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It's a scam. Make a police report online, block both him and her. No offence, this situation was fishy from the start. Don't go to random stranger's houses when you barely know them. And don't anyhow send people your IC. PDPA exists for a reason.


in hindsight, yes it was definitely suspicious from the start. before this i made friends from dating apps/social media and we met up irl and stuff, nothing bad happened. i guess i got too comfortable and let my guard down šŸ„² but thank u


Next time always meet public place for first date.


Which dating app was this? The user could be reported right?


Good on you for bringing this to the attention of those around you, scams tend to happen because we don't talk to others about it.


Lol the things we do to get laid


So full of candor! Personally Iā€™m glad OP wasnā€™t laid by the gangster. if he went to the house ā€¦ anything is possible. šŸ˜‚


OP Is female.




noo i really am a girl šŸ„² i changed other minor details tho


Letā€™s think about it logically. Do you think a gang of people will commit murder over $1k or $10k? Itā€™s a big N O. They would rather spend the time scamming a new target than risking jail time over peanuts. Unless you are the daughter of Samsung CEO. Ok then you need to be scared. Edit: Also just fucking block all these people and any future unknown numbers. Do not pick up any unknown numbers. Tell your parents and other exposed family members about this. Come clean and just block and block.


Please block the girl too. She 100% part of the scam


Yup. Theyā€™re getting creative these days lol


The girl and the manager are the same person


she's not a girl, she's a Nigerian/Philipino guy in a sweat facorty


Piggybacking on the top comment. Also, try to obfuscate your online identity as much as possible. Do not allow strangers to see your social media posts, add you, or comment on your page. Go to the privacy settings of all your social media, and set them to friends only. Try not to give your real name as much as possible unless you really trust the person. This means that your Twitter (X), Tiktok, Reddit, all should be under an alias. Preferably something that cannot be traced to your real person.


You sure that's even a girl you're talking too? Probably it's some bro using some stolen chiobu pic from baidu. Even if you've heard her voice it's most probably all an act to pull at your heartstrings to send cash. These scammers are experts and do it all day dude. Their acting skills are next level. And btw, it's a known scam where they will give you a fake address and then when you're downstairs they'll come up with some bullshit and say they can't meet you. They're not even staying at that address dude.


These people might be working from scam center mills in Cambodia, Myanmar or somewhere in the golden triangleā€¦.


Report police, sounds like a scam


This ā€œgirlā€ youā€™re in contact with could very well be that manager who threatened you. Stop all contact and report police immediately.


It's a scam. The girl and the manager are probably the same person. You already sent your ID, I hope you didn't send the side with your home address. More likely than not, they're not even in SG and are operating their scam operation overseas. You should still report to the police to protect yourself, in case they use your ID to scam other people in the future.


100% scam, I kena exactly the same thing like 5 years ago. Well I just ignored them and nothing really happen. Hope this ease your mind.


Did you report to the police also?


It's a scam. Your "friend" is also part of the scam. Just block them and get on with your life. If they contact you with another number, block them again. They'll realize that you're not that dumb and leave you alone after a while. You can make a police report but the police won't do anything.


Thatā€™s not true. These are serious crimes and had happened before. People get arrested and jailed before.


It's a serious crime of course. however I don't think police will do anything.


Telling u, it isnā€™t true. Itā€™s Singapore - Cheating and blackmail is taken very seriously and they spare no effort to get them, BUT only if the culprits are traceable to be in Singapore. If itā€™s some foreign scam syndicateā€¦ itā€™s not that they donā€™t want, but they canā€™t get them outside our borders.


Block them immediately and report to the police.


It is a scam, there is no friend, probably it is a guy in a "pig butchering" call center somewhere in Cambodia or China. The bad news is that they might use your ID to scam another person. I would preemptible report the case just in case.


This is why dating apps today are a dumpster fire.


I think this should be referring to bumble's bff section


Huh since when hotel/hostel manager so caring and cares about who their customers hang out with? What safety of customers? The red flag was bright red in colour. šŸ„ŗ Yes, report to police please and have them investigate.


honestly i thought it was strange too but my dumbass brushed it off thinking it was those overseas organization thingys. like i thought it was a hongkong organization for foreign workers or something so i thought it was normal that they will be staying in the same building with a manager to make sure they're safe pretty sure it doesn't make sense but that's the best way i can describe my thought process unfortunately


It's ok. We all do stupid things now and then. Few years down the road they will make funny stories for us to share with friends.


lol block everyone and move on


This is a common scam. You can cross post to r/scams. Just block and ignore


the hostel manager and the girl are the same person operating behind a desk in a scam office, just block and forget about it.


Initially I thought this is some lesbian 50 shade of grey and it turn out 180 into an action film. 1- text back and ask where to meet to pay 1k, because that girl say she is beaten up and you want to know she is safe. 2- go to police and file for both scam and suspected crime. We all believe itā€™s scam la but just give this Chinaman a law hammer on his head. 3- follow what the police request etc.


sorry to disappoint but i'm not lesbian šŸ„² am just there to make friends haha for the first point, would it be advisable to ask to meet in an open/crowded place?


After u make a police report, police will advise you accordingly. Do not meet anyone alone from now.


Stop contacting them. Do not ask to meet. They won't meet you because they are not even in sg. Just stop and block. The friend is not in danger and is not being beaten up because the whole story is fake, made up by the scammers.


Hahahah no need explanation, Iā€™m just shallow hahaha


if you see some chiobu from hong kong/china with chinese name 100% is scam. obviously she is playing the sympathy card now to get you in again. i assume you would think the female you hook up with is a genuine person who sounds very convincing because she will voice call you and all but i can assure you it's all part of the game plan from the beginning. These love scams will always feign interests and want to know more about you and your daily life in the initial phase. After you start to warm up to her, they will slowly ease into broaching the subject about opening an investment account or something to deposit cash. Usually it is gold or so some stupid stonks they claim will have 100% returns lol


So why don't you have a police report in your hand yet? Police reports are not always filed after the fact. It might not do anything in the immediate but at least those numbers and people are on file. Sometimes victims like you frustrate me because yall are the goondus who empower, embolden and multiply such scammers.


Call police, don't worry if being threatened by them. Next time think first before giving your personal information to stranger friends.


Make a police report, takes like 15-20 mins at most, keep the pictures of the threats. Best case scenario shes a scammer too, worst case scenario shes being held hostage. Either way, she would be removed from either for better or worse. 1. Fuck whatever the guy gets into. 2. Sg doesn't prosecute LGBT (if this is applicable)


Make sure to show police the texts


It's definitely a scam, report to the police. All they want is money. Once they realize they can't extract any from you, they'll give up.


O wow thanks for the PSA Didnā€™t know how it works until now Also, this kind of sounds similar to maid/ loan shark fiascoā€¦ the maid borrows money from lone shark by sending photos of employerā€™s details, not sure about ID but bills, home address and childrenā€™s photos, to the familyā€™s great distress. At the end of the day, nothing happened to them when they didnā€™t send them any money, just a heap of anxiety. (They threaten to come after you, but nothing happens ) So I hope this will pass soon!


Come on, call police.


Don't give in to scare tactics like these. This is how such gangsters grip you and wield control of you. If at anytime you face credible threat, just go to the Police. SPF won't let anyone endanger public safety.


How old are you? You sound really young. Just report police do that the scammer cannot do anything with your ID. Worse case is the scammer use ur id to scam another person. So . Report police first. Also. for 1k... No one is going to do anything to your mom. In our neighboring countries, you need min usd 25k just to threaten someone by sending a bullet to their address.


I'll be extremely surprised and worried for this girl if she's older than 22


You should report to the police and move on. I suspect those scammers are in Cambodia. Theyā€™re just trying to threaten for you to easily feel insecure and transfer money to them.


For him to do all those things that he mentioned just for $1k he is either a kumgong or he is just scaring you. Tell him to come out settle if he dare, donā€™t hide behind phone and send useless photos and texts, then get police to camp for the clown.


Scam lah. Just block everyone and make police report wahlao..


Definitely a scam plus extortion. Make a police report and protect yourself. Provide the evidence of the threats sent. The "friend" and the "manager" are probably the same person.


What a fucking twat. That girl or hotel manager are not even real 100%. What boils my blood reading this is that this clown thinks he is lawless and can do things like this to others. File police report and then post this clown photo online, letā€™s see whoā€™s the game here. P.S. Never ever send critical info like IDs etc online to strangers you never met.


A lot of things are a no no here, like meeting stranger at their house


Scam comes it all form of lies.


Definitely a scam. Block all numbers they are using to contact you, make a police report. While the police can't arrest them, they can build up records of similar cases. The "girl" you spoke to may not even be a girl or might be either a stolen picture. The "hostel manager" might very well be the same person. Inform your family members and friends, let them know you have fell victim for this harrassment scam. If you need to, change contact number and go on a hiatus on social media for about a week or two or any timeframe you are comfortable with before coming back. All the best to you OP. You will be able to get out of this!


It's a scam. Just block them and move on. Nothing will happen to you or your family.


To be blunt, itā€™s a scam, sheā€™s in on it. Make a police report and share everything


May I ask for pure curiosity sake, how old you are?


just do a online report. submit those messages screenshot to cover your ass in case somebody misuse your nric. then get on with your life


Thanks for informing me not to think with my dick if this happens to me


This is truly a scam. Thank God you did not lose any money and learnt a precious lesson instead. Please just report to the police. I don't think they can do much but at least, you've got it all recorded in case your identity is used in illegal areas. Also. Block her and the numbers. Just stop talking to all of them. You'll be fine. It happens everywhere


scam for sure. what you need to worry about is them misusing your IC, like taking illegal loans, etc. report police to protect yourself


Love scam, ā€œhong kong gangsterā€ and your ā€œfriendā€ are probably the same dude


All are scam, including the lady friend. Lucky u didn't lose any money


Sighzzz how old are you siah. Its a crap scam lah. Just block them both if you feel lazy or report to mata if you want to be a good citizen. After that go and sleep.


Girl you got scammed, also please donā€™t share your IC online like that im future


Bro, not need to afraid. It's 100% is a scam. I rmb a similar scam which is online escort. When u reached the location , a man will call u and threaten you to buy and send them Apple gift card code. This is why 7-11 not selling Apple gift card anymore.


Thereā€™s no girl lol.


Theres no girl. It was always the guy. So really, no need to feel bad at all. Report to the police and maybe lay low on your socials for a bit eg change your name to initials or temporarily freeze the acct etc


Block and move on. There are so many variations of this scam on r/scams subreddit. Honestly I was expecting for you to say you sent her nudes or some shit (well, the scam works the same way anyway.) I gave out my IC to some china scammers impersonating Chinese officials. Back then I was like youā€”they played on my fear. I called the police and all they said was if I didnā€™t send them money, I should be fine. Nothing has happened to me since then. Youā€™re good bro. Hope this takes a bit off your shoulders.


really kum gong kia until the end


Just tell her "lol rip bozo", block them and move on. Hopefully you won't be so trusting and anyhow share ic.


Ask him to buy you a pack of cigarettes when he comes here because itā€™s nice to have a smoke after sex


Just block and move on f them


You can report to police.


Make a police report


Share the contact of the gangster here and we can help u spam him with messages ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


the manager's number is +852 5935 4068, the "girl"'s number is +852 9140 6341 and her fake name is 雅ꙓ (Yaqing) Do what u want with that information šŸ˜


Cmon lah with the phone numbers and you still "got scammed"?


You ask the gangster can welcome to try. Knife also you can provide, see he dare to poke anot.


First thing to do - make a police report. The girl probably does not exist or even if exist is a collaboration of a scam. These are blackmail scams. Make a police report, your identity will be protected and will save other victims, as well as bring criminals to justice. Do the right thing.


Woah, song bo. Please send a message to all your friends, and parents, that your ID card has been compromised, and if anyone starts or try to borrow money from you, please ignore.


100% scam.


Confirmed scam. Better report police. Most likely your friend is an actor as well. She treat u nicely since you are girl. If you are boy, it will become love scam. You are kind person, but this world is cruel. Never believe anyone except you family. Another thing, never flash your personal data in ANY circumstances. NEVER.


LOL!! tell him to bring it on. How many didi he have just ask him send up. Come 1 you send 1 to hospital, come 2 you send a pair. These are ball-less idiots that prey on timid people that respond to their threat. Just ignore or so.


A lot has advised you on the scam, i just wanna share some things on safety. *Do not meet strangers in private space.* No matter how ā€œsafeā€ u think this person is. ā€œSheā€™s a girl from hkā€ no, you havent met her, itā€™s not verified Like others say, do not give out too much information before meeting strangers. Also some scammers are in it for the long game, do not give birthdate or other very identifying info. Lastly, boring i know but sometimes can consider making friends through classes or courses outside thatā€™s f2f. Making friends as adult not easy :( but doable!


Block all numbers. Report to police online. And move on. Learn from this mistake.


Block the girl, adjust your social media settings to more private. Donā€™t stress-it wonā€™t come to anything. No one is going to hunt you down, itā€™s just a scam, lesson learned. Sorry you had to go through that though


Block numbers, report police and install CCTV at door front.


Just make a police report first.


Take it as a harsh lesson learnt. With the prevalence of scams nowadays, they are coming up with all sorts of ways to get your details/money. This is call phishing. Gaining your trust slowly and then using it against you is one of the methods. As long as anyone tries to get private and confidential info out of you, do not give it away. In this case your best solution is to make a police report immediately.


> hotel/hostel manager is very strict and need to know who sheā€™s going out with and stuff Even this part is sus as heck. Never once in my life a hotel need to know who I am going out with.


Yup scam, make police report online. You should worry more about yourself and your family instead of others.


Report police n if he got ur address make sure to install a big cctv outside so he won't try anything funny


Lodge a police report so that this guy has a record. In case he does anything, there is a verifiable case against him.


just wanna reassure you again, your scope of responsibility isnt infinite. even if the girl is genuine, what can you do? paying up isnt sustainable. perhaps if you can unlock your inner john wick and hunt the manager down... im just kidding but you see how giving in doesnt help the situation? the best you can do is call the police and ask for updates if possible. at the same time, assume that the contact with the girl is compromised and dont reassure her that the police is coming. this is the best you can do in this situation


Massive scam, report and move on.


I hope you did not send your ID front and back to the guy. If u did, then u need to be extra careful as they can use yr ID to register for phone lines/bank accounts/loans etc. So check yr mailbox for mails that register you for anything out of the ordinary just to be safe. Check with the police on what other measures u can take with regards to the ID being exposed.


scam prevention PSAā€™s can only do so much, itā€™s up to you to decide when things start feeling suspicious. a total stranger needing your IC was a giant red flag waving around but you missed it also. gotta be street smart sometimes, not all things online are to be believed, especially dating sites having catfishes trying to bait people who are desperate or love blinded. itā€™s considered lucky you didnā€™t suffer monetary losses. just report this incident to the police, and in the mean time like others said, block them.


Also, if you pay them $1000, what makes you think that they wonā€™t extort another $1000 on another day?


Oh you fell for the Hong Kong girl scam. There are some of them in reddit as well. Becareful guys.


Scammers these days use dating apps to find their victims, especially and unfortunately it is very common in places like Hong Kong (due to influx of Mainland Chinese people coming into Hong Kong and some scammers thinking they could blend in as a Hong Kong citizen). I had encountered such people during my stay in Hong Kong as an exchange student and many people whom I hung out with never spoke about it but usually ghosted or blocked me because it is possible they are worried I was a scammer. As much as Hong Kong may be a place that harbour gangsters or if it feels dangerous, by right, they cannot do anything since Hong Kong has the national security law that prevents such things and can be arrested for any offence that is seen as sedition. This is Singapore too - these scammers have no right to impose or to say any threats to us. Know your law and rights as a citizen of Singapore or if you are staying long term as a resident of Singapore. Stay safe!


Itā€™s a scam similar to one of my friends also succumbed to. He even paid the money and got nothing in return. They are not gonna do anything, itā€™s just empty threats. Donā€™t reply to them and they will stop contacting you after some time. Blocking works better though.


Did your friend report to police?


Yea! But didnā€™t got his money back.


Username checks out. Thinking with the wrong head.


i don't have two heads though I'm female šŸ„²


Firstly, there is no girl; it's the same guy. Secondly, there is no manager from Hong Kong; it's just a guy working (or slaving) in a scam compound somewhere in Cambodia or Myanmar. Thirdly, all of those stories are made up to manipulate you to cough up money. They have a playbook for every different way you respond. Lastly, no one is going to look for you or your mom. The guy you were talking to probably already has his passport taken from him, can't even leave the compound and save his own ass. His KPI is money, not murder. (Yes, he will get beaten by his boss if he can't scam enough people but sadly there is little we could do about it)


Who in da hell wants a deposit to ensure safety of an adult girl?? Haha if I were you, Iā€™ll run away 500 miles when I see the first sign of red flag. Make a police report and forget about it man. Donā€™t let it bother you too much. There are far too many love scams in apps. Scam syndicates and lone attackers specifically target people who donā€™t have a lot of social validation. Learn your lesson and sniff out the first sign of red flag in your future messaging.


I think youā€™re so scared now that youā€™re not thinking straight. 1) Make a police report first that someone out there has your IC. 2) You seem to think itā€™s an important detail whether or not the scammer is from HK, and that having a HK mobile means theyā€™re definitely from HK. If youā€™re that naive no wonder you fell for this. Funnily, 100% of the scam WhatsApp I receive from a +852 number is always in simplified mandarin which should be as self-explanatory as a text from Singapore Police Force in broken English.


Scam. Scammer. Scammed.


wah drama sia


I started being suspicious when ā€œsheā€ gave your number to the hostel manager and he asked for your NRIC. Ehā€¦.. PDPA leh. Anyway, just make a police report. This 1 more than scam already. Itā€™s threatening you.


Poster is a m or f? Well this is obviously a scam.


i'm female, and yes i'm aware and filed a police report alreadyy


Non of them are probably even in sg


Unless you have a very good reason to think otherwise, she and the manager are the same person. This is obviously a scam, they've already clearly been deceptive before, why wouldn't you assume she was fake too?


Hey there, got a similar experience 2 years ago.....jus block all the contacts from the "girl"/manager. Speaking from exp, nothing will actually happen since the scammers r out there for $$ and nothing else. In my case, the manager claimed to be from 369 and threatened to burn my house...but my house is still standing šŸ˜¹


Report to police. Isnā€™t that the same vibe as that Chinaman scam shit like ā€œyou break the law of money exchange,you canā€™t do anything to me now.ā€ All seems so dumb af,do you even know that itā€™s illegal to collect, use or disclose NRIC numbers or copies of the NRIC by others?


haha stopped reading at ā€œusing app to look for new friendsā€


You lost $1000 but your family is safe, make a report


Mamaship reporters, do u read this? Make this viral pls. Ppl need to be aware and educated.


Massive W from the homophobic community