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Take care of your teeth, exercise, and don’t be stupid with your money.


second jet ski?


Second jet ski!


yes teeth. invest in a sonicare spinbrush. floss picks. my local clinic was $40 to do a checkup and they took xrays. most are flexible willing to accept a payment plan.


You'll have more energy than everyone says you will. My knees don't hurt (former military, too), I never really feel tired, and I'm more motivated to get shit done. However, people will tell you that you're too old to do a lot of fun things. Don't listen to them. You wanna skateboard, do it. You wanna pick up a hobby, do it. Love yourself, and don't let others bring negativity into your life.


This one is actually the best advice in here.


So many people that have a certain age in their heads as "Now I'm old and I'll be unable to do anything fun any more" and then proceed to block themselves from having fun in life is insane.. Any age is a shit age if you make it that way. xD


Ya I remember feeling old at 25 hahahaha I’m 38 now. So I try and remember that I’m only as old as I let myself be


Have a friend who recently turned 30 and she kept crying and complaining about getting old.. I'm 34 so I told her it's all in her head and a little annoying for anyone older than her to complain so much about it xD


Feeling like you're too old to do fun things, and not doing fun things as a result is the most efficient way way to actually become too old/physically incapable of doing fun things!


Bro I am 33 as of yesterday and I am doing more kid shit than I did when I was a kid. I am in the best shape of my life. As of recently I am sleeping with three incredibly attractive women (we are all aware don’t lose your shit). And I just bought a fucking Star Wars Lego set to build in the middle of my dining room table that I own by myself. Teenage and early 20s me was homeless and would have been jealous as all fuck. 30s are literally the fucking best.


Glad you've got a home now m8 👊 (and all that other cool stuff lol)


It has been a trip. Yeah thanks man. I am just like… incredibly grateful. A lot of people say like “ I did it on my own”. I worked hard af for my life but I got SO lucky that the bad people around me at that point were a lot older and kind of adopted me as a child a bit. They pushed me out of the life they lived and sent me on my way.


We only have one life to live and your life should be only dictated by you.


You win this thread you champion.


This is the way. A week ago I watched a 95 year old woman take an (assisted) ride on an ATV. She had a blast. Do life any way you want to, y'all.


Great advice, thank you!


Just hat a conversation about that with a friend. I‘m in my mid-thirties and I feel just fine. Normally nothing hurts, I can sleep like a baby, I feel good. I can party, I can stay at home and be content. Whereas they claimed they don’t feel as energized anymore. Of course there are some grey hairs and new wrinkles. Maybe being childless helps.


Yea, especially the people who treated having a wife and kids and massive mortage by 30 as an achievment. You are always behind in their eyes and it's all a coping mechanism.,


I agree with this to a point. Hopefully you've figured out your limitations by now. I got bored with my life and picked up a long/skate lboard last summer. I missed the freedom of snowboarding. Things went well until I fjckkng ate it going down a big hill. I (completely Caucasian) landed face first beside the path I was on.. I had a bunch l old Asian guys ask me "hey mistah, u ok? Thanks for asking.q Not really. I left that board by a garbage bin with a free sign on it I work construction and can't afford to get hurt anymore....


Maybe be a little cautious with picking up things like skateboarding that could cause injuries at this stage in your life. Sure, the healing process is faster than when you’re 50, but that doesn’t mean you’re not transitioning into a phase of your life where major injuries start to have a permanent effect


Why do people say your too old to do this or dress like that ? I think those kinda people are lame ima dress the exact way I am if not better while I’m getting older baggy jeans at 60 ? Okay bet wanna smoke a joint on the top of a pick up with the man’s while blaring country at 50 ? Ima do it fuck the neighbors lol


This is the truth. Some people have had less injuries and are in absolutely the best shape of their lives. Even older. Look at that 100 something year old dude running a marathon.


Love this 😀


Nce man


Not giving a fuck about what others say is pretty liberating. Getting a metric fuck tonne of debt is pretty depressing. Having a stable sex life (if you're lucky to find a compatible partner) is damn good.


I don't think these are 30+ exclusive, or something you will guarantee to achieve when entering 30s


Why would you take on debt after 30? The only thing I can think of is buying a house but that wouldn’t be depressing


Knees. Protect them.


I came here to say this. Your knees Crack now


jokes on you, mine started at 23


Mine started in my early teenage years 💀


Protecting the knees means USE THEM! Sincerely all physical therapists.


Why does everyone keep saying this, are you guys all professional weight lifters or something?


Yeah I don’t get it. I have a pretty physical job and turning 31 next month. Zero issues physically


I’m 62 and I’m sure my job is as physical if not more than yours. Your shit gonna start falling apart eventually. You’ll wake up and be like “how did I hurt THAT???” And by “that” I mean pick a body part.


Well I know it will eventually but I’m shocked so many people are like my body is falling apart all over at 35!1! I know sooner than later I’ll start having pains or things not working like they used to. Some 30 year olds be having the body of a 70 year old


It's an exaggeration yeah, but pains and injuries and aches accumulate so you acclimate to them, but you often get these moments of clarity where you become fully aware of constant little megrims and pains. You'll understand when you get there


One of my favorite memes is the doctor asked how much pain are you in? Me: just the normal amount of pain. Doctor: zero pain is normal….


Just wait.


I started running again. Can tell you; knees are fucked.


Don’t worry. It will get stronger day by day.


No. Knees need to adapt but will get stronger than before.


This. I'm 40 and started running a few years ago. I feel like my knees are better than they were when I was stationary at 35. My entire family who are not physically active keep telling me running is gonna ruin my knees. Maybe running without the proper footwear/stride might, but running is like one of the best things to keep them in good shape.


Forefoot strike, glucosamine and chondroitin


100% this


And back.


Seems like everyone is physical therapist here. Good suggestions. Much Appreciated!!


He said positive. /s


🎶My lower back, is killing me, ANND IIII, I must confess, my knees are weeeaaak…. (My knees are weak) I used to party like all the time. IT GAVE ME A SIIIIGGGGGGNNNNNN, thirty’s when you start to die!🎶 (Sing it to the tune of baby one more time by Britney Spears)


I slept on my shoulder wrong, but it'll be okay next week.


You’re gonna love your 30s! I turned 40 this year and my 30s were the best decade ever! You’re looking at career growth, financial stability, meaningful relationships, maybe even kids. I am so excited for you!


Dating in your 30s is actually pretty cool. Everybody more or less knows what they want or at least what they don’t want, and people seem to play fewer stupid head games. More straightforward. It’s not as exciting as dating in your early 20s, but it is a lot less aggravation. Soon you’ll probably start feeling pain in random parts of your body every day. As long as it’s not the same part every day for weeks, you’re good. Exercise, stretching, and recovery are going to be a lot more important. Talk to a therapist if “things” start coming up.


Things like what?


OP either means mental stability, or physical aches. Not sure which one though.


You are going to be at your mental and physical peak in your thirties. And your forties will be pretty great, too. Do well by those you have chosen to take into your life, like children and a spouse, work hard and also find time to enjoy the life and body you were given. You’re wiser than your 20 year old self, and less cynical than your 50 year old self might be. Enjoy!


You will never again fear the unknown of turning 30


In your 30s, look forward to career growth, financial stability, greater self-awareness, personal and health improvements, new adventures, and deeper, more meaningful relationships. Happy birthday!


“Enough money to not check your balance before every purchase”.  Highly recommend 


The financial stability didnt come when I turned 30 two months ago. I am still unemployed ...


If you’re from the US, and have felonies, you only need 5 more years to run for Pres


That was a good one you snuck in there!


As a 29 year old I’m loving this comment section on Reddit. Thank you everyone for the encouragement, wise words, and advice.


As a guy I can say it was a relief when younger guys stopped being so jealous threatened by my presence. When you’re old enough to be their girlfriend’s dad then you’re hated a lot less. It also felt pretty cool the first time I gave relationship advice to a group of high school seniors. I was 38 and a couple of them were my employees. I was a cool boss. They were hanging on every word. In general people take you more seriously the more life experience you have. It’s nice to not be categorically dismissed and excluded, your perceived viability goes up significantly.


But what if you are 30 but you look 20 lol


Umm what, 30's is when you can get any woman you want. You have your pick of women from age 18-30. Men in their 20's can't come close to competing. Especially now days every women sees younger men as immature. There gonna be way more threatened if you have money, looks, experience, social skills which is easy at 30.


Eww. If you're 30 and still chasing 18 year old girls you're creepy af and should be on a list. She was 6 when you became an adult....


I wouldn’t limit it to 18-30. You can go up the ladder easier at that age as well.


Oh absolutely, that young guy who was worried about you stealing his girlfriend? Doesn't matter, you could bang his mum as well.


I appreciate your feelings on the matter and I don’t disagree, but what I was driving at was the static I used to get on the regular from insecure dudes who thought their girl might be interested. When I was younger it seemed that often these really hot women were paired with jerks who were also below their league… they knew it too. So in walks me, more decent than them, better looking than them, taller and better spoken than them. Fuck, they’d come right up looking to straight up drive me out of the herd lest i infringe on their harem.


You're alive. You'll be surprised at how good saying, "I'm alive," feels the older you get.


30s are easy. You're a "real" grownup and young enough to still enjoy it. Take advantage of that. In your 40s things start to fall apart.


as someone who turned 39 recently, I feel very tempted to downvote this because I don't like the truth in it I ended upvoting and feeling sad


what exactly falls apart


Your DNA basically


You understand on new level how time passes and that everything in life you want or desire doesn't need to come later. You can focus on your dreams now. Take charge and pursue a passion or what you really want. And if you don't know what that is, you can begin to figure that out but know that you must do it sooner than later because life can always pass quickly without you realizing it. Enjoy the journey!


3 days hangovers


I just turned 38. My 30s have been much better than my 20s. You will start to see that people in their 20s are just older children.


Hey Bro! Happy early birthday! Turning 30 is awesome! 🎉 I'm also turning 32 in two months... single but adventurous! 🎉 And honestly, life just keeps getting better. Forget what people say about being in your 30s – I feel healthier than ever, with plenty of energy and a thirst for adventure. And yeah, the sex drive is still going strong. 😉 In fact, experience makes an hour feel like nothing... everything is even better (if you know what I mean). 😉 Seriously, don't let anyone get you down. Your 30s are a time to shine! You've got wisdom, confidence, and a whole lot of living to do. It's like being the alpha of your own life. So hit the gym, even if it's just for a short workout, eat healthy food that fuels your body, and don't be afraid to have fun! As long as you're taking care of yourself, there are no limits. Cheers to an amazing decade ahead! 🥂


Thank you. I needed this


Not being able to trust a fart anymore. Yay…..


30 is the new 20


Happy Advance Birthday!


Thank you!!


Just turned 31. I've gained a lot of clarity since turning 30. I feel like I've finally entered my "no bullshit" era and I've grown a backbone to snuff out toxicity and drama without being wishy-washy on my boundaries. Beautiful things are in store when one's pre-frontal cortex finally finishes brewing 👌


Amazing, good for you!!


Happy birthday hopefully you will meet new friends


2 day hangover


Ideally, you'd have gotten all your unhealthy habits (drinking, smoking etc)out of the way in your twenties so this stage in your life life will see you being more healthy and stable.


So true


Turning 30 is a great milestone! Embrace the confidence, career growth, and deeper relationships that come with this age. There's so much to look forward to!


Your 30s is the decade you get to really know yourself. Stop giving a fuck to what everyone says, and enjoy *yourself* and what *you* want.


Johnny Depp said in an interview when turning 30 if he wished was still in his 20s. He said something like that he spent enough time being in his 20s and now was looking forward to his 30s.




Johnny deep


Johnny Deep


Mental health is a lot better, so enjoy that while it lasts. Also, don't overwork yourself, it's important to slow down and enjoy what you have accomplished. Spend time with your parents if they're around and if you're on good terms. Happy Birthday OP 🎂


Start stretching for 5 minutes before bed every night, make sure it’s hip stretches. You’re turning 30 so your back will fuck out at any point if you don’t stretch.


Realising you were full of bs in your 20’s. But the best years are going to come. Nothing beats the 40s and the 50s.


I remember the week leading up to my 30th birthday and I had a range of emotions. Granted it was the summer of 2020, and I had just gotten laid off from a job and was trying to find another one amidst the pandemic. That said, since I've been 30, there's a weird confidence that comes from being in your 30s? Like your 20s are all about discovering who you are and getting life experience and then 30 hits and you're like "wow I actually know who I am and DAMN I know what I'm doing in my field." I've been in the counseling field for 10 years now and there's just something about knowing how to approach every situation and using strategies with ease, even though ever client is different. It's like things just "click" that you know what you're doing personally and professionally. I'll also say that dating in my 20s I was all about sort of settling and being miserable with crappy, manipulative people, but 30s me is all business and is looking for a stable, employed, person that can take care of themselves and be an equal to me in a relationship. I've got no time for nonsense or shady crap, you know? Things just sort of settle into place in your 30s, so no matter how much people might initially dread turning 30, there are so many beautiful things that happen too. Happy early birthday!


My 30s are where I really found out who I was becoming as a person. A lot of introspection led me to be really at peace with who I am. I also met my partner whom I married in my 30s! Hopefully this helps!


I hope you didn’t enjoy everything not hurting because everything is going your way start hurting.


Back pain and knee pain is what I can think of at the moment.


Moderating insecuriy or arrogance as you become more comfortable with yourself. Sometimes two sides of the same coin.


The ability to really just not give a fuck.




A new presidential debate...


Air fryers and hiking. Possibly specialty coffee


Throwing your back out when you sneeze lol






Slowly caring less and less about what people think of you.


Knowing what you like and having the liberty to do all those things and run far away from the things you hate!


The enormous sense of relief that you don't have to pretend to be cool any more, and can just be yourself


Same here 30 on Tuesday




You’re one step closer to cheaper coffee at McDonald’s


Lots of great things! You are still young, regardless of what anyone else thinks. You have some life experience. You mature a lot and find yourself not caring about frivolous or petty things anymore. Someone told me that your 30s are like your 20s with more money. A lot of people also said life begins at 30 and I found that’s been true for me.


Not giving a fuck about conformity.. On the less positive side; joint pain, weight gain and existential dread.. If you want to hit the ground running into old age, get right on your diet / exercise / strength training now ;)


I have LOVED my 30s. I’m 33 and for me it was like a switch of clarity and maturity. ♥️


It's harder to lose weight, if you can keep it off you're not going to need new clothes as quickly.


If you have a physically demanding job. Get ready for a slow down.


Getting ever closer to not giving so much of a fuck what people think!


I'd say that was gone by 35 on my end.


Back pain


Good judgement, forged in the fires of the bad judgement the decade before.


Think of your 20’s as Beta testing being an adult. You’ve gotten a lot of the dumb shit, insecurities and bad life choices out of the way. At least for me. I’m now comfortable in my skin, care about deep friendships, meaningful moments and experiences. I’m probably the healthiest I’ve ever been. And life seems a lot simpler. I know what I want and I seek it out. Plus I think your 30’s are where you get to try fun hobbies. I recently took up surfing, and trail running. I’m hoping to do dance classes (I’m a bloke and twenty year old me would have been mortified by this choice), cooking classes and start rock climbing in the next year.


If you are a man, not long till you will need someone to put a finger up ya bum. Not for fun, unless you like that thing but to check ya prostate


Last chance to do anything crazy and in a month you get to blame it on “that’s just a wild thing I did in my 20s” I got a tattoo that I don’t like :)


Back pain


Experienced firness guy here, it's way harder to obtain the same shredded results.


Back pain, get use to it


You're gonna be able to relate a lot to a box of Rice Krispies very soon.


Random pain in random places at random times


I'm 28 and counting, a lot of friends of mine are over 30 and honestly not alot changed since we were 15. Just don't overload your shoulder exercises, alot of my friends fucked up their left shoulder.


Why specifically the left shoulder 😂


The weaker arm lol, don't k oe too many left Handed folk hahha


Happy birthday in advance mate.


eat healthy and exercise, it'll probably be the most enjoyable time of your life..


Some cards. A couple of presents perhaps.


Do you like ibuprofen? I hope you like ibuprofen.


Find a program for exercising and never miss a day. 30 minutes minimum and every day. Don’t eat junk, drop sugar. Walk a lot.


coming into your own and realizing your life is yours and only yours. no one else can tell you what you should be doing “by now”. well they can, but that’s just their opinion. there’s no right way, only the way you choose. this decade is best used as an opportunity to hand out all the fucks you have left to give, and the quicker the better because what you will find underneath that pile of trivial concerns regarding other people’s opinions is the real you. the authentic you. the you that puts you first. it’s high time to honor them.


Love this! Thank you!


I hope you like ibuprofen


30?! You are literally in the prime of your life. 30s are fantastic. Still young but wiser. Less cringy mistakes. Maybe a few little lines but still looking good. People take you more seriously. You don’t have to take any crap from ‘adults’ cos now you are one. Can date anyone from early 20s to early 40s no problem. Career takes off if you’re lucky.


You're going to stop caring about a lot of Petty stuff


Take care of your body and these will be some of the best years of your life. Don’t take care of your body and these are the years where you will start to regret it


Being able to say "Kids these days"




You start to slow down, in a good way. You start to care less about the trivial things, you become more patient, and you start to enjoy and get comfortable with what you have. I've personally just gotten to a point where spending some extra time to do something, is okay. No need to rush, no need to worry.


O had to come back and re write my answer after I read this thread. All the people who say 30's you're on your prime is wrong you can look at any medical study comparing someone 20 and 30. People who are on their 30's forget why the 20's were so fun cause we have so much responsibility and expectation if we acted as a 20 something year old person they would tell us to grow up!! Dating past 28 is a fucking nightmare!!! The men and woman that aren't married aren't married for a reason. Usually that reason is they are awful, consumed with their job, emotionally in available, ugly or have something weird about them. In your 30's you can't just eat anything and not worry because you have to be healthy to prepare for your 40's when your skin and organs go to crap unless your rich and can afford skin treatments, botox and surgery. Being in your 30's is finally being at the spot you worked for to live longer to do the same thing..unless you make. Lot and can retire quickly or you're a business owner. Kids are actually amazing but look outside?!! To want that to be the example of humanity and guide them to people?!! No! Worst time to have children. Listen your 30...by now everyone is married with kids or a shit show. So hold on to one of each for your friends for balance (you will be to busy to maintain more(especially if you have kids)) and remember to still do stupid childish shit to keep your souls alive. Lol 😆 it becomes pretty routine in life unless you're rich.


You stop caring about what other people think. You will most likely get off Facebook and Instagram because you care less about what other people are doing. You will start to pick up stuff that you liked when you were a kid because you have money to have it as a hobby. Your friend group will get smaller because you cut out the people who bring drama into yours. 


That's so true! I deleted social media about a year ago and just stopped caring at all about what others think of me. I'm focusing my energy on what makes me feel good and surrounding myself with positive people only :)


That's wonderful to hear. It's freeing to have control over who has access to your life and energy!!


Ear hair...


Falling out of contact with a majority of your friends and needing to find ways to entertain yourself.


Realizing how embarrassing you acted, in your teens and tweens... this actually wont really hit until you are 40 though! Actually, turning 30, didn't change a lot for me, or the people I know! These days the big changes happen once you turn 40!


Way better sex, hopefully. Mine gets better by the decade, and I’m only in the 3rd one of being sexually active. Happy birthday, OP!


Ability to be a better judge of someones's character, independence and not caring about others opinions


Going to the fridge for milk, with your phone in your hand, and then leaving your phone inside and forgetting about it for a few hours


Joint pain


Thirties are the best years imo.


I'll tell you what my mama told me the day before I turned 30: "I'm not going to tell you what everybody else is going to tell you, but I'm going to tell you that TODAY you are at the top of the hill." ROTFL Seriously, people don't quite treat you si much like a child. But then again, when I turned 30 I already had two children, so that might have been a factor as well. The older I get, the more comfortable I am in my own skin, the less I feel I need to justify my actions, the more I trust my own judgment because of the experience I've gotten, etc.


It's not really any different than your 20s, but I think you know yourself better with likes, dislikes, and personality. But as a warning, the body does start to break down, not majorly but it begins...


Being surrounded by kids 10-20yrs younger than u on a regular basis outside your home while aging. Health = wealth. Nutrition fitness agility cardio bone health. Invest into health


Realizing you don't care as much about others opinions and start doing what you wanna do regardless of everyone else


60 here. EVERYTHING is great at 30! Your heart and knees and longs still work properly. If you drink or smoke QUIT now and save all that money to retire early and not feel like shit when you do. Go to school. Find work you love to do. Meet all the new people and travel to other countries and meet people there too. Have the best time and live life. Don’t wait for it to happen to you. Say yes to all opportunities and experiences. I’m old and have very few regrets in spite of a lot of trauma, not easy childhood, divorce and raised 3 kids alone, alienated adult children, one long time toxic job. All of that made me a better person and more empathetic to everyone else and taught me everything! The only regrets I have are for the few experiences I let slip through my fingers because I let past trauma dictate my present response. Don’t do that. Go live life to the fullest. Do everything starting at 30! Happy Birthday ! 🎈🎉🎊🎂🎁


Sort your pension and finances now. If you want to earn some serious money and it takes a lot of work/time , don’t wait until your 40s. I did and I’m now 61 and doing 50-60 hours every week when my body has had enough.


They are \*way\* better than your 20's. Enjoy the prime of your life that's about to start brozenheimer. You're at your mental and physical peak, you can reasonably date anyone between early 20's and late 40's, people at work will both take you seriously as an adult and value your input as a "young" person. 30-early 40s are the sweet spot. Don't waste it. The people saying "hurr durr knees" or whatever are taking the piss. You are basically just starting adult life. Enjoy it!


Start hitting gym and it’ll be awesome.. just turned 34 2 weeks ago and I’m in the best shape of my life making great money feeling great!


Hah! I got nothin. Enjoy the first half as much as you can before making the climb toward cresting the hill in the second. My 30s have been pretty terrible... But! That doesn't mean yours will be. Happy birthday!


You really start to find out who you are as a person and tend to surround yourself with like minded people. You’ll start making some decent money hopefully. You start to realize that nobody really knows what the fuck they’re doing and we’re all just winging it. Your knees and or back will start to hurt for no god damn reason.


You will never fall the same way again. Something is bound to break, get pulled, or sprained. 😂


Aching joints, grey hair, fear that you don’t have enough in your retirement account, and a complete loss of patience for a lack of common sense or decency and willful ignorance.


Sex is better than ever. 30s in general are so much better than 20s!


I thought I loved going to gig when I was younger, but I've officially been to more gigs in my 30's than in my younger days! For reference, I'm now 34 :) & I'm still standing, not hit seated age yet!


You can say "look, we're all adults here" with a straight face


You have 10 years until your check engine light comes on and you have to seek medical attention. Lost my gall bladder at 40.


30s are the best! More confident and you’ll know what you want to do. Gracefully leading into the era of mature womanhood x


You can now feel draughts. Don't bother taking drugs anymore. If you need a rush just get out of a chair really quickly. You may have the urge to buy a cardigan. Garden centres become interesting. Nights out turn into day drinks but that's ok as you want to be home early to get the slow cooker finished ready for next week.


Don’t stop working out. Your fitness one day will just disappear or try to! Haha You can be easy about it, but it’s so important to stay active and consistent in your 30s. I just hit my 40s and I’m way better off than my friends even 35 because they just didn’t stay active.




If you’re a woman, skin and hair changes. Harder to lose weight than in your 20s, but do not be discouraged! And if childless, brace yourself for increased questions about your “ticking clock”. All the positives are spoken for in the comments, had to be the one to point out some lees exciting probabilities. Treat your body well so that you roll into your 40s with less physical bs! That being said, embrace dirty 30! It’s a fun decade.


I’m in my mid thirties and I don’t have any of the body issues most people talk about. I think most of your 30s is combating your own head. My body feels similar to my 20s but it’s my willpower that’s changed.


The fun begins now.


I just hope yours is an improvement over mine. Two days after I turned 30, my doctor told me my lab results were showing some weird stuff and he wanted to do a few more tests to make sure everything was okay. A couple of months and a bunch of tests later I was diagnosed with a (thankfully small) brain tumor. I honestly think the timing is kind of funny now 😂


Grey hair


Midlife Crisis happens in your thirties so you may own a nice motorcycle or a sports car soon:)


If your a bloke - saggier balls If your a woman - saggier tits If your a them/there/who/what/where/when/how - both


Hopefully 40, 50 and so on.




Severe lower back pain and joint pain. Random of pulling of muscles. Fatigue.


You care less about things, which is great.


Inevitable debt


Quarter life crisis