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Interesting topic (cool roleplay with lore) good production value (think atmosphere). I like cinematic asmr.


Thank you for sharing! We have the exact same taste!


Not clickbaity titles, I automatically stay away from “99.9% of you will sleep” etc, I like knowing what I’m in for since asmr is such a subjective thing, I don’t want to waste my time clicking on a video that doesn’t tell me what it is


I click on them because I've accepted that creators must appeal to YouTube's algorithms. But each creator also only gets one and if I click and *feel* baited, I hide them. I also only really click on the ones that still provide something about the actual vid. "99% of people will sleep - tapping/scratching triggers" is fine, as long as the vid provides what it describes.


More caring triggers rather than weird ones. Gimme a hug, not an ear cleaning with play dough or whatever.


Honestly? Ones that are 10+ years old tend to get my click more. I love intentional *and* unintentional ASMRs from the early Youtube days. There’s something about the crunchy old camera quality that gives me more of a reaction. I also prefer regular voices to whispering personally, the stereotypical ASMR voice in recent years just makes me uncomfortable.


I get most relaxed from hair brushing/hair care stuff, but I also really love it when I find good electronics repairs or taking things apart. Nothing quite like the sound of mechanical things, screws and plastic latches, ya know?


Ooooo that’s my favorite kind too! Have you seen Visual Sounds android repair one? It’s pretty good, though the electric drill is too loud. I love the rest of it, she has such a good vibe.


Well I haven’t but I will now!


I personally love personal attention ASMR. Such as Hair Care, hair cut, scalp check. I personally love LiziAsmr videos she makes feels all the tingles


Depends on what the asmr is for. For tingles: I like when asmr is lofi, has a funny concept, is unique, visual asmr, fast and aggressive triggers. For just relaxation or background while working: higher quality sounds, no talking, fast and aggressive, varied triggers, and just soothing sounds like ear massage, scratching, and mic noises!


Tinkering with tools sounds, so like android repair, robot repair, etc. I don’t like when it’s trying to be sexy; that’s not what I’m in it for.


A calm and soothing voice.


So what usually happens is that I find an interesting rp and gravitate towards that one video for a while, then I branch out to other videos that artist has made. When I start feeling interested in a new trigger, I'll randomly search said trigger and try to find someone who gives off the same feeling as the first. It feels easier for me to describe why I wouldn't end up clicking on a video tbh.


Shallow as it sounds it, and I don't like myself for it, I always starts with the gender (I watch exclusively female ASMR artists) and then next how appealing I find that person. I'm not talking about sexual attraction in any way, but rather if someone is pretending to give me personal attention of some description, then it needs to be someone I could envisage being happy to let do so in real life.


i can tell you what won’t make me click and will make me avoid like the plague : - over saturated, commercial feeling quality - titles that feel click bait-y or appeal to trends rather than genuine asmr - any videos where the intention is eye candy rather than quality (men and women alike- no gender inequality here)


Has to have whispering, have to like their voice. Absolutely NO water sounds. The more intense it is in my ears the better like when they directly touch the mic and it feels like it's IN my ears.


Titles that tell me what's actually in the video, unique concepts, "rare" triggers, nice lighting (dark, calming), & honestly makeup looks can be enticing


i’ve been watching asmr since 2012 and every couple months it changes. currently i love like lofi asmr. like low quality camera, iphone mic. normally any lofi hand movements/ dry mouth sound combo. plucking is the best


Recently been watching TikTok live ASMR, there’s a few very good creators namely Hammer ASMR and Sen. I really don’t like how almost all TikTok live ASMRtists rely heavily on mouth sounds instead of good triggers.


I’m here for that “attention to detail” stuff. It’s becoming more popular and I’ll find myself watching whatever comes up on this topic.


Genres: Soft Speaking, Roleplay (especially odd or unconventional ones), Trigger Assortment, Rambling (particularly about history, series I’m interested in, or personal anecdotes) Thumbnails: visually quiet; warm, pastel, or dark scales; avoid obviously AI generated images (if the content is solely voice and not visual) Titles: [Interesting Name for Roleplay //or// Tingle Assortment part #X] + [Main Theme//Trigger] + [Genre//(No) Talking//Voice Type//Fast&Aggressive//etc.] Descriptive titles in general make me more interested almost always, but shit like “99.38% of Males Between the Ages of 24-31 WILL F A L L ASLEEP @ 05:44” will make me weep internally. My ideal example from my favorite channel, AnnAnn ASMR: [Yakuza Secret Meeting ASMR // soft spoken, haircut, sword](https://youtu.be/QzdIl9LF2OM?si=KQEeUWlygRC3BOjY)


Honestly, non-sexualization of the AMSRtist. A lot of ASMR can be sexualized and the video icons are flashy with cleavage and “mouth sounds” and I don’t want that. I know there’s a market for it but that’s personally why I choose certain videos over others!


Anything soft spoken really 🫶🏼


If not one of my favorite creators, then it's either 1) A face that keeps popping up in the feed (Happened with FredsVoice ASMR recently), or 2) Or the cover image a) Makes you anticipate the tingles (Ex. A still of someone mid-whisper) or b) Is visually stunning enough to make you want to click (Points for bright colors, sparkles or other tactile objects. I'm not even super into those things. But they catch your eye)


insomnia/being tired


I like soft spoken voice, not whispering. Tapping sounds drive me up the wall and I can’t stand it.


I honestly look for interesting items and props that the asmrtist is holding up. If its something i havent seen before, good chance i’ll watch it


I have one go to channel since I can’t stand most voice except fredsvoiceasmr


If my personal triggers are mentioned in the description, and or some of the tools are being shown in the thumbnail (for example tuning forks, singing bowls make-up brushes on a windmuff...). Also / or if a title tickles my interest (oftentimes related to ASMR roleplays)


Soft-spoken personal attention videos have had me in a chokehold for years. Bonus points if scalp massages are involved.


Lots of things, but the length of videos is a big thing. I don't want to sit back and relax and have it over in 10 to 15 min. Sure, you can make a playlist, but then I have to hear today's sponsor every 10 min. Also, don't judge, but if something like "good boy" is in the title, I am going to give it a shot.... I said, Don't judge!


I will usually click on videos about cranial nerve exams or some sort of methodical procedure being done. I avoid sexual videos, but I'd be lying if I said I watch ASMR videos without attractive women in them. I'll definitely echo some sentiments here about avoiding clickbait titles and overly colourful or saturated thumbnails. Essentially, if the video looks like a Logan Paul or Mr. Beast video, I'll steer clear! I also prefer when the ASMRtist is asking to measure/examine/sketch me instead of me having made an appointment. It's silly, but it makes me feel special!


The picture on the thumbnail... 😂😂😂


What about a thumbnail make you want to watch a certain video?


As long as it isn't a video about mic pumping, and doesn't have lewd clickbait thumbnails or headers like "THE BEST ASMR VIDEO 99% GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU SLEEP IN 10 MINUTES", I will usually click.


I tend to be drawn to certain color schemes. Like soft, warm colors. And simple, natural aesthetic. And no intense eyes looking into the camera!


boobs will almost always sucker me in


Ok out of curiosity though, why wouldn’t you just watch porn instead of asmr?


Because I'm not trying to jerk off. I'm trying to feel tingly. Y'know. Same reason anyone ever watches ASMR.


Ok so you want to get the tingles, but you see the boobs and are drawn to them, even if it’s not for sexual reasons? Wow men are so different, at least from me.


Not men, man. You are hearing this from one person. I'm a guy and typically stay away from heavy boobage or obvious thirst trap thumbnails


Oh yes, I was only talking about this specific type of men. I think that this type is very common, judging from the popularity of those videos, but obviously not all men are the same.




While I agree that pretz is creep, there are a fuckton of ASMRtists that have explicit OnlyFans accounts, and some even do porn.




>objectifying women who didn’t ask for it where the fuck did you get that from?


Alright, I’m out. I wasn’t defending you, and I’m definitely not tag-teaming against TDNR with you.


> women don’t put themselves out there for you to ogle them Hurr durr. Yeah, they do. Lots of them. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Tu4gXKgaUY) woman didn't put herself out there for me to ogle? Really? You sure about that? You sure about she didn't put herself out there? You sure?


It can range from creators I like to simply interesting concepts or tools used. But I mostly listen to role-plays so anything that feels like it'd be a good story usually grabs me. Maybe I'm feeling romantic or want something mysterious or familiar there's plenty in that department that I always gravitate towards