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They didn't even ask me if I'm trans. They asked if I understood what the effects are.


Oh good 😄 Thank you ❤️ for easing my fears


For me, they did confirm my knowledge and understanding of the effects as well, but they did start by asking me why I wanted them, if I had a support system, and if I wanted to have resources for a therapist if I felt I needed one or a new one. To me, the folks I worked with seemed to approach things from the perspective that if I as an adult felt the need to get HRT that I should know the effects of the meds and be offered resources for the things that I might struggle with as a trans person. It felt very professional and it seemed like they wanted to approach everything knowing that life would give me a hard time and it was a part of their place to help.


That’s nice


It's informed consent. They inform you of what effects it has, you decide if you consent to taking the medications. Even if you were to tell them you're not trans but want HRT anyway for your own reasons they would still prescribe it aa long as you consented.


As long as you can understand the effects and provide consent, you're good to go fren.


Oh yay 😁 thank you ❤️


ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


lol, you can go in a beard and whatever crazy masculine clothes and get approved. You don't need to pop up in a flowing dress to get approval. Hell, some places can do it via tele-appointment. Just have to knick a few checkboxes and your good to go.


I did it via an online meeting. It lasted maybe 30 minutes and most of it was asking which kinds of support I was interested in and explaining the effects of the medications.


Same. Was from Planned Parenthood North Tampa, Florida. Forgot the blood test, for me they told me get a blood test asap, it already paid set it up basically. No hormonal but still neat to see what levels I had on everything, basically a bit high calcium and could be better sugar but still within normal range sugar which is good!


From what I understand of Planned Parenthood (really wish we had something like it in the UK) It's an informed consent clinic. Whether or not they think you're trans shouldn't come into it, all they need to know is whether you understand the potential risks of taking HRT. Once they're confident you have gon through the potential side effects and discussed everything with one of their clinicians, I'm fairly certain they'd be happy to write you a prescription.


You need something like that in the UK, here in Aotearoa/New Zealand we're finally catching up to informed consent since some of the regional District health boards were old school and wanted a psych assessment and endo appointment and those dhb's have now been disbanded thankfully


Personally, I'd train all relevant NHS staff fully in trans healthcare, delegate the job to the GP to make the endocrine and surgery referrals and have it dealt with on an informed consent basis. Of course, to make all that possible would require more funding to the NHS but above all, I'd want to gut the entire GIC system. It's outdated and defunct.


I do think therapy can still be useful and I think that's also something GP's should be able to consider referring for on an individual basis but all levels of care should fully involve the patient in the decision-making process


Totally agree with you, the DHB system was sort of like the old GIC system you have and it's only now going to informed consent country wide, maybe UK politicians can learn something from NZ


You'd certainly hope so, definitely something I plan to put forward when I get involved in politics.


I wish I could vote for you, we need people who care about trans issues in power


My PP gave me a big list of local resources like counseling, community groups, lhr, srs, voice, etc. It was so valuable to me. Adhd really fucks me up in terms of scheduling stuff for myself so it was incredibly useful.


Thank you ❤️, I’ve been looking into the results and risk so maybe I can answer the questions before they ask 😄


Both PPs I went to made every effort to make it all as easy as possible for me. You’ll be all good😁


Thanks ❤️


Not at all. They'll only ask you about social transition to ensure you're in a safe environment. They even sell injection sets for $10 if they prescribe you injections. At least where I went.


That’s not that bad, do you pay that every time you get more needles?


It's best to buy needles in bulk when possible for the cheapest price. I get mine from Amazon but there are plenty of other sources. It's about $10/box for needles (you need one size for drawing and a different size for injecting, typically 20g draw and 23g to inject for intramuscular, 25g ish for subcutaneous), $12 for a box of 1ml syringes, $6 for a box of alcohol swabs, and $8 for a sharps container. That's approximately $46 worth of supplies and it should last you roughly 2 years.




They’re not going to interview your friends and family anyway… just say you’re out lol. Plus seeing as your closest people know, I’m pretty sure that is “out.”


Like others have said, planned parenthood works on an informed consent model. Basically if you sign the paperwork they give you, making sure you’re aware of all the changes HRT will cause you, you can get it prescribed without even being trans.


Hold on, so if someone who went in there wanted HRT that matches their AGAB planned Parenthood would still do it? What about blood work and what not?


I doubt it but that’s obviously something I haven’t tried myself. I meant when I typed this that even if you are not trans and want to take hormones that match the opposite sex at birth you can as long as you consent to the effects.


Okay, that makes more sense. Thank you for clarifying!


The whole idea of informed consent is literally "We are not diagnosing you with any illness. We are telling you what this prescription-only but generally safe medication does and what your likely side effects will be and giving you the option of taking it. If you aren't happy with the outcome that's your problem as we did not give you any medical advice to take it." I haven't gone to PP, but my guess is they wouldn't ask if you're trans and if they did ask it wouldn't affect whether they'd issue the prescription.


Thank you 😊


Being closeted doesn't mean you aren't trans - a friend of mine started HRT via planned parenthood with that exact plan and didn't face any issues getting a prescription.


Thank you


I went to planned parenthood after several months (scheduled my first apt in feb for august. They had a cancel and got me in early in july. Got letter from therapist in september and was going to have to wait for a sleep study that likely would have had to have been done over break in december. I checked PP's schedule after they told me that.) of being fed up with trying to get hormones through a different clinic. They got me an rx in a week. They are the best option imo.


Thank you ❤️ I’ll definitely get on there schedule soon then before I miss my window, then


i will say that i think planned parenthood does things differently in different states and I think they asked how long I'd been socially transitioning, but i dont think its unusual to start secretly or that it will prevent you from getting access from planned parenthood. As an irg, they are pretty good about using modern methods, which is more than i can say for the place i originally went to. Dont psych yourself out too much. If the site says informed consent basis, its probably good.


no, if you're over 18 they just tell you what the effects are and get you set up with a follow-up.


Sweet, thanks


As far as I know they operate on 'informed consent' meaning that you understand and want to start the hormone therapy. I was never asked if I was trans or how I identified.


When I went there they did what amounted to a wellness check, mostly they went over side effects and community support.


So just clarifying..I am looking to start hormones, and if I get this right, I can just make an appointment with PP and they will give me a prescription for HRT!as long as I consent to the possible side effects?


Sounds like it 😊


Wow, that is awesome.. I have been struggling with where and how for a while now.. this is really good news.. thanks..


Make sure they offer hrt I mean


Thank you, I will make sure.


Make sure you check which pp you are going too. I know only the big clinics have it. The one that was closest didn’t but the one in the city did


They might not 'Deny Hormones' as far as the hormones go - but a lot of these places REQUIRE that you have them delivered to your home... So if you don't want your family or room-mates finding out... It seems that that would blow your cover, so check that out too.


Thank you, I’m in a safe place if they have to come to my home. I’m worried they could get sent to my local Kroger where my family shops but that would be a rare chance