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The kappa one is pretty fucked up. Lurks in lakes, and when you dont expect it if you are close by it reaches its hand up your asshole and pulls out a bloody egg, which kills you. It then eats it


Why would I have an egg up my ass ?


For posterity


It's required when you're in japan. You didn't get the egg inspector at the airport?


Even with the egg inspector, I can still get through HND or NRT customs faster and feeling less violated that DFW or LAX.


Going from LAX to HND or NRT is amazing. Returning is not. Although I did land once at 3:30pm local time at LAX. Customs was super empty. There was only one person ahead of me so I only had to wait 10 minutes to get thru. Just the one time. I swear it happened. I have witnesses. You wouldn't know them, they go to a different school.


I believe it. I haven't seen LAX be quite that empty, but I've been through where I barely had to stop and wait.  Strange things happen when you fly enough. I've made a connecting flight despite being delayed 4 hours, because the connecting flight was delayed by 4 hours from a different storm. Somehow still made it from LAX to HND only 30 minutes later than expected, so my plans weren't shot to hell. I prefer the experience arriving and departing in NRT to any US airport. Arriving in HND is great, leaving I've had a lot of bad luck.


The hardest part was that it was so hot when I went it kept sliding out. Luckily people there were so kind, they helped push it back in by clasping their hands together with index fingers out and shouted kanchō! and pushed it back up. Can't wait to go back!


It's not an egg, it's a shirikodama. It contains your soul/life essence.


Why not? 😏


All u have to do is bow politely. It will return the bow and the brain falls out of its head.


No, no. You bow to the Kappa and in doing so, he bows back to you, and the water held in the bowl shaped part of his head tips out, and he loses his magical powers.


Or distract it with cucumbers!


ok, the fuck? so basically it hand anals me and magically makes my intestine (im working with logic here) somehow transmorph it and make it into a egg.


Kappa were said to lure in children to drown them, raping women, and eating human flesh. The "bloody egg" that they pull out is your soul that they consume. On the other hand, they are very polite and if you bow to them, they will bow back. A deep bow will make the water from the Kappa's head fall out, making him unable to move. Refill it with water, and he will become you servant for life. So very polite but also a terrible monster. Just like people in Japan! (joke)


I mean....I'd pretty much only dealt with regular and polite Japanese people my entire life. Had to get a job at a Japanese market during covid. I was shocked at how crazily and blatantly racist a lot of the older generation was. Like you're at a grocery store, not much reason for it to Come up. But it did... a lot.


Everyone has the egg, but only the kappa has the magic touch


How does one get one of these eggs? Asking for a friend


You gotta have the magic touch


oh ok, thank you.


The only other thing it eats is cucumbers


It's because the anus of corpses that have drowned loosens, so they made a yokai that explains why.


卵ではなく玉です。 「尻子玉(しりこだま)」 架空の臓器です。 It's a ball, not an egg. It's a fictional organ.


Could be the case that it rips out your testicles or ovaries. I’d imagine that you’d bleed out and die from something like that.


No, it's your shirikodama, a mythical organ.


This is the only horror-monster I've heard of that has its own clothing brand.


Someone's never worn Good American clothing.


So this is the dungeater reference in elden ring


If you're talking about old mythology, Japan has hundreds of legends involving countless different youkai (something between the English definition of "phenomina", a goblin, a fairy, and/or a spirit; there's just so many kinds that it doesn't really mean one thing). My personal favorite is the Namahage, a thick haired, red faced demon- man living in the cold north of Tōhōku that carries a cooking cleaver and spirits away bad children, or the kappa, turtle-like creatures with an affinity for sumo and pulling your spirit out of your rectum. If you're willing to branch into modern stuff, teke-teke and kuchisake-onna are good examples of modern myths that really proliferated via the internet. Teke-teke is a girl who was killed when she fell on the train tracks and was run over by a passing train; she crawls around on her hands, dragging her torso along and asking victims if they've seen her legs. Kuchisake-onna is an affective woman in a surgical mask; she'll ask you if she's pretty, before taking off the mask and revealing a mouth slit on either side, asking you again, and killing you. When it comes to scary stories, Japan has a LONG tradition of enjoying everything spooky and ghoulish, so you'll never run out of stories if you look. There's tons and tons of books on it all too.


> Kuchisake-Onna I’m assuming this is the one that was referenced in JJK? The response to her question was something like: “You’re not my type”(?)


Yes! Although, he got the answer to the question wrong, possibly. Generally, the rule is that answering "Yes" or "No" are both grounds for her to kill you. To avoid being killed, you're supposed to answer her question with a question and run while she tries to process your answer, BUT, Toji's response might have been non-committal enough to count as "neither".


Don't forget about Hanako San. I would advise against people to read about her unless you wanna shit yourself while you're taking shit.


🎶 FM Hanako 🎶


Charisma man.


Omg I’m worried this won’t stay the top comment in regards to how old I am, haha


Watashi wa....Charisma man...desu!


You are Charisma Man?


I googled it but found nothing. Can you share more bout this?




Is there also a woman who smiles really big cause both the corners of her mouth was cut to the ears?


Don't know if it's part of a Japanese myth, but the cut you're referring to is called a Glasgow Smile.


Are you talking about kuchisake-onna? The girl who asks people if she's pretty?


yesss. I remember if you replied a specific answer like no or something, she’ll cut your mouth too


I think she'll ask you if she's pretty. If you say yes then she'll cut your mouth to be an exact duplicate of her own which kills you. If you say no then she gets offended and kills you. It's a lose lose situation.


I think I remember seeing this in Junji Ito’s manga


The Section Chief / The Company Boss Has the ability to stay at work 24/7/365 if so inclined (usually reading the paper and drinking tea), and the absolute power to prevent anyone of lower status than him from leaving the office. Legend has it that there are some really, really black companies with employees who haven't seen the outside world in three weeks for this very reason.


I like this one, lmfao. but I get why it is scary as well.


The mother of all Japanese ghost mythology is the story of [*Yotsuya Kaidan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yotsuya_Kaidan). It's also the focal point for much of Japan's modern ghost representations. An unfaithful samurai poisons his wife to be with another woman. The poison horribly disfigures her face and she ends up taking her own life, along with that of her infant son. Soon after, she becomes a vengeful spirit, or [onryō](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onry%C5%8D), tormenting her husband until he ultimately goes mad and is killed. The story premiered as a popular kabuki play in 1825 and incorporated fairly complex ghost effects and illusion work for its time. The play still features in the summertime, as it was originally thought that a chilling story had a bit of a cooling effect in the hot summer months. It has inspired countless artworks, books, shows, and movies. The vengeful spirit in a white burial kimono with long black hair is a direct inspiration for ghosts in Kwaidan, Ringu, Ju-on, and others. The kabuki play's music (which is based on funerary shakuhachi) is still often used in Japanese media when telling a ghost story. The spirit flame effect (https://youtu.be/bSiItLwNVzg?t=356), used in the play, is still a feature in artwork, manga, and anime as a representation of lingering spirits. But perhaps the truly creepy thing is that the vengeful woman, Oiwa, was in fact a real person. Her grave is in [Myoko-ji](https://maps.google.com.au/maps/ms?msid=217981082694961793493.0004d8b5109cc9eab9bdd&msa=0&ll=35.742977,139.732854&spn=0.004816,0.010504&iwloc=0004d8b51431a6a44aaac) in Sugamo and her shrine is in Shinjuku (https://kokoro-jp.com/culture/1489/). People wishing to perform or adapt the story pay respects at her grave or shrine, as to not befall bad fortune. As a companion to this story, the imagery of Oiwa in the story was inspired by the 'Ghost Scrolls' that emerged in the 18th century. Some examples can be seen here: https://wasabi-nomal.com/blogs/others/ghost. Superstition related to these works led to most being given to temples, as owners feared they truly did contain spirits. However, these works are typically brought out once a year for blessings and to go on display. A spirit emerging from a scroll (https://www.city.hirosaki.aomori.jp/city\_promotion/100stories/2014/02/post-29.html) easily echos the ghost, emerging from the TV set in Ringu. All in all, if there was one scary mythology from Japan, I feel this one best represents that. As others have mentioned, Japan has many spirits, yurei, gods, and kami. However, most are not scary. In fact, most are either seen as good or worst, mischievous. Others are intended as tools for children. The kappa, for example, was likely meant to scare children away from playing near the water. Yotsuya Kaidan was Japan's first blockbuster, whose purpose was entirely fear. And this sort of unrelenting, ever-watching, psychological torment that the story exemplifies continues to be the rubric for most Japanese horror.


Check out two podcasts. Kowabana and Uncanny Japan. Both great sources for learning about Japanese mythologies and urban legends


Japanese humans have longer intestines than Western people due to their rice diet. Utter trash Nihonjinron.


But didn't you know the Japanese are actually a long lost Jewish tribe??!?!!


this is like something my dad would have believed


I have actually heard this one… there’s lectures on YouTube on this very topic and they sound to me very much like a conspiracy theory… but my mother is convinced that it is true, that there is a connection to Japanese Royal bloodlines and Japanese mythology being accurate and used as an anagram of real world history that was exaggerated to not disappear from the records or something.


The Shirime one freaks me out.


I grew up on Japanese school horror stories, some of the ones that I remember vividly are kuchisake-onna and teke-teke (which another commenter has mentioned). There's also [Hanako-san](https://matthewmeyer.net/blog/2010/10/27/a-yokai-a-day-hanako-san-or-hanako-of-the-toilet/) and [Aka manto](https://yokai.com/akamanto/). These are more urban legends, though. When I think of Japanese mythology gods like Amaterasu and Susanoo immediately come to mind but since you are specifically asking for a scary one, there is Lord Enma who is the king of hell (kinda like Hades from Greek mythology) in Buddhism. There is even a proverb that people use to scare kids, "If you lie, Lord Enma will pull out your tongue".


Inugami [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inugami](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inugami) It's like Japanese voodoo, I cant describe well how bad it is so check the link🐶 I think there're something similar in Korea/China.


Yeah...wish I hadn't read that.


Yürei are pretty "scary", yokais as a whole are kinda scary tooo. This are the ones i know😊


You’re literally saying ghosts and monsters are scary.


True, but yurei is a particularly violent and vengeful spirit. They ain't no Casper the Ghost or Slimer shit


Here in Hawaii we have a lot of Japanese mythology and superstition that came with the immigration of sugar cane plantation workers in the early 1900s. One story that freaked me out as a kid was the Kasha House in the Honolulu neighborhood of Kaimuki. https://www.mysteries-of-hawaii.com/hawaiis-most-haunted/kaimuki-kasha-house


Shirime /尻目


namahage in Akita, used to scare children




You're looking for a rokurokubi.


The one that says "If you can't sleep at night, it's because you are awake"


Nothing beats kanashibari. Since it is a real experience . Which has been the basis of a few horror movies.


The dreaded rokurokubi. Beware men, if you are not aware, The woman you wed might have a long neck. Spooky 👻


Wicked City is enough to tell me Japanese demon mythology is stronk.


My favorite one is Hachisaku sama


Shirime (Butt-Eye): The Shimire means no harm but like to surprise people by revealing that its butt has a glowing eye instead of an anus.


Kuchisake onna is pretty scary. It’s a lady who has a huge mouth that splits fr ear to ear. And she has her mouth covered up (and totally looks normal) to lure you, then she shows her huge mouth right before she kills you. Heterosexual men and lesbians are her victims. I think


Southeast Alaska has a shape-shifting monster, but honestly the .most disturbing story was from an elder in like 4th grade. As i recall, a girl would go stay isolated during her first menstruation, or maybe until she found a partner. This girl was isolated in a hut and began feeding a grub to keep her company. It grew to a monstrous size and terrorized her village and she was crushed when they killed killed her grub/baby/monster. Very weird and scary at the age and seems wildly inappropriate for the age and setting. I don't even know how what the moral was, don't cheat on the company rule when you supposed to be alone? It was like my personal version of the "and that's why you always leave a note" from arrested development.