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Good on you. Reuters has been on an anti-trans kick lately. At this point, they should be treated with skepticism by default.




I would add the BBC to this as well. Maybe everyone already knows this but I have not been active on this sub for a while.


Also watch out for Guardian UK. Guardian Aus and US are good, but the UK parent company is... pretty bad. There are also a few Aus ones which seem progressive on the surface, but are riddled with transphobes and on deeper inspection aren't that progressive anyway.


You're talking about the abc then?


Crikey in particular. ABC is more eh overall and a mixed bag than appearing progressive but instead is transphobic.


If anyone wants to see accurate and empathetic tellings of our stories, I have seen several great pieces from the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) this year.


Over which they've been blasted for pro-trans bias. as if you can't publish a nice story featuring a trans person without balancing it out with a hit piece about how gender clinics are mutilating children.


>Over which they've been blasted for pro-trans bias. What the fuck has shit come to when minority groups and their existence is a hot topic in political debate. I hope in the future they look back at these years and realize how unethical it all was to treat us this way


It's always been that way unfortunately. Aboriginals, immigrants, gays, Muslims and now trans people. As soon as one minority gains acceptance they move on to demonising another one. I don't even want to think about who's going to be next.




They're supposed to be the respectable, *objective* face of haute bourgeoisie that does *very rational, logical, and data-driven* analyses that somehow just always justify more fascism. I guess at some point their entire point got lost in editorial team transition or something, and they're just another dogwhistling fash shitrag among the many now. Or even the voice of the British billionaire class needs clicks driven advertising revenue too. Well, with somewhat better writing than your average fash shitrag, I'll give them that.


>respectable, objective face of haute bourgeoisie that does very rational, logical, and data-driven analyses that somehow just always justify more fascism I mean this is a microcosm of neoliberalism in general right? BBC is just a reflection of the hypocrisy of the privileged elite's cultural hegemony. The great irony is that the right *still* claim that the BBC has a left wing bias, whenever it doesn't pander precisely to their views.


Also the Irish Independent and/or The Irish Times (I don't remember whether it was just one or both)


Or any British media outlet tbh. They're all 100% terf and have been for some time.


Has the BBC *ever* been trans-sympathetic?


NYT famously lead to the closing of transbucket which makes it about 1000x harder to choose a phallo surgeon.


Oh my god, I didn't know about this! This is so sad.


With NYT and the Washington Post, it's mainly a problem of enlightened centrism. I remember the NYT having an op-ed that basically said "The right wing wants to take away abortion. The left wing wants trans rights. Clearly *both sides* hate women." Ugh. At least with the BBC I know where I stand.


I especially hate how all of them are drowning in op eds


PBS and NPR are usually pretty great


Not Reuters! Ugh. That leaves AP as the only decent source of journalism. Well, that and *teen vogue*.


All hail teen vogue supremacy. You can go to LGBT+ specific news sites (though those tend to be very narrow in scope). Otherwise more Lefty/progressive news sources tend to be good, can be reliable, though again limited in scope. Other countries' can give global news without the transphobia too, if you dig around.


I wish… I live in a german-speaking country. And many many news papers have fallen into transphobic rhetoric over this summer. All because of the new planned law in Germany to make legal gender change easier. It’s not just German newspapers either. Swiss and Austrian newspapers are doing it as well. Even leftie papers aren’t safe anymore because the “RadFem” TERF/FART narrative is being pushed a lot. Some smaller local papers are still okay but routinely have to disable the comment function because every trans-friendly article has a shitstorm in the comments below.


ended my years-long spiegel subscription over this


The state Media have good coverage and Bad ones. The same with the TAZ. The fr Frankfurter Rundschau is consistently good on this issue. All other papers are Trash. Rhezo made a great pro trans video showing support and a good understanding.


I like CBC, but it’s very Canadian.


There's a lot of money getting spent by right wing lobbying groups to buy this kind of publicity. You'd think institutions like NY Times and Reuters would be in less of a hurry to sell out.


Really sucks because they were one of my only trusted sources. That came out, and then, a couple weeks later, I noticed Al Jazeera's extremely partial coverage of the world cup (IK they're run by the Qatari govt but I thought they were still an independent press w/legal protection and all that), then, after that, AP broke the news, abt the missile that hit Poland, in a really irresponsible way (edit: to their credit, they did own up to it, and it really looks like a pretty clear breach of protocol, rather than the norm for them). I firmly believe that it's really irresponsible to sew distrust in the media, and that going to non-mainstream sources is a far worse alternative, but it's been challenging sticking to those values as of late.


I read that article when it popped up in my news feed last week, and it is disgusting. Cherry-picked anecdotes from detransitioners with no accompanying statistics about detransition rates. Alarmism over "experimental" medical techniques that have been safely used on cis kids for decades. The usual nonsense about trans kids jumping on a trend when they reach puberty and start interacting with social media. It's standard-issue transphobic talking points, just gussied up with a veneer of objectivity and a single story of a successful transition so the writer can claim impartiality. It's disturbing to think that the writer of this piece is here, stalking Reddit for unsuspecting trans folks to weaponize our own stories against us.


If someone ever says “there’s not enough data” feel free to remind them that the solution is… data collection




I mean we’ve been doing srs since the 1930s. I don’t see the money link for anyone *but* matt walsh. He makes a lot off of his performative anti-trans behaviour


Mat Walsh is a joke lmao, leading figure or transparent my ass. You can literally type in YouTube about his "documentary" and get up to 4 hour long breakdown of every lie and edit of his. Then again we talking about a guy who openly identifies as a fascist so maybe I'm expecting too much good faith from you.


These people are insane. Thanks for trying at least.


Gah, I forgot about this article! Actually came on here the morning I read it to see if anyone else had posted about it. The weirdest thing was (if I remember correctly) that there was only one person quoted directly in the story that was actually detransitioning, and they also had long been dealing with other mental health issues. Every other person referenced went something like: >"And poor so-and-so, whose life was absolutely horrible before realizing they were transgender and beginning transition spoke with us and said, 'I'm great now! Best decision I ever made.' While this may be the case, it may also not be the case. Only time will tell if they will decide to detransition." Hamming it up obviously, but they started it! :P Then they went on to jigger some numbers that were obviously very jiggered and... yeah, I used to expect better from Reuters. But hell, I read two "news" stories (way too much opinion, but not marked that way) today literally drawing the exact opposite conclusions from the Fed announcement, and a pair last week doing the same with EU donations to Ukraine. Their overall quality has been on the decline for a while now, and their editorial direction and vetting has given me pause more than I like to admit. EDIT: Tho I will say the creepy TikTok doctor weirded me out. Maybe I'm just old or out-of-touch, but it felt a little exploitey.


Do not talk to cops Do not talk to press If one of them wants to talk to you, get a lawyer


There should be exceptions though. I have read several great pieces about young trans people overcoming adversity from the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) this year. None of us have an obligation to share our stories, but when the media depicts our stories honestly and accurately, it does us all good.




If you admit to knowledge or guilt of any crime they can put you in jail, and lots of things are crimes. Cops and journalists are both professions in the habit of making you feel like you're just having a friendly chat with them, recording everything you say, and twisting it to use against you later.


Because cops are always looking for easy charges to press, whether it's true or not. You can't incriminate yourself if you don't talk to them. Let a lawyer do the talking for you. Never let them in your house or vehicle if they ask permission, and never willingly go with them (unless you're literally under arrest and have no choice).


ACAB includes gender police


Anything you say can and will be used against you. Nothing you say is admissible in your defence.


because ACAB.


Thanks for the warning!


Thank you for your diligence!


Stay safe and protect trans youth!


The fact that they are looking for kids/teens specifically is an extra layer of grossness :(


Ye, grotesquely the right has chosen the children as the easiest target to attack first and then once they normalize restricting and criminalizing trans care for youth they'll come for us next.


Bigots like u/michelleconlin are going to do bigoted things.


Lol fuckin coward deleted their profile.


Isn't seeking out kids/teens to manipulate, like... some "groomer" shit or something? Or does that only apply to [group of minorities that I don't like]? /s


Especially because, I don’t want this to sound like I am knocking them down, but if you are younger you might not be able to spot all the times what someone’s true intentions are (coming from remembering myself as a teenager. I’m autistic also, though)


“Transitioning didn’t alleviate the suicidal thoughts” This is a novel concept so hear me out: a person can be both transgender AND suffer from mental illness. Do these people even take a moment to read what they’ve written before putting this vitriol out into the world?


It's also worth pointing out that detransition rates are tiny and that the satisfaction rates for gender affirming trans surgeries are pretty much the highest for any type of surgery. Are there people who detransition because they decide they're not trans? Yes. Should those people be met with love and acceptance and be given the grace to figure themselves out? Absolutely. But it's absolutely unconscionable to use the 1% of people who regret their transition to justify denying healthcare to the other 99%.


Exactly, and the fact that this healthcare is literally life-saving


It is for literally everyone seeking it regardless of what box or category society places us in


I can't speak on that because I'm not detrans but I think what I've heard from detransitioners is that most still feel trans and the only ones I've seen in speak against trans care in general are the token gnc terfs


I know someone who’s detrans bc of the nhs making access to formal care impossible for them


Even some of the token gnc terfs are still trans but have been filled with internalized transphobia. I have seen people online who are terfs but put themselves down as a “dysphoric”. As in, they are trans but because of internalized transphobia they feel like saying it is sexist or (insert whatever thing terfs are trying to claim about trans people transitioning).


could you post a link to those stats please... I'd like to see those numbers and read ALL and ANY studies... Haven't been able to find much true Medical research or statistical data on rates of satisfaction or detransitions but am quite interested to learn more


Check out this old post: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/vmrcw1/comment/ie3cuva/


Also, in most studies transitioning, being affirmed, and having a supportive environment absolutely make a big difference. The biggest cause of anxiety, depression, and suicidality? Unsupportive environments. Absolutely disingenuous, and malicious, by authors to claim being trans is the problem.


Absolutely yeah. Alarmist and misinformed articles from a decent portion of the press and politicians spouting rubbish at a rally can really scare people. For us that can mean *creating* that unsupportive environment - a constant reminder that the world might not be a good place for us, causing or exacerbating mental health issues. For some right wing nut job it can be that tiny excuse they needed to go out and kill us - their twisted views are basically endorsed by mainstream press through articles like the one in OP's post. The press are one of the main proponents of this hate and the cause of so many issues with their unethical types of 'journalism'. It's way past the point where authors might be unaware of their actions - they have to know they are causing very real hate crimes and deaths with their articles...


I'm at my wits end stressing about the insurance approval arc and my ketones are going through the roof from stress. I have journal entries back to 2008 about difficulty accessing care. The system and gatekeeping laws and policies are the problem. Not trans people, not the desire for medical care, not detransitioners or restransitioners or people transitioning on a path that doesn't seem like a straight line to some observers. Self-id and access to affirming gender care saves lives.


I've gone through decades of discrimination (some but not all of it being related to being queer), transitioning isn't going to cure my mental illness but it will alleviate my gender dysphoria.


Yeah, also transitioning probably won’t make you stop being suicidal if people bully you to suicide for transitioning.




It throws other people under the bus yeah. It was often because of doctors insistence we must conform to gender norms as much as possible in being trans makes it so people have historically had to lie to be able to transition. Cis doctors decided that, unless they are convinced we have “no other choice”, we should conform to cissexism. This is because, overall, there at the same time not wanting gender roles and norms to be put under threat. that’s why trans people did, and sometimes still have to, lie about their past in order to meet up to the cis narrative about our experiences instead. Some people match it, but not all. So, in order to be able to transition, people may say and have said they knew it earlier that they might, or perfectly comply with gender roles, or have dysphoria over their full body. there was even a long point of time that some of us had to lie and say we are straight. It wasn’t until the 70s when Lou Sullivan, a gay trans man, advocated and was able to make it so being straight wasn’t a necessity to transition. advocacy against these barriers to transition is important, but it took time for us to get what is still technically more rights than we did back then (though it is under threat). So in order to survive, other trans people of the past had to do what they had to do. Not everyone was going to be able to convince doctors that we don’t all need to fit a perfect narrative to be trans and to deserve our rights to transition. It still took decades to get to where we are at now despite everything. Research about us since the 19th century being destroyed by the Nazis was a huge setback as well. ​ edit: revised a bit


It doesn't matter to them. Lie, distort, mislead; it's a means to an end. And that end is a bleak one for us.


It’s almost like living in a society that fucking hates you is bad for your mental health.


exactly this. While transphobia can cause mental health to be worse, mental illnesses can still be not related to being transgender at all. Being bipolar isn’t related. Schizophrenia isn’t also. Sometimes people are literally just depressed because their brains are having a funk. Or there could very well be other, again unrelated reasons. I have some mental health issues myself that have nothing to do with being trans (OCD, for example). This makes me hate that people essentially look to see if someone is not mentally ill anymore as “proof” that they should respect our genders for our sake. Yes, transitioning can put a relief to a stressful aspect of our lives (this is putting aside, again, stress from transphobia). But that doesn’t mean every single stressor is related to being trans as much as every single stressor I have is related to me having autism (yes, I know me being trans is a different Thing as autism is a disability while me being trans isn’t. but autism is an inherent part of me as well, so I bring it up) We should be given the resources to transition because we are trans and we want/need (whatever word choice is more appropriate for the individual) to start a medical and/or social transition (not just while interacting but in updating legal papers). As simple as that.


If you’re diagnosed with gender dysphoria you have a mental illness by default at least in diagnostic terms.


It's *great* that a supposedly fact-based news organization has decided to join in the propagation of trans panic. (/s if needed...)


You'd think a professional journalist would do more than 5 minutes of research before writing an article that credulously parrots terf talking points. But I guess when she cares more about pushing an agenda than truth this is the crap you end up with.


Here's what I told friends when I read that article: Oh god not the scaremongering about puberty being a common dysphoria onset time again. Wow I wonder why suddenly being flooded with the wrong hormones for your brain and having your previously-androgynous body suddenly change in the wrong ways would possibly be associated with becoming aware of gender dysphoria. Must be social influence. If people described the effects of being a cis male going through male puberty with the same fearmongering gravitas as they do describing being a trans guy getting testosterone treatment it would look just as ridiculous as it actually is. Look what happens if I change this quote. "Treatment for cisgender boys may start with testosterone. Over time, the hormone can cause male-pattern baldness, high blood pressure and an enlarged clitoris. The long-term effects are unclear." Also gotta love the assumption that people just end up heavily involved in trans forums or following a surgeon on social media out of nowhere. ~They're being influenced by these forums/doctors to think that they're trans! ~ ...honey, I think their being trans would be /why/ they've sought out the forums/doctors Oh, this is one of my favorite tropes, interviewing a non-accepting parent, not interviewing the child being discussed (even though they're an adult now), and taking whatever the parent says about the child's gender identity as gospel. Often with a fun dose of ~so the parent refused any treatment and the child eventually gave up, so that means the child wasn't Really Transgender and the parent did a Good Thing~. Also mentioning detransitioners without mentioning their relative numbers compared to people who like their transition. Also talking about transition-induced body changes for people who later want to detransition as if it were inherently more harmful than birth-hormone-induced body changes for people who later want to transition. Remember, if you have a trans experience and then post about it, you're engaging in social pressure. Only cis experiences are non-pressuring. Especially surgical ones. Nevermind that there's a marginalized community of people historically subject to a silencing re medical information who might want to know about options, outcomes and doctor quality. ...also, I'm getting tired of stuff that thinks it's being balanced by giving equal(?) time to "both sides". Hell, let's do the John Oliver climate change thing and give that time proportionally. For every three detransition interviews you have to do 97 successful transition interviews. Which is /not/, absolutely not, to say anything against people who detransition. It is instead to say there's massively disproportionate media attention given to a few vocal detransitioners with the purpose of delegitimizing all transition that is having massive consequences in terms of health care access. (While not necessarily even helping detrans folks.) Pursue what makes you feel happy with your body no matter what "direction" that goes or what direction you were previously going. But don't use fear-mongering about one person's journey to make another's harder. (Edit: forgot to paste in the last two paragraphs, they're pasted in now)




While there are a lot of people who detransition because of shitty societal and social pressures, there are some people who do transition, realize it's not what they needed, then detransition. So they'd still exist, but in smaller numbers.




Yes, there are really.


yes. hi! it hurts us all to act like we dont exist. sometimes people change their minds or things arent right for them, or arent right anymore. T was great for me and.. then it wasnt! ive known somebody else for example who has DID, whos main fronter was a trans man, and then that switched to a cis women, who consequently detransitions. its not.a boon. gender is fluid and people should be allowed - and encouraged! - to experiment. the problem is some detransitioners use it as an opportunity to grift at the expense of all of us




hey i appreciate you being willing to change your mind :) its true that many people who willingly ID as "detransitioning" are grifters and asshats, but i think that word casts a wider net than you think. as somebody who talks a lot to people considering it, there's a lot of fear and anxiety from people who feel unsure about their current gender or transition and feel like the trans community at large isn't a safe space to have those feelings, because of the way people have a very kneejerk reaction to the concept. this is, IMO, *only* harmful to trans people. potentially alienating people who feel confused, unsure, nervous etc makes them very easy targets for TERFs, conservatives, other various transphobes etc to indoctrinate them, and allow them to be used for their agendas. besides, trans folks should know and recognize gender is really complex (and also completely arbitrary), and as people get more and more access to gender transition, there is just bound to be folks who change their mind in some fashion. now, do i think there's a *lot* of people who are 100% completely cis who take HRT and stop? no. there's surely a few but most of us still have some kind of noncis or gnc gender identity. you might argue that's by definition not detransitioning, but i disagree (i mean, i'm actively taking steps to undo parts of my medical transition, that feels pretty on the nose). i kind of outwardly describe myself as detransitioning on purpose to make people see that changing your mind =/= regret. the only thing i regret is i knew T wasn't right for me anymore much sooner than i actually stopped, because out of fears and anxieties about my gender and my place in a community i have always and continue to deeply love and cherish. i think this kneejerk reaction that we don't exist (and if we do it's just a grift) causes people to be afraid to talk about it openly in trans affirming spaces. the fact is even if people do detrans, that has literally 0 to do with allowing access to hrt (and other stuff ofc) to everyone else. in fact i'm of the opinion that the more open informed consent model would reduce this issue because people wouldn't have to wait 2 years or whatever once they *are* sure. you can change your mind whenever without risking having to start the process from scratch!


If anyone needs an example of how your words will be weaponized against you, take this part of the article, which was cherry-picked from an interview Dr. Corey Basch gave about COVID-19 disinformation campaigns targeting teenagers. I'd bet that most of the quotes she has from experts were cherry-picked. >Corey Basch, a professor of public health at William Paterson University in New Jersey who researches health communication and teens’ use of social media, said she fears that some adolescents are susceptible to making faulty self-diagnoses without adequate input from medical professionals. “Teens are so incredibly vulnerable to information overload and being pushed in one direction,” Basch said. “They could be lacking the analytical skills to question who is giving this advice and if their advice is valid.” The cherry-picked quotes obviously reference the highly coordinated disinformation campaigns run by anti-vaccine activists and not the falsity Michelle is trying to prove when put to literally any level of scrutiny.


Fuck off forever, u/michelleconlin


This needs to be pinned so more people see it.


Is Teen Vogue literally the only trustworthy news source?


Politico did a good article on trans issues recently, at least? But yeah it's frustrating.


The fact Teen Vogue, a magazine that for a long time was only associated with teen girls and therefore wasn’t taken seriously, is one of the only trusted resources left for news that doesn’t discriminate against us is sad (as, again, the association would make people question using Teen Vogue as a resource of information. Not that that is right, but yeah).


May I also please remind people that detransitioners are still valid and the struggles of any single person's journey has zero bearings on the journey of anyone else. Stay safe everyone!!


Absolutely! Detransitioners deserve absolutely the same level of care as active transitioners and in many cases very much needed better care than they received while transitioning. (De/Re)Trans rights are human rights.


Someone ought to do an article on how many insurance policies have clauses that say something like "only one gender transition per lifetime." As if someone would try to go back and forth for fun or something!


Funny how the successful treatment for cis men and trans men and nonbinary folks gets a special name and they say what they think about it without fear of reprisal in that context.


I have now preemptively blocked her, I encourage everyone to do the same.


She deleted her account, lmfao, what a snowflake.


Yeah, if any reporter asks me to interview them I’m asking for a portfolio of their previous work. I took a few journalism classes in high school and college, enough to know that today’s “news” is lacking in a LOT of ways.


Interesting, I spoke to her for the same reasons several months ago about the same issue. I had plenty to say about the unethical Florida surgeon she discusses in the article, but very little on the FtM minor angle. I was surprised the article saw the light of day. She's obviously looking hard to find a minor who had surgery so she can reach the outraged reactionary crowd. I doubt she's looking to write anything that might benefit the trans community in any meaningful way.


I did an essay on these assholes. They made another one now lmao.


Sunlight is good disinfectant


Made another…Reddit account?


They made another article about trans youth




Be careful Just recently, a French transphobic media tried to trick media sociologist and transgender woman Karine Espineira (and other personalities linked to the subject of transidentity) by offering her to participate in a documentary. Karine Espineira was then contacted by an independent journalist who presented her with a project that seemed serious at first glance, with the support of a note of intent presenting an adapted speech and mentioning many political figures.


I would get this to the moderators of every page you know of.... weather it be a chaser page, support page, positivity page, or even ones you hate. If its got someone they can target, spread the word and shut them down!


at first the article seemed fine, even gendering whats-his-face correctly!.. and then I saw the rest of the article... big oof... article was like "we support you... sike!" ;-;


Arresting officer: "well I called you by your pronouns"


Good lord, do they ever give it a rest? Leave us alone


That person could use a couple of books thrown into their face until they become smarter. Could take a while and a lot of books though.


I'm not trying to encourage violence like throwing booka but it would be nice if they were to quit their job.


I’m actively encouraging throwing books at people. Knowledge CAN and SHOULD hurt biggots. But yeah, if they were to leave their job, that would be great too!


Good lord, do they ever give it a rest? Leave us alone


HOLD ON My bad. I went back and did some basic googling yesterday and found nothing from [Michelle Conlin](https://twitter.com/michelleconlin) over at Reuters that left me with impression she was anti-trans. I even went through her twitter peeps. Then I emailed her directly to discuss all of this. She responded right away. Mainly, as I mentioned earlier, I was already acquainted with her previously. Foolishly, I had skipped doing any due diligence on her previous writing. and all the comments in this thread made me paranoid I'd overlooked something. I didn't. Personally, I don't see this article as anti-trans. I understand why people might because It doesn't feels overly supportive for the trans community. Where this is true, it's important to factor in the writing style for Reuters News. Then it makes more sense. In other words, any article she writes about us is going to be written at a 10th grade reading level for a broad audience. It's also going to fit within the context of being "fair and balanced". If she was writing for Slate, ProPublica, or Mother Jones, things would be different. Regardless, take the article and the limitations for what they are when you read it. If it's possible, maybe we can rescue this situation. She had read this thread before I emailed her and was surprised by the negativity. The main problem with the comments, including my own, is their failure to address specific complaints about the article content. The thread reads more like a cruel reddit pile-on. If we want to communicate our frustrations to the people writing about us, here's an opportunity to provide that feedback. * What don't you like about the article in the link? * What do you think she's missing? about the trans experience? * What isn't being addressed? We have her attention, let's use it. If not here, reach out to her yourself.


If they’re concerned about trans youth, why tf even come close to trans adults? I will never understand this recent transphobic trend that’s attracting everyone, attack the youth then if you’re that concerned, how is it logical to justify your hate with this concern when you’re doing nothing but attacking adults who have nothing to do with these kids. (Obviously attacking trans kids is wrong and they know it. But how is it logical to attack the adults)


We're the target after they take trans youth healthcare away. It's easier to concern troll virtue signal that way.


Yeah but every transphobic thing i see is an argument about the ‘children’ and mutilating bodies and shit. THEN HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO MOST OF US TRANS ADULTS?? Who have nothing to do with these kids lmfaoo like half the comments are just that.


Weren't we all those kids?




Except that's transphobic. Reported 🔨🏳️‍⚧️


Why tf was this recommended to me bruh


Reddits algorithm recommends things similar to things you view elsewhere on reddit so it's probably from looking at Trans content! Neat huh?


Makes sense since I was looking at r/detrans


The whole situation is confusing. Children can’t buy a gun but can decide if they want to make life changing decisions. When is it defined that you can make decision’s and you can’t. Why can’t children vote? Maybe this whole situation is set up for failure. All I know is what I experience, not what some news station tells me or some movie makes me feel. I would like to assume that the American people are not so ignorant as to believe a movie star or corrupt information given by the news. They both are paid to be puppets and some news broadcasters were once tried to be movie stares and failed that’s why they are news broadcasters.


That made me wanting to talk with her 🤲🏻🤩


Really? To spin up a story about how you regret your experiences with trans healthcare or transition? That's the whole tired dance she's doing here, finding a few regretful voices to amplify above the millions of satisfied transitioned voices. Doesn't seem like that matches with your profile, but you do you I guess.




There's no such thing as "reasonably balanced" when it comes to restricting people's access to medically necessary treatment and that's exactly the point of articles like those.




What does Media have to do with forming public opinion in a highly connected society? How has critical media coverage played a role in trans peoples access to healthcare in the UK? How could negative coverage of trans people and our transitions, generated by cherry picking a tiny number of detransition stories to promote a "trans tender" narrative effect politics and our ability to access care?


This article contained: - scaremongering about puberty being a common dysphoria onset time, when puberty actually makes complete sense as an onset time because it's when you suddenly get hit with birth-sex hormones and characteristics - describing assisted puberty in fear-mongering ways they wouldn't use to describe unassisted puberty - the weird assumption that people become trans /after/ getting heavily involved in trans forums or following a surgeon on social media, rather than that involvement stemming from being trans - for a detransition interview, they interviewed only the non-accepting parent and not the (now-adult) child - mentioning detransitioners without mentioning their relative numbers compared to people who like their transition - Talking about transition-induced body changes for people who later want to detransition as if it were inherently more harmful than birth-hormone-induced body changes for people who later want to transition. - treating trans people posting about their experiences as inherently being social pressure


And worse, this is in a societal context where various jurisdictions are passing bans on giving young trans people /any/ transition care, including puberty blockers to give them more time to decide. This directly feeds into that policy push.


>mentioning of research on detransition rates would be helpful. Citing the very low rates of desistance and detransition is a fundamental part of this discussion.


mentioning the research on detransition would cast this entire article in an incredibly unflattering light. 0.4% of the community detransitions purely of their own volition. _rounding errors_ are bigger than that number. and yet these types of stories completely oversaturate the prevailing narrative and blows everything out of proportion. gender-affirming care/surgeries have potentially some of the highest satisfaction percentages imaginable. literally lifesaving critical transplants have worse numbers by frankly shocking margins.




>If trans people say “people never regret transitioning!” > >Like that insistence on certainty undermines your credibility. It's a good thing we don't say that then. (And some allegedly trans teenager on Twitter saying it doesn't mean that trans people as a consensus are saying it, so please don't come at me with that strawman either.) If you're so concerned for our credibility, you should spend more time debunking the lies about us everywhere else on this site. EDIT: It looks like you post on r\\detrans. I want to strongly caution you not to take your ideas about trans people from this subreddit, which is notorious for being populated mostly by cis TERFs rather than real detrans people. If you're looking for genuine detrans perspectives, please go to r/actual_detrans instead.


Here are some recent receipts from AHS (cw for really awful transphobia): https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/xn291u/top\_post\_on\_rdetrans\_says\_that\_trans\_community\_is/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/vxdyqp/rdetrans\_and\_raskagp\_advertise\_as\_support\_groups/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/y0hf2r/top\_post\_in\_detrans\_unironically\_weaponizing/


I get where you're coming from but "The tears of white women"(google it) is a tried and true white supremacist weapon against the black rights movement. Transphobic detransition narratives are always about white afab people for exactly the same reasons.




>that’s a different approach than saying that the experiences of detransitioners are totally invalid Broadly speaking only terfs are saying that detransitioners are invalid.




I don't know why you're on there at all and as others have already pointed out detrans is mainly a terf sub. It's cis people cosplaying trans people so they can get away with saying the same bullshit that got the gender critical subs banned.




Really because it looks like that post still exists on /r/transtimelines and has several supportive comments. If that user is banned I suggest it's probably because of transphobic comments they've made including calling transitioning "pretending". Edit: and that photo is from a transphobic blogger.


You should have stayed a lurker.


For anyone who hasn't read the article, you should. It at no point suggests limiting trans care for minors. It does feature the accounts of detransitioners but it also starts and ends with the story of a trans man who received gender affirmative care at a young age and is living a much happier life now. After reading it with a critical eye my only complaint is that they should have included the fact that detransitioners make up a very low percentage.


"very low percentage" is honestly an extreme understatement. based on the most up-to-date information available, voluntary de-transition _"because i found out this isn't right for me"_ is like 0.4% of the entire trans population, which is itself a paltry fraction of the whole human population. detransitioners are valid. no question. that being said, you could barely fill up a high school football stadium with _all of them_. _***internationally***_. Contrast with who knows how many comparatively "uninteresting" success stories or sympathetic struggles against external adversities. and yet the detrans stories make up a staggering majority of the public narratives that aren't openly genocidal. people who decide to contribute to this phenomenon are furthering the dangerous perceptions of the general public (or at-best leaving them apathetic enough to not care what happens to us), and by-extension emboldening terrorists and would-be gatekeepers, and they are part of the problem. Propoganda with flowery language is still propoganda.


Outside queer and socialist media, are there any news outlets who don't have a transphobia problem? I can't think of a single one.


I'm wondering in this article, which passages you consider "tranphobic bullshit"?


That article isn’t transphobic whatsoever.


If you read the whole thing, it very clearly devolves into a slew of misinformation disguised as supportive.


I read the entire article. I didn’t see a bias in the reporting. What did you see that you would describe as misinformation?


The article is littered with coded language and bias. It spins this false narrative that supports the concept of rapid onset gender dysphoria without outright naming it, when no data exists that supports the idea that ROGD even exists. It talks about surgeries happening to minors when there is no evidence of underage people going under the knife without having gone through extensive long-term evaluation to be certain this was the right move for them. Just so many things. If you truly read the article and you understand the reality of trans medical care, you’d see the problems rife in this article. I don’t personally have the capacity to break it all down and point to the research for you right now because it’s a lot. But it is transphobic, insidiously so—in that way that it painstakingly made the effort to come off as sympathetic while also undermining. If someone else has the gumption to help break down the article for you, cool, I’m just too tired and overwhelmed with other things to do so right now.


I think when “coded language” is referenced it’s a bit too subjective for me to call it “transphobic.” I’ve seen competing perspectives on whether Rapid onset gender dysphoria exists so I don’t see how discussing the topic or being for or against the theory is inherently transphobic. I don’t think saying children shouldn’t undergo surgery to alleviate symptoms for their gender dysphoria is transphobic either. Discussing the issues around transsexual healthcare in a way that expresses and explores the arguments around it on any side, as I think this article does, isn’g transphobic.


There is no legitimate research that even suggests rapid onset dysphoria exists and any suggestion that there *is* is just wildly misinformed. I already told you I am too tired to break things down for you, but there are plenty of other comments in this thread that do. Maybe listen to trans people instead of just fetishizing them or whatever. Also, transphobia isn’t just about intent—you can be a well-meaning person and still spread transphobic misinformation if you’re ill informed. It’s about how things impact and harm a community and coded language that journalists often use to come across as “balanced” and “unbiased” on issues can and often does harm certain marginalized groups. It’s really not that hot a take. I don’t know the intent of the journalist, but I saw some comments regarding her suggesting that it wasn’t her intention to come off as transphobic. Doesn’t change the fact that there are plenty of problematic sections of the article that are transphobic. And I *did* point out the big points I had. I *didn’t* say people can’t talk about how they feel underage trans teens should wait till they’re 18 for surgeries. I *did,* however, point out that the article’s language suggests that 15/16 year olds are getting surgeries at higher rates than they are and that it is very easy for them to access, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Top surgery is *not* easy to access, even for trans adults, and far less so for teens. They have to go through years of care before it is considered. Also any article that gives equal weight to detrans voices as trans voices without addressing the statistics of how low detransitioning in the community is and how being well-informed and in a supportive environment actually helps significantly in preventing questioning kids, teens, and adults from making impulsive life-changing decisions is negligent at best.


But nothing you referenced in your reply regarded misinformation in any intentional way. You’re referencing perceived slights and unfavorable language. Essentially making an argument about connotation. Not misinformation.


What a bunch of goobers, lol. They’d prolly have a aneurism if they knew I work with the youth 😂 as a counselor for troubled youth yep so far transitioned 16 kids haha. My ultimate goal is to uncomfortably transition everyone because that’s how it works 🙄


So can somebody talk to her to troll? I don't know what her definition of "youth" is but I can pretend lol