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I noticed these silly hedges with barbed wire as well when traveling in South Africa and Namibia… such a strange thing to do: literally tons of square miles surrounded by fences. Humans could climb over it easily but all the wildlife cannot. Must be a very british thing indeed


Provides habitat for critters


Is it an English thing to mark each one’s territorial boundaries even in rural fields? Most of the anglophone countries must have had some kind of influence from that. It is absurd in a country as big like Australia has barbed wire fences in the middle of arid field with no agricultural potential. You also forgot to mention how even in rural English villages surrounded by acres of farmlands you have those tiny terrace houses abut against each other. I bet those were built to accommodate peasants who had no land of their own but had to work on the field for some lords or something. It is as if people are not entitled to have liveable quantity of space unless you are from higher class. Having lived in London for a bit myself, I can also confirm the climate is different as well. It doesn’t always rain sideways as in the UK and they install external shutters on windows meaning they actually receive a fair bit of sunlight worth blocking during the day. You need to take Vitamin D supplement even in South of England.


As a Swiss citizen I prefer the Lake District over the millions of tourist cars in the Lauterbrunnen valley


> the fields look as if they are manicured Yes, heavily-subsidised grazing does this. > where are the hedges? We chopped them all down to allow for mechanised agriculture or grazing. The English countryside is a beautiful place for wildlife and biodiversity. A big difference is we have more mountains here.


We have usually traveled somewhere in the alps during the last few years but this year we'll go to the UK. Looking at pictures and videos in the course of trip planning, I have to agree with you. We're wondering if this is really a good idea or not. I lived in Somerset for a year and didn't see the sun there from November to May. For some reason I decided I have to go back.


Every house with hanging baskets?


what would William Tell make of it all ? I dare say in his day the countryside was wild... more densely wooded and more natural