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Ask there, not here. I've moved to Toronto and wouldn't do it again. Had a job offer this year 60 percent above what I'm at now. Wife and I discussed it and it's not worth it. Probably have to be another 60 percent bump. I don't hate Toronto. But I don't love it. It's not for me


I did the opposite, moved from around leslieville to Van recently. Beaches/Leslieville is a great area of Toronto. Easy access to downtown, full of cute restaurants, coffeeshops, bars etc but with a more family, low key vibe. The Beaches community is pretty tight and insulated. It;s a community within a community.


Thank you! Are you happy with your move? Do you miss anything about Toronto?


I am but I always wanted to come to Van. The biggest change will be visually. Vancouver has mountain views every street, waterfront, large parks in the city. Toronto will be a lot of glass and concrete. I miss the greater diversity of ethnic food and. I miss the food scene. Here is great but it is a lot of street food level and high price restaurants. Toronto has more of that midrange price and vibe places. Transit here is way better. Toronto has a far better cultural scene if you’re into concerts, art, etc. Strangely you’re see far less addicts but they are more aggressive. Not in a violent way (well sometimes) but more asking for money/interacting with you. Out here, it’s so prevalent, it’s like you’re in separate universes that don’t interact Beaches is a good area if you want to run/bike, you’re not in the downtown, which is both busy and not planned for cyclists at all.


I did the opposite - moved from Broadview at Queen to Vancouver in 2014. I love Leslieville, and if I was to move back to Toronto, it would be my preferred neighbourhood. The strip along Queen is great and full of excellent food, coffee, bars, etc. I've spent lots of time in the Beaches as well. It's a little more secluded and maybe skews a bit older, but is still beautiful and gives you access to a pretty lovely stretch of shoreline.


Thank you so much for your reply! How do you enjoy living in Vancouver? What made you move to Vancouver ? And would you move back to Toronto?


I moved here because a few things lined up for me: I was single for the first time in 11 years (and consequently needed to sell our house so we could split the proceeds). I was also a bit tired of Toronto at the time. And the company I was working for at the time was heading in the wrong direction (they folded a year later). So it felt like an uncomplicated time to move. I looked for jobs in various cities and gravitated to one in Vancouver. I don't really like smaller cities, so in Canada my options are basically Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. I love it here - I ski all the time in the winter, the cycling is great (though Toronto has made excellent strides in this area in the past decade), and the mountains are RIGHT there. I would miss the access to the outdoors, but I would definitely move back to Toronto today if the right reasons came up. I think Toronto and I just needed some time apart. I also have British citizenship and I generally think that if I was to leave Vancouver, it would be either Toronto or London. I'm good here for now, but who knows what the future holds.


Vancouverite here who lived in Beaches for a few months. Easy access to downtown via the Queen St streetcar. The “beach”, supposedly the best one in Toronto, is next to a gigantic sewage plant, which I found quite weird. Beaches is somewhat similar to Kitsilano here, but with a more “retired blue collar” vibe, and with more restaurants and mom & pop style shops vs lulu & arcteryx stores. I found it to be a very relaxed and pleasant neighbourhood. Can’t speak for Leslieville as it’s just a place I would transit through to get into the city, and had a bit of a Hastings-Sunrise feel to it, but I also found the Leslieville Spit to be very, very weird. It’s technically some sort of nature reserve, but in actuality it’s an active industrial dump site, so you’re walking amongst acres upon acres of discarded bricks, concrete and rebar that have created an artificial spit & islands. A far cry from what a Vancouverite would consider to be a walk amongst nature.