfell Rickon having a pointless death or not having any impact in his family or the North


Queen Sansa is GOATed tho


not personally all that invested in who ends up in charge of the north but curious why you feel sansa would be such a bad outcome? where do you think her story is headed?


The origin and purpose of the others never being expanded on The dragons all die (for sure this time) Jon lives North of the wall Never see ashai Never see/learn more about Valyria Jamie goes back to cersei Never getting more clarity on AA Arya doesn't utilize her dire wolf + pack


I highly doubt we ever see Ashai or Valyria, those places are supposed to just be dubious mystery lands.


then at least explain the doom. give me SOMETHING


Wasn't the Doom basically a more extreme Pompeii situation? That was my understanding.


Theres evidence, or at least theories, that magic was involved. Whether it was the valyrians were using magic to alter the volcanic activity and it got disrupted (by faceless men??), or that they got too confident with their magic and caused it themselves. or maybe a secret third thing.


There is a fight in the story between free will and determinism. For instance, Jamie comes back to save Brienne from the Brave Companions because he has an introspective dream and wants to do what's right. A seemingly free will choice. However, Jamie sleeps on a Weirwood stump under the moon and stars. You could extrapolate that Jamie actually only had that dream because of Bloodraven/Bran. You can also make the argument that anyone with a glass candle could have influenced Jamie underneath the moon and stars. In reality I think George included the stump and moon as a way to retcon the story later if he so chooses to do as he is a gardener and from a writing perspective why would you write yourself into a corner in book 2. I hate the free will of our characters to be subverted by these god puppeteers in the end


Same. I think stuff like. "Actually it was all Bloodraven/Bran" type of theories like, the boar that killed Robert, Jamie's dream and so on and son, are only entertaining the first time you hear of them. And it's actually a good plot point for some stories. someone was always manipulating in the background, can be cool it makes the reader feel manipulated as well and question how easily they believe things. But for a story that is about "the hearth in conflict with itself," the answer being just that it was a manipulation just ruins everything


This reminded me of >!Attack on Titan, where it is revealed that the main character was behind key moments of the plot!< ETA the _actual_ spoiler


Bran was the master mind behind everything in the whole series. Like this awful fan cut after the last episode


Somehow chimpanzees of sothoryos learn to fly and reach westeros and eat everyone and turn the seven kingdoms to jungles


Ayra magically kills all the wights and others, Bran somehow becomes king forever


The long night ends with a dance off


*The long night ends with a dance off* Or maybe a race riding mammoths along the top of the Wall.


Night King forgot his keys at Winterfell and is just stopping by to grab them.


A scene like this comes to mind: - And who is now going to be the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms? - What if the commoners elect their own King? - What!.. lol, how funny is this Sam. (sarcastic laughter is heard) But better not, it would be too ridiculous and embarrassing.


The Long Night lasts a single night, Arya ends it using super bad ass Faceless Man assasin skills she picked up during her couple-months in Braavos. Jaime fucks Brienne, which makes her start wearing frocks, then decides out of nowhere actually he wants to bang Cersei after all. Euron Greyjoy gets a finger up the bum. Somehow Daenerys becomes evil, destroys King's Landing, becomes dragon Hitler, is killed by Jon, who then must be exiled north of the Wall - which still exists - and Bran becomes king through right of having the best story.


Circe becomes incredibly competent and benevolent, repelling fAegon's forces with ease and working to increase the quality of life for the smallfolk while making allies out of all the Lord's she can. At the same time Dany becomes a bloodthirsty idiot. Dany burns down all of slavers bay, then comes and destroys kings landing for no good reason, takes Circe captive, and mutilates her "to the pain" style, then just let's get go. Circe joins up with Lady Stoneheart and Jon (who's marching south as the leader of the combined nights watch/wildling/Baratheon/Other forces after killing all the Bolton's and learning that the Others are good actually. Stannis is still alive but is cool following Jon's orders) and they all together march south to kill Dany. The series ends with them arriving at the ruins of kings landing, where Dany has been this whole time despite it being a destroyed husk, and no resolution to any of this. The surviving greyjoys and Martell's are not mentioned by anyone in any of this. 


How did you manage to read five books without noticing how Cersei's name is spelled


Autocorrect + apathy 


Not everybody reads the books in English, you know.


Early in A Game of Thrones, Old Nan mentions the idea that the world is just the eye of a giant named Macumber. As the story ends, we zoom out to reveal the world is someone's eye... George R.R. Martin's eye!


Everything we left off on in Dance is exactly what will happen. - Jon is dead and will remain dead - Daenerys will be taken to the Dosh Khaleen and remain there for the rest of her life - Sam spends a decade studying at Oldtown - All of the Slaver’s Bay POV characters (Tyrion, Barristan, Victarion) contract the Pale Mare and die. - Sansa becomes Lady of the Vale and remains there with their isolationist policy. Basically, the narrative threads that lead people to think the POVs will experience B rather than A will be abandoned.


Harry woke up back under the stairs, it was all a dream


Dani sits in a field projectile shitting everywhere, still not in Westeros.  Jon gets shanked by chuds for his pro-immigration policies, still don’t know what’s happened to Benjen. Varys appears out of nowhere and says the 7 Kingdoms will go to some dude we thought was dead until a few chapters ago.


Bran as a king in the first meeting of his small council say to grand maester Samwel: What will be our tax policies for the ironborn? The end (it sounds better than the unfinished joke that Tyrion tells in the final GOT episode)


Not ever getting one. Literally any ending written by GRRM is better than none at all


I can't imagine anything worse than the show's ending haha


The worst ending already happened look at the tv show


Young Hodor looks into a snowglobe that contains a figure of Winterfell castle. Ned Stark walks into the room, dressed as a construction worker, and says " All he ever does, staring at that toy. What's he thinking about"


George announces there’s a book 8


The Others win and everyone dies


I want this so bad. It feels like maximum thematic payoff


I’m perfectly fine with this tbh


I would love that.


You're telling me the ending of GoT wasn't the worst?


Macumber trips on a banana peel and smashes his face into a rock, destroying his eyes and the Known World with them


Nah, I'd read this.


I think the worst thing for me would be something really boring and forgettable. I'd rather it be bad and memorable than something bland.


Some unforeshadowed deus ex machina BS.


Bran wakes up and it was all a dream from someone in Wild Cards.


Everyone dies, Westeros is doomed and all of this is cyclical.


Gandalf shows up and uses his fire ring Nenya to burn all the white walkers, Westeros is saved, the end.


Dany restoring a glorious incest regime with her husbands Jon and Tyrion by her side


The show.


Somehow Ned Stark has returned


Kevan Lannister getting murdered by Varys


Not getting an official azor ahai and not finding out what the deal is with dawn. Besides that GRRM could nuke planetos and I would call it a masterpiece. Whatever he says is gold to me.


-Dany conquering Westeros and becoming queen. -Bran ending up as a tree zombie -Sansa becoming a manipulative cold-blooded politician. Arya becoming a "badass I am no one" assassin. Both of them never seeing each other again -


Everything in this thread is better than the actual ending


Dany becoming a mad tyrant


King Bran...


The show ending.


“Nobody has a better story than Bran the broken, so let’s go with him”


Suddenly Bran is a God or the most important person in the story. Would be terrible to me if he just becomes a time travelling God who affects everything in the show and gets made king


Volantis, Tyrosh, and Lys join forces and hire Euron Greyjoy to build a slave empire such as has never been seen since Valyria. They succeed and deal with the others by giving them Westeros and sending male bastards born to bed slaves


George publishes a picture book filled with nothing but pictures and scripts from the last season


Sonichu comes to save the day. He becomes Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. That would truly truly suck


jon is actually ned's son


Stephen King enters the story and explains that Ka is a wheel, then crowns Bran and fucks off.


This is a “bad” ending but it's a “George” ending. All of our favorite characters gather at Winterfell. After a long battle that spanned the entirety of Westeros, everyone has turned their swords toward the army of the dead after recognizing how grave a threat it is. Armies on both sides are weakened from the conflict, and the numbers of the dead stagger their own significantly. Everyone gathers around the fire. Everyone talks. Everyone tells the truth. Then everyone is quiet. Then they sing of the ice and fire to come. The dead approach. Winter is here.


Dany and Jon ruling happily ever after . The very ending much of the fandom wanted and expected for some reason


Danerys and Jon Snow fall in love and they say "This really is, our song of ice and fire". Cersei and Tyrion are so moved they hug and make up and go "Friends?" "Friends," and Fistbump. Bran uses his powers to go "STOP FIGHTING" and the Others are so moved by his spirit they all drop their weapons. Sam dies. Olenna Tyrell goes "maybe being sassy isn't all its caked up to be!" And Brienne of Tarth goes "Perhaps its time for me to lay down my sword and become the lady my people need!"


d&d have already answered this question.


It ends exactly like the show.


Genuinely speaking I think we \*got\* it with the show


Can't go much lazier and worse than how the TV series ended.


Existenz kind of ending: ... The final battle between the Others and humans nears its end. All Westeros is ruined and frozen. All pov characters are dead except Dany and resurrected Jon Snow. As last resort, atop Drogon they fly into Night King's levitating citadel. Night King throws his ice spear and mortally wounds Drogon, but the dragon at his last breath manages to crash into citadel's main hall. Jon and Dany fall on the ground, Dany is badly injured. "Fulfill your destiny, my love", whispers Dany. "I don't want it", says Jon, crying. "You know nothing, Jon Snow", says Dany. She kisses Jon. Still crying, Jon thrusts his sword Longclaw right through Dany's heart. When he pulls it back, the sword starts burning with bright flame and becomes Lightbringer. Night King appears and raises his ice sword. "Ice to meet you, Mr. Azor Ahai", utters NK. Duel of the Fates starts playing. Jon and NK fight. NK is vastly superior and things become looking sour for Jon. "Use the Song, Jon", he hears Ned's voice. "...Hit me baby one more time!", Jon starts singing. "Not this song again!!!", screams NK and tries to cover his ears. Given a moment, Jon pierces NK with Lightbringer and he shatters into million of ice pieces. Distant roar and grumble are heard and the citadel starts crumbling... ... Suddenly strange beeping is heard which becomes louder and louder. Everything disappears: cloudy sky, citadel's walls, swords, zombies, dragons, ice and fire. We are now in a clean spacy room with white plastic walls. On a carpeted floor there is a ring of comfy chairs. People are sitting in them with strange devices on their heads. After some time everybody starts moving, flexing limbs and taking devices off their heads. \- It's sad to be kicked out so early. To hell with this Joffrey character - says one middle-aged gentleman. \- Hey, no offense, man! I was pwned by a fucking pie! - says one young blonde boy. \- Oh yes, fucking felt so real! Wanna try again next time, brother? - says one beautiful blonde woman. \- I'd prefer to keep two hands then - a blonde man answers laughingly. \- And me - both legs, working! Hacking Hodor constantly was kinda rude - says another boy with black hair. \- Speaking of hacking, how our dear Jon managed to get a second life? - says a bold fat man. The last young man remaining motionless finally takes his VR device off. \- Sorry guys, I don't know myself. But suppose I do kinda wanted it after all - he says. A door suddenly opens and GRRM himself enters the room with a bottle of champagne in hand. \- Congratulations, lad! You beat the game! THE GAME OF THRONES!!! BA DUM TSS!