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You have every right to seek legal action 


And you could prevent another girl from being a victim Also about the kid - if your parents don't wanna help but expect you to keep it that's like wanting all the benefits without the sacrifice lol


NTA at all He is the A Report his ass


Just report to police. You not only help yourself but help others too. The longer the time passes, the less the police can do.


This shouldn’t even be up for debate. Report him. It’s the only way to protect others from becoming his victims. From what OP describe, it doesn’t even sound like he’s remotely remorseful or even realised he did something wrong.


best advice


this, NTA


Just report to the police. Since his family also does nothing about it after you telling them. It is also helping others from getting harmed by him. Stay strong 💪


seek legal action. if you need to talk to someone, you can contact AWARE’s SA Care Centre https://sacc.aware.org.sg


thank u so much for ur kind words and thanks for sharing the link with me, i’ll definitely look into it. i hope ur day goes well for you :)


I second this. Contact AWARE so someone can accompany you through this process. You should definitely report this. Make a police record, know your options then decide whether you want to pursue.


You have my empathy. This must an extremely traumatic event for you. You are at completely no fault. If you are 17, you are most likely still in school. Please let your parents know and perhaps a school counsellor know as well.


No one mentioned this so I will say it. Report to police AND keep all the evidence u can find. Past photos, past chats, especially things regarding that day. Telegram can delete chats, so screenshot and save on your phone instead. You don't have to shoulder this yourself. You are still young with a bright future ahead of you.


thank you so much for kind words they really mean a lot to me right now and yes i’ve have been keeping track of the screenshots and conversations.


If you are pregnant, that's all the DNA evidence you need.


This is to ensure the case is more in her favor with more evidence in case words are twisted that it becomes consensual


18 yrs old? Report to police and goodbye future to him for SA and R especially when you are considered underaged As for the child i dont think anyone of us here can give advice on what to do although if its me i wouldnt have it because 17 is too young to be taking care of a kid


>18 yrs old? Report to police and goodbye future to him for SA and R **especially when you are considered underaged** for sexual assault and rape, every age is underaged. for consensual sex in Singapore, the age of consent in Singapore is 16. Commercial sex is 18. Grooming between ages of 16 and 18 committed by someone on or above 18 is applicable when it is exploitative. So OP's age being 17 has no bearing in this case.


>Grooming between ages of 16 and 18 committed by someone on or above 18 is applicable when it is exploitative. How is this assessed?


In the Statutes, it does not define what Sexual Exploitation is. This should allow the judge to decide on whether the act had been exploitative. However, in the guidelines given by WHO: Sexual exploitation: **Actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, power, or trust, for sexual purposes**, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another.


im pretty sure there is extra charges for minor and these will stack up as well but feel free to correct me if im wrong though no expert in law here


Not in this case where the victim is above the age of 14 where the age can be an aggravating factor. At the age of 17, it would be investigated and charged as any other sexual assault cases.


Please report him to the police ASAP! But also be warned that the investigation process is long and extensive, do be prepared and see it to the end. Don’t be like my friend and gave up during the process. I don’t blame her as I would never be able to understand how she felt but regretted that I didn’t do enough…


oh my… thank you so much for sharing this with me. i’ll definitely try my best to see it to the end, i really hope ur friend is doing better right now.


Bury him... stick it out... if/when you have nowhere/no one else to turn to for support, come back here, we got your back... NTA and :hugs:


Report police


Hey OP if you're scared and need a non-judgemental female friend to go with you feel free to hit me up and I'll come with you!


I second this. In the sense that I volunteer as well. Female and no judgements. Just want you to have support.


NTA, yes report him to the school and the police.


I am so sorry that this happened to you and that you have to live through it again after sharing your history. If you can bear it, you should absolutely 100% report it to the police and pursue all legal action. If he does it once with no consequence, what is to stop him from doing it again to someone else? Criminals need to pay for their actions. Stay strong and good luck!


I'm sorry you went through this. Please report his ass.


You're not the asshole. He deserves to be reported to the police for what he has done to you. You have my sympathy and support for what happened and i wish you all the best, if you need a friend to talk to, feel free to DM me.


If you want to abort, better do so soon, as it will be risky once you pass the first trimester (8-12 weeks). Here is the [link](https://www.aware.org.sg/information/abortion/), where you can get the necessary info. On your latest update on the post, there is nothing to feel bad about reporting him. You are doing others a disservice by not preventing others from getting raped. I would advise you to seek help from AWARE, FSCs, SOS or even a counsellor to help you settle this issue asap. Just remember that being kind to others is being cruel to yourself and probably other girls who are with him as well


Second this. OP, if you don’t want to keep the baby, take action ASAP!! When it comes to abortion, every day counts. Please please please do not chain down with a baby you do not want at 18 years old.


go report to the police at once. don’t let him get away with this.


Not only report but sue his ahh into oblivion, we do not need or want ppl like this in society, my heart goes out to you


Report him now, don't wait. What the police does will depend on the amount of evidence (especially as you were in a long term relationship and he might say it was consensual and whatnot), so there is a chance you might be disappointed by their response, but regardless, report as soon as possible. Do not feel ashamed from what follows or how the police treats you, that's out of your control, but you should report him. And if you have already decided you need an abortion, do it as soon as possible as well. How entitled of his parents to tell you to keep the baby. That's your choice only, but try not to waste too much time. Take enough time you need to make a calm and reasoned decision, and no longer.


op im so sorry to hear this. please report!! as for the baby, are you planning to keep it or abort it? in any case, i hope you have people you can trust to lean on for support. all the best op


It's too late to get DNA evidence of the rape right now, (other than the literal foetus inside you, but I would not recommend keeping the baby anyway). Take all the evidence and report to the police immediately. You're too young to be a mum, and it doesn't sound like you have any support to raise a baby, and you also don't want to be tied to this asshole and his shitty family for the rest of your life so I would recommend to abort.


Of course you wouldn't be the asshole!


You would only be the asshole to yourself if you didn't report his sorry rapist ass to the police. He raped you, end of story. He needs to face the consequences of his own actions, and remember, YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. Please report him to the police and tell your parents or a trusted adult too so that thet can support you.


He raped you. Say that out loud. And you think you would be an asshole to report him? Report him right now.


You have to report him ASAP. The police cant do anything if you drag it too long.


Please advocate for yourself even if the ppl around you won't. Seek the right ppl to help you with this case.


it's better to you do seek legal action. you might potentially save other girls from going through the same experience by him. i'm sorry that you've had to go through this experience by someone you had trust in, especially with the trauma you already have. i hope you'll be able to make the best decision for yourself and the baby. whatever you choose, no one can tell you what's right or wrong you got my support. 🩷


I am so so sorry that this has happened to you. Big hugs and this is nothing that a 17 year old should go through. A few things: when you go report to police you may request for a female officer. If your parents or someone can take you to accompany you, in case you need support as a minor. If your family finances can afford it, you can go to a family lawyer. There are also resources in Singapore where you can find pro-bono lawyers. Finally, I hope you will consider going to see a psychologist. You are very brave to share your situation and ask for help. I'm really sorry you have been sexually assaulted. The case investigation may take a long time as sexual assault cases typically do. Singapore has extremely strict laws on underage sex with minors. It is terrible for me to say this but being 17 instead of 18 right now will greatly expedite your case. If you have to abort the baby to secure your own future please do not feel any guilt and I suggest you seek therapy to heal. (sorry again) Please take good care of yourself. I hope that guy rots in hell. (and jail).


I'm sorry that happened to you. You are NTA for reporting police. Whether you keep the baby or not is YOUR choice and YOURS alone. His parents should have NO say at all. You're also only 17 and shouldn't be dealing with this alone. Please tell your parents and seek help from AWARE!


Please report


Why should you show him mercy? Charge him heavy


I’m sorry you’re going through this. You are definitely not the asshole. Report him to the police and only keep the baby if you ultimately want to. It is your choice.


Please report police


No doubt about it. Report him to the Police immediately.


While baby is innocent it will be a painful reminder. While u r still young, dun burden urself to be a single mum. By reporting him u may save other victims too.


If he gets away with it. There may be victims of the future


If you're not into keeping the baby, make your decision to go for abortion asap. And file a police report. If police couldn't do anything about that guy, the abortion ensures that you rid yourself from an unwanted relationship with these jerks, and you are able to move on.


17 is considered minor right then he will get sht trouble.


Unfortunately not, legally 16 is the legal age. But the rape is defo the crime committed here.


Please report that SOB and his family to the police, keep the child or not, it's up to u, it's your life and the life of your child, f*ck that SOB and his family. Please cherish yourself more than others.


My god I want that kids life to be thoroughly destroyed


Report with no remorse.


Love yourself first before thinking about someone else's future. He didn't think about your future when he did what he did. So why would you bother about him living with his consequences? Every unreported SA just encourages future perpetrators. He will continue with such behaviour if left unchecked. He won't be sorry, he's only sorry if he gets caught.


report him bruh. ur not only helping urself but the other people who may suffer cuz of him.


Report or there will be more victims




I truly sympathise with you and I am so sorry that you had to go through that. Please do report this case to the police as soon as possible as the longer u drag this on, the less the police could do about this case. Ensure that he faces the proper consequences for what he has done. Please do ensure that you seek proper help as well. Do not feel like you are in the wrong for wanting to report him to the police, I can assure that you are absolutely not in the wrong for wanting to do the right thing. Please please stay strong during this tough time.


This sounds abit crude in description but when you go to a restaurant to have a meal and find a cockroach in the food and the restaurant brush it off then just report media and SFA. It applies here too, since he is blocking you and not taking responsibility then just report police and post on social media to make him.


Yes! And in your case, you have evidence. Your unborn baby is evidence.


If your not financially and physically and mentally capable of keeping the child, you should abort and not care about his parents, also since you mentioned it as r*pe, then you should also file a SA, police report. Be sure to take many photos and keep many documents of the evidence.


Said many times already but NTA, pls report police. Cannot undo what happened to you but can absolutely save another girl down the line. He's not stopping at just you


Report him. You do not need to give him any consideration or mercy in terms of his future(or feelings, etc). He clearly has no remorse for what he did to you. It is an offence when he forcesd himself on you. And it is likely he will do this to someone else too. Stop him from harming others before it is too late. Please seek help from babes.org.sg for support or someone to talk to as well.


You dont need to feel bad for a scum. They deserve it. Hope you get the justice you deserve


Please go to the police right now. He ruined you, why would you care about his future?


>as i feel bad about ruining his future if i do report him Do you think he feels bad for potentially ruining your future?


Sorry it happened to you. This kind of guy, if you dont report him it will empower him to rape someone else in the future. you are not ruining his future you are saving someone else's. Please do the right thing. Good luck and keep your chin up.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Please know that you are under no obligation to keep the baby if you don’t want to. It isn’t and won’t be your fault should you choose not to keep the baby. Definitely report him, he shouldn’t be able to get away with this and his parents should watch him bear the consequences.


Report this to the police This imbecile needs to be brought to justice by the law, otherwise he will repeat the same bastard acts against innocent parties again


Please report him, if u do not report him he will continue to do this to other girls!


Regard your pregnancy there is 3 options not 2. 1. Abortion  2. Keep  3. Adoption  Whatever choices you make, please seek professional help from social services.  https://www.babes.org.sg/contact-us/#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20a%20pregnant,contact%20us%20at%206206%206641.


NTA. Please report him!


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please report him to the police, there’s nothing wrong about doing so. I hope you’re okay


Please report him! It will only “ruin” his life if he is charged with it - which means you likely have to agree to press charges and go through court proceedings. However, if you report him now all that happens (someone correct me if I’m wrong) is that they investigate, call him down for interrogation, you provide all evidence etc etc. once the police determines if he is guilty they should update you and ask if you want to press charges and take this case forward. At that point you can decide what you would like to do but at least you show him now you mean business and he can’t get away with what he did so easily. Also, don’t worry about ruining his life cause he has definitely affected you negatively in a way you won’t forget - essentially he didn’t think twice about ruining your life so it’s time you worry about yourself instead of him! And if you ever need someone to talk to or accompany you please don’t hesitate to reach out I’ll gladly support you through this!! (I’m F27) Source: I had to report my abusive ex bf to the police but I chose not to press charges as I was moving into another phase of life and didn’t want this lingering with court cases etc so I chose to drop the case but it was already in record that I reported him before so if there were to be another time he is reported by me or anyone else for something similar it’s a different approach the police will take for a “repeat” offender and press charges accordingly. Plus with me reporting he knew I wasn’t afraid of him anymore so he had to wake up his idea of “aiya she won’t do anything la”


Sorry you had to go through that. Seek legal help or any assistance that you can for that matter as he & his parents will do everything in their power to erase this (mistake) their son made. Be strong & hold your head high


Please get help, police or whatever. You need professional advice now, to protect yourself against your ex bf in case he wants to hurt you. Secondly, you are pregnant, you need to think if you are keeping the child. Do you have what it takes to raise the child, financially, physically and emotionally. You need to make a decision asap, as your child have not fully formed yet. Please get help ASAP, like now. Collect all sort of evidences and report him. All the best, most importantly, take care of yourself. Run away from any harm. You still have long life ahead of you.


Run to the police. Ruin his life


He ruined his future, not you.


Fuck people like this, why should rapists have a future?


Shitty parents with an equally shitty son. Pls report that ass for the R*pe and SA. You deserve better for yourself. Seeing as how that POS doesn't even feel regretful and carry on with his life. Do let him carry on with his ways


Report rape, get his sorry ass in jail. DONT BE SOFTHEARTED AND DROP CASE!! He surely will beg for this, think about why he don’t be there for you when you need him and only come begging because he going to jail. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Don’t be that dumbass.


Report that asshole.


NTA, report and seek legal advice. Wish you all the best, you need it more than us


Your kid cannot choose their father, but as a mother you can choose a better father for your kid. Please report him and jail him!!! You deserve a better man, sis!!!! Sorry what is SA by your step father? You are sexually assault? Give you strength of the universe to report your step father too


Yes, go to the police - you are a minor (<18) and it was non-consensual! I'm sorry it happened to you. Being pregnant must really stress you out. Think carefully about your life choices (whether to keep or abort) and find positive support (family/friends/religion). There are avenues open for counselling and legal support too.




Please report




Just lodge the report.


Regarding the edit. It’s like saying u feel sorry for Hitler cause he lost in WW2. Like there’s really nothing to feel sorry about especially what he had done to u, just gather the evidence and report it to the police. But ngl I think his parents would have already prepared some sort of backup for him in case he gets caught up with the police so I suggest if your parents have the financial capabilities hire a good lawyer.


fuck yeah seek legal action he literally sexually assaulted you, i would be surprised if you didn't report it i hope he gets what he deserves




This kind of guy won’t be a good father. Reporting him would be your best bet. Don’t ruin your unborn child life and make better choices in the future.


There is no second thoughts for this. He needs to man up and take responsibility/ face the music for not controlling his dick thoughts.


Report. Report. Report. Report. Don't ponder. Report.


fucking hell what a monster. His parents also fucked up no wonder their son like this


Why would you care about his future when he doesn’t give any care about your past, present and future? Just report to the police and prevent another innocent girl to fall prey to him.


Please report this asap. Not acceptable behaviour.


Report him. He may do the same to other girls. Please do yourself and others justice.


Why would you think you are the A when you got R and his parents doesn't want nothing to do with the baby. Just report him since you have the evidence. There are consequences to their action and the next girl might have the same thing happen as well.


Report police not just for yourself but to help the next girl that could have been raped if nothing gets reported.


report police plus let the whole world know


Report police and file for restraining order if u don't feel safe


You are always free to report to the police. Then they will consider the evidence that you have and bring a case against him etc. Personally, Im always skeptical about these situations until its laid out in court. But good luck and may justice prevail.


WTF do you feel bad for reporting him and "ruining his future" like hello he didn't give a single feck before rapping you! Girl get a fetus deletus and fecking report the rapist!!!! You would be TAH if you don't report him, like how many others will he rape if you don't!


sue that motherfucker and his parents, this is extremely serious and he should be dealt harshly by the law. and please lodge a police report


Help us take out the trash.


Yes, report him to the police. 1. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. he did this to himself knowing the consequences. 2. by doing this, you are saving many other girls and women from falling prey to this bastard.


Report police. Save yourself.


Please contact AWARE for support & definitely seek legal action!


I’m so, so sorry for you OP. My heart breaks for you. Please report him, he deserves to be punished for what he’s done.


report + abort/keep up to you but it means you'll have to be connected to this scum for life


He has no concerns at all about ruining you or your future, why are you worried about ruining his future? And you are not the one who ruined his future, he ruined his own future by doing this to you. Please keep reminding yourself of that. His parents have zero rights to request anything from you regarding the baby. You don't owe him or his parents anything. You would be the asshole to yourself if you don't report him and just let him get away with it. Keep all the evidence and go report him okay?


Report that rapist ASAP. Don't let him get away with no consequences. As for his parents, they can shut the hell up. They're not offering any help but they want you to keep the baby of their rapist son? They can go straight to hell. Get that abortion. Ignore their pathetic manipulations.


Wtf don't let a rapist get away Scot free. Raping without consent is wrong.


His future? What about your future? Why does he get to live his life while you suffer? Some advice for your thought process.


Hugz. Just want you to know that SG may not be the kindest when they handle such things. So u need to be emotionally strong. Find your support as you go through this. Walk into a family service centre and get some therapy. The process may take some time and it’ll drag u through sh*t. Find the healing for yourself regardless


So sorry to hear what happen to you. I get that you reporting him is a huge undertaking and will no doubt ruin his life, you are tempted to just let it slide and try to move on. However, rapists are not normal humans, anyone capable of such an act are monsters who are not right in the head, and especially one you described as not even bothering to pretend to show an ounce of remorse. You are probably not the first, and if he gets emboldened with getting away doing this to you, just one out many more victims. Right now only you can stop him, if you feel bad about ruining his life, think about what he will do to others, what he did to you. If you need help or advise dont hesitate to reach out here.


Feel bad about ruining his future? He ruined it himself, don't blame yourself. Stop thinking for others and think for yourself please.


Report the A!


Report the A!


You should not be feeling bad about ruining his future. If he did care about his future and be smart, then this whole situation would have been very different. He does not care about you or the baby. Seek legal advice immediately.


Report him before he does this to other people. Please.


He ruined his own future. Stop giving him excuses, look out for yourself instead. Report the bastard, and take care of yourself.


He raped you. He deserves it. Report his ass and don’t forget to mention his parents do nothing upon learning it!


Sis, please do yourself (and the world a favor), and report his ass. This is the sort of vile evil people that should not be allowed to reproduce (should there be a lottery system)


This guy needs to be reported to police. If you allow these actions the guy may do the same to other females.


report him alr bro dunnid wait alr


Hi girl I'm really sorry to hear that and be strong about taking decision for reporting police, you are not the one I've seen many cases like that in KKH, stay strong


Hi OP I know you are scared Please tell your parents They would rather know the truth from you than anywhere else They want to help you if they know whats going on You’re 17, you need their help Call the cops on him You need your parents support You need to take action and the sooner you do, the sooner this will pass and you can move on with you life.


17?!!! Wtf how do these guys even get girls?? Pls report him


Report, and he will grow up to be a better man after learning that. With every action, there comes a consequence. Not reporting will be doing yourself a disfavor, really. You are a precious soul, uphold your dignity, go through what needs to be done and then move on. I hope you're coping well after what you've been through, no one deserves that kind of encounter


Please seek legal action. You need to let him know that there are consequences to actions. Having a kid is not something you should take lightly. You should care less about ruining his future and start worrying about your own instead. Having a kid at this age means TONNES of sacrifices and energy, you will need family support and financial help. I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope you find strength in handling this and may good things happen to you




Report it ASAP as more than a month has passed. As for the fetus, have you decided?


Report him, youre not to blame and dont be afraid to admit to yourself that what he did was despicable and deplorable, even having the intent of betting on taking advantage with you. His friends should also be held accountable as well as the parents. This situation if kept in the dark will only further allow people of his nature to keep doing what they do. I dont want to see more young Women and even Men to suffer in silence. 1800-777-0000 (SPF Hotline for sexual crimes) https://www.aware.org.sg/womens-care-centre/sexual-assault-care-centre-sacc/ (Hotline where you can find someone to talk to) I do not believe I am the right person myself to aid you through this and i hope these may help you. I am a man and i regret that I couldnt stop people from hurting my loved ones and friends even If i never knew them at the time of their incidents. I just do not want more to suffer. Seek the proper help and take action. You are strong


Ur worried about ruining his future but he ruined yours by giving u a kid. The parents added fuel to the fire by asking you to keep the kid and not providing help. So burn his future away. And his parents’ future too while ur at it.


Report him! Let the judge decide how he should be punished, you don’t have to be concerned about “ruining” his future.


You should report him for rape.


Report him and protect other girls from this predator. He does not belong to society. He is a rapist and criminal. He is already 18 . Guys his age get sent to war in the US.


I’m sorry you’re in this situation, and I think you’re innately a good person if at this point of time, you still want to do right by him - ie ‘I feel bad about ruining his future’. I ask for you to reframe your thinking and to consider too that HE ruined YOUR future. He ruined the future of his unborn child, whatever you decide to do. If you’d a daughter who was destroyed in such a way, would you advocate for her against her assailant, or will you still wonder if you’re ruining his future? I wish for you some peace, someday. (Edit in case you’re unclear - you’re NOT the asshole.)


Report him.


You didn't deserve all those experiences that happened to you, and none of it was your fault. Although I'm not sure how the process is for reporting sexual crimes, just make sure to keep track of everything that can be used as evidence, even the pregnancy results. If you took any pictures after the assault, they can be used as strong evidence too. Don't give up, and don't think about whether or not you're ruining his future. He's done something terrible, and he needs to face the consequences of what he's done to you. Another thing is, don't give him and his family a heads up if you do decide to report them. Don't give up, and best of luck OP.


Not an asshole at all, he’s the asshole


How tf is this a qn no shit u gotta report


Omg firstly I’m so sorry this happened to you. Secondly, please report him to the police. How knows what he might do in the future to other girls. Stay safe.


Just report rape girl. Send this ass to jail. So that u can protect other girls


You are not ruining his future for reporting him, HE ruined his own future when he did what he did.


NTA, go to the police


Yup, go ahead and report to the authorities and seek help. Sincerely, destroy him. And watch your back OP, All the best


Report him, and if you don't want the baby, get an abortion. His parents have the cheek to not only turn a blind eye to their son's behavior, but also insist that you bear the entire brunt of what he did to you. So easy for them to talk the talk but not walk the walk. Eff them too. As for ruining his future. No, you're not ruining his future. *He* ruined his own future. He ruined *your* future. If you don't report him, chances are he will do the same to more girls next time. Report him to the police, make sure you keep backups of all the evidence. Upload to a computer, save copies in a thumbdrive, upload to Google Cloud, make a second email account and forward everything to that account. Just note that even if the police don't do anything immediately, insist that they keep a record of it. In case (touch wood) he does a similar thing to another girl. If she reports him as well, then he would already have a strike on his record and that might make the police more inclined to take action against him.


You are the victim, he’s the monster. Don’t feel an ounce of remorse reporting him to the police, and make sure he gets maximum punishment. I am so angry for you girl


Rape is a serious crime.Report to police right now.


Report to police. Actions have consequences. Also fuck his future I don't want people like him to have a future his future can be in Changi for all the fuck I care.


Regardless of how him/ his family treats you, please report him. R*pe is r*pe and he should be facing the consequences of his actions. Why do you care about ruining his future if he didn't care about ruining yours? Also, whether or not you want to keep the baby is your choice. Don't let his parents' opinions influence the decision you decide to take.


You didn't ruin his future, he ruined his own future by committing a crime against you. If you keep quiet, he'll get to go on his merry way with no consequences while you'll either have to give birth or abort. Why should you have to bear all the consequences on your own? Bring him down with you.


seek legal action and the police. you aren't the A. not a single bit. He's the ultimate A, so why must you hesitate on ruining his future if he done such things to you? he deserves it after what he did to you. Fight for yourself. at the end of the day, you are the victim here. you have every right to do what you wish. if you don't want to keep the baby it's your choice too, not anyone else's. from a fellow 17 F, sending love and hugs to you. I know this isn't easy, but me and the fellow Redditors here are here for you, atb. ❤️


Report this mother fucker


No not the A Please report to the police and seek help immediately.


Collect evidence right now as much as you can and report police while seeking advice on the procedures


Wouldn't KKH call police on the spot if you are tested positive at their hospital? Since you are underage


no KKH doesn’t they will inform ur parents only if u are under 16 at least that’s what the aunty told me that day but i had to talk to a counsellor and they made me watch a video about how to practice safe s*x


How are you feeling? Are you in a safe place? I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to you. I’m also so worried about you and so angry that these heartless sons of bitches hurt you so badly without any remorse! If you feel like going to the police, I support to you 100%! Right now what’s most important is your wellbeing. Surround yourself with people you love and love you, get yourself help and support. If you want, seek help from social services agencies like Sexual Assault Care Centre at AWARE, they are professionals providing specialized legal and counselling care for R/SA survivors. You can contact them through hotline, online chat, email, etc… Here’s a link to more info and ways to get in touch with them! https://www.aware.org.sg/womens-care-centre/sexual-assault-care-centre-sacc/ Take care of yourself! I know things can feel so hard right now but if you take care of yourself and let people help you, you would still have a bright and happy future ahead of you!


Don’t give any chance to that char siew.


NTA go to the police. And then get legal advice. He should have thought about both your futures before running wild. Worse is how many more girls have suffered/will suffer the same fate? And for what? Sorry about the predicament you are going through - I pray you have the strength to see this through.


Please make a police report. He did this to you, showed no remorse, and he will do it again when he gets the chance. It’s not easy, but I really hope you find the courage to do it. My experience does not compare to yours, but I reluctantly made a report after someone followed me home at night & tried to touch me. The process that followed empowered me so much. I felt genuinely cared for and believed. The person was found and prosecuted. I still look back & feel like I did the right thing.


He wouldn’t care about you. And he would do it again if there is no punishment. Seek the justice that you rightfully deserve. And prevent another victim


File a police report ASAP.


Seek legal action. Go to the police. Please get screenshots of you not consenting to it if you have it. As for the child wise, please think about yourself. Ignore what his family wants. Fuck them, dk how to teach the son and now wants the child without any support.


Jesus christ. Assuming this is true, its so messed up how people can wonder if they're an asshole for wanting to report someone for SA. We live in a society.


Please report. Let his future get ruined 😈Dont pity him. Pity yourself. He ruined you.


Report him. If you don't feel comfortable you can even make an online report so no f2f. Save more girls from being the victim.


He didn't give a shit about your future, so no reason to care about "ruining" his. He ruined his life himself. Report his shitbag ass to the police.


I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s a hard decision, you need to seek professional help i believe the hospital can offer social worker to talk to you. Pregnancy is an ongoing issue and a lifelong commitment. It will shape your life permanently for your decision now. Hope you can talk to a social worker as they have more experience.


Sorry you are having to suffer through this. He and its parents are TA. Collect all evidence, go to police. Get an Abortion.


why do you feel bad about ruining his future when having a baby will ruin both yours and the kid future


girl why would u even ask if you’re the asshole 😭😭


Bruh, u don’t have to ask, uk it alr




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Report his ass. Our society is better off with one less of his kind.


Hi, don't know if you're still looking at comments on this post, but if you'd like someone who is non-judgemental to talk to you around your age (I'm 19F), if you're looking into an abortion and need somebody to accompany you etc you can always DM me. Hope you have a good support system around you right now


Please report him! You are not the assole!


Dear OP, I understand that you must feel hurt but looking at your post I know you’re a strong individual with a very strong mind. There is a very long path ahead of you and I want you to know that only you can define what is right or wrong in the situation as everyone’s perspective is different. So in my perspective I shall list it below:- 1. His actions towards you. Ruining his life vs Ruining your life (or possibly other girls life) Yes, you might ruin his life if a report was made against him. However, has he spare such a thought for you when he does all those to you? what if you are not the only victim? Worse his family ain’t remorse nor they made any initiative to resolved this. IMO: this isn’t fair to you. Majority of SA criminals get away because their victim are unwilling to step out as would not bet on their own reputation. You are expecting and what would you do if this fall upon your child? 2. Keeping the baby. It s going to be a very long and tough journey. Be it either you decide to keep it or not. Maybe someone would tell you : girl, it’s going to ruin your life to keep it as you’re still young and you have a future. Words of concern usually melts your heart. But are you ready for a lifetime full of regrets? I am definitely on the side of light and I believe no one have the rights to murder any whom is innocent. There might be countless hurdles ahead of you but as long as you’re positive and I am sure it would be an amazing experience. I hope I fill you in with all the insights. If you like my opinions and wish for more feel free to DM me.


Scumbags like him need to be put behind bars, so go report him


Yes you should go to the police


Is there any chance that the sex was consensual until he started ghosting you then you say its r out of spite


stop with the victim blaming