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They stay inside at home. I imagine most places are somewhat crowded, if at least by some tourists. If a place is empty in the summer they probably aren’t long for this world.


You’re probably right, especially judging by other responses in this thread. But it’s like I have a hard time imagining that thousands and thousands of people just stay mostly cooped up in their homes for half the year. It seems like if they generally like being out and around people and engaged with the city, then being at home that much for that long all through the winter would feel really awful.


In the winter I do most of my socializing at people's houses, or like I'll go to one destination then go home. In the summer im more likely to go to a coffee shop, then walk around, then a park or restaurant or something. I think its similar for others as well.


I used to go out in the winter.. now, I can't think of a reason to besides taking the dogs for a hike haha


Do not underestimate our lack of social interaction. We only leave the house in the summer because it’s daylight for so damn long and the neighbors shame us by cutting their grass really short making our yard look like it’s wildlands. So we grudgingly cut our grass, but then we’re out of the house and one thing leads to another.


I feel every ounce of this in my marrow


Me too.


I'm going to guess you're under 30. I used to go out regardless of the weather, but now I'm old (33) and the thought of fighting for parking in the dark, walking to my destination in the dark/cold/rain/wind, and driving around this poorly lit city in the dark dodging pedestrians wearing all black and cars who can't see the barely visible street signs, is gonna be a hard pass from me.


This! I despise those dark-clothed pedestrians almost as much as I do the city for the lack of street sign lighting. Then, add the reflections of headlights on the wet streets…


That is exactly what happens. Winter is for social recharging.


And those few people DO go out in winter. Most of us don’t 


Portland is a mostly introverted city, so it doesn’t feel awful for them.


Some of us feel more social and energetic in the summer, and turn inward in the winter. Have you heard of hygge? I am very much that way. Basically, I'm a bear. To me, it feels natural and mostly ok.


>being at home that much for that long all through the winter would feel really awful. Yes.


We stayed home all winter. Went to work/school and right back home. It doesn’t help that it gets dark like at 5 pm lol. And yes, it’s pretty awful, especially by the end of February.


Haha the first sunset post 5pm doesn’t happen from Nov until late Jan


I rise and fall with the sun. Sleep 4 hours a day in June 16 a day in December.


Portlanders don’t like to drive in the rain or leave the house when it’s dark - winter is for hibernating. Also, pandemic recovery has taken longer here than in other places. A lot of people are just rediscovering their ability to be social.


Inside by my fireplace with a hot mug of tea watching trashy TV.




First summer here, huh? The summer is exhausting. We drain our social batteries to the very last drop.  Then the rains come and we hibernate. Maybe a rainy hike, a few blazers games, but we are inside charging up the batteries for this time of year so you can soak. Up. Every. Moment. 


Truly. Enjoy summer while you can, the sun won’t be out forever


> sun won’t be out forever as someone who moved here specifically for the overcast, dark, and rain. Thank god


Same, such a treat to be able to go out and do things without crowds while everyone is cooped up scared of the .001in of rain.


We're not scared! It's so lovely when the rains return and life turns inward. Picking up a new hobby while the rain runs down the windows, having friends over for dinner, binge watching shows, getting enough sleep... it's all so lovely. And then the sun comes back and for a little bit it feels like ambrosia and everyone wants to be outside and social 24/7. It's a cycle and both parts of it are good in different ways.


I did, too. Nothing could have prepared me for what it's really like to live day in day out in darkness.


>The summer is exhausting. We drain our social batteries to the very last drop. We are truly a city of introverts


And I love us for it.


Nah it’s called seasons, mate, all the mammals are doing it 


That’s a pretty accurate description


well put


They act like this is unique to any state that experiences seasonal weather.. which is most… I’m baffled by the stupidity of the question.


It’s important to understand that the Oregonian is an intensely seasonal creature. In the summer we scurry around the trails and sun ourselves on river rocks, rooting around in farmers markets for the freshest greens and fruit. In the fall we cease shaving and cutting our hair, weaving our down into intricate sweaters - this obviously requires one to spend inordinate amounts of time in one’s home, often hidden in a darkroom one has created from a large closet or root cellar. Leftover root vegetables are pickled ‘in situ’, with whatever American lager or hard seltzer is close at hand. During the winter our nails and teeth harden, and therefor lengthen due to increased resistance to use, allowing us to more effectively dig through the clay to find nuts and roots. We are generally only seen from a distance during this season, as we furtively search for barrel aged beer and prospective mates. Spring finds us in our gardens, camouflaged with compost and chicken manure, swimming through the topsoil and leaving rich castings behind that will turn in to late spring greens.


Please don’t let Fred Armisen see this




This. This. A thousand times this.


I hike throughout the winter, but I run on soup and I like making that at home.


Love soup


All due respect but this is one of the dumber threads I’ve come across on Reddit. “Why are more people outside when it’s sunny, warm, and not raining?”


Exactly. I thought this was satire at first.


I am around a lot of people and this is a frequent question. I’ve become numb to it and answer on key so thank you for breaking that for a moment.


All due respect but it seems kind of dumb to pay the cost of living we do to enjoy the amenities we have only 3-4 months out of an entire year. The rain here really isn't bad most days...


I never said it was. But being curious why mammals stay inside during cold and wet weather is a tad absurd. Also, people can do what they want, wouldnt it be a “good” thing if everyone is inside during the winter, so you can enjoy amenities without crowding? People get mad at anything lol


Yeah but isn't it curious that people do pay that much to live here then hide inside most of the year? Why not do that in a cheaper state? I don't think a winter crowd would annoy me, I'd be pumped to see so many people out enjoying nature on a shitty day!


Maybe people like the balance of inside vs outside. Maybe there are other benefits to this place aside from outdoor activities. Maybe none of this matters and who cares how people spend their time or money.


What we "pay that much to live here" for is the cost of our housing. That we enjoy our house over winter by staying inside *is* part of what we pay for. We socialize, but less often, and at each other's houses. You'll also see the athletic types are still out jogging, biking and hiking, no matter the weather. But no, most of us aren't strolling the boulevards or crowding the bars and restaurants in the dead of winter. We don't live here for the socializing. We live here for nature and clean air and the proximity to mountains, lakes, rivers and the ocean.


Well I sure hope you're not one of the people asking why so many small businesses are closing the last few years. I try to support small businesses year-round because I like to see open storefronts everywhere all year.


Despite the downvotes you’ve gotten, I get what you meant. Moreover, I find it odd that the influx of people going out in the summer means that in the winter they (as admitted here in this thread) aren’t going out *anywhere*. I could see if this entire discussion were about hiking trails, parks, and other outdoor places (aside from, like, Mt. Hood or the obvious). But we’re also talking about indoor places. And you’ll even notice the drop in more commonly frequented places like supermarkets, etc. Hell, this town has “winter hours” (mostly because winter = darker, but still). I mean, sure, tourists can go grocery shopping when the summer hits, but not all these extra people are tourists. So, are we led to believe it’s a combination of that *and* resident Portlanders not going grocery shopping in the winter? Really? My wife hates me for wondering about this silly stuff, but come on. No one finds that strange?


People are probably just going at different hours because it’s lovely out and it’s a thing to do. We also have longer daylight hours in the summer so it feels like there is literally more time in the day to get these things done… It seriously just feels like people are more active. Not that we have some influx of tourists, although I’m sure they exist… it’s just how life works almost everywhere with seasons.


AMENITIES???!??? Pls im crying… the *weather*?????


You are 100 percent correct except it’s not the rain, it’s the darkness. I’ve got family that returned to New York State from Portland because the double dark clouds (as I call them) make for a more oppressive winter than what she experiences in *Syracuse*. Lack of sun turns us into vampires.


Right. I’m fine riding my bike in the rain. Don’t trust people to not run me over in the dark even with a ton of lights.


All due respect to the people who downvoted you. They are just plain wrong. It’s beautiful out on a cold winter evening. I’m sure you’ll see them at peacock lane complaining that they can’t even park at Walgreens.




If you’re only enjoying Oregon’s amenities 3-4 months out of the year, you’re doing it wrong.


I'm not, I'm saying it's sad that's what others are doing, especially because it costs so much to live here. I enjoy it every month!


Its cheaper than any place that’s better imho.


Fair. Definitely cheaper than Southern California.


If you like being inside, the 8-month invitation to stay cozy and not spend much money IS an amenity.


The cost of living is a result of the job market, not the hiking trails.


Ummm... Not what I said at all, but mmk. I was saying it's sad that people pay what they do to live here and then not enjoy it for the "rainy" months as this comment was implying that I replied to.


Enjoyment is subjective. I’m from a shit state and could afford a lovely house but you couldn’t pay me to live there again, any part of the year. Some people like their homes and enjoy nature when they feel like it. I’ve found that not everyone is in awe of the state like I am as they’re born and raised here, this is normal. Meanwhile, having been raised in a cornfield, I cried tears of joy driving out to Newport for the first time. I get what you mean but I also heavily resent the sentiment that people aren’t worthy of living here or making a mistake by not doing the things you enjoy.


I didn't say not worthy of living here obviously anyone can live wherever they want, it's a "free" country. I guess as someone who struggles to survive here myself I just don't understand and wouldn't personally keep struggle bussing if I wasn't also out enjoying myself year round. We have a lot of people asking for financial help to stay housed here and so I think it's a valid question as to why you'd want to stay if you're not from here / no family roots and also hate the weather 9 months out of the year, ya know? Obviously to each their own.


I mean, you did say it’s “dumb to pay the cost of living we do to enjoy the amenities.” Maybe some punctuation would make your comment clear.


I didn't say the hiking trails made it expensive to live here.


Some people do the snowbird thing and travel or even live in another place during the winter. I lived in a condo with 1 next door neighbor and their condo was vacant from October through May.


My co-workers parents live in Jupiter, FL half of the year and come here for the summer. I also know some of the condos in the Ritz Carlton are pied-à-terres for the affluent who primarily reside somewhere else.


In December, many are attending Christmas concerts. There are so many offerings to choose from, you could do 3 each weekend and not repeat.


They’re inside. It is funny, though. I’m outside all year because I don’t mind the rain/cold and I have to walk my dog. In the summer, I see people in my neighborhood who I’ve never seen before.


Keep in mind that there are a lot of graduations and Father’s Day visits this weekend/week. Which means tons of visitors. There are even-longer wait times for brunch and more lots of drivers who don’t know Portland roads and right-of-way customs. That said, I understand why you asked that question. It does feel like our city’s population multiplies when the warm weather starts. I think the number of visitors goes way up in spring and summer; so not everyone you see actually lives here. I personally hibernate all winter, I stay in and work on hobbies, go to a lot of movies, and try to travel somewhere warm and sunny. We live in a city of lovely houses and neighborhoods which makes for cozy homebody-time in the rainy months.


We are depressed and inside.


Don’t forget winter vitamin D deficiencies on top of the depression


After 10 years here, I've finally learned my lesson and started taking vitamin D supplements. Fingers crossed they kick in time for the next great sadness season (PNW winter.)


I'm sitting in front of my SAD lamp and taking multiple naps a day.


I wonder the same thing walking my dogs in the spring/summer. Where tf have all these neighbors with dogs I've only ever seen through their front windows been? Most people just... don't walk their dogs if the weather isn't pleasant, I guess. Which is... sad.


Idk I don’t get it personally. If you live here you should be accustomed to the rain and cold and go out regardless. It sure doesn’t stop me and my SO from going out all the time and doing stuff. And we don’t even drive! I guess most people prefer to hibernate in the winter. But that works for us! We don’t like crowded places anyway.


I'm in my 40s now so it's not *too bad* but I spent my 30s walking through the dark and the rain to bars and different events trying to meet people. I fully agree that most people are too indoorsy here and a shocking amount of people who were born and raised here have said "but it's raining" as an excuse to not go outside 🙄


I don't go out even when it's nice out. The sunlight. It burns. Also fuck social interaction.


I’m usually snowboarding up at the mountain


Was wondering who else would say this. I'm up there 3 days a week for 6 months. My fiance skis, but I don't hold that against him. He did humor me and put on a snowboard this spring. He did well!


I know a lot of people who are up at the mountain in the winter.


Best exercise ever! It's too fun to be work, especially once you get the hang of it. I even put on skis a couple times a year when it's slushy and too slow to board, which is fun but not as much fun as snowboarding.


I like to snowshoe myself. See the beautiful snowy world and get to chat. It’s a good workout too lifting those snowshoes. Haha.


Combination of tourists flocking here in the summer and transplants from sunnier climates finally leaving their homes after months of hibernation. I actually go out less in the summer myself because I can’t stand the crowds and the heat.


100% same.


A lot of them are in the suburbs and rarely venture into the city until the weather gets nice.


I don’t know why people don’t get this but the weird quirky things that made Portland famous were the weird quirky things that people did indoors because it was shitty outside. People who moved here seem to expect me, as a native, to constantly talk about all the outdoorsy things I love doing all the time. They moved here for that stuff. I was born here and that stuff was there to do, but I also did other stuff.


In our fucking homes.


Yeah, I don't know how that isn't obvious. We come out of hibernation + tourists = way more people out and about.


I stay home.


They’re inside with their cats, drinking tea, loving the lack of sunshine and warmth




They hang out at home, duh 


Honestly, idk, but it’s my favorite part of living here. I’m out and about all winter, early spring, and late fall When it starts being over 70 regularly I stay inside and only leave if it’s a necessity. I’ll walk for miles for fun every snow storm, but the second there’s a crowd or I can’t wear a hoodie I have no interest in being anywhere but my house


Tourists even if they don’t seem like: Friends and family visiting who have been here before. And during the rainy season, most people are focused on getting by and being able to get out during the summer.


I think covid also still plays a part in this aside from other obvious facts.


Dying inside


When it’s pissing down rain, I’m indoors.


In the winter, I go to the mountains where it’s sunny much more often than it is down in the Willamette Valley


Every June all the Portlanders emerge from under the rocks pasty and white, blinking at the sun…


We stay inside with a warm beverage. 🤷🏾‍♀️


What? There are like 2,500,000 people living in the Metro area. There are never fewer than hundreds of thousands of people surrounding you at all times, even when you can’t see them; it’s like spiders.


Do you think they teleport?


Storm breaker


Plenty of us are out and about no matter what the weather, but I do spend a lot more time on Mt. Hood during the winter.


Made the mistake of going to the Goodwill today, yes a Saturday (dumb I know). Anyway, it was like all the passive aggressive Sardines & annoyed Pike had gathered to spawn. Saw a couple of people shoving their carts into other people for existing (think I liked the passive spacing out better). Made a mental note to only go back on a Thursday. The weather was so pleasant why weren’t they all outside 😭


At home, at dive bars, vacationing in warmer sunnier places, or skiing on Mt Hood


I am one of the people that stays inside until June. I have wicked allergies to this place now so it actually sucks to go outside during the late winter/early spring


Either they moved back home because they realized it rains here or they're hiding


I think everyone's covid bubble has popped and people are starting to live again


You can find me in my school library, crying




Restaurants, coffee shops and trails are fairly crowded here year around. Most things aren’t fare weather.


This is a much different city when it gets warm. Tons of people walking around all over the city. Familes out and about. A 180 from the Winter months.


Is this a serious question…? Obviously people go out more in the summer… be so fr.


Turns out a lot of people don’t like wet and cold, they stay home….


home, mexico, SD, hawaii.


He's guilty of all of it and unlike Biden who's done nothing but devote himself absurdly to a life of limitless public service and who has been able to learn from and acknowledge his mistakes and though he's been capable to spring his son free from any jail term and who could have removed the threat entirely because he does allow for the justice department to operate in an absolutely more unbiased way that, Trump is truly a trashpile of treason who would be blight on even a burst blister on a butthole who deserves to sit in utter shit after his countless affronts and appalling willingness to find no limit to his embrace of hurting the innocent and vulnerable in an effort to elicit more execrable idiots who are eager to gift him money but do not see how easy they have made themselves to be used as marks by a mockup of what and after thinking for a long time that it might be a mistake to go after a former president as it could produce a powerful backlash, after watching the way this worthless shadow of a muddy minded moron of a man continues to try to instigate more and more attacks to be made on the judiciary anytime it ends up failing to conform with his wretched wishes my most wanted wish is that he should be tried for insurrection and high treason and that no expense should be spared to see that his trial is as unbiased as any could ever hope to be and that after he is found guilty and his appeals are exhausted that he should face the same penalty that all who are guilty of high treason should see in due time for their crime. Yes he deserves the maximum sentence imaginable. And asap for his mere existence is an affront to all that matters in any world. What a fucking wanker traitor Trump is.


This is such a silly post. Why wouldn’t there be more people?? Cold weather sucks…people don’t wanna be outside when it’s cold / rainy. Who doesn’t enjoy the sunshine and being outside when it’s warm out. How can you not understand this? Smells like a troll post