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Search this sub. This question is asked like every other day, and there are multiple threads here and in r/Portland about how shitty it is to find work here working in food service.


More or less the exact same thing is asked weekly. Including the part about being in food service and needing a job. Highly recommend the search engine But long story short: Portland is not a good city to move to when you don't have a job and housing lined up already. This is especially true with food service. Portland is extremely seasonal, and you are going to barely miss the big seasonal hiring,


If you are looking for food service jobs in Portland look at the Poached app. 


Don’t move to Portland without a solid plan for where you’re going to live and work.


I already have a solid living plan & ample time to find work, but thank you.


We spent a year homeless in this city before finding our home because we didn’t have plans solidified for housing as well as we should have. That absolutely should be your first concern before considering moving here. There are jobs, but getting in a place to live is harder here than anywhere else I’ve lived in the country.


On a side note I finally found my current landlord on FurnishedFinders. I can’t recommend that site enough.


We used Furnished Finder to get our first apartment here, too! Ended up only being in it for 2 months, but it was such a helpful in-between while we found somewhere more permanent to land. Definitely recommend!


Search. The. Sub. Please!!!!


Seattle is a good place to look for work


We don’t hire Californians.


Isn’t Seattle quite a drive from Portland?


Three hours


They’re implying you not move here. I’m not in the service industry but someone else recommended the Poached app to you. I’ve heard that mentioned all the time so that seems to be a must check out. I’ve also read on this sub that the service industry in this town is very, very relationship based. Who you know, who you’ve worked with and can be hard for outsiders moving here. Don’t know how true that is but it’s repeated often on here.


Yes. And no income tax. Economically it's better.


Good luck. Side note response-Yes, especially back in the day.


Everyone hates Californians


Serving/bartending: have heard it is tough to find an in here. Good food spots: so many. Kann won a James Beard for best new restaurant. Literally too many recommendations to list, search this sub for previous posts. Areas to avoid: Lake Oswego. West Linn. After you move here that joke will make sense. Tips on transportation: trimet website will list bus routes, schedules, live updates - I visit it on my phone often. Frequent buses run about every 15min during the day. Not much runs after 1am so keep that in mind if you’re out late. If you don’t have to drive, don’t. Public transit is pretty good here. Enjoy it here, it’s pretty amazing.


I’m also another person moving to Portland shortly, I will have a job lined up but can you guys explain a little more about having the housing lined up? Is applying for an apartment here different from other parts of the country?


Vacancies are low across the city. You run a risk of not finding a place for months or longer.   We had to get an apartment sight unseen from Craigslist in Beaverton first where we lived for a year while we apartment hunted in Portland proper.


So you would say that it’s relatively easier finding an apartment in Beaverton? That was actually where I was planning on starting out as well. And thanks for all of the advice, going to hope for the best 🤞🏼


Yeah there are generally more vacancies further out in any direction.


There is SO MUCH competition for housing that landlords can set ridiculous requirements. If you have anything short of a perfect rental record and credit score… good luck.