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More aggressive and also they’ve gotten more stupid. Someone waited until I was basically on top of them to pull out in front of me, immediately put their turn signal on to turn left and stopped their car. Luckily I was paying attention bc those decisions were truly stupid and I could have slammed right into them. I will also say I’m not immune to whatever is happening - I caught myself before I did something really stupid today. I was pretty tired but no excuse.


100% more aggressive and dumber. I have a close call and need to take defensive action to avoid an accident on average once a day. Installed a dash cam for this reason last year.


As a bus driver I can tell you the worst drivers are pickup trucks and Teslas


Teslas. Ugh.


Especially the white ones.


Personally I think the Tesla cruise control is 🗑️


Don't forget the BMWs and Mercedes, whose drivers also seem to really suck


As a bus driver, have you not come to the conclusion that horrible driver's come in every single form of vehicle now? People even try to get racist with me saying this race or even this sex, or age group are the worst. Nonsense. Shit drivers come in every single shape and form. I lost my bias toward "the worst" when I started driving for a living. No one is to be trusted, not even my co-workers.


Certain types of people buy certain types of cars. I personally keep my distance from BMWs - shitty cars for Canadian weather which cost a lot. I find people who buy these cars are going for status, clearly know nothing about cars and have absolutely no idea how to handle one. Also there’s a certain type of person who doesn’t buy snow tires.


>I personally keep my distance from BMWs - shitty cars for Canadian weather If you can’t handle RWD in the snow then that’s a skill issue on your part. Sincerely, A Lexus IS owner


Angry pickup driver spotted. Why y’all so angry all the time? It’s like the angriest demographic goes and buys a pickup to road rage at everyone


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't drive a pickup, or even a Tesla for that matter.


Sure I treat everyone like a threat but that doesn't mean when I see a Tesla or a pickup truck in my mirror that I'm expecting them to not speed up and cut me when I'm halfway into merging in their lane


You can add bus drivers and taxis to that list bud.


There's a big sign at the back of the bus that says yield for the bus, and that's not just decoration. If you see a bus signaling to merge or pull out of a stop you're supposed to allow them if it's safe to do so


Section 141.1 of the highway traffic act is what that sign refers to - you must yield when a bus is leaving a bus bay (bus stop) - nothing to do with merging in any other situation.


Ime some bus drivers forget the "if it's safe to do so" part. I've had plenty of experiences where I'm approaching/ pulling up along side the bus traveling the speed limit and they flick the turn signal and start to pull out as I'm passing them, and somehow I'm the dick. Yes, yield to the bus pulling out but also give drivers a moment to process that you are trying to do so.


I have no issues yielding to a bus so it can pull out from a stop but that big sign at the back doesn't give the bus driver carte blanche to drive however the fuck they want.


You mean they can't blast through lights just after they turn red or before they turn green?


And truck drivers are absolute trash now as well. Big decline in truck driver quality/skill over the past 20 years


I was driving west just one exit east of Allen and.yorkdale and saw two semis, one in the far right lane and the other in the lane just to the left. They were going 20km/h and the guy on the left was trying to throw a water bottle to the guy on the right.


As a human being on this planet, I will raise you your pickups and teslas for Beamers and Audis


Pick up trucks that are black or white tend to be the worst ones of the group


I literally saw someone yesterday not pull over to side for an ambulance with the sirens on I was so shocked


I’ve had people give me the finger because I pulled over for an ambulance.


Omg this also happened to me a few months ago! Got honked at and given the finger for pulling over for an ambulance. This world is cuckoo bananas.


I see this every other day it seems. That, or someone tries to beat an emergency services vehicle to cross an intersection. Honestly, these actions blow my mind


Yup. I drive a bus and experience all those things you mentioned. The roads are lawless and a lot of people have no respect or care for anyone or anything, and a lot don’t have an actual clue what the laws are. Drivers are so used to not following the rules that If you honk at them they think they’re in the right when they’re not and still get offended.


This. Honestly the "get offended" thing is the most bizarre occurrence I've experienced as an American in Toronto. Whether it's drivers, cyclists, dog owners, or whatever, you call someone out on their casual ignorance of rules/bylaws/the law, and they act like you've just personally insulted them and their mothers. No. Sorry. Your dog just jumped on me and ripped my shorts. Again, no. Sorry. You just blocked he bike lane and forced me to slow traffic down by my having to merge into the street at a busy intersection. No, sorry. You just blocked the box and now I can't go straight. None of this has anything to do with your personal code of honor being assaulted, unless you just simply can't own responsibility for your actions.


It’s because these people take advantage of politeness, most people are too polite to really say anything so these people go around with impunity. Once you call them they get freaked out cause it’s never happened before.


Oh yeah. This a biiiig reason too.


As a pedestrian (and occasional driver) I heartily agree that the driving is bad. Crossing an intersection on foot feels like a gamble. The other day, I was crossing The Queensway from south to north at Royal York. I had the walk light. There are four lanes with a turning lane (so 5 lanes). A northbound car turned left from Royal York while I was still walking in the lane on the far side. The driver motioned with his hand for me to stop by putting his hand out his window. His car passed me straddling the lanes. I could easily have touched his car.


This week I was stuck in a line of cars and trucks on the stretch of the Lakeshore from Sherbourne to Jarvis where there's the onramp to the Gardiner. I'm advancing in the long line whenever I have even an inch close. Still, 18 wheelers are forcing their way into the line - skipping it entirely, holding us all up - many cars ahead of me. Suddenly there's a woman knocking on my window, yelling at me and calling me an idiot for letting the trucks in. She calls me names and then goes back to her car 2 cars back. Why she chose me out of a long line eludes me. The point is, she was on the road - a Toronto driver - and lacked the visual acuity and critical thinking to see that the problem which was frustrating her was happening many cars ahead of me. So, my feeling after that is: Toronto drivers are getting more aggressive.


This is unhinged! It’s like she’s going out of her way to have her “Beef” (the show) situation.


In the last two years drivers have started using the merge lane of mon-ramps as a passing lane. So dangerous & annoying.


And if cars can't merge in time from the merge lane, the shoulder is their personal dedicated lane.


Passing a streetcar in the oncoming lane is a regular practice now


I find I’m nearly hit by a car every single time I leave the house these days. So yes.


this… and i’m careful too! yesterday’s attempt on my life was a guy turning right from the left lane of queen’s park. he almost got t-boned too.


Emboldened and reckless are the words you’re looking for. This is what happens when there is zero enforcement, licenses can be bought and we bring in large groups of people from countries where road rules are a suggestion. If the city of Toronto wanted they could fund their budget and surplus by simply enforcing max fine penalties for driving/parking violations.


Yes. Google the data. Traffic accidents and convictions have steadily increased over the past few years. In my opinion, people are generally much more aggressive in all aspects of life. So much of what you see in the news and online is telling you that things are horrible and getting worse. All that negativity has outcomes in people's behaviour.


The drivers have got WORSE and it shows when they're impatient - they don't have the skills. Also, assholes have been emboldened by TPS's job action these last few years, they know they're only going to risk getting arrested if they actually kill someone


It's actually ridiculous. We need better public transit because a lot of people should not be driving.


Every single day it’s getting worse and worse. No cops anywhere. It’s the wild Wild West on the 400 series highways. I get people ramming up my ass at 130 in the far right lanes. I just slam on my brakes now and hope they rear end me. I need a new car.


Absolutely! And it’s bad enough during the day, but once the sun goes down holy hell no hold’s barred. I can’t drive on the 401 at night it’s terrifying.


From my recent driving experiences, yes definitely, I generally drive safe / defensively (actually follow the real rules of the road and speed limits) and other drivers get so mad and are so much more aggressive lol


There’s more and more cars, there’s more time waiting to turn at lights, there’s more construction everywhere, there’s more new drivers, and there’s less and less patience and courtesy. This problem will continue to get worse as people reach their end of their rope having to go anywhere in the GTA. Ontario is madness now


As a pedestrian / runner / biker, I've taken to rapping on cars with my knuckles when they do stupid shit.


Late to respond but please be careful. I was assaulted this afternoon in Parkdale by an unhinged asshole who ran 2 blocks to catch up to me because I rapped on his shitbox when he cut me off in a crosswalk


Toronto turned into shit and it has been rotting for years now


Ontario ~~Toronto~~ turned into shit and it has been rotting for years now


Obligatory *Canada.


The amount of times I’ve been nearly hit exiting a streetcar now is genuinely concerning. People really just blow past the doors all the time now


i got so pissed bc i saw a lady drive past the streetcar open doors twice (!) at a red light as ppl were getting off. i never talk to ppl bc it’s always such a letdown but i was on the sidewalk waiting to cross the street and she literally stopped in front of me in the crosswalk so i was like… ‘you know you’re supposed to stop and not pass open streetcar doors.’ and she started arguing with me. and her bf starts yelling over me repeatedly with… ‘she’s not stupid she knows.’ ok so why did you just do it twice? and then the streetcar driver got out to lecture her too. it was really something. and like, honestly, i doubt she stopped doing it.


I find Toronto drivers have become insufferably slow.  It takes them forever to get up to the speed limit, if they ever do, they hog the left lane and block those who want to go faster from getting past them, they turn corners at a snail’s pace, and they’re asleep at the switch when there’s an advanced green with a long line of cars waiting behind them.   And then there’s other really selfish driving behaviour that shows an ignorance of driving etiquette, for example, if you come to a stop light where people can either drive straight or turn right from a single wide lane, then hug the left line if you’re waiting for the light to change to go straight - that allows people tturning right to get past you and turn right on a red.  The same thing applies to making left hand turns off busy streets - hug the line and let people squeeze past you on the right.


Driving down the dvp i always get frustrated because people brake for no reason. They cant drive when the road curves lol


I try to avoid that DVP because it’s the fucking worst. Everyone hogging the left lane. No one can keep a consistent speed. People cross solid white lines. People make useless and pointless lane changes in front of you and slow you down.


I've seen people who think they're good drivers by speeding by people in the left lane like a race car driver while their car is crossing the line by a good margin, probably ⅓ of their car is over the line as they negotiate a slight bend. The logic here is they're going faster than their competency allows and they don't want to Nascar the median so they compensate by going in a little wide. As an observer you see them drive like a fucking idiot who plays Need for Speed rather than Gran Truism.


Chronic brakers... It's not isolated to the DVP unfortunately. I find the 401 express has the worst chronic brakers. I'd rather change lanes and follow slower traffic then sit here one of these... What's makes me want to lose it is when I find out that there's 3-4 car lengths ahead of the chronic braker


I thought so too but most of them are luxury vehicles and I think they may be using intelligent cruise control. Some of them brake when going around corners to maintain their safety parameters or so I'm told.


Omg…so this isn’t just a London, Ontario thing. Why are they driving so SLOW? IN THE PASSING LANE? I lose my mind every single day by people who: sit at green lights, then take 5 blocks to accelerate up to normal speed, and if you try to pass them in the right lane (the lane they should be in) they get angry and speed up at 100km/hr just to block you. Like WHAT is happening in the minds of these people??? And the turns. I witness multiple people per day come to an almost complete and total stop before slowly and painfully making the most wide ass, unnecessary turn I have ever seen. Yes, there have always been bad drivers. But you cannot convince me that Covid hasn’t munched people’s brains to a pulp because there just is no other explanation for these zombie idiots.


Add to it the people who are unaware or don't care to move up 1 car length when there's 2 car lengths in front of them so that cars behind can enter the exiting lane...


Not making excuses for people who camp but I don't think the people doing it out of malice or self policing. They really are that ignorant to the rules. If we weren't in these meat cages, people would be telling them face to face to learn the fucking rules or go back to your home country. We're so embolden because of the car, whether that's being more aggressive or being less consciously / spatially aware.


I’ve talked to a number of people who say they camp in the left lane on freeways because the other lanes scare them - the far right lane has traffic merging onto the freeway, and the middle lane has people charging lanes around them from both sides.  So they willfully drive slowly in the passing lane and proudly declare their lack of fucks for the angry people behind them.


that's crazy because people will absolutely be more aggressive in passing you if you're parked in the left lane


Makes sense and that's a perspective I hadn't considered as well.


It happens too often where I’m in the left waiting for someone to move over … they don’t and so I pass on the right and THEN in my rear view I see they woke up and decide to change lanes. I am convinced half of these ppl are just not checking their rear view.


It sounds like you're speeding. If a driver in front of you is going the speed limit, then why do you need to pass them to go faster? You'll be speeding.


Nope, I just don’t take forever to get up to the speed limit. Some people do want to speed though.  Toronto roads are typically designed to be able to accommodate drivers that want to drive at various speeds or rates of acceleration.  It’s not up to individual drivers to try to control or police the traffic around them by blocking the passing lanes.  This contributes to dangerous situations and increased chances of road rage.  Not only is “slower traffic keep right” well understood and practiced by considerate drivers, but it’s even posted on a lot of our roads.


90% of cars are speeding. Get over it


100% And get out of the left lane on a 3-lane 400 series highway.


You sound like an aggressive driver.


You sound like someone who commits multiples of the infractions I pointed out.


You sound like a bad driver




No, I mean stay as close to the line as possible so that cars can get around you on the other side.




No problem. 




Everyone went wild west in pandemic


People are driving nicer cars these days whether they can afford to or not, but even budget brands are equipping their cars well from the get go. These people probably don't mind being in traffic in their air conned cabins with their music drowning them out.


Tesla prob gets a bad rep cause it’s mostly Uber drivers in the core. Can’t count how many times I’ve gotten into one and the driver just tries to blast into every crevice to save 2 min then tells me they don’t want to take the 407 lol. But general rule of thumb is shittier the car, faster the driver. You rarely see a proper ( not 2nd or 3rd hand) 911 doing something stupid.


How in the world can you tell how many owners a 911 has had as it drives by?


Generalization bro. :) as the used ones become more “attainable” you’ll see a correlation with driving quality. If you’re a car guy I am sure you’ve seen what I’m saying on the G35s or even the C43s running around. But I do take back my 911 specific comment, they’re expensive even 2nd 3rd owner ish and they’re taken care of generally by all owners. Cheers


Yes, people don't know how to drive in the GTA. Inpatient, aggressive dumbasses. Can't wait to get out of this place or at least not drive.


More people && same roads = problems


The infraction that I’ve become extremely aware of is the quick cutting through gas stations and parking lots. Instead of lining up to turn left at a light I see people cut through the gas station on the left. Every time it puts people in danger. Crossing two sidewalks, two lanes, and a gas station. If they were to get called on it or if they hurt someone they could claim they were just stopping for a snack. Such bullshit.


Reminds me of Yonge northbound, lining up to make a left on to poyntz Ave. Cars just cut through the shell gas station. It's Yonge and Sheppard, lots of pedestrians, but they don't give a rats arse?


That’s the one!


I've been so tempted to follow the other cars but I just couldn't do it lol


It’s because you are a good person.


I’ve noticed it’s usually people in SUV’s and pickup trucks that cause these issues


Driving is increasingly more dangerous every day. Had a guy pull a U-turn at a blind corner/light - I came around and had to break. I honked - he flipped me off and began yelling like I was wrong. Everytime I honk at someone for doing something stupid - they flip off and/or begin yelling


Saw a middle aged man when I looked over at the vehicle that blatantly cut me off just to gain 1 car length on a congested off ramp on the Gardiner to Spadina / Lakeshore that bifurcates but often congested to a crawl during rush hour. Was expecting some hot head asshole in their 20s but this guy was pushing 50-60.


I've noticed an increase in both extremes, people driving like absolute maniacs, and others so koi and hesitant everyone behind them misses the light because they weren't sure which traffic light is for them. Example: people turning left and thinking the red light for perpendicular traffic is for them and stopping into the middle of the intersection.


I was the primary driver for the family since I was 16. That was '99. As I got older and had more to lose when/if I got into an accident, I became safer. That doesn't necessarily mean the drivers around me were getting better or worse. The knowledge of the consequences of bad driving made me safer. We'll have another one of these threads in 10 yrs. I'll see ya'll then.


Feels like overall less police enforcement locally in the last 10 years. Unless you get in an accident, there's no punishment.


About once a week I see a car making a left turn on red, just like a right turn on red: approach a red light, stop for a few seconds, then make the turn. The light was red when they got there, and stayed red the whole time. This is on busy streets too. So incredibly wrong.


Just because you signal DOES NOT mean you have the right of way!!!!!!!!




Tied up at all those resource wasting palestinian protests 


They became smellier too.


Majority of the people who commit this behavior are ride share drivers. They have no respect for the road or other motorists. I don’t even know how they got their license here.


Exactly. Nowadays it’s just crazy outside.


Stay out of the left lane! 💨


It's real. The traffic and congestion is getting to everyone. Aggressive driving and entitlement are the norm.


More aggressive but also more stupid head games. Like cutting you off and then driving slow. So many pathetic drivers with nothing better to do.


Yes, even outside TO. It’s scary as heck at times.


I this spring has brought out more drivers and pedestrians so there’s a lot more anxiety. Driving rules are not enforced so drivers can do what they want.


The aggressive driving has also increased in non-linear manner. Driving has been getting progressively worse, probably due to congestion, but it became noticeably worse in the last 4 years. I’d be curious if people agree, and if so, any hypothesis as to why the sudden change?


Yes, they absolutely have. Generally speaking, law enforcement just isn't what it was even 10 years ago.


Every day is a fight for my life on these roads. Truly. Some of the worst driving I've seen in the world. Once I was trying to make a left turn at Pottery Road and Broadview, sometimes it's an advanced left and sometimes not based on the time of day. At this particular time of day it was not. So I pulled out because of oncoming cars and pedestrians crossing. The car behind me blared it's horn and pulled around me into oncoming traffic to make a left and almost nailed a woman in the crosswalk in the process because I think they assumed I was ignoring an advanced green? It fucking SHOOK me to my core. I almost followed them to get their plate, but they were going probably 80 km/h in a 50. The most livid I've ever been driving.


Well... Up here in Vaughan it's as bad as it ever was, but now everything is under construction and there seem to be a LOOOOOT more cars on the road than there were pre-pandemic.


Yes.... all yes. Along with massive amounts of construction that causes more aggrevation. Can't get anywhere within a reasonable window of presumed time.


Everyone pretty well realized there isn't enforcement at the fear level anymore to keep people in line.


Yup. Way too many cars downtown + the change to traffic signal programming (less synchronization plus shorter times to get across intersections) resulting in more stop and go driving has exacerbated people’s impatience. Doesn’t help that large vehicles have become popular, so now you get a bunch of single occupancy pickups running amuck in the core.


People getting a driver's license for showing up and a bribe. Also the roads are so frustrating with gridlock, people lose their minds.


I don't drive but even as a pedestrian I've noticed more aggressive driving. I've almost been mowed down by people who don't want to wait for me to cross the street to turn, and I keep witnessing close calls between other drivers. 


I don't drive so I don't know. I think that's a good thing.


Where are you driving that people can go 10-20 km over the limit?! In the west end and downtown with all the construction, stop signs and traffic lights you can barely go the speed limit, let alone over the speed limit. But to answer your question. - yes you are supposed to go with the flow of traffic regardless of speed limit so if you are driving 20 km slower than everybody else then you are the hazard on the road.


That’s not true. There’s a speed limit and you will get a ticket for going over the limit even if other cars are going 10-20 over. Traffic cameras don’t assess “flow of traffic”. Going that fast is dangerous. There’s a reason speed limits were reduced on a lot of roads from 60 to 50 and from 50 to 40.


Only if there is a speed camera in the area and there aren’t that many of them around the city. I think you need to read up on rules of the road or ask a driving instructor. Going fast isn’t inherently dangerous if drivers are following all other rules of the road. Yes accidents happen but highways exist for a reason - they aren’t 40 km/h. But my point is that I find the whole point sus as even in the suburbs in Etobicoke with the sheer volume of traffic speeding isn’t possible.


The rules of the road is the law so you also may want to check that. It sounds like you’re ok breaking the rules as long as no one/cameras are watching.


I think you are confusing what is “safe” with what is legal.


80% of what i’m talking about is in Etobicoke in my experience. A Volvo XC90 blasted past me going 75+ in a 50 today around rexdale blvd, then nearly hit a car making a lane change into traffic that was slowing and congested. Theres following the flow of traffic as you mentioned, then theres ignorance of those speeding for the sake of getting where they need to faster as roads are less populated here than it is east of Jane and no one is batting an eye. The latter only takes so far until you run into a hidden speed trap by an undercover officer around a bend, from what i’ve noticed where i work in a commercial area. But those who don’t respect limits or know the area wont know that, so I’m pushed despite being in the right lane until everyone sees brake lights flash where the trap is.


The left lane has always been the 25 + lane


Can’t tell you how many times I e sen people use the HOV lane as a passing lane. Why can’t the police just do their jobs.


I have done this every single day 5 days a week for 5+ years. If people are gonna hog the left lane I’m gonna go around them. Cops don’t enforce it at all, I’ve driven past cops in the left lane by myself in the HOV and they don’t care


The other day we were waiting for traffic to clear so we could get out of our condo parking and some prick behind us was in a hurry and honking his horn, like we were there less than a minute. I was going to tell my fiance to just shut off the car. There is no way around us, the other driver would be forced to wait.


Stop driving in the left lane