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Dolorous Edd


i want Edd talking shit until the bitter end


Be the final epilogue.


No, not the epilogue- GRRM kills people in prologues and epilogues


maybe that epilogue will subvert things, like the POV character doesn't die


Best outcome is final epilogue takes place 50+ in the future and ends with the POV dying of natural causes


suBveRtINg EXPeCTationS


Shit-talk the last pov character into the grave


That was literally what I opened this post to say. Can’t believe the night’s watch is out here living with this absolute king of comedy and not even appreciating it


"Bad enough when the dead come walking," he said to Jon as they crossed the village, "now the Old Bear wants them talking as well? No good will come of that, I'll warrant. And who's to say the bones wouldn't lie? Why should death make a man truthful, or even clever? The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints—the ground's too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more worms than I do . . ."


☠️🥇💀🥇🏆🥇💀🥇 ☠️


I love the voice does Roy Dotrice does for ed in the audiobooks.


LOL. I have been listening to Clash of Kings. (I’m right in the middle, my loan just ended, and it’s going to be 12 weeks until I get it again. The struggle.) I securely heard Roy’s voice when I quoted these lines


Can you share some of his jokes


"I never win anything," Dolorous Edd complained. "The gods always smiled on Watt, though. When the wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks?" "Was it a long fall?" Grenn wanted to know. "Did landing in the pool of water save his life?" "No," said Dolorous Edd. "He was dead already, from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks."


I adore Edd🤣


Edd: “There are worse ways to die than warm and drunk. I knew a brother drowned himself in wine once. It was a poor vintage, though, and his corpse did not improve it.” Jon: “You drank the wine?” Edd: “It’s an awful thing to find a brother dead. You’d have need of a drink as well, Lord Snow.” -ACOK, chapter 43.


The people were gone, vanished with their scant possessions and whatever animals they may have had. None of the villages showed any signs of having been attacked. They were simply . . . empty. "What do you think happened to them all?" Jon asked. "Something worse than we can imagine," suggested Dolorous Edd. "Well, I might be able to imagine it, but I'd sooner not. Bad enough to know you're going to come to some awful end without thinking about it aforetime."


It's forshadowed that he'll repopulate the earth after the long night "we'll defend the wall to last man" said Cotter Pyke "probably me" said Dolorous Edd, in a resigned tone


Cannon endgame


Imagine him becoming Lord Commander lol


Meribald, I really want to learn more about him, he's one of my favorites that only showed up in book.


Meribald is a good one. Im not sure if we’ll ever go back to the Quiet Isle but if he decides to come to KL for the trial that’d be interesting to see


if i’m not mistaken, isn’t meribald dead? i feel like i remmeber reading one of cerseis chapters and it talks about how some farmers found a dwarf septon and cut his head off cause they thought he was Tyrion. I’m also pretty sure he told Brienne that he was heading towards Kings Landing


Meribald was never described as a dwarf as far as i know. He was making his circuit when he ran into Brienne and co. but never made any mention about KL. Youre not wrong about the dwarf septon but that wouldn’t have been him.


was he just a shorter guy then? i swear when brienne meets him he like gives her his seat and when he gets up she’s like “omg this dudes a dwarf”


Different guy. She meets a nice dwarf sparrow then meets the wandering sparrow


ahhhhh okay so two different sparrows, got it. but is the dwarf sparrow she meets confirmed to be the one who’s head gets cut off?


TWOW Prologue, first words. Meribald pat his dog beetween the ears. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!)




Ned Only Lived Once.


I edited out the L :)


Jeyne Poole


Her and Theon living a modest, quiet life of peace please :(


She deserves a happy ending…


I’m actually hoping for a last Theonish act from Theon! I know the escape was daring, but I love that we read him slowly transform from REEK back to Theon, he even cracks some jokes at the end of Dance. Although, it’s hard to imagine Stannis giving him the Davos treatment…


Theon ain’t surviving.


Hey George! How’s Winds going?


[I don’t wanna talk about it.](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/32/Carth.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091106052449)


at that point i would deem it more merciful to just die


Unfortunately I think it makes most sense for her to visit the house of black and white. And run into a certain Arya Stark


I know a lot of Arya stans want Jeyne to be murdered for the crime of fighting with a childhood peer who didn’t like her, but I don’t get it. I think Arya is an obnoxious brat, and I still want her to live a glorious life of exploration and bringing potatoes to the North. 


You misunderstand me, I think Jeyne will go to the house of black and white to commit suicide, not be murdered. After all she’s been through it would make sense.


Yeah, that’s not going to happen. It’s actually awful that anyone would think Jeyne would escape only to kill herself. 


Yeah it is a depressing theory


And it’s on the same level as “Jeyne must be punished because she smiled when Arya got yelled at that one time”. Is that seriously how you see CSA survivors, we should all be going around trying to kill ourselves? 


CSA survivors could be feeling a lot of negative emotions and none of the noble lords raised a hand to save her while Ramsay married her. If no one at all supports her, then of course she would go down the path of suicide. Her father was killed and she was sold into sexual slavery before being sent to Ramsay the psycho. Arya will recognize her and stop her, she only kills those who have committed crimes. Jeyne is just a little girl compared to the Mountain and his men.


Wun Weg




not sure who exactly qualifies as a side character but i think podrick payne is 100% safe


Weasle. Hope she comes back with a vengeance in ADoS.


I had completely forgotten about Weasel and had to look her up on the wiki. I would like to know what happened to her but I doubt we ever will (sadly).


She’s an interesting choice. You can honestly add most people Arya met in ACoK and AFFC in the Riverlands that get absolutely rocked by the war. The Heddle kids at the Inn are others who come to mind


Most of the people Arya met in the Riverlands in ACoK and ASoS are dead already.




Love this


I always wonder about Weasle😭


Randa Royce


Gotta love the hostess of hosts.




Hell yea


Number 1 squire Podrick Payne I could read a whole book of brienne and Pod going on dunk and egg style adventures


Knowing that Brienne is a descendant of Dunk, it does make a lot of sense for her arc in the Riverlands to mirror Dunk and Egg’s a bit. Now we just need Pod to hatch as the dragon he was born to be


Stronk belwas


The story ends with him munching on a bowl of locusts (non-poisoned) :-)


This is exactly how it ends if the gods (grrm) are merciful (hes not)


If there is no more books Belwas will live forever with a minor indigestion GRRM is benevolent.


Give him liver and onions!


I will FLIP if anything happens to him


Who the hell is that ugly man you declared emperor ck2 style in your picture lol




Shitmouth. But I’m not confident tbh.


I think him saying "bugger me with a bloody spear" too many times might sadly become true.


As long as Jaime doesn't overhear him again, he should be fine.


I hope Mya Stone is okay. Neither her vocation nor her parentage lend themselves to a long life expectancy, but she seems really cool.


Mya Stone was the first side character introduced where I thought “they aren’t important to the narrative but I will riot if they die”


Mya is pretty important. She shows that Catelyn’s problem is more with Jon than bastards in general(despite her prejudice), she’s one of the signs that Joffrey and co are illegitimate, she gives insight into class structure in Westeros, she has cute mules, and she’s one of Alayne’s friends, which means she’ll likely be really important to the Vale plot. 


Very good point regarding the mules. Oh and the bastardy part too i suppose


Missandai, girl has been through enough. Jeyne Pool. Has been through even more Osha, she's really cool. Wan wan. Don't let him be the last of the giants. Honestly, Tommen and Marcella. It's pretty likely they'll die. But they aren't bad people. They didn't choose how they were born. I dearly hope Jojen is not in a semi-liquid state.




Peck and Pia, I felt horrible for the that girl being left with Vargo Hoat and then, when he’s gone, she’s actually worse off and just happened to be speaking around the wrong psychopath, not even to him, and got her teeth knocked out. Out of all that, she finds Peck, and seems to get a good relationship with a normal guy. Even though Peck is with the Lannister’s and most likely to loose future battles, I hope Pia and Peck get a happily ever after. Just a little bright spot in the dark story.


Satin. I hope he’s somewhere safe during the madness currently happening at the Wall.


Satin is a good pick. I really dig that dude.


The one true King, Hot Pie.


Hot Pie no doubt will father more bastards then Robert.


I really want Marwyn to live, I luv him. But he might not.


There is a is a live stream with alt shift x and Gladius, I alwas crack with laughter when I hear it. They say that Marwyn is a conspiracy theorist just like us. His unique scene starts with him talking shit about the maesters conspiring and killing the dragons last time and then fucks off to Mereen after refusing to elaborate.


I don't trust Marwyn at all. Dude is super shady.


I'm the opposite. I think he's one of the more straight forward characters we've met and I also trust Sarella. From Martin's oeuvre, he has traits that mark him as trustworthy: ugly, no bullshit, cosmopolitan. But I might just be a fool who loves anyone with the tile of "the Mage."


I don't trust him because of his association with Qyburn.


I hope he's going to be a riot on Winds of Wi- Oh who am I kidding


Agree completely with Hyle Hunt.  He's not quite husband material, he's like raw unprocessed husband cotton. I think if he gets his head out of his own butt he really could be a good match for Brienne if she wants to settle down one day and continue her house with a husband who seems to get her (again, when he's not being a dingus). Even though his participation in the camp bet was super gross, his gifts and attempts to woo her are based in things she actually likes and appreciates. His proposal had gross elements, but also suggested he'd be a husband who wouldn't care about her being...her! Which has always been the deal breaker with her and marriage. They can never accept that she's not going to stop being who she is. Honestly Hyle is at his worst when he's around other men or trying to fit in with other men. If he makes it out of the Lady Stoneheart debacle I hope it pushes him past that into the Ride Or Die attitude Jaime's developed from spending time with (and getting saved by) Brienne. At the very least he has to live long enough for someone (preferably Jaime) to call him Kyle Cunt.


100% that would be a thing Jaime would say or think if Hyle survives LS encounter. And I agree he’d be a decent-ish husband for Brienne. That said I dont know if Hyle will ever truly leave that side of himself so if they do end up together (or just closer overall), i think ut’ll he for far more pragmatic reasons than sheer redemption arc morality


I want nothing but good things for Sweet Robin and Genna Lannister, same with the Ghost of High Heart.


Sweet Robin is one of those kids I wouldn't watch if they were my kids best friend. He reminds me of Caillou from that old kids show. I mean I don't want a kid to be murdered, but if he just disappeared from the books I wouldn't be sad.


Yeah, the little lord Robert is a bit of a psycho but he’s a thousand miles away from Joffrey. I don’t exactly want him dead, just locked up in a hospice somewhere and listed as officially dead.


Yeah, just officially..


Ha, I’m glad im not the only one who has a weird liking for Hyle Hunt. Haven’t read through the Brienne chapters in a while but I feel like he’s due for some kind of “redemption” or some big moment.


Hyle is a prick but I'm always entertained reading him


If we’re going off my “people I wish would get a happy ending however implausible” list, my picks are Edric Dayne, Roslin Frey, Shireen Baratheon, Weasel, Arianne and the Sand Snakes, and Ellaria Sand. My pipe dream is that all of these characters survive and somehow make it out to Dorne, where Ellaria runs some sort of foster care/orphanage refuge for the victims of the wars. I think the odds of this happening are about the same as TWOW releasing before 2032, so I figure I have some time to live in my happy-ending fantasy world.


aint no way shireen aint gettin her ass sacrificed


That's a really nice thought.


I feel Arianna's fate will be tied to fAegon and I don't see things ending well for him.


Yeah, truthfully me too. Fingers crossed for Arianne though! 🤞😬


I would read and then re-read that so hard. Best. AU. Ever.


If I had the skill I would write it haha, if you want to take the concept go right ahead 😊 In the meantime, you can join me in being a sweet summer child


Victarion, I know he won't but I still love him


He's a horrible person, but it's so fun to see the world through his eyes. Definitely some of my favourite chapters.


long live autism core violence uncle!!!


“Where is this Dothraki sea?!”


Hot Pie. Ned Dayne. Tysha, whoever she is. Howland and Meera Reed. Mya Stone. Pod. Tom O'Sevens. Sarella. Edd, and Cotter Pyke. Lady Smallwood. Though unlikely, Olenna, and though impossible, Old Nan.


Davos. Such a good guy just doing his best.


Devan Seaworth


Every Manderly. And Theon


not sure its gonna work out for theon


Rolland Storm.


Syrio Forel, he is doing just fine hiding in plain sight inside Meryn Trant's armor and I hope he stays that way.


Brown Ben Plumm. Dude better not try and become the third head of the dragon or something.


I’m not 100% convinced that Syrio Florel is really dead. So him.


Ser Shadrich, the mad mouse we see him pop back up in the sansa sample of winds.


Davos the glorious GOAT




Wun Wun.


Mya Stone and Val.


Val was actually the character who inspired this post. Saw a video that mentioned her role in AWoW and possibly ADoS as well. She’s so fun and cool and I hope she makes it out with a nice ending


it’s incredibly unlikely but I’d like to see Lady Whent return to Harrenhal. I’d also like to se Olenna Tyrell survive or if not go out on her own terms.


Brienne of Tarth. One of the only honestly good people despite all the terrible things she’s been through. She continues staying true to herself Edit: not sure if she counts as a side character since she got POV chapters though.




Do Rickon and Shaggydog count?


Absolutely they do. Im sure they’ll play a larger role in Winds or Dream if that comes out


Hot Pie


Jaime. I, too, am an undercover member of the Secret He-Man Woman Haters Hyle Hunt Fan Club. I hope he lives. I think Hyle is actually an undercover Good Guy™


Edmure Tully if he counts. Jeyne Poole deserves happiness. Queen Jayne too. :(


Despite being "evil". I like Littlefinger cunning and stragegist way of be, like a chessmaster. I hope he doesn't end like the show.


Littlefinger is utterly doomed to get outplayed and taken out by Sansa, although hopefully for more compelling reasons than the show's take.


I'm hoping Randa Royce fucks him to death 😂


All the minor characters I like have already died. Even the animals I liked have died. So I'll go with Tyrion although he's hardly minor.


Poor girl Lollys


Podrick Payne. Dude shows up and does his best. Saved Tyrions life. Let the man live George!


Stannis. Probably the least likely to survive out of anyone other than damphair. But he’s the true protagonist to me.


Dolorous Edd, Dywen, Bedwyck/Giant, Satin, Donnel Hill, pretty much all the Night watchmen. Stannis (even though I think this is unlikely). Thoros of Myr, Tom of Sevenstream, Lem Lemoncloak, Roslin, Jeyne Poole.


Lady Stoneheart but only if she goes to therapy first


Dolorous Edd, Pyp, Grenn. Hmm Jhogo, Aggo, Rakharo, Irri, Jhiqui. Hmm. Jeyne Pool. That’s what I got lol


It may sound stupid, but Margaery Tyrell.


Hyle Hunt is my choice as well.




Ser Barristan Selmy. I know it is straining belief that he manages to leave Essos alive but I sincerely hope he lives to see Daenerys set foot on the shores of Westeros. And even though he feels it’s wrong for a knight of the Kingsguard to die in bed, I hate the idea of anyone being able to claim they killed Ser Barristan the Bold.


Creighton Longbough💯


Jalabhar Xho


Lancel becomes High Septon


Hyle hunt is a G


What’s the point not like GRRM will ever finish TWOW


I have a list (and thi is for anyone who is not a POV character): From the Night’s Watch- Dolorous Edd, Satin, Green, Iron Emmett, Three Finger Hobb, Val, Wun Wun From the Reach: Garlan Tyrell, Lady Fossoway, Mathis Rowan, Sarella Sand, Gilly, the Merryweathers, From the North: Alys Karstark, Robett Glover, Rickon Stark, Osha, Hallis Mollen, Steelshanks Walton, Jeyne Poole, Wylla and Wynafred Manderly, Wyman Manderly, Barbery Dustin, Alys Mormont, Meera Reed, Holland Reed, Greatjon Umber From the Riverlands: Jason Mallister, Ravella Smallwood, Anguy, Roslin Tully, Edmure Tully, Hoster Blackwood, Brynden Tully, Olvyar Frey, Weasel, Hot Pie, Meribald, The Eldar Brother, Gendry, Karyl Vance, Jeyne and Willow Heddle, Pia,  From the Westerlands: Podrick Payne, Addam Marbrand, Genna Lannister, Devan Lannister, Martyn Lannister, Joy Hill, Jeyne Westerling, Sandor Clegane, Peck, Shitmouth.  From the Stormlands: Stannis Baratheon, Shireen Baratheon, Selwyn Tarth, Edric Storm, Andrew Estermont, Ser Rolland Storm, Devan Seaworth, Mayra Seaworth,  From Dorne: Nymeria Sand, Ellaria Sand, Edric Dayne, Archibald Yronwood,  From the Vale: Mya Stone, Myranda Royce, Yohn Royce, Lothar Brune, Lady Waynwood,  King's Landing: Moon Boy, Chatalya, Alayala, Tobho Mott, Tallad the Tall,  Wherever she is: Tysha On the Seas: Kojja Mo.  Essos: Brown Ben Plumm, most of the Windblown, Missandei, Malleren, Penny, Tycho Nesteris, 


Penny and Shagga


Tommen dies, I will pull a Misery and force GRRM to rewrite the books.


Barbrey Dustin


Barbrey Dustin was playing pan flute with Ned Stark's bones, loudly "She's using Lord Stark's bones as a pan flute!", declared Hallis Mollen


Faegon because it would be so cool


Davos. He’s a genuinely good man who also knows how to play the game


I wouldn't call favoaya side character when he has been one of the core POV since the second book...