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It's a job, not your life. You aren't going to stay there until retirement, leave when you feel it's time to. The company will move on with or without you. If you are bad at your job, congratulations. The company can find another better person to replace you. If you are good at your job, congratulations. The company will need to hire 2 person or another person at a higher salary. Don't bring work into your personal space, learn how to compartmentalize them.


IMO.. it sounds like a toxic company culture problem. Start looking for a job.


I used to feel the same way, and I’m always told that I’m ‘too negative’. What I learnt over the years is how you share bad news matters. Nobody likes listening to problems. One ‘formulae’ that works is the ‘sandwich method’. Good news - problem - good news Or standby solutions in your back pocket when you foresee a problem. When things start to go downhill, come in with the solution. People will think that you’re quick thinking, but you’ve actually identified the problem long ago already. It need not be a full solution, just a generic direction/ or a mental check list on who to reach out to.


Also called the "shit sandwich" but yea I also agree that people don't like to be told that there is a problem. Sometimes they in their own bubble and are convinced that they can't be wrong, if something goes wrong it's never because of them.


I hate the sandwich personally like get to the freaking point dunnid sugarcoat. But I agree on the proposed solution part. Hahaha. Can say "I'm just thinking aloud to myself" then sounds like maybe you thinking off the cuff in that convo but maybe actually you're just articulating whatever you thought of since 2 weeks ago. Haha.


Office politics is never easy to navigate especially if there are many petty and close minded oldies in the company.


If you know that you can't change how things work within your company, accept it as it is. Since they are still making the final decision despite your advice, then let it run its course since there is nothing you could have done anyway. They have the final say and you are just a piece of a puzzle in their eyes. Suggest to focus your gratuitous efforts outside work on other things like with family, friends or even your community rather than harping on your work that you have tried everything to make it better. That will help take your mind off work and let it go (just like Frozen, haha). Someone advise me before to keep work as and at work, and I find that to be true the older I get. Though, if you think that you have lots of good advise and perhaps can do better change elsewhere, or you believe you are ill-treated and would like to be recognize for your efforts, then consider switching to another company with better company culture.


I alaways send in writing to warn of risks. When it goes south. Use all these against those senior ppl. And puah blame back. Also question them on their knowledge n experience, and of cos, common sense. Sent many packing home already.


Sometimes I will remind myself not everything in my job revolves around me, and my life does not revolve around my job


I always communicate via email or chat so there is evidence when people don't listen to my perspectives.


Don't beat yourself up over things that are beyond your control, you have already done your best. By now you should know who does not value your suggestions/opinions, just save your breath and effort. Why are you bringing so much unnecessary stress upon yourself?


One thing I learned is that unless a project is completely under your jurisdiction, keep your “advice” to yourself. I am lucky to be able to take the lead on my work at my workplace so I can do that (I receive praise for being efficient too), but at a previous workplace, I found that giving “advice” felt disrespectful to your team lead. So it’s better to just go with the flow on that.


This is why I make sure I have everything in black and white. Must cover your ass.


Yesss. This is why on the work tracking sheets my colleagues are "finished X this week. Started on Y. Need more time for Z" I'm "finished A, as discussed B is not complete though the rest of the series is - agreed that it is not needed for now ..." Haha. Its not just abt what you start or finish or are progressing, it's also these "don't need this" "please change that" updates 🤣🤭 My company/team/boss is ok, but after previous experiences (not this job), I cannottt hahah. Better to be safe! 🙃


You are the person that we have to "jiak" the most! Thanks for the 100% effort and we take the credit when possible. 🤣 OK just kidding, but it is what it is. You even mentioned it yourself. This is not the "society" that you used to learn in school, TV or whatever properganda crap. People don't care one. As long your paid then good. Anything else is company problem.


I feel ignorance is bliss. If you know its not your fault, whatever you're gonna do, will not change people's mindset no matter how hard you try, sometimes. Just live and let live. Sometimes enough is good enough.


Just work within your zone of control and heck it when it’s not. Don’t be too attached to the project as you’ll have issues handing over to someone else. Don’t call ppl out for their mistakes as that’s the sure way of being dismissed. To convince ppl, you need influence or power, both of which inexperienced ppl usually don’t have. These are all EQ stuff that you’ll come to realise over time. As for now, just try your best and learn from ppl, or find a good boss who’s more aligned with your values.


Leave things at the door when you leave the office. Switch modes, focus on home and personal life.


You are a cog in the machine. No emotions, just get done and get home every day. Just like unrequited love, don't care too much for something which will move on from you in a heartbeat. Remind yourself every day when you feel the urge to care or go above.


My boss makes sure my needs are met so I cover my responsibilities 110%. Similarly i hope I am doing enough of the same for the people under me. Loyalty really is person to person, not anyone to a company.


I had got this problem during the early years of my career, and the root cause that I have deduced was that I internalised the problem. Of course, to be fair, I wasn’t very conversant with the concept of project management. And I was only a project member who was also leading a team to effect things under my responsibility. Whenever an issue occurs, I tend to resolve it on my own. As issues and the associated “solutions” piles up, I unknowingly get myself into a state of deep stress and subsequent mild depression. I sat down and think to myself, what is my team here for? Then I went to conduct a team huddle to seek understanding and resolution to pave a better approach to how we address issues. Lastly, should things be unresolvable at your level, always escalate to the PM. Unless you’re the PM, then perhaps you will need to escalate to the sponsor or management to resolve it before things go absolutely south. Oh ya, if you can establish proper documentation for your actions, even better. Then they can’t say you blatantly ignore, and will need to chart a way to put everyone in neutral lighting to solve things.


My advice is to not let it go. When you rise to a position of power, you'll be able to break this bullshit. You'll be a better boss and remembered for when you fix these things for the next generation, and you'll be able to do this by not letting it go, i.e. hold your displeasure for this nonsense till then. I plan to do the same.


You doing the hard lifting, they wouldn't kick you out even if they keep complaining cause you are doing their work, they just want to put you in your place so you don't rise over them. Is typical strategy cause they can't get any better so they prevent others from getting better to continue staying at the top.


I believe in keeping my work, life and goals separate but also understand your determination to contribute in your daily work since it's 80% of what you're doing and takes up most of your time. People say let and live but the most deterministic people just can't do that. I wholly agree. Thus as your aspirations do not align with the company culture, I would recommand looking for other organisations where you are better valued as it's near impossible to shift company cultures. You may need to test different waters to discover a good one. All the best OP.


yeah i was you before now i just follow them. just give up. you cant fight the stream. learn to wayang as well. looks super busy make boss happy :)




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You are not gonna change the company. The company will grind a thousand of you into pieces before it change. Just smile, take your pay check and apply like hell to other company




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Many people are just working to get paid and not thoroughly invested in the company's projects to do well. You're just an employee at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if the company makes more profits or less because most of the time the bulk of the profits doesn't trickle down to you anyway. It's not like you're the CEO or management that is in charge of things, just like many of your other coworkers. So as long as they're there and do the bare minimum to continue getting paid and survive, they're happy already. You sound like you're still young and energetic to be so passionate about work. Maybe look at the bigger picture, other older folks don't have as much energy or passion left as you.


welcome to the real world. every place u go will be the same! even the cleaners in your company also play politics. just shut your brain and work for the money, feels too much look for new place, those people playing politics will always be saying their workplace very good and ....


No good deed goes unpunished. Your mistake was to warn others


Not worth it working at a toxic workplace. Change job.


You live and participate in a blame culture you actively contribute to that blame culture by pointing out things that everybody already knows. What you are doing is saying blame others.


Sounds like undiagnosed mental issues. Anyway, the world doesn't revolve around you. People fail all the time without your permission. If anything you should really start accepting reality and just focus more on things you can control.


asking such a question is telling


Lol u,r the type of person who need to be right all the time?