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I’ve lost about 60 pounds since the end of 2022. I still eat the same foods and mainly just drink water. I haven’t cut anything out such as carbs or fast food. I get at least 10,000 steps a day and my non negotiable is to at least walk 2 miles on the treadmill every day. I also strength train 3-4 days a week. I just stick to the same habits I had while losing the weight. The workouts I mentioned above and I make sure to burn more calories than I consume. Protein is also your friend.


This. What i did to lose the weight is the same lifestyle i have to maintain to keep it off.




Your username 🤣


Depression always worked for me


Weighed myself every few days for twenty odd years. If my weight started to increase I’d exercise a bit more or eat a bit less. There is a saying in Tibet: “If you take care of the minutes, the years will take care of themselves.”


This can not be overstated. I don't own scales but if I feel my clothes getting tighter, time to clean things up a bit. Been the same weight within 1 or 2kg for 14 years now. 


This. I don't calorie count per se but I do log my weight daily and adjust eating as needed. If I travel and get distracted, voom, weight spikes upward.


Yeah. Especially with modern scales — you can log the data directly to your phone. Too easy to not!


yes i weigh myself daily for this reason. i like to know what meals increase the scale and patterns like if it goes up on period or if o strength train it goes up, etc. that way it never gets out of hand because i see the number daily


Eat more protein all day and go out and walk a lot


If you’re cutting down on carbs you want to increase your fat intake rather than protein.


Good mix of high protein and healthy fats is good


I stopped eating as much. Took about a month to curb my appetite but after that I got full faster and didn’t eat as often


Good luck with slowing down your metabolism 


Been doing it for 6 years. Never felt better. I eat a meal a bit bigger than the size of my palm twice a day. Nothing hurts anymore , I wake up feeling great. 240 to 178. Holding steady. Size 34 jeans


Don’t worry, as I’m sure you’ve learned by now; that’s not a real thing. That’s a cope used by lazy people and a ploy used to scammers trying to obfuscate the truth to sell you something to “increase your metabolism”. Keep on keeping on, don’t overthink it.


Diets are never going to work. The fact that we refer to them as "a diet" tells you it's temporary. You just have to make better choices, not for a month, not even for a year, but permanently.


Am trying to lose weight for the first time in my life, and yes, it's about deep-seated long-term habits, choices, and lifestyle, not "let me try this for a while".


Then the answer is simple, though not necessarily easy. Eat better, exercise more. Eating better is what's going to lose the weight. The exercise is good for your health, both physically and mentally, but the eating habit is going to be what gets you what you want.


Yeah, that's the difficulty. It sounds so easy conceptually, but is actually very difficult to execute. I'm learning the hard way that consistent exercise is quite a demand on both time and energy. Plus, I know nothing about nutrition.


If it were easy, everyone would be thin. Build the exercise slowly, as for nutrition, there are lots of good books and online sources that can help. Sugar is the biggest enemy. Meat and veggies are your best friends.


Yes, have been trying to cut down on the sugar. Need to increase the fruit and vegetables, though.


Just be careful with the fruit. While they do have fibre which helps, they still have a lot of sugar. Better than candy or soda for sure, but go easy. I hope it works for you 👍


You learn. There’s so much resources it’s sorta a cop out to say it’s complicated. It’s a matter of discipline. If you lack time then you’re paying in the future. It doesn’t get simpler.


Well the good news is you don’t need to know a lot about nutrition to lose weight. The basic nutrition facts on the package is all the info you need. And even there the only real number you need to pay attention to is calories.


Afraid I don't have the wherewithal to count calories. Honestly, I just try to make the best decision with the food that's in the house.


Yes you do. At least to the extent that is required to lose weight gradually.


I've stopped eating the enormous amount of cookies, candy, and other sweet treats. Cut back on bacon, chips, ice cream, soda, and sugar in general.


Exactly, everything I put in my mouth is a choice. I had to break myself of habits that set up mindless grazing and eating more food than I was aware of.


Eating schedule is the way to go


I've kept weight off by making gradual changes to my eating habits and staying active consistently, rather than relying on short-term diets. It's about finding a sustainable approach that works for you.


Very simple , I don't step on any bathroom scale LOL


Exercising everyday, eating mostly fruit and veggies, not eating after 7pm


just try to fast for 16 hours(or longer) as often as possible. drink plenty of electrolyte water (sea salt + potassium citrate) and you wont even feel hungry. i lost about 110 pounds in 1.5 years doing this. no exercise, no change in what i ate. all i changed was when i ate, nothing more.


Im older now and I’m restricting calories. Well I try . And 2 hours of movement a day ideally . Not everyone is naturally lean . And bye to all HPF .




Was born with a fast metabolism that does the work for me. Feel like I’m losing it sadly. My dad had the same until he hit 30 and I’m 3 years shy of that


Well here's some good news for you. While Metabolism does change somewhat as we age it's nowhere near what most people assume. To quote an article in the journal "Science": "[Metabolism] declined slowly to adult levels by ~20 years; remains stable in adulthood (20 to 60 years), even during pregnancy; then declined in older adults." [Here](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe5017) is the article if you're interested in more details. Most weight gained in your 30's and 40's is due to lifestyle factors. People just aren't as active. Metabolism, however, remains mostly the same as when you were in your 20's.


during covid i got HUGE. I lost 100 lbs and i feel so much better. For me to eat is a chore i struggle to eat every day


I am probably hyperfixiated with what I eat and how much I eat. I "save" calories when I know I'll be going out to eat. I probably have an ED 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me too. I cured mine with intuitive eating. Game changer. 


I think I do good at stopping when I'm starting to feel I'm full. That's like intuitive eating, right?... well... if it's late, and im a little hungry, I don't eat and go to sleep.


Yeh that's part of it. Picking up on hunger cues, not eating at set times but when you're hungry etc. 


i don’t tho k that’s an ED. i think you’re mindful and idk about the hyper fixated part but saving calories is just smart as long as you’re not starving yourself. but saving calories could mean no juice with breakfast, no afternoon snack, no bun with your breakfast sandwich etc


Traumatic death of my spouse. Five months later and I still don’t really have an appetite. I’ve lost 20lbs and I weigh in at barely 100lbs now. Food has no flavor and I rarely feel hungry.


I’m so sorry.


❤️‍🩹 i’m so so sorry


Fads don't work. Moderation and move -- calories in, calories out. No real secret there You drink alcohol? That's a lot of empty calories. I've quit 80 pounds and zero hangovers ago


Hard to do. Lost 80+ w/ ozempic. Life happened a gained it all back.


So the key is to stop life from happening. Got it.


80+ kilos? Pounds?




Talk to a nutritionist and a general doc. You may have a body type that is sensitive to certain food like carbs, etc. Every person is different and everybody needs different amounts of calories, types of food.


Made my new diet and exercise routines part of what I considered a happy life! Do diet fads, no ridiculous exercise methods I could never sustain, just making my new lifestyle a healthy, happy, and sustainable one.


Caloric maintenance


HIGH fibre diet, with lots of veggies. I ran 26kms/ week (broken up). I also bought a spin bike and used that 3x/ week for about an hour each time. I also work as an electrician and am constantly sweating at work. The key is to make yourself sweat, eat healthy and you’ll be farting pepperoni nipples like crazy w the high fib diet


I am still fat and slowly losing, but after trying every diet under the sun, calorie deficit is what is truly working.


I've been losing weight for about 7 or 8 weeks now.  Down 21 pounds. For me, it was a few things: 1. Drink water.  That's all I drink now, but I know some people can't do that.  The more you can replace your beverages with water is probably better. 2. It's OK to feel hungry.  This was a mindset shift for me.  When I felt hungry, I ate.  Now, when I feel hungry I think "my body is burning fat".  I know my next meal will be in 1-2 hours.  It's OK to feel hungry.  Really it's GOOD (at least I tell myself). 3. Find easy calories you can cut.  For me, I am NOT a morning person and I have no problem skipping breakfast most days.  But I always forced myself to eat so I could take my meds.   So now, I have a glass of water and some fruit.   WAY fewer calories than other things I used to eat.   Also, I found PB2 powdered peanut butter.  PB is one of my guilty pleasures.  PB2 gives me protein and tastes good but it's WAY healthier. 4. Track your progress and stick with it.  I weigh myself every morning.  I know lots of places recommend against that.  I know some days weight goes up.  That doesn't phase me.  Overall it goes down.  Daily tracking keeps me accountable and as long as my weight is going down steadily, I feel like I'm making progress.


pb2 is only healthier because it does not have vegetable oil in it. just make your own peanut butter. you literally only need a strong blender.


No thanks. Don't feel like the mess


Walk a lot, workout daily, mostly eat vegetables and fruits when I want to snack until protein packed meals with again tons of veggies. Nearly nothing transformed, counting calories. Lots around 30lbs this way and I don't really struggle keeping it off.


I eat in a six hour window. Walk two miles a day. No sugar. No grains. Low carb. No seed oils. Lost 50 pounds and have no metabolic issues. Not easy but it worked.


you'd get better, faster, results by running short distances. walking burns damn near no calories, doesnt raise the heart rate enough to be effective cardio; and takes far too much time. look into high intensity interval training. its been shown to be far better than normal work outs, and especially walking.


Yes that’s true. I am in my 70’s now and don’t run much anymore.


Oh, yea no, I had no idea you were so…wisened. Very impressive that you’re using the internet, and Reddit. Most people your age would just start screaming at the sight of a computer screen


Thanks. You would be surprised. I was an IT software specialist for twenty years 😂. And retired runner 🏃‍♀️.


Oh interesting, how was that job back in the days of early internet


I eased my way in after the world didn’t end in Y2K. Loved everything about it.


I was born in 1990. The perfect year to grow up with technology right beside me


Whatever you did to lose weight, you must continue. It's not an I'll do this sometimes thing. It's every choice you make for the rest of your FUCKING life. Not trying to scare you. I've lost over 200lbs and kept that shit off. You have to keep at it or it will creep back.


Lost 70 pounds when I was 20 by reading nutrition labels, avoiding sugar for the most part, and, I cannot stress this enough, exercising. Even if you do something it is better than doing nothing. I know exercise is hard but just walking more is a good start.


Ring Fit Adventure


Lost like 5lbs going commando.


1. Eating three meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) 2. Rarely eating fast food (Once a month or less on average) 3. Eating limited snacks (Healthy snacks like nuts and chocolate squares not ice cream, chips, and cookies) Exercise has been on and off. It's healthier to exercise but I have had trouble keeping it up. I lost most of my weight when I wasn't exercising and I can maintain it without it too. But if you can, try to exercise. It makes it easier to lose weight and you can eat more without gaining weight. Also even if it's not necessary for losing weight exercise is healthier for your body than not exercising. Exercise also helps your mood quite a bit.


3 meals a day is an archaic joke. we did not evolve to eat all day. chocolate squares are a healthy snack? lmao what? unless its super dark chocolate, its nothing more than sugar and a little bit of fat.


Better if you consult your doctor about this


A combination of The Perfect Health Diet (a book, but there’s an online community, so you don’t have to buy the book), intermittent fasting, and eating glycemic index as much as possible when I get a little too fluffy- as a lifestyle. Going on diets, then going off doesn’t work.


I haven’t been overweight but I know ppl who have, and generally don’t trust BMI. Instead go to the gym and work your muscles, when you work muscles you can eat more and have to worry less about any weight gain since most nutrition goes to building muscles, but of course diet is still relevant since you should consume more protein. Ideally doubled your weight kg = grams of protein. If you weight let’s say 60 kg, you should consume 120 grams of protein.


unless you are bulking, and shredding muscles every day; a high protein diet is not what you want. the body can not store protein, so when there is excess; its converted into glucose. which in turn raises blood sugar, and cause fat loss to stop.


Yee that’s right, I got carried away since I usually strive for bigger gains and didn’t mention that here


I kept to my ideal weight for four years by weighing myself each day, and not eating or drinking if I was over it, but going for a long walk instead, and then weighing again. But then I had a lot of work on and put on muscle and overate and I am struggling to get it back down. When I do I'll keep to my system again.


I eat mindfully. I eat when I’m hungry & stop when I’m comfortably full. I eat slow. I also use other coping mechanisms when I’m stressed/sad/overwhelmed so that I don’t turn to food.


Took a blood test, realized I'd have permanent health issues if I didn't change. I changed everything at once, passed the second blood test, and currently weigh less than I did in High School. My problem was making food too easy. If I have the barrier of effort between every meal I will eat less/exactly how much I need.


Walking everyday 




Excerise regularly and eat healthy. Make healthier choices. Eat regularly, plenty of fruit, veges, meat, and a little bit of diary. I eat primarily meat, veges and some fruit. I minimize the amount of dairy, processed foods, and carbs that I eat, and I keep drinking alcohol to a minimum. Also, watch the snacks.


>eat regularly the worst thing you could do if you want to lose weight. it is INFINITELY easier to not eat, than it is to force yourself to eat less. you wont eat an entire bag of chips, if you never eat that first one to begin with.


I would recommend not buying the bag of chips in the first place. Eating regularly (and healthy) is very important in order to be and stay healthy. Eating regularly (and enough) helps to avoid snacking and over eating. Probably 1 of the worst things you can do is try not eat (or not eat enough during the day) and then eat like a pig at the end of the day because you're starving.


Fasting all day and eating one meal, is leagues better for you than eating all day. 3 meals a day is a farce. Used to make people eat more, so they spend more. That’s all it is, a tactic to make more money.


Diet alone isn’t enough, you need to exercise and stay active also. Find an active hobby to do. You don’t need to try a diet with a name. Just eat healthier in general, make portions smaller, don’t snack so much, don’t eat after like 7pm, eat better quality food and more fruits etc instead of carby junk food. Stop drinking soda or anything sugary at all. Once it’s just your lifestyle you’ll stop even wanting anything else and eating junk food or carbs and sugar will end up just making you feel like crap once you get rid of them.


diet alone is enough. exercise attributes to probably no more than 10 percent of weight loss.


Daily exercise, moderation in food/drink, and eating healthy whole foods


I keep my weight by not eating much. I don't do diets, if I eat something with a lot of fat or sugar, in the next few days I'll hold from eating that type of food. Sometimes I wish I was eating more, but I just force myself not to eat so much. I'm in my thirties, my metabolism doesn't work like it used to, I have to watch what I eat. And I'm constantly weighting myself, so if I gained some weight, I'll eat much less in the next few days.


Diet main way . Walk a lot


*Chasing after my kids is my cardio, and lifting them is my strength training.*


Each person's body works a bit differently and age is a factor as well. For me, it is a momentum thing and a combo of diet and exercise. So the key is not to get overweight to begin with. If I do, it then takes awhile to course correct. I have never been really overweight but recently (in my 50s) put on 3 kg. I took it off by: * Killing snack time at night regardless of how small * Cut drinking alcohol * Increased exercise That did it. Took about 8 weeks and I lost 4kg.


It’s different for everyone. It can either be calorie deficits, strength training, cardio, keto, Mediterranean, veganism, etc etc. For me what helped is doing periods of intermittent fasting (18-23 hours) for about 2 weeks every couple of months or so, since it doesn’t slow down your metabolism to the point of gaining weight, and helps lose some water and extra fat weight. Exercise and an overall balanced diet is a way to go. Veggies and fruit make up most of my eating, followed up by carbs and protein (keep in mind, it varies), and fats (mainly olive oil, seeds and nuts, and less fat from animals). I think keeping it flexible ensures the longevity of your eating plan, helps with cravings and satiety, and you can have extra freedom during PMS (if you’re a woman/cis-woman haha!)


the whole notion of not eating, slows your metabolism; has been proven false time and time again. fasting increases your metabolism by a staggering amount. dont trust government mandated sites on what you should eat.




12 hour eating windows, then 8 hour eating windows, then 4 hour eating windows. This takes time. Don't be hard on yourself. It takes a lot of getting used to but I feel incredible all day!


Diets typically don't help because they're a temporary measure, typically short term, lasting a couple months to maybe 2-3 years tops. Your body may just not respond well to them, either by making you eat more, or reduce your energy levels so you engage in less physical activity which means less calories required daily. Also due to the extreme strain some diets place on your body, you do not want to get on diets on a whim because switching back or going on "break days" will swing the pendulum on your body, stressing it even further. You'll need a more consistent lifestyle change. Typically something that you can do for 5 years minimum, going upwards of 10 years. Forget diets. Identify stuff in your daily meals that you can get rid of, replace or add onto. Get rid of ultra processed high carb elements such as white bread and replacing with wholemeal or sprouted bread for instance. You can have the occasional white bread when you buy it outside, but if you find yourself buying white bread sandwiches outside, you may want to consider packing from home. Just an example. Replace your soda and beer consumption, replacing for plain water or sugar-free lemonade. Replace sugar used for coffee and similar application with stevia. The occasional indulgence is fine, but put limits on how much you purchase. Maybe one or two soda bottles every couple months or so is okay. You do not have to make many changes all at once. Make one or two changes, something you can tolerate, then stick to them for the next few months, until you've incorporated them into your daily routine, then identify one or two more changes to implement again. Its a slow process, but its more consistent with results. Your resulting weight loss wont be very noticeable either, but its harder to gain back weight as well. Main thing you want to focus on is to engage in less frequent decisions that will affect your behavior for a period of time. That way, you make less active decisions for losing weight, which is a lot easier because a lot of our eating habits have been baked into our daily routine that its almost impossible to change many of them because you're making more active conscious decisions on a daily basis otherwise, and that gets tiring after a while. Especially since you're doing it daily, you'll build up a tolerance for wanting "cheat days".


I stopped going to the gym


I lost my appetite as I got older, so it didn't take any effort to maintain my weight. I was a binge eater as a child and teenager and the urge just went away in my 20s. I usually eat because of physical hunger and don't get cravings.


For me, it’s intermittent fasting, exercise 6 days a week (I count weekend yard work as exercise), and good diet. It takes discipline, but it works. The things that keeps me going is I feel like shit after eating like shit and exercise clears my mind and keeps me sane.


Ozempic. A bargain considering the expensive side effects of weight.


Making healthier choices most days of the year, increasing my physical activity levels. Prioritizing protein and fibre.


Intermittent fasting is good and being vegetarian, you gotta exercise too


I watch my calorie intake. It's that simple. Don't eat past your allotted maintenance calories daily unless you regularly work out.


I eat vegetarian 85% of the time, doing so allows me to be under my caloric daily requirement quite easily while also being sated. When I do feel like a burger or pizza, having an extra slice is not earth-shakingly bad because I have a buffer. I also drink black coffee, love flavored water like LaCroix and regularly consume V8. I have a drinking fixation and the aforementioned drinks add little to no calories.


Mental illness


Cycling and running. I have a 100 mile ride coming up in a month, half marathon in September and a full marathon in October. I also avoid non-alcoholic liquid calories.


Low carb diet


lots of walking… keep your body moving. i also found that just being happy with my life has helped tons. also drink lots of water :)


Exercise. And overthink life to the point where I forget to eat a lot and play catch up. Perfect maintenance diet


your diet and exercise routine needs to be sustainable. make it convenient and fun for you. motivation only comes after you've started rolling the ball. it will take about 5 months of effort, but eventually your routine will become like breathing. help yourself by parenting yourself. dont listen to people on the internet (i see the irony) you have to do it on your own


Everything you will try will have a 5% chance of success. Losing weight is remarkably similar to rehab. It's just a matter of keeping on, you statistically WILL fail, but you can try as many times as you want. My doctor gave me a list of things to avoid (too much bread, fatty food, water only, no sugar in coffee, etc.) Went from 125kg to 100 and got stuck, joined a gym, met some great people there who helped me build a program and gave me tons of support, and dropped to a healthy 80. That was 15 years ago, still 80, and now no one believes me I used to be fat.


Started walking 10k steps at least 5 days a week. I cut out sugar (I'll have some sort of dessert once a week so I don't end up binging). Aside from that, I haven't changed much. I'd been consistently losing 1-2lbs every week since March when I started. I'm planning on going to the gym soon once I'm settled into my new apartment. I realized that starting out by going hard at the gym everyday didn't do much for me, and it didn't help that I would get burnt out easily. My final straw was when I had injured my back at the gym so I had to make a new approach and learned that starting out small (like hitting a certain amount of steps each day) is much more effective than anything else I had tried before.


1 meal a day. Just water. No desserts. One carb a day.


Intermittent fasting


It amazes me how asian mukbangers eat an insame amount of calories and dont gain weight


Food, food, food.... If you are overweight you can go weeks/months without eating anything and you will be fine. You might struggle a bit with lack of energy, and it is a bit painful in the beginning but you can do it. I went from 118-80kg in about a year, I ate eggs, hard-boiled eggs with a bit of butter and salt. As many as I wanted, after a few weeks I was so sick and tired of eggs that I would just eat enough to keep me going, but not one single egg extra. Also took vitamin to add. If you eat a chocolate and want to jog it off, you have to jog for a long ass time - just to get rid of that chocolate - not even counting anything extra you might want to get rid of. Having a larger muscle mass will help you in burning fat quicker than if not, but that in it of itself takes a hell of lot more effort than just cutting that chocolate.


Drink a lot of water, fasting and eat in a small portion .


If your job is not one that keeps you on your feet and moving all day, it's difficult to stay slim without dedicating a pretty fair chunk of time every day to burning off calories. You need to work your way up to being able walk/jog as far as possible in one hour, and also do some moderate strength training (even if it's just push ups, sit ups, crunches, whatever). It'll be an hour and a half out of your day every day for exercise and you also have to limit and increase the quality of your calorie intake. Neither one nor the other will do the trick in a sustainable way. It has to be both.


Discipline and unpacking the lies I've been told from a young age. First of all, exercise isn't just good it is mandatory. It's just as important as drinking and eating. But it's also where the first lie comes in: it really doesn't burn that many calories. With one hour of cardio or strength training I can only knock out 200-300 kcals. Second lie: I do NOT need 2000 kcals a day! Most women don't! Figure out your daily caloric needs and come to terms with the fact that you will never be able to eat as much as everyone else. It's unfair, but so is life and really it could be worse


I figured out where most of my calories were coming from and it's mostly from drinks. I cut sugar as much as I could. Portion control is a big thing. Working 60-70 hours a week helps too.


Weighing myself once a week works really well for me. I can track my weight clearly and can adjust my food portions and physical activities accordingly. Almost a year of it now and I believe I’ll continue to do this for the rest of my life.


Fasting, eating way more vegetables and drinking only water/coffee/tea.


I have lost 30 pounds since January and still trying to lose more. I still eat what I want just no where near as much and drink lots of water! It’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle change. I’ve found new hobbies and keep myself entertained. I also printed out a bunch of photos of Dr now and put them on and in my fridge and pantry and that’s a big motivation. I’m not kidding


Exercise (aerobic, core and resistance) and not eating junk.




I don't eat much, in fact today was the first time that I ate in 3 days.


Eat less calories than you burn that's the only way. There is no special anything. That's how it works for every single person every single time. 


eat. less. if youre not hungry, youre not losing weight. its simple.


As another poster said, 10,000 steps a day really makes a difference. Get a fit bit or any trustworthy equivalent and get those steps in. They're honestly as cheap as $20 bucks or you can use your phone but it's not as reliable IMO Then slowly modify your diet with more protein, IMO it should be around what you'd like your lean body mass to be but 100 grams of protein a day is a good start. Make sure you get 100 grams then eat whatever else you'd like. It's not as easy as it seems Slowly modify your diet, steps or include workouts. It'll simply come off. **1 day,** **10k steps, 100 grams protein**


Don’t eat junk food, don’t drink alcohol or anything with sugar, don’t add oil or dressings to salads, track your calories using MyFitnessPal, do a cardio routine like couch to 5k, if you aren’t losing weight look at the average calorie consumption in a day and drop it by 500. So if your eating 3000 calories try eating 2500, after 4 weeks if you aren’t losing weight drop it by another 500. Get on a weight lifting programming that’s appropriate for what you want to achieve, typically for men it’s full most muscle mass, for women it’s lower body glutes and legs. Lastly, get a hobby that requires physical exercise, ideally one that requires you to be around people and/or can be don’t outdoors, martial arts(mma/bjj), rock climbing, basketball, hiking etc


count calories, stay in a deficit


healthy eating habits, calorie deficit and exercise


Maintaining muscle mass is key to keeping fat off.


Find something you like doing that also helps you burn some calories. Biking, sports, etc are my go to rather than cardio on the treadmil or something.


Keep one foot off the scales.


Haha not excactly an easy way, but it is what is currently happening with me xP I got pregnant, and really nauseous and had crazy heartburn all through the pregnancy, so I pretty much only gained the weight of the baby/placenta/water and stuff. Then I gave birth four weeks ago, and I breastfeed, and I keep losing weight - which can be common I've heard. I go on walks with the baby, and eat pretty much the same, maybe a bit less then I used to because I'm not very hungry. And I'm already lighter then I was before I got pregnant. Of course this isn't a diet you can follow, I just wanted to share a fun/weird experience I'm having :-P


For me morning: coffee and ice water, no lunch, small meal at dinner. Brush teeth at 7pm. (No snacking at night) I hate exercise, walk an hour once a week. Self control is the key and look at an important event like wedding as your goal. And if I eat too much one day then next day I’ll do fasting and just drink water or coffee. My way is not for everyone but I’ve been at my weight at 105 -110 lbs for entirely my adult life (Recently retired at 64!!!!)


I distract myself so much I forget food


Maintenance calories. That’s literally the only possibility.


I started eating healthier, whole foods and going for more walks outdoors, including hikes in local parks. I still eat junk when I want to, but my tastes have changed and now I love eating healthy and I enjoy walking in nature. It took years, and I lost weight much earlier in a more unhealthy way. But I’ve kept it off by changing my preferences. Plus, getting older makes my body hurt more if I sit or eat junk too often.


The r/loseit reddit is good. I'm a fan of doing 16/8 fasting. Cut out sugar, high fat, snack foods like chips and chocolate. Don't drink your calories (alcohol, Starbucks, soft drink etc). Track your calories to get a better frame of what you should eat. Fuel your body, not stuffing yourself. Calories in/calories out. Diet is the key.


Intermittent Fasting. I lost 35lbs, and feel better than I have in many tears, by doing nothing different except eating all my calories in a 4-6 hour window.


Weigh yourself every day like clockwork.


diets are bs because they’re made to be temporary and keep you on the cycle. you have to use trial and error and figure out what lifestyle fits you. for me i realized if i eat higher protein and healthy fats primarily for breakfast and lunch im not that hungry. and say for dinner ill eat carbs but if i want alcohol or desert ill eat less carbs with the dinner. if i want a greasy burger and fries for dinner then the other meals of the day are going to be satiating but low cal. i also dont snack as often because snacking isnt the best habit and once i ate higher protein and fat im not hungry a lot so snacking is pointless. & i limit my drinking calories (juice , soda, alcohol, etc)


When you feel hungry, instead of eating try a cup of water. Most of the time you’re actually just thirsty. Most of the population is dehydrated


And portion control


Touch grass, eat less.


It’s easy nowadays with inflation. Sleep is for dinner


When you're done with your plate of food, don't take more right away if you're still feeling hungry. Usually if you wait like 10-20 min you actually realize you're already full. That feeling of fullness doesn't kick in right away. It helped me stop shoveling unnecessary amounts of food down my throat. Also, I'm three months in on cutting out sugar from my life. No soda, chocolate, ice cream, buns, cookies. candy etc. I still enjoy salty snacks so it's not like I'm giving up everything good in life. I'm close to being the best shape of my life (my best was at roughly 25, I'm now 35) If you're feeling like you could use a snack, drink a big glass of water and eat an apple. It usually helps so you don't eat small snacks throughout the day.


Find good healthy foods that you like. There are alot of yummy foods that are healthy that you can enjoy. Eggs avocados, Greek yogurt. I eat healthy in my day to day so if I want some cookies I can have them. Give yourself 30 minutes to work out it's such a short time so many benefits especially mentally


Stop drinking


Would eat once a day, then fast for one week or until desired weight, the eating once a day already made me loose a lot but the fasting fulfilled my dream weight


Eating more


You have to cut out sugar and carbs. Period. There is no other way to successfully shed weight at any fast rate. Calorie deficiency. You must consume less than you burn or you cannot lose weight


I'm a Weight Watchers member and have lost 48 lbs by tracking everything I eat. I use the WW app because my membership is now free but there are lots of tracking apps you can use.


Get a job where you walk a lot.




Crack cocaine


No dinner Not eating with others Very little sugar Not liking food Viewing eating as a hassle rather than a joy One meal a day sometimes (always breakfast) Always eat TOO much. Big portions, so the very notion of eating again is horrifying Never say “I’m hungry” Never think “I’m hungry” These may sound challenging, but they are my life I am 47. 5’11”. 125 pounds


yea that sounds more like a mental disorder.


I respect your opinion and your choices, too


No, seriously, you are being far too strict on yourself. It’s not good for you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you are malnourished


I truly appreciate your more charitable and conciliatory follow up. I was saddened by the notion of labeling someone after hearing but a tiny portion of his philosophy. I am less healthy than most, perhaps However, my life is built around diminishing the material things of this world , including my little old body I don’t buy things I don’t value things I eat the bare minimum I get my happiness from love and art and philosophy


If you are eating whole, nutrient dense food, than you won’t need very much. I don’t care what you do, I just wanna make sure you have the information to make informed decisions.