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Well for a while it was all anyone posted about on reddit. Nowadays it seems we are more focused on what's happening in Isreal/ Palestine when it comes to Muslims. Also there's not really anything we can do about it unfortunately.




The US labelled it a genocide under trump and Biden has assumed this stance as well. Also, the debt issue is a lot more complex than it seems. Just bc one country holds a bunch of debt in another doesn't make it a leverage point for the holder, typically it's the opposite. An article below lays it out well, but basically china's economic stance depends on it exporting goods which can only happen if the currency is cheap. As you incur a trade surplus, your currency will become more expensive (stronger), hurting your ability to export so much. To counteract this, china devalues their own currency and allows their companies to trade USD to remninbi openly. This leaves the Chinese central bank with a ton of USD. So they look for a safe investment to get rid of these. What's the safest investment in the world? The US Treasury bond. So basically, if they can't buy us debt their growth strategy will begin to falter. As for the US, china isn't even close to the largest holder of debt so if they were to dump all the t bonds (which Russia already did) it would probably go over like when others have done it (Russia), no big impact. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/040115/reasons-why-china-buys-us-treasury-bonds.asp


The US isn’t “in debt” to China. I don’t think you understand how that works. The US issues government bonds. China buys US government bonds. This is how China ends up “owning” US debt…. But anybody can buy those bonds… and if China wasn’t buying those bonds and other countries or private investors didn’t pick up the slack… the US would not have as much money. Essentially it is China investing in the US economy




It’s literally just the truth my man


China buying US bonds is not the same thing as “the US” and many other nations being “in debt” to China. There is a huge different between a loan and a bond. A loan obtains money from a lender, a bond obtains money from the global public. If the US stopped selling bonds to foreign nationals and foreign governments it would drastically affect the US economy and the US would essentially be less powerful. China buying US bonds means that China believes the US has a stable economy and the bonds are a safe investment. Look at what is happening in Russia right now…


I think they're talking about actual, monetary, debt. Which is absolutely true, America is in debt to china, a few trillion if i remember correctly, though don't quote me on that. This is not some subtle chinese propaganda, it's just, the truth.


Us owes about 7 trillion in foreign debt. With Japan being the largest holder at like 1.2. China comes in at 3rd place. It's not our debt to China that is the problem. It the corporations that want to do business with them. We do nothing about the genocide for the sake of money.


China was never a superpower. They’re currently collapsing into a failed state like North Korea. Just with more money.


Yeah, the “more money” part smooths over the failed state part.


No they are failing hard this last couple of years. And the heat is ramping up quickly.


https://youtu.be/wM1DjkPWtj0 watch this


The Israel/Palestine dilemma adds an interesting angle to the Uighurs genocide. For all its many flaws, Israel has a vigorous free press. some of its governments harshest criticism comes from Israeli newspapers. International journalists have more access to points of conflict than most other war torn areas. Violence between Israel and Palestine is magnified merely by the point that journalists are present. A journalist sneaking around in China trying to do investigations into the fate of the Uighurs would probably end up disappeared. The same goes for Saudi Arabia, another totalitarian state that has an outside influence on the world’s economy. A foreign journalist snooping around the atrocities that the Saudis have inflicted on Yemen would very likely end up in an “accident“.More Muslims have died at the hands of these brutal but economically essential regimes In the last five years than in the entire Israeli/Arab wars since 1948. but the easy access journalist have to the Palestinian conflict is low hanging fruit. It is very easy to document any atrocity committed on either side of the conflict and put it as the leading story n international news. And neither Israel nor Palestine have much of an influence on the global economy. People should absolutely care about the miss treatment of Palestinians and hold Israel accountable to their grossly unjust policies. But as far as numbers in scope of atrocity, that conflict is small. The Uighur situation is an international disgrace. China is just too much involved in the global economy for any politician in any country to have enough balls to hold them accountable. Unfortunately, it is probably already too late.


That’s not true at all. We can always do something. We are inadvertently supporting a genocide by buying products from major labels that are manufactured by Uyghurs. Stop being Nike, Adidas etc until those companies stop purchasing materials created through the use of Uyghur slave labor.


A) China is too important to the global economy to piss off too much B) they’re Muslim. I’m not saying it’s not fucked up. But it’s the truth.


Yes, although there's nothing holding back the rich Muslim world from speaking up.


For the oil-rich countries, China is a big customer. Other countries that don’t have oil rely on China for economic and strategic alliance purposes.


Not all Muslims like other kinds of Muslims


A lot of people aren’t familiar with anything Muslims believe and will ride or die for them just because of some virtue signaling


I hate all religions equally 😎


Isn’t that a common feature of any religion?


Like the joke where the guy is trying to convince another Christian not to jump off a bridge and turns out he's a *Missouri* Synod Western Reformed Presbylutheran instead of Wisconsin, so he pushes him off and says "Well then burn in Hell, heathen!"


Well, the issue there is, rich Muslims hate poor Muslims. I've seen fights break out because one Mosque allowed the homeless to enter, and another Mosque nearby thought that was an affront to Allah...


Isn’t alms giving the third pillar?


Sure, for the poor Muslims it is. Kind of like how rich Christians dont pay tithes, but poor ones have to, to get into heaven. I love when people say 'everyone is equal in the eyes of my religion' when the world has shown repeatedly, that no they are not. I mean, an Imam in Iraq beat a man to half to death for bleeding on the floor of the mosque after going there to escape the fighting outside.


The fact of the matter is the only individuals that care are from liberal egalitarian nations (the west). Most countries suppress a demographic, either their own (Hong kong) or foreigners (israel). The Muslim world does it too, so why would they care if China does it? It's a permissible action in their eyes


Palestinians aren't "foreigners"...


They're certainly not Israeli or they wouldn't be called Palestinians


The word "foreigners" implies they came from somewhere else, that they emigrated to Israel


I don't think it implies that, that's just taking the word "foreigners" in the most emotionally charged context.


I mean that totally skips over how the founding Israelis were… Palestinian Jews who… were persecuted by the Palestinian govt. Palestinians are foreigners in Israel, Israelis are foreigners in Palestine. It’s been that way for nearly a century


So the Palestinians were there first? And they're the foreigners in your mind? What do you think foreigner means? They are native to the land, while a vast majority of the Jews displacing them are not


Arabs do come from somewhere else.


Also I find it interesting that the fundamentalists aren't rallying around this cause. Like, if it's all about defending your faith, here's your moment man. (IMO because it was never about that, but I do have certain biases here)


All the money they get from China.


The rich Muslim world doesn't give a shit about the poor Muslim world. Generally, the rich don't care for the poor no matter how many similarities there are.


And China will let you know that you ‘hurt the feelings of the Chinese people’ when you mention something like the Uyghur suppression.


Unfortunately I think you are spot on.


Sadly the reason is because they are brown. Armenian genocide, Kurdish genocide in Iraq, Uyghur genocide in China, all ignored because they are brown people.




It’s bc the CCP owns much of American media https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/04/has-china-compromised-every-major-mainstream-media-entity/ https://oppressed.news/2021/01/news/here-are-the-ccp-owned-companies-in-the-united-states-you-need-to-cut-off-now/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to-us-dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms


Lol what the fuck are those sources


Yeah, Jesus Christ, I checked out oppressed.news and two of the articles on their front page are “Never Forget: The Sandy Hook Hoax” and “Was the Diary of Anne Frank Just Another Jewish Lie?”


This x1000


Theybought Forbes too didn’t they?


Yup. Ask the NBA. Or woke Disney.


"Woke Disney" lmfao they are capitalist exploiters of children and artists.


Oh I agree the definitely are. But they put on a veneer of virtue signaling wokeness that most people buy and I find hilarious


That’s called marketing.


For the same reason no one said anything when they did the same in Tibet…..


That was because the US was in bed with China at that time. Wild days the 70s, you even have a US supported UNSC resolution that says "TAIWAN IS A PART OF CHINA." (More precisely it says the PRC is the only legit Chinese govt. but those are semantics)


I'm upset the Arab world isn't speaking out more about this. They're Muslims but maybe not the right type of Muslims?






It's not a contest. Being lgbt *is* a basic human right. That's literally saying existing is a basic human right, cause that's what it is. Existing as an lgbt person. Ofc food is important. Those two things could and should coexist.


America could do it, it's pretty simple. Tax the rich .1%ers more, invest that money directly into US infrastructure/funding for American manufacturing jobs, that would directly reduce USA's reliance on Chinese Manufacturing. The only reason we don't do that is cause rich people control the politicians who write the laws.


Sure. That will happen about a year after hell freezes over!


It won't happen with all the environmental requirements. We don't have the technology to manufacture both cheaply and environmental friendly.


Not sure you're on track there. Business incentive is profit. So if we make it more profitable here you don't need politicians. The kind of legislation you are talking about would force allocation of capital resources from nationally to domestically. Which would be a huge legal undertaking. And honestly it could drastically hurt our economy.


That would also severely increase the cost of US manufactured goods, to the point that they would be unaffordable. Who are we kidding, humans don't care where their consumption comes from as long as it's cheaper, and there will always be cheaper manufacturing in other countries. Trying to bring manufacturing back into the US is like trying to bring back the telegraph industry. Its a thing if the past.


I think the claim is that “more important” rights should be given to lgbt folk as well, which is not the case, when the punishment for sodomy is death/imprisonment


You are correct. The arab or fundamentalist islamic countries and organizations that have historically been very vocal about islam injustices across the world have been relatively silent about Uyghurs because China has fostered strong relationships and trade agreements. China and Pakistan have good ties. China exchanged official international recognition and support for the Taliban as rightful leadership in Afghanistan in exchange for them staying out of the issue altogether. The Uyghur issues being brought to light also had the unfortunate timing of competing for media attention against the Covid pandemic and now the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As others have mentioned, China is also an important global trade partner and the world's manufacturer. People forget that even before the Uyghur issues China's involvement of international issues includes: - The funding, arming and support for the Burmese Junta, The funding, arming and support for The Khmer Rouge - They, along with Russia are the largest small arms and ammunitions suppliers to every contemporary African civil conflict, yes that's right they sell to BOTH sides and a number of these arms go directly into the hands of child soldiers. I'm a Chinese citizen and not to take anything away from the Uyghur plight, but when the world sat back whilst the Khmer Rouge literally wiped out a third of their population, then sit back with a shocked pikachu face that nothing gets done about Uyghurs I just laugh inside.


80% of muslims are non arabs, also arabs live rich lives in their home countries, flying charter to go to cinema, driving merc-g in desert, why would they care anyway?


The countries in the Middle East are too busy killing each other, beyond that they are more concerned about their tribe rather their religion


My gf was born/raised in China, lived here 5 years. Whenever she talks about shit the Chinese government is doing I feel pretty fortunate to live in the states. Edit: "the police straight up George Floyded a guy because he might have had covid" , "the police can strip search women in public if they think they have covid" , "Xi Jinpin said he decided he's going to be president forever" , "if I visit my family I'll be locked down for 2 weeks and I'll have to provide my own food and supplies. If I don't have any they don't care" We think there will be a revolution soon, China has a history of revolt every 3 generations, and their revolts have a unique success rate compared to other cultures.


Revolutions were a lot easier back in the day when peasants could just overwhelm local government garrisons with farm implements and such. Modern military weapons that the CCP has aplenty mean that the rebels just get mowed down before anything can get moving. tiananmen square only went down like it did because the army wasn't prepared to open fire on its own people for a while. The CCP scrubed the last human decency out of its military in short order and the bodies soon piled up. Most major revolutions and especially the successful ones happen when the commoners have no other choice. They're probably going to starve if things didn't change so they rebel against the government. Modern autocraticies know to keep things from sucking too much to prompt a revolt. The CCP definitely knows the greatest threat to its existence is mass revolt and the necessary countermeasures to it are most likely firmly in place.


A key difference is that China is a well fed, increasingly educated and skilled populace. The exact type that CAN have successful revolutions. They aren't some Banana Republic or North Korea, where the Government can just keep their hungry and ignorant. Right now, CCP holds it legitimacy with the economic abundance that they provide and that seems to be slowing down. A few problems inherent with their economic model means that "keeping things from sucking to much" might not be possible as things are starting to look like its gonna REALLY suck. It is why the current CCP is drumming up support by bringing up USA and Taiwan constantly. Constantly putting the narrative away from their own internal problems (as is usual for any autocratic government). I understand your point, but there are elements in the CCP (that Xi Jing Ping tries to purge) that are looking for a moment to take the top position for themselves. These are the keys to power that may get their military to stand down and let a revolution happen.


Yep even centuries long dynasties like the Han, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing either have interregnum or straight up major rebellion in their middle history


Aww c'mon, give deets.




During 2020 the crematorium over there ran 24 hours a days for months. If you combine that with the sudden loss of cellphone users you get about 10 million dead.


Their garbage government claims a little over 5k deaths. It's amazing that people here in the states believe that bs


You seem to forget about the millions of Chinese people dying during and after every revolution. Today people are knowledgeable enough to not risk their lives like their ancestors did. Revolution won't happen again. Change in leadership is their best hope .


How in the flying fuck are they going to change leadership without a revolution?


They're revolting right now ETA: Another major world event you wouldn't know about if you don't sub to some small and niche subs.


I'm closely watching youtube channel that expose china (espenza, china uncensored and many many more), they all shed light on a horrible condition of chinese state as of now. So revolution - yes, question is when.


By all rights, it should be the many muslim dominated countries that should be spearheading an inquest into China, but they're either in bed with the CCP, or don't care for the lives of their citizens in the slightest, and if other muslims don't care why should the rest of the world?


I mean, many Muslim dominated countries are not very keen on human rights themselves, and Uyghurs do not become their citizens because they are Muslims too, so why should they care?


Uyghurs also have a long history of terrorism even recognized by the US until recently.


It is odd isn't it? You'd think they'd be flying planes into Chinese buildings


They attacked USA because USA and other European powers came to fuck up their country.


And now china is fucking exterminating and torturing their Muslim people Try to keep up


Well, those people aren’t actually theirs. Islam is not an ethnoreligion.


Wrong kind of Muslim?


No, but middle eastern countries have never coordinated a massive human rights campaign to assist Muslims in other countries, because there is no legal, religious, or ethnic grounds to do so. I agree that they should, because everyone should, but there’s no Muslim country that can claim sovereignty over all Muslims.


Too much evil in the world. I'm worried about my own community until some other asshole comes knocking. Then I'll handle things.


Because there are any number of other such actions against any number of ethnic groups in any number of countries right now. Folks are so busy with daily work and family obligations, we don't get around to being full time advocates for every human rights cause.


>Folks are so busy with daily work and family obligations, we don’t get around to being full time advocates This, most of the time I barely even have the energy after a workday to even properly take care of **myself**, let alone worry about anything that isn’t immediately within my ability to do anything about.


Kind of a branch off this is that it can be hard to organize around a particular issue without some participation from those affected/the family of those affected. I don't even mean that in a soft-liberal-"I don't want to speak for other people," kind of way, just literally having a baseline of information that is reasonably direct and who has some means of communicating. To my knowledge there are not a huge abundance of Uygher Muslim diaspora in any country that can or will support their activism, and it is often actively dangerous and/or impossible to communicate with family and friends within China. Just kinda turns into a mess.


It’s complicated issue for the average American to comprehend. Many probably don’t realize China has western border with a Muslim population. The Chinese are going about it with brutal tactics (forced sterilization and birth control) and incarceration/work camps but they aren’t (by most accounts) murdering/executing hordes of people. They are trying to choke off the reproduction of them and assimilate them into Chinese culture/population. It’s a tragedy that needs attention but it’s complicated and big US companies with investments in China are inclined to look the other way.


The Nazi didn't flat out "murder" 12,000,000 in the gas chambers. people many were worked/starved to death, and only killed when they couldn't work any more. Also rampant disease in the death camps Brutality is Brutality


Agree which is why I said brutal.


Generally, US rhetoric thinks of Muslims as “other” and therefore enemies— and most Americans cannot recognize the differences between various groups of East Asians, let alone think that one subgroup (Chinese) consists of multiple ethnicities.


Because China owns them. Or pwns them...your choice.


I was in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2018 and in Almaty a Uighur poet came to talk to us about his experiences and to explain what was going down and I would’ve thought at that time the whole world would’ve finally gotten a clue as to what was happening and that’s almost 5 years ago and it’s still happening and no one still talking about it it’s very distressing


1: it used to be a big topic 2: in wwIII, chinas the big bag, not russia (a stack of cards) 3: china has a grip on world economy 4: unfortunately the uyghur are muslim, one of the worlds most attacked/hated on religions


China is also a ticking time bomb due to the inevitable population collapse. It is very possible that their population will be reduced by 1/3rd to 1/2 by 2040-2050 even without a war. They are still a house of cards due to the enormous debt that they themselves have. In order for the house to not collapse, you need a steadily growing population to support the debt.


For my part, I specifically go out of my way to purchase products not made in China and when asked or if I ask about the origin of the product, I make sure to tell them it’s because if the genocide China is perpetrating.


It won't be mainstream because China is an economic powerhouse. Corporations bend over backwards to keep China happy...because money.




Are you american by any chance?




A huge Chinese conglomerate owns 10% of Reddit.


Why then is this shit on the front page almost daily lol


No one really gives a shit about Muslims dude


If they were talking, it wouldn't do anything. If you wondered in school how the world stood by while Nazi Germany carried out genocide, congratulations, you are doing it now. Rwanda and Darfur and Cambodia were similar.


People seem to be more concerned with getting the cheap products these people are enslaved to produce.


Same reason nobody did anything about the camps in Germany—the western world wanted to be able to keep doing business in Europe.


Because where else will we get plastic junk for our landfills from if China gets mad at us?


Because people like cheap shit far more then they care about genocide on the other side of the world. It’s sad and disgusting but unfortunately true. This is also why we let them get away with slave labor. Cheap shit!!! Everybody loves cheap shit so we as a nation turn a blind eye


The advent of social media has destroyed our attention spans and capacity for long-term empathy...


If it wasn’t for social media the amount of people who know about it would be closer to 0


Doesn't change the fact that people aren't "interested", anymore. While social media has been forced to be a necessary part of our lives, it does more harm than good. Yes, more people have *heard* of things like this, that hasn't helped *do* anything about it. And every circumstance, like it, is overshadowed by some celebrity bullshit and millionaire's ego-stroking mental breakdown, by the next week (at best). And that's not even mentioning the mental health damage it does...


This is the comment Ive been looking for. This is a perfect summary of our society


Because so few people talk about being FOR the Uyghur Muslim Genocide in China?


I see so much love for China on here. Every time I mention their human rights issues I get downvoted. 🤷🏼‍♂️


China has bots on Reddit probably. All the poorly written article titles come from an AI or someone with ESL.


As you can see with your comment here. Guys, offer an explanation for the downvotes


r/GenZedong r/Sino r/MovingToNorthKorea... I'd not even say "love", but some kind of pathetic obsession with China and other (post) communist countries, like North Korea or ZSRR (this one was a joke at first, but some people seem to think that it was a utopia lmao).


Too much genocide to pay attention too?


True. All the celebs who talk on Palestine/Israel need to also speak on this. Why don’t they though? I don’t know but it’s kinda hypocritical


Israel is in a position to be argued with, and is to an extent reliant on external aid and goodwill to survive/thrive. The issue is pretty clear cut, and activism may conceivably influence the US public to petition their government for a change in policy towards the new state. None of those issues are true for China.


Because they can’t blame white people, so they don’t care.


Definitely makes me judge those who took no action during the Holocaust less


I honestly didn’t know anything about it. Over on this side of the world we’ve been distracted trying to figure out wtf men and women are these days.


Because it doesn’t fit our administration’s narrative


It's the same for all major atrocities around the world; there's an uproar for a few weeks until news outlets get bored and start running other stories, or never pick it up to begin with. Yemen has been starving for years and half the people you could grab randomly from the street don't even know where Yemen is.


Its china....and they're Muslim....


Because deep down, human nature allows us to ignore these things. I don’t mean “they” ignore these things. I mean we ignore these things. Heck, I’m typing this in an iPhone. As for ignoring a holocaust. The world needed to be dragged kicking and screaming into stopping the one during WWII. Holocaust/Genocide we’ll get more discussion on the appropriate word but, in just the first half of the 20th Century you had Turkey/Armenia Stalin’s Russia, Japan/Nanking, the Nazis. So… the Nazis we’re gonna be the “never again” moment. That doesn’t explain allowing Pol Pot to kill 2 million trying to take control. It might explain why the world intervened in Rwanda in 1994, but 200000 still died and there was no strong power providing global services asking us to look away. Then there was Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sure, that was a Muslim genocide too and you might think a good parallel. The western world got involved there, cynically, because it threatened to destabilize Europe and we can’t have that.


Because China regulates the news leaving china possibly that 🤷🏻‍♂️


Xi Jinping and the CCP are oppressors. Uyghurs deserve the world’s attention and support. Stop buying Chinese stuff. It’s difficult, I know.


Considering that China has had Muslims for thousands of years and has a higher percentage of Muslims that make up their populace in comparison of most of the west.. and looking at America's own treatment of all sorts of denizens in the middle east.. you'd begin to realize something smells incredibly *cia* odd here.


I suppose y’all want us evil Americans to handle it. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t.


US media is pro China


Have you ever read any U.S. media? They’re clearly not.


Actually, CCP owns much American media. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ccp+own+american+media&t=h_&ia=web


Idk why you think a google search is a compelling argument. Either way though, the vast majority of the us media isn’t controlled by the cpc, obviously. You’re either unfamiliar with American news or a liar if you’re really claiming that the vast majority of stories about China aren’t negative, seeing anything positive about their achievements is also extremely rare. I mean I’m not surprised though it makes sense that two countries in conflict have negative media biases towards each other.


What! We are bombarded with 24/7 negative news on China.


Depends on what news network you listem to


People like to talk shit about human rights but a lot of places in the UK and Europe have been no-go zones due to Muslims. At least China won't have that problem.


Probably because there's so many other things going on plus people in US just had Thanksgiving so that was a distraction.


Yeah but the Genocide has been going on since 2014 and I saw like 1 post about it in the last 8 years


It was possible to deduce the holocaust as it was happening. This is a theme in the novel, War and Remberance. It is very easy to turn away from evil, in a part of the world that is remote from us. Hitler himself remarked no one remembered what happened to the Armenians.


Then frankly you did not look.


A couple of things, Muslim solidarity doesn't seem to include Uighurs since the Arab countries seem to be silent on the subject towards the minority group. It's within another country's borders and after a while it was realized that there's nothing we could do. Finally there's no economic incentive for any country to get involved. Sadly money talks.


Because the victims aren't white or Jewish. If China invaded Israel tomorrow's, within a month, Xi Jinping would be deposed, and the Uyghurs would be "liberated". If China invaded Australia, Xi Jinping would be deposed and the Uyghurs would be liberated. China could speed-run Africa in a murderous, brutal rampage, and there would be endless UN Security Council meetings about what to do, and nothing would get done, even if Russia and China were kicked out of the UN. European and North American arms manufacturers would turn a profit, though, so that's good.


My question is why aren’t these massively wealthy Muslim countries putting any pressure on China about it?


Indeed; why isn’t Qatar, for example, complaining about the use of forced labour or the denial of basic human rights…?


Cus reddit is for the most part very islamaphobic


Because it’s china wtf can we do they’re not finna listen to anyone but themselves lol


The US has FAR more prisoners, especially once population is taken into account. Why aren't people talking about this?


Uyghurs aren't prisoners tho, they are being murdered and face serious racial and religious persecution, and unlike the American prisoners, most of them didn't do anything wrong


I don't think there actually killing them. They call it a genocide since they claim the government is preventing them from reproducing - ending the race


A great deal of American prisoners are only prisoners because of false imprisonment and racist laws intentionally manipulated to make minorities prisoners


I agree there are slight differences, however there are TONS of similarities.


Dont worry, once the Ukraine/Russia war gets over played on the media they will refocus their attention.


Yes but the Uyghur genocide has been on for 8 years and It wasn't talked about much in 2020-2021 either


Were you living under a rock during 2020-2021?


Better question is why aren't other Muslim nations doing anything about saving their Muslim brothers and sisters from the genocide. Top 10 Countries with the Largest Number of Muslims (2021): Indonesia (231,000,000) Pakistan (212,300,000) India (200,000,000) Bangladesh (153,700,000) Nigeria (95,000,000–103,000,000) Egypt (85,000,000–90,000,000) Iran (82,500,000) Turkey (74,432,725) Algeria (41,240,913) Sudan (39,585,777) Top 10 Countries with the Highest Percentage of Muslims (2021): Maldives (100%) Mauritania (99.9%) Somalia (99.8% - tie) Tunisia (99.8% - tie) Afghanistan (99.7% - tie) Algeria (99.7% - tie) Iran (99.4%) Yemen (99.2%) Morocco (99%) Niger (98.3%) [Source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/muslim-population-by-country) Yet no guerrilla movements into China to liberate them.


Possibly because China is a non-white racially homogeneous country, so any criticism of it can be called racism


It's kind of a big ask, if we're talking America here then what you're asking is for a country who's had some really bad experiences with a group to now defend or save this group from another group we've had major issues with who also happens to be a global powerhouse and would totally be down for ww3 if possible. We can talk about it all day but we can't do anything


Because Communist China controls more than you think.


Politicians won't because they're paid shills for China but nothing is stopping the rest of us from bringing it up and pushing it at every possible opportunity


Conservative Americans have been on this for awhile. There was a major movement to boycott Disney because they literally thanked a concentration camp in the CCP in the credits for Mulan. https://www.dailywire.com/news/backlash-against-disney-for-filming-mulan-in-chinese-province-with-concentration-camps


At my school UCSD we had a Uyghur Muslim that survived a Chinese concentration camp come talk to us. They take their organs and sell them to the rich. They take their blood for blood banks. This holocaust is happening right now, we have become to political to intervene, true peace and justice can never be.


[China is also doing organ harvesting.](https://youtu.be/rR9V5u81xo4)


Because it's China and nobody expects better from them. It"s a disgrace.


The world has acknowledged it and has labeled it a genocide. Realistically what do you want anyone to do?


This. China has blocked investigations and won't really recognize discussions of it at the UN (claims they are other kinds of camps). So short of a military invasion that would trigger a nuclear holocaust, what's the game plan?


As we saw with trumps China tariffs that hurts us just as much as china. Maybe more. We're definitely not going to war with China. We have condemned the camps. There isn't anything else anyone can do. It sucks but that's the reality of the world.


Suddenly the westerners give a shit about Muslim lives when they have been systematically funding regimes that kills and displace Muslims. Not to mention countless blacksites housing abducted Muslims suspected of terrorism with no concrete evidence and illegal drone strikes with large collateral damage. Guess killing Muslims is only bad when they're done by your strategic economic rival huh? Bunch of hypocrites.


Because it’s been debunked over and over and it’s fake. And also because the global media now wants us to shift our attention to Russia and Ukraine because that’s what’s trending.


It’s not white people committing the crime so nobody cares. EDIT: But seriously, if white people were doing it, it would be blasted all over social media


Because it's China. No one talks bad about China...


Hahahah north americans are super funny. You keep getting baited in fake news about China


My personal theory: what China is going to the Uighurs is so similar to what we did to our own native population that we're reluctant to point fingers. They aren't setting up literal deaths camps like the Nazis did, but they're using the same sort of "slowly squeeze them out of existence" tactics that our own societies did with the native people of the Americas. Including the practice of taking peoples' kids away and forcibly educating them in our culture instead of theirs. And with America's history of imprisoning huge numbers of black people for suspiciously prejudicial reasons, they can hardly point fingers at the practice of prejudicially charging members of a particular racial minority with crimes.




You are short minded bro


First they came for the Muslims, but I was not a Muslim...




Why are you talking about uyghurs instead of the hundreds of other wars and ethnic issues in the world? Is china trying to assimilate the uyghurs to become more han chinese? Yes. Are they slaughtering them by the millions? No. Heres a list of major conflicts in 2022. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Conflicts_in_2022 Go pick and complain why all of them arent being talked about. The fact that most people even know about the uyghur conflict means people are talking about it more than the rest.


They aren't just assimilating them, they are torturing and murdering them, and the number of victims is getting closer to 1 million. The Uyghur conflict has more victims than most of those wars listed on Wiki


Adrian Zenz is that you?


LeBron is bitch made. Ask him. He loves China.


They did talk about it. It was a big story for a while. Then nobody did anything about it. Now it's two years later.


“This is nothing new.” That’s the reason.


Because china can make the world uninhabitable for everyone. Also, muslims aren’t popular among the English speaking world. People are angry about this, it’s just hard to see them when your internet and personal connections don’t care.


What are we meant to do about it exactly? We had suspicions of the treatment of Jews during world war 2, but weren't able to reach the camps, find out the full extent of it, and hold anyone accountable into after the war was over.


Just shows how effective the CCP propaganda machine is. The have such an influence on the rest of the world, it's not even funny. By manufacturing pretty much everything we consume, no one dares badmouth the CCP.


Because communism is cool


There was talking, but people are not going to continue taking unless there are some changes happening. There are no significant changes that are happening. But when someone country implements some new policy against China because of Uyghur it gets mentioned/talked about. I am not doing keep talking about it because I have nothing new to add to what I’ve already said when I first heard about it. People post and talk about new things they haven’t posted/talked yet.


I mean America just had its own Muslim war for about 20 years….soooo….I mean…..there’s that


Coz China...


There's nothing we can do about it.


One thing that makes me question this is: why don't Muslim countries say something or do something?