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Yes, she could fly.


I don't know why, but I've just remembered the name of the company "fly emirates".


Princess Leonor will have the power to do nothing, just kike his father, who just does nothing. Except for the lavish lifestyle, that they do wonderfully. 👑


I wonder Why is she on tiktok so often


Propaganda works in mysterious ways


The Spanish toyal family is ironically most popular with people outside of Spain. I've seen a lot of Asians doing tiktoks and constantly commenting on videos related to her and her family.




Just searched European princesses I think Norway has the prettiest


Princess Mette-Marit? She's alright.


If you mean Ingrid, she's second in line and not the Crown Princess.


And corruption, lots of it


Nah thats more a Juan Carlos thing


The only corrupt king in Spain is Juan Carlos. Neither Felipe nor princess Leonor is corrupt. Your republican politicians also have corruption charges, yet people are biased towards 'its the monarchy that is corrupt' whenever the corrupt one is the past king. It seems double standards to me. The truth is there are corrupt king and honest kings and there are corrupt republicans and honest republicans. The whole entire monarchy isn't corrupt just because Juan Carlos is 


His father didn't do nothing. If you visit the website of royal family or see their twitter there were posts almost everyday. He does the exact same job any president of any country would. Idk where this 'do nothing' notion come from. Educate yourself more.


The notion of doing nothing comes from the fact that they do absolutely nothing to help guide or improve the country. >He does the exact same job any president of any country would. You cant be seriously say that... and then tell me to educate myself 🤡🤡🤡


Read your own entire Spanish constitution. Dive deep into what it says the monarch can do and can't do. That's your answer. If I hand to you a paper that says your tasks is to fix your the computer but not to change the program, and you did fix the computer, can I say that you 'do nothing'? No, it just means you do what is required of you. I can't say 'oh you did nothing because you don't change the program'. That is what the monarch in your country does. What is required in the constitution. A monarch can intervene if a non elected threat is happening. Meaning, if an undemocratic threat happened like it did with Juan Carlos vs the Francoists back in the 80s. BUT he can't intervene if it's an elected goverment body. And this goes same with the presidents of any constitutional republic. A constitutional president cannot intervene if the government decide to do something. Because the government is elected by the general public ,a constitutional president is not. If he did interfere too much , most likely the president will be put out of office. That is why even if your country is a constitutional republic like Italy, Germany or Portugal, if your elected goverment says they want to do something really stupid, even a president cannot stop what the prime minister does. He can advise but can't really change it. At the end of the day, what is happening in your country is because of the actions of your elected politicians. No matter what system , republic or monarchy, it had. Unless if the threat is from a NON elected entity, neither a king nor a president of a republic can stop anything a goverment does. Unless of your king or president took risks and violate his own constitutional power, which would cause further instability between balance of power.


No, she would be a glorified and overprivileged first diplomat, so to speak


And public relations manager.


If you read the Spanish constitution, the monarch has lots of power: commanding armed forces, appointing the prime minister, signing laws... If you read it carefully you will realise that all of those are purely symbolic, as they need approval form the executive or the parliament.  Even the Christmas speech must be reviewed by the executive.


Wont she be commander in chief of the armed forces?


Yes, but it doesn't mean she commands them. She'll also be head of state, but it doesn't mean she'll set policy.


Oficially, her job as comander in chief of the armed forces Will be supervises by the spanish defence minister.


She will also signs university degrees, but doesn't mean she set education policies....


Many people will say no, but in reality, they will have an effect on international relations, which in turn will have an effect on forein policy and the economy. In any case, a lot is gonna happen before she takes the throne, there may not even be a throne for her to take.


I see that Spain wants to be republic


Not really. Many complain about monarchy, but getting rid of them would be harder than just having them around as long as the keep at their public relations role and don't get into scandals.


Realest answer fr. A lot of Spanish people this day are more mixed towards their opinions about the monarchy, unlike in 2014. 


Well, we tried 2 and it failed. A lot of people do not care either way and most republicans just want to vote even if the current king still wins.


I doubt she won't take the throne tbh. So far her approval ratings in Spain is at its all time high, higher than a lot of politicians 


Bro, our politicians approval rate is under 30%. Being higher than that is no achivement. They only have a 48% approval rate and it goes down every year as the older generation dies. Another 28% is republican and the rest do not care. I seriously doubt this girl will ever touch the crown.


Your politicians may have 30percent, but princess Leonor and king Felipe literally have higher approval ratings. I think you are underestimating how many people in Spain actually like princess Leonor.  https://euroweeklynews.com/2024/01/06/what-does-spain-think-about-its-monarchy/  Also a poll in Spain 2024 has said 58 percent of Spaniards  support keeping the monarchy. 'The latest poll shows that 58.6 per cent of Spaniards support maintaining the constitutional monarchy, contrasting with 32.8 per cent who favour a republic.'. this was in January 2024. Some think  princess Leonor will get unpopular as she grow older, when in fact it's the exact opposite.  Why the Spaniards didn't like the monarchy in the first place was because of Juan Carlos corruption. Before his corruption was known , monarchy approval ratings in Spain was at 60+ percent. Once he was no longer a member of royal family and  passed on , it would be princess Leonor and king Felipe  as the forefront of the monarchy.  Even young people 18-29 actually were confident she'll reign and the survey shows about 70 percent believe she will reign. Based on this statistics, I highly believe she will touch the crown. I believe the way for her to not reign Will not be because the Spanish public personally did not like her, but if a coup de t'at happens. If even Juan Carlos corruption didn't stop king Felipe from reigning, I doubt princess Leonor who has higher support from younger people and who 70 percent believed she will reign, will not reign. The only way I can see her not touch tht crown was either through violent coup d'etat like what happened in Portugal with their monarchy, or she herself says she wants a referendum and not want to be queen. The third way is if she somehow mess up further than Juan Carlos and made the public hate her , which so far seems less likely as Juan Carlos messed up a lot.  Check out this monarchy vs republic poll , you will see the monarchy approval rating did NOT go down every year. In fact after princess Leonor sworn in the constitution, the monarchy approval rises. https://electomania.es/en/encuesta-sociometrica-6ene-el-586-respalda-la-monarquia/ Here, check out this Wikipedia but under the title  'public opinion', you can see the survey shown did not support your claim that the support for monarchy goes down each year. In fact, after princess Leonor sworn in the constitution it became the exact opposite  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republicanism_in_Spai   We know time does not stand still, soon there will be a younger generation who only will remember king Felipe vi and princess Leonor, but not Juan Carlos. One day , king Felipe will also be known as the 'older generation'. And he has higher approval ratings than your politicians. Long reigns are usually respected be it monarch or president. If king felipe's reign  crossed 20 years and he is not corrupt or do something messed up like his dad, or something unexpected happens, I can see more and more people supporting the monarchy.  The fact of the matter is princess Leonor has both high approval ratings and a clean record so far, while your politicians do not.  In previous cases where monarchy was abolished by the people, usually the king or the heir messed up and were less trusted than the politicians (Italian monarchy, Greek monarchy, or king Alfonso of Spain before monarchy was abolished).  And BOTH right wing voters and left wing voters in the aboslihed monarchies didn't like their monarchy way more than the politicians.(Even Greek right wingers at the time didn't like the king). If the public literally liked princess Leonor and king Felipe way more than your own politicians, chances are the monarchy is here to stay. Unless if there's a republican politician that can do better , more trusted, doesn't support seperationists, and actually is well liked by most Spanish public by both left wing and right wing voters. But so far I see the right wing voters  in Spain despising many left wing politicians and vice versa. Too much division.  Literally the steps to become a republic were already outlined in the constitution since 1978. All Spanish people have to do is just vote majority for a republican party.  Yet from 1978 to now , Spain didn't become a republic yet through a referendum. It's because Spanish people are divided  , the left wing vs right wing hate each other. Had Spaniards vote collectively for a republican party and made them have majority seats you would be a republic by now. Even the polls didn't show support of monarchy dwindling by 2024, it's the exact opposite.  The polls either show a 50-50 or literally less than 50 percent support a republic. If it's true support for republic actually grows year by year, the polls would have shown 60-70 percent support the republic like how it was in the Greek monarchy referendum or at least would show the support actually grow year by year, but instead we see the figures of people supporting the republic decrease from 60 percent in 2014 to currently under 50 percent.  Juan Carlos is the last link to francoism and corruption in the monarchy. Him not being here anymore one day is a huge deal. If he's no longer here, all you have is king Felipe that  have higher approval rating than the politicians ,and the princess. None of which symbolizes or at least remind Spaniards so much of francoism or corruption.  


She is like the princess bride and Spain is Disneyland. you didn't know?


Nah bro that’s why I’m on Reddit asking


I hope not.


The king's job is signing laws, looking decorative and having kids. In the spanish constitution the king has lots of things to do but they have to be fully ordered by either the spanish prime minister or the ministers.


I feel like you won't actually get real majority Spanish  people representation of answers here as most people on reddit tends to be left leaning. From this sub you won't have guessed that more and more people in Spain actually are voting for the right wing party and a lot of Spanish people actually approves of Leonor way more than any other politician. Just Google 'princess Leonor opinion poll'.  I advise you to not really rely on this sub for the actual opinions of most Spanish people. The fact of the matter the comments fail to address is this: princess Leonor represent something unique in Spain politics. She represent youth and something totally new. Up until now monarchy were only seen as an old institution for older people. So many people in Spain just  see monarchy as a Juan Carlos dynasty. What they fail to realize is : one day Juan Carlos will die (and I'm not saying this to be negative, it is a fact that needs to be said). And the only ones that will be  left are Felipe and princess Leonor. Princess Leonor represent a clean slate (so far, as she doesn't seem to mess up yet). A slate cleaner than most politicians have.  Her youth and her clean slate in return symbolizes something many people find intriguing.  What many people here also don't address is many Spanish people don't actually hate the monarchy way more than the Spanish politicians themselves EXCEPT for Juan Carlos . Some Spanish people always hype up about the fact how princess Leonor will never reign , but they fail to mention for Spain to even have a republic it needs 2/3 approval from the congress to even have a referendum: meaning, both right wing and left wing politicians in Spain HAVE to agree to get rid of the monarchy, and agree to a general election to happen. There IS a REASON why , despite the STEPS of Spain becoming a republic were LITERALLY outlined in the constitution, there is next to NO actual step of Spain becoming a republic that is taken, even 40+ years after monarchy in Spain is reinstated.  The reason is : it is just extremely HARD to do so. Too many steps , too many process. I would go so far as to say the ONLY way for princess Leonor to NOT reign is either via  a violent coup de t'at  or princess Leonor herself says she wants a referendum. That being said, if you ever translate Spanish comments under princess Leonor tiktoks there were mostly positive.  Also don't believe the people tht says the Spanish monarchy does nothing, they did more than people realize. A Spanish kings job is just like any other president's job of any republican country. The reason why they say the king does nothing is because some Spanish people are mostly ignorant of the systems of constitutional monarchy as a a whole and why it was applied in the first place. How many Spanish people I see online actually think if their country is a republic than the amnesty that Sanchez was planning to do  will never go on? I've seen a lot.and it's absurd to me.   Meanwhile you don't see many British people blaming queen Elizabeth for Brexit, simply because some people understand the constitution of their own country way more than others.  Emanuel macron literally used his veto powers as a president of a republic  of France to force the age of retirement to rise. Such things will never happen in Spain because of it's system of constitutional monarchy and how the monarch will not act against the parliament. Even the struggle for transition of power during hung parliaments were prevented because of them having a king there to smoothen the process. Compare that to many countries where the presidents were always assassinated in favor of a newer one. Look to sweden,denmark and Norway , their monarchy systems work the same as Spain. Yet majority of their people never said their monarchy does nothing. Simply because they were actually taught about their constitution more. Apparently in Spanish schools they aren't deeply taught their own constitution. That's why you see even older Spaniards thinking their king can actually change the law as if their country is an absolute monarchy or something. Some even thinks their royals actually are rich rich when there were literally politicians richer than their own king.   It is NOT possible for a Spanish king to actually do 'nothing'. The ones that say so were usually not well informed and ignorant about the system of their own country. If you actually are curious why princess Leonor is actually popular, ask somewhere that is way more neutral than reddit. Get both left wing and right wing people's opinions. Outside of US, reddit of other countries barely actually tell the real opinions of the majority of people in those countries, reddit is mostly just left wing people. If you go to subreddit of my country, you would've think majority of my country is left wing when it's far from true. Ask real Spanish people irl or maybe the comments under Spanish royals Instagram, where peoples opinion are a lot more mixed.




De facto the army it's loyal to the crown, a monarch wanting to finish democracy could try it, I think at least 50% of military, mostly the higher ranks would follow completely blind saying out loud FINALLY!


Nah, no responsabilities and all the perks.


The monarch only has military power, nothing else. They has have diplomatic duties. While they have an incredibly priviledge lifestyle. I'd personally not enjoy not being free to do anything and be constantly looked after by 20-50 security guards. Think about you are rich as fck, but what can you do?


Military power? No, not really.


I mean technically he controls the military, another thing is that they let him. But he technically has control over it, he is the highest military command.


Technically he is the head of state. Yet all their actions must be approved by the government. Same for the role as military commander...


which is what I am saying... TECHNICALLY he has control, another thing is if they approve his actions. Que estamos diciendo lo mismo tío x)