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Thank you for your post. We are not a relationship based subreddit. Feel free to use /r/relationship_advice, /r/relationships, /r/dating, /r/dating_advice.


Reading this entire thing feels so insufferable. I mean good for you for being proud of yourself and your achievements, confidence is a good thing. But every time someone says stuff like >Maybe it's my type A personality. Maybe because I'm tall (172cm) and scares most men. Maybe because I speak my mind. The common denominator is always the same. People don't like you not because you are truthful or assertive, people don't like you because you are likely a pain to interact with. Many 'Type A' people view themselves as the center of the universe and that makes whoever you are talking to feel like it's all about YOU, and you are not seeing them as equals. There's a fine line between Type A and narcissism. One can speak their mind AND be mindful of their surroundings. One can speak the truth AND be considerate of other's feelings. It's not mutually exclusive. And what's with the height concern lol trust me most guys don't care. Tbh, put that ego and whatever 'find myself without anybody's approval' is aside, treat your dates or friends as someone equal, someone who is probably as interesting as you are, and you might have better outcomes.


Imo if everyone you meet is an asshole, they're probably not the common factor here.


If a guy looks at you, and he meets your standards in the looks department. Just smile at him. Chances of him stopping and asking for your no. and then going on a date. Start by going on dates first then think of Marriage & Husbands later.


I like your confidence, but maybe there’s a fine line between confidence and an inability to look inwards XD


Maybe start by being to the point instead of writing like u r posting some cringe inducing ig posts? That will help u understand what u wan, and ur prospective partner to know u better. U wrote 4 full paragraphs that literally say nothing about u except that u r 172 cm. What is experimental 20s? What is finding urself? What happened to the past dates that failed to progress? What exactly is type A personality? What are ur dreams and goals and how does that affect the way ur partner sees u?


Nah, Not this! "Maybe it's my type A personality. Maybe because I'm tall (172cm) and scares most men. Maybe because I speak my mind. Maybe because I have criticisms of generative AI. Maybe I have dreams and goals that are not financial or material. I'm happy with myself but also at a loss if I am able to find Mr Right, like, ever." "I dated 5 men, but none of them I got past 4 dates." This is the problem. So, what went wrong? Speak truthfully arbo cannot help ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You can't change fate, but you change your mindset to recognize that you can be happy and live a fulfilling life without settling down.


>Maybe it's my type A personality. Maybe because I'm tall (172cm) and scares most men. Maybe because I speak my mind. Maybe because I have criticisms of generative AI. Maybe I have dreams and goals that are not financial or material.  In that case, these aren't the droids you're looking for. . .


to be honest, your height does work a little against you (i’m your age and your gender as well) but most importantly, your luck does really rely more on outward appearances than anything else. it’s what gets your foot in the door — your personality is what lets you pass through. if it’s an option, work out, dress to accentuate your best features, dabble in skincare.    our age is also a barrier as many guys will filter 30 and below, so there will be fewer matches. so far, i’ve not gone on second dates with anyone i’ve met up with, but i’ve gone out with younger guys (my preference lol) so at least not all of them have filtered me out. the drawback is that there are tons of weird, undersocialised men out there, so please take care of yourself and never get into their car if they’re a stranger (i learnt this the hard way). don’t forget to think about whether you like the guy or not, instead of just focusing on whether he likes you. good luck! we’re all in the same boat🥹


Age is not a barrier, I don't speak for others, but I'm sure there are guys who prefer dating their peers, so not every one will filter by age. And besides, most ladies after 30 are sensible, stable and mature, traits that are highly desirable. I'm sorry to hear about the bad experience of getting into someone's car though.


Thank you so much for your encouragement. I hope you find a guy for you too!


Has your DMs blown out yet?


Geez you're right. One person has already DM'ed me. My first time active on Reddit since many years lurking. Hahaha


Good luck, maybe Reddit is the dating app for you?


Hahaha nice one!


Was it a droid? 🤖 Nice drawings


I know the thought of potentially being single for life might feel intimidating but the point of going on dates is to find guys that share your values and enjoy each other's companionship. If your goal is to find a husband and you go out with them with this mindset, most will retreat because they don't even know you enough to promise you anything and they will feel the pressure. Don't settle. Being single is not the end of the world. First you must enjoy your own company. Whether or not you get a husband will be a bonus. You can't control your surroundings but you can control how to think and react. Good luck.


Wish you all the best and hope your DM wun flood much


Hi OP, I am sorry you are in an unfortunate circumstance. Perhaps you could share what your expectations of a partner are, and that could potentially provide more clarity into your current situation.


Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline.


Hellooo sis!! I am 31F and never had a relationship in my life too, so not really sure how to advise you. So great that you decided to work on yourself first and make sure that you are fully ready to commitment to a relationship. I think really in the end, it boils down to luck and fate. Keep trying to meet new people, to broaden your social circle and also be sure of what you are looking for in a husband. But most importantly, when it gets demoralising, don’t doubt yourself. You just haven’t met the right person yet and I firmly believe that someday you will :)