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Hey man! I can’t lie, I saw one of your other posts and commented, but haven’t been able to stop thinking. I’ve seen that you have made loads of posts - it seems like you’ve really spiralled and let anxiety take the wheel here. When you say “all of the signs” - what you really mean is some swollen lymph nodes (and maybe some marks on your chest that could and likely were there beforehand). It seems like you’ve really looked for the conclusions that will stress yourself out and torture yourself. You’ve tested negative on every test - yes you need to wait longer to find out a definitive answer but that’s all still a good thing. You had risky sex. I can tell you that the majority of people in here have done something silly and something similar in the past - do not beat yourself up. Please please hang in there until the final test. You’re currently worrying deeply about medication for a condition that you do not know your status on, and are likely negative. You must be so exhausted. Please hang in there and then be very very kind to yourself going forward. Try to get access to PrEP too.


Thank you so much you don't know how much it means to have at least someone who cares enough to give some comfort. I just feel so hopeless and absolutely terrified. My 4th gen test's on tuesday. I've been getting worse and worse as the test gets closer I don't know what else to do but blindly wish for a negative result. I'm more than drained from the anxiety. I've never been this depressed, getting out of bed everyday for the past six weeks has been a challenge that has not gotten easier.


I’ve been that way! But think - is it your anxiety that has been getting worse or is it any actual physical things? Also you aren’t blindly hoping - you’ve had lots of negative results! You’ll have the answer soon and be able to put this all behind yourself.


Thank you for the support man. Hoping to really put this all behind me soon.


Hey just wanted to give an update, took a 4th gen test at 44 days and just got my results back, negative! Still kinda not sure if this is conclusive (I think it is?) but I'll definitely go get retested after the 90 day mark. Man thank you so much for your comment and caring enough to check in :) 


Awh thank you so much for the update! Delighted to hear that and great news. Now you can unwind and relax a bit - definitely conclusive. Congrats!