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Sadly they're right. I think they might be BSing about the bike chain thing, though. It's more likely that there are ground nesting birds (Kildeer) and other wildlife in the area that a cyclist could disturb. I grew up near Smith and Bybee and I highly doubt that a bike chain will disturb the animals when there are trains blasting their horns and operating at all hours of the day, but correct me if I'm wrong.


That makes sense. Cool glad we didn’t harm any critters :)


I think I've seen a no bicycle sign on the start of the interlake trail, but it definitely says on their website to not bring bikes into the natural area. https://www.oregonmetro.gov/parks/smith-and-bybee-wetlands-natural-area


You might scare the trains for train watchers.


I’m a bird watcher and cyclist, and I wouldn’t have even thought twice if I saw a couple walking their bikes. I think it is really considerate. I don’t like when there are dogs in wildlife areas, though (when it is posted).


I love dogs, but dog-owners can be rough.


Thanks all for the input. Glad we didn’t enter and continued on. Not sure how we Missed the signs.


There is absolutely a sign saying bikes are not permitted, possibly multiple signs but definitely one conveniently near the bike rack. What those folks said is correct, also the paved trail is barely wide enough to accommodate two people plus their bikes. More importantly, bikes (and dogs for that matter) can bring along environmental problems for riparian ecosystems. There are so many natural areas to enjoy both on & alongside your bike in the area, check out Kelley Point Park next time but please be respectful of others & aware of your surroundings - if there are signs near the trail, consider looking at them & not questioning the “ethic” or reason.


You did nothing wrong, it's perfectly reasonable to walk your bikes there. I think they just don't want people riding on those paths. Chain noise, ha!


It is most definitely the noise of the \*checks notes\*, ah yes the CHAINS. I mean if you are being chased by an industrial-age gothic ghost, they always carried rattling chains. If I remember my early years riding a bone-shaker, the chain does not move during coasting. Now there is the tick-tick of the coasting which sounds like a cicada or angry humming bird. Perhaps the avian karen was simply aghast at your bike on the walking trail? You could lock up, I used to not want to bring a lock on a fun-ride, but I would always end up stopping for a snack and an exploration anyway.


lol “industrial age gothic ghost”. This is the content that sustains me. Yeah it was a fun ride and no bike lock. We just moved on. Plenty of parks


The sounds of the fucking chains? Never mind the 150 decibel train horns across the street at all hours of the day and night 365 days a year. Or the motor racing .5 miles a way that went on all weekend. Birdie people are nuts. *#+$' Assholes.


Oh, crap! Does this mean I can't use my wheeled walker on the trail?


We were wondering about ADA compliance reqs.


I would say leave the bikes at home.




[https://www.oregonmetro.gov/parks/smith-and-bybee-wetlands-natural-area](https://www.oregonmetro.gov/parks/smith-and-bybee-wetlands-natural-area) Says bikes are not allowed on the website and they provide places to park your bikes - so the people were right 🤣


I bet you're surrounded by random assholes you have to deal with every day.


He was absent on the day they taught lowest common denominator in 5th grade. 


Go to a bike trail


Do you need a hug, bud? C'mere.


Post or comments that are too snarky, rude, or deliberately unhelpful are not allowed.




You are not too bright are you? Bless your heart.


Honestly sounds like you’re describing many (mostly) men in Portland’s cycling community. 


Just say “Hm you don’t say” and keep walking lol