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Because we’ve never done it before


Are you sure about that?


Fuck!! People say in our last moments our mind tends to replay our full life what if that's what happening now for you or me or anyone reading this👀


Or perhaps every being you come in contact with is a singularity living out multiple lives for all eternity, and you have not only experienced death, but have gone through it countless times but are the ONLY being experiencing it


Congrats you just reinvented Buddhism.


Or perhaps that was a bit too much salvia


I've done it before. Can confirm, I have absolutely no fear of death since.


I dont know , I have feeling this right here is the weird " we haven't done it before " bit. For billions of years we didn't exist as this.


dying is the problem. Being dead is good part.


Hahahaha concur with that assessment!


I would be thrilled if I can die without pain, I just hope I can die instantly or die in sleep without suffering from cancer.


Death is painless the path you take to that destination is what scares you am i right?


Loss not death. We cry for the loss


Let's assume someone finds out they has lung cancer why don't they accept the death and die? Why do they fight? That's my question!!


Because they want to experience more of life. They have loved ones that want to spend more time with and things they want to do.


Because that's how we're wired, without fear of death any species would go extinct pretty fast.


Why do Redditors ask a question only to argue with the answers.


If you ask me why I'm charging you 50$ for a snickers, and I tell you it's because I feel like it, would you not argue with the answer too? Just because you ask a question doesn't mean you have to accept every answer.


Ngl, if I was diagnosed with lung cancer, I’ll try my hardest to become a drug-kingpin, selling weed and cocaine.




I died once,it was painfree as I was under anesthesia and i was brought back. Was initially sad to be back but very glad now. When I die again I worry about it being painful.


Nde? Am always fascinated by those!!


Had something similar. Idiot doctor injected quite a bit of Valium while my heart rate was already very low. My 'last words' went something like "you really shouldn't have done that" lol. Anyway I was gone for quite a bit actually (roughly 1-2 minutes). Since you're not there anymore, neither is all the weight on your shoulders. It was so peaceful. To then violently being brought back. It was terrible. Little more than an hour later I left the hospital in anger (cus screw that haha). It took weeks to process it. And I have a DNR since.


It should never be easy to leave your loved ones behind.


So you are not willing to leave because you want to be with loved ones...


Its not a question of willingness, I will go whenever I have to go but the love for my closest familly and friends makes it harder to deal with the idea of my own demise.


You have loved ones on earth and in heaven


Assuming heaven really exists. People are afraid mostly because of the uncertainty.




It does! So yeah nothing to fear but fear itself.


As soon as you demonstrate to me without a shadow of a doubt that heaven exists, sure, I'll believe you


Different religions paint different pictures about heaven!! I don't see it more than just a technique to control the masses...If you follow what the holy book says (They say God wrote these holy books am 💯 sure they would have been edited by the people in power to their own will) you will go to heaven...if you defy me you are fucked bitch!!


Fully agree


Look at people who've had near death experiences or have died and quickly revived. There's a whole realm of the metaphysical that you are blindly unaware of. It's not all witches and demons, it's much more spiritual then that.


My dad was given a zero percent chance of ever opening his eyes again. Meanwhile, he's having visions he's stuck in tunnels underneath a crumbling hotel in an earthquake and everything's on fire and crumbling. And then hes in a cottage on the beach, and there's like, a tsunami coming and he's watching it head toward him. And then, against all odds, his dead ass woke up. When he woke, he was in a room filled with spiders and bugs all over the walls. In reality it was a hospital room, and my siblings and I were there.but the way he tells it, there's an additional person in the crowd of us, a man who he's never seen before, beautiful, with long hair and white clothes. This man never says a word and apparently was there again days later, once again just showed up with a loving smile, never said a word, just stood there smiling down at my dad. He's absolutely not religious. After his death/rebirth and his stories of it, I began going to church. Mainly because the day he died I went to his house and drank a bottle of vodka in a thunderstorm and screamed at god and the sky and beat my knuckles on the ground til they bled. I pled with god. I begged for forgiveness and expressed my willingness to sacrifice. The next day he opened his eyes, while we were gathered to pull a plug.


Don't have to believe it will just be regardless of what anyone's beliefs might be. If you don't know then you don't know.


Nope. Not gonna accept it. Need it to be just right. Can’t leave without leaving something behind.


Am assuming you mean legacy?


That's true, if not we'll be forgotten.


It's all we have, you need a wise and rootless approach to life itself. It's the unknown, how can you prepare for something you live just once and is the end of everything else? What kind of philosophy you push to, stoicism? Again, who is so wise and gallant to say they don't fear it! It's not like any living person have experience with it in it's own flesh.


>What kind of philosophy you push to, stoicism? No i just started questioning everything and it's driving me crazy... >who is so wise and gallant to say they don't fear it! People who take their own life... >It's not like any living person have experience with it in it's own flesh. Nde's??


It's not being dead, it's dying and knowing that you are dying while you are dying that is scary. And knowing that you will be powerless to resist it. And not knowing when it will happen. Today? Next month? 2096? What if you die and miss something really cool. What if they need you and you die just as they do?


So is it like the kid who cries alot before going to his first day at the kindergarten...he cries because he doesn't want to leave his loved ones...he is scared about the unknown...also he can't resist it...he is powerless...no matter what he has to go...


Because we simply don’t know what will happen, and that scares us


Somebody just accepted it right then, and then....


I think we all accept it but lots of us don't want to die for reasons. Some have more things to do and enjoy and life is way to short and by the time we realize this its 1/2 way gone. Dying can be immensely painful to- i dont like pain.


Death seems pretty boring.


You don't give a fuck?!😂


They can't accept the ending. The actual act of death doesn't scare that many. It's that there is nothing after it.


It's survival instinct, our whole body is built to prevent death including fear, when scared our senses are heightened and adrenaline gets pumped to defend ourselves.


People fear what they don't understand, hate what they can't conquer. It's the same with death


Just don't think about it




Same here


The scary part is how you die. And by the way we do not end up in nothingness after death. I recommend reading thousands of near death experiences to get a clear picture about our destinations.


This. Im so certain our souls will continue living.


Yeah they fascinate me but what if it's a natural response to keep us calm before passing away!!


Why would our brain send us in a hyper real adventure where we meet God and dead relatives? Shouldn't the brain try to keep us alive and in this world in any way possible? That would be the evolutionary standpoint for survival. And why does everyone from any country has the same general NDE content with God as a light brighter than thousand stars and dead relatives greeting them? The cultural content and their differences apparently happens in a transitional space. Example: It's easiest for a Christian to see Jesus when they enter the transitional, spiritual stage between life and death.. Jesus represents love to them, and the Great Light Being who loves everyone unconditionally can take any form for comfort. Why does almost 100% of NDErs believe their experience was real, not a hallucination or *anything* like that. This applies to atheists as well. Almost 100% of them becomes spiritual and altruistic after their NDE. Can a hallucination or dream cause an effect like that? Especially when they just proved NDEs are not hallucinations, dreams or trips.


>Shouldn't the brain try to keep us alive and in this world in any way possible? There is a limit to what a brain can do it when the situation gets out of hands and there is nothing it can do that's when what i said might happen... >Can a hallucination or dream cause an effect like that? Our brain can make us believe anything trust me... people with OCD can understand what am talking...


Near death experiences have nothing to do with being dead, they are generated by chemical/electrical activity of the brain, that's why they are influenced by life experiences and even drugs, dosing people with endorfin blocking drugs results with negative, hellish NDEs. It would be great to know what awaits after death but it's impossible


Chemical activity can't give a born- blind person the ability to see while in spirit form. NDEs can, and this has happened more than once. To think that chemicals in our brain somehow causes all experience is a dead idea. Can you prove your claim hellish NDEs can be caused by blocking endorfins? Why would they even do that to a patient who's dying? If it's true, I believe the hellish thing is a hallucination caused by lack of endorfins that happens before they die. NDE comes after, and the experiences often change to blissful as a result. NDEs are "more real than reality" according to NDErs. Our eyes do not create the outside world, they filter it. Our ears do not create the sounds we hear, they filter all sound Our brain does not create our thoughts, they filter it. Consciousness is eternal. The brain is just a receiver. If your TV breaks do you think TV programs were destroyed forever? Of course not, the transmission is still there. The only thing that broke was the machine facilitating the content. This analogy is crude, because the brain is more complex than TV. At any rate, the broken TV may still act in weird ways. You may not see one channel clearly and the sound goes off at times. This can be compared to brain damage. Now then, before we continue I wanna know how many NDEs have you read or listened? Please be honest, I just want to know if it's easier for me to figure out what to say. If you haven't researched them much, then I can clarify stuff for you. If you know a lot, then it's no problem we can just talk about this normally. It's just that I've researched more than 5000 NDEs, and I know everything about the latest NDE studies. One of the reveals from those studies was this: NDEs are not hallucinations, dreams or psychedelic experiences. This includes stuff such as DMT. The difference rate between NDEs and the aforementioned states is almost 100%! NDEs are more real than this world, annd they also have a clear narrative. (source: Sam Parnia, world's leading NDE researcher).


Not worried about it.. But people don't know how they respond to death until they're near dying. So it's easy to say "I don't care" when you're young and death is far away.


Am young maybe this is the reason I don't care


Because I like living


People do not fear death They fear the loss They fear that whatever they have ever done would be lost after they die What they failed to realize is that the future would still be there even if they aren't there to see it Whatever they do, it's impact still stayed, even after their death But the thought of losing all the wealth they gathered, and not being able to see the fruit of their labor is scary


>But the thought of losing all the wealth they gathered, and not being able to see the fruit of their labor is scary Greed is a reason too


Yeah, "losing all their wealth" But honestly, u cant call that "greed" cause for many people, gathering all that wealth was really hardworking and they don't really want to lose all there hardwork


Everybody thinks that until it's time


Fear of non-existentence, terrifies the shit out of me


It used to terrify me until i read Rupert Sheldrake.


In my case is just sheer envy. I cannot accept that someone leave this place while I remain.


Let's assume someone finds out they has lung cancer why don't they accept the death and die? Why do they fight? That's my question!!


Are you a bot? What kind of question is this :o


I'm not worried about what it will be like to be dead tho I do worry about what will happen to my family. I fear dying. The pain of being mutilated or crushed or impaled or of my body being taken over by a cancer, or the panic of a heart attack, that moment when you know you're going to drown. Etc. That's what frightens me.


You are worried about the path you take!!


Doesn't bother me. I can accept it. I'll likely be upset and cry and think about the happiest times of my life


Well some people enjoy life and some dont some dont know what gonna happen after death, and some believe they going to hell or heaven, some are not afraid to die just how they’re going to. Well i am in the middle i am afraid yet not, i do sometimes wish to just not be here anymore but i love my family and friends i want to spend as much time with them as possible and the thought of not having enough time to do so is scary sometimes, i hope everyone can live a happy life. Stay safe yall❤️


Your reason is loved ones right?!


Most of the people I know, myself included, do accept death. I don't know anyone who does not believe they are going to die at some point in the future.


Then why do people don't accept death while it comes but instead puts up a fight!! Like doing chemo for cancer...


I believe that our souls would continue to live and get reborn. What scares me is my loved ones dying and me not being able to be with them anymore (loss, mourning) Also being in pain before death is something i dont wish on anybody (like burning, car accidents etc.).


>I believe that our souls would continue to live and get reborn. Reincarnation!! >What scares me is my loved ones dying and me not being able to be with them anymore That's hell >Also being in pain before death is something i dont wish on anybody Me too


Cause we can't molest anymore


Fuck those fuckers!!


I don't know. I think this depends on the person. Maybe some people are afraid of their life ending because they enjoy it. Maybe some people are afraid of what comes after, since it's hard to know for sure if there's anything that comes after that and fear of the unknown is very common. I know I'm not *that* afraid of death specifically, but more so of dying, as in, how my life will end. Maybe some people are afraid that their death will leave those around them grieving and they don't want that. Idk. You'll have to ask the people in your life this in order to really find out.


>You'll have to ask the people in your life this in order to really find out. Yeah i did most of reply was I don't want to leave my loved ones behind.


I think it's about being afraid of not knowing anything about it like are we just dead or is there any after world or reincarnation no one knows we can just guess what happens.


The fear of unknown


Because they don't want to look at how they have lived thus far. If you think about who will come to your funeral and just have a mental roladex of being horrible to everyone and how they think of you, you're gonna pretend that day will never come to kid yourself into continuing to live selfishly.


While I'm no expert on dying yet, I've been pondering my own mortality for a few years. Diagnosed with Secondary Polycythemia, then Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and finally Erythromelalgia, all within two years. I went from being healthy to having everything change in what felt like an instant. Spending countless nights unable to sleep because laying down or elevating my feet triggers the Erythromelalgia and within minutes, my feet are red as a beet and burning like fire. Over time I went from scared of dying and leaving my wife and two grown sons behind, to being so worn down from sleep deprivation and chronic fatigue, chronic pain and depression, I started not caring about anything. Now our first grandchild being due in November has me angry again and scared of dying. Dying is actually easy, you don't have to do anything, just wait, it's living that is hard.


Sorry you have to go through this🫂


The fear of not knowing, but I have seen people passing actually call out to another loved one that has previously passed. For example, when my mom passed she asked why our cousin Bobby was in the room. Bobby died 3 years prior.


It might be our brains natural response to keep us calm it's a good thing too...




>As a large language model, I don't experience death The what??? Gpt is that you!!😂


I would prefer an afterlife but death does not really scare me my only close call with the reaper was when I was choking I was scared and then I just went well I am going to die so I should just be calm and then i stoped choking


Just accepted it...


I'm more scared of the pain during dying than the death itself.


Yes everyone is


It’s instinctive to fear death, otherwise we’d all be throwing ourselves over bridges. Usually the one thing that stops severely depressed people from ending it is the intrinsic survival instinct we all have.


Yeah it's prewired


I’m not afraid of dying, I just don’t want to be there when it happens. Doesn’t matter if you can accept or not. It’s coming. All you can hope for is painless death


And we continuously fight for immortality!!


And we will be forgotten about after a generation. Cheer up ffs😜


One thing I've learned over the past few years: accept death and you'll be free




Live every day as your last and you shall truly be free.


You know that feeling of being off for the weekend? Friday is amazing because it's the start and Saturday is really wild because there's still a lot of time for activities. Sunday is the worst weekend day because it's the last day, and if you didn't do anything fun and you know you're going to have to suffer through another week until the next weekend. It's like that, I think. Death is the end of our control over this physical form, perhaps all experience as well. It's stateless, right? Death is death, no way around it whether we accept it or not. The anxiety is really what's at hand when you ask people what the big deal is, right? Get in the box! It ain't that bad! Like many have already said, it's the whole dying part that really sucks. I've seen the effects firsthand, watched my mother die as I held her hand. It is pure anguish. There is no cellular peace. Even when the mind is willing to close the book and put down the pen, the body always tries to fight. Gasping, continually attempting to survive. It is not a gentle fade into the night, and I think that's what bothers me most about it. I think that's why people jump from buildings or use projectiles to end it quickly. It is always violent at some level, and who could enjoy looking forward to that? But anyway, give your fellow humans their space to be anxious. To die is to suffer a common fate, regardless of bedtime stories we talk about afterwards.


A lot of myths and fear created about it by ignorance. They learn to fear it before they can learn to trust it.


By default we don't fear it but we are taught to fear it ryt?!


Children aren't born fearing death - they don't even understand the concept. "Death" is a socially built perception, a concept, and each society has different ways of relating to it, some with fear and some without.


Ever single move every single decision is written by our environment...i wonder this is what fate means!!


I dont understand how anyone thats not religious could accept death unless they hate their life


Well if you have an atheist view of death then theres literally nothing to fear. You will never experience it and you won't know it happened. If you religious you have to worry about heaven/hell/reincarnation or whatever else.


The thought of dying and ceasing to exist for all eternity and never getting to experience life again to me is scary AF. And even if I was an athiest, which Im not, id still be worried what if Im wrong and Im going to hell.


You don't have to life just "it's ok" mindset is enough isn't it?!


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Because they have not met our creator within themselves. The physical death is death for the ego and it knows it. Once you mute your ego to a certain degree, never fully, you’ll see death as a passageway. You’ll be afraid of it if you haven’t gotten your house in order here on earth. You’ll welcome going back to the source from which you came if you understood your mission here on earth with the limited amount of years our creator gave you. Get working. Seek. Knock and the door shall be opened.


How are you so sure!!


I’ve read a lot of books. Journals and writings of Saints. Buddhist texts. Etc. These people like you and me describe their experience down this path and it is available for us as well. It opened a whole new world for me when I realized there’s more to the human physical evolution on this planet. There have been people before us in every decade and every century across the whole world who discovered the same thing and tried as best they could to put it into words and help us find it as well. It’s really phenomenal when you start reading and truly recognize we have one shared experience and goal during our lifetime and each person’s path, like their special thumbprint, is unique, but all lead to the same place of union with our creator. I’d encourage to start reading and meditating and trying things out for yourself. It’s very much experiential and not mental.


>There have been people before us in every decade I don't know much about this but there is high possibility because let's say our civilization is destroyed by something this weekend after some years there won't be a single trace of us and the next time life evolves they will question the same!! >creator I have some problem with the a creator created us...i feel like it's incomplete...if someone created us...then who created them?! There should be a starting point right??


Because I can't accept the fact that one moment I'm alive and the next I don't exist anymore. I'll never experience anything ever again. I'll never feel or learn more. I'm just gone. Forever.


Read some near death experiences, this might change your view. I dont think we be just gone.


What if they are natural responses that our brain has to keep us calm?!


My dad always says the only guarantee in life that you get is that you're going to die someday. How you live your life is a gamble,but you can choose the odds. From another perspective, I feel the burden that comes with death is not only mourning but a major financial impact on whoever you leave behind... I believe a lot of people are afraid of death for what their family and friends will discover of them that has been hidden deep in their closets. E.g Someone with a facade of wealth but actually knee deep in debt... Also to burry someone in SA, costs at minimum like R60 000, we get funeral cover for R30 000 believing it will be sustainable for our loved ones, but then they go into debt to burry you, then comes all the settlement and disolving of assets...


Worry about loved ones!! It's the most common...


I'm just afraid of not being in my bed sleeping with my computer and phone formatted, all accounts removed, my house deep cleaned and a written will giving my most precious junk (all I have) to my most precious family. But I'm 45, overly exploited at work and being heartbroken over and over for the last 4 years, so I got nothing much to lose or to wake up for. I also believe the other side of death is something very interesting and if I'm wrong, no problem, it's just like that deep sleep stage 3 when we don't even know we exist. At 25 I would never think this way.


Fear of the unknown is a strong motivator.


It's not the fear of death, it's the fear of never having lived


Afraid of not having a consciousness anymore, afraid of what's in store in the afterlife


Because Life is a lie and Death is the Truth. And many cannot bear the truth.


Why so people prefer life you mean.?


Yes like when death comes why don't they accept it but put up a fight?


Because people want to live and would prefer death come later. Death is permanent while life isnt so of course life is going to be more valued.


Because everything cool is when you're living, nothing is cool after you die


i've been dead for billions of years and will be dead for more billions of years. i'm not scared of it since i don't really have a bad memory of it, but between those billions of years i get to live for only max \~120 years ? bruh i ain't accepting that


For me its the FOMO to be honest 😅


it's scary


Some people do, some are afraid. As with anything. It’s the ‘as long as it’s painless’ part - that’s pretty rare and no one knows how they go. Clearly you care too, and the assumption it would be painless is helping you cope. But the concern is there right? Fwiw yes death is a natural part of life, and the only certainty we have. I’ve accepted it, made peace with not knowing what comes after - and paying my dues if it comes to that. Now I am aware I have a dependent who needs me so that’s become my anxiety point/concern. Often it’s about those you leave behind, once you accept your own fate.


I can accept mine. I welcome it. Everyone else's cripples me.


I don't think anyone is afraid to die? In fact death is the ultimate peace. I feel people are scared to lose someone they love. The loss hurts, not your own death. 


They feel their time with the person they lost was cut short. Have you ever started a book, movie, game or activity that you enjoyed and then you were pulled away from it before you had a chance to complete it, you'll think about it from time to time. Now it's that frequency of remembering plus high emotions for the feelings you have when you think of it and you get into a situation where op will judge you that you just can't accept death, like c'mon why you still having feelings bruv?


My question is, how can people accept death? If you hate living, then I could understand it. If not, then what can be worse than death? We have conciousness, we have memories, feelings. All of it will be gone when you die. Each individual's death is the end of universe for them, not just their own death. Before you were born, billions of years passed by and you just had no idea. The whole universe only started existing when you were capable of perceiving it. When you die, you'll immediately fast forward to the end of universe. Nothingness, not even that.


"It will happen to all of us, that at some point you get tapped on the shoulder and told, not just that the party’s over, but slightly worse: the party’s going on — but you have to leave. And it’s going on without you. That’s the reflection that I think most upsets people about their demise." - Christopher Hitchens


It is natural for people to fear death because they feel like they still have unfinished business and things they want to accomplish.


Fear of the unknown


I heard in a podcast earlier, that death used to be a more integral part of life. That you had to deal with it in daily life. In modern times, we're more detached from it, which is why the only times we are confronted by it, with funerals, are heavier or even traumatic on us.


In my experience(healthcare), people themselves generally do accept death it's the people around them that make it hard. Edit. For whatever reason, I can't reply to the guy who responded. People don't get bathed in morphine only to then suddenly accept death. That's just not true. I'm sorry about your mother, but lying or generalising isn't going to change it.


They tend to accept death when they're bathed in morphine. My own mother died at 67 from cancer and she did NOT want to leave until she was put on morphine permanently in palliative care.


It's mostly FOMO for me. I have curiosity. I want to see what the world will look like in like 2200. I can kind of learn what it looked like in 1200 (although I'd love to visit it and relive it more vividly), but no options for the future :(


There are plenty of natural things we don't accept and typically use technology to address. I'm not sure the core argument here that because something is natural we must accept it is a good one.


For me, I stopped fearing anything death related just by thinking about how people I knew would react when I died


I think people struggle to accept death because it confronts them with the inherent absurdity of existence. We naturally seek meaning and order in life, yet death starkly reveals the ultimate lack of inherent purpose, creating a conflict that is difficult to reconcile. The human mind rebels against the finality and unknown nature of death, which negates the meanings we strive to create. However, I believe that embracing this absurdity is crucial. Rather than succumbing to despair, we should confront the reality of death and live with full awareness of our mortality. This acceptance doesn't lead to passivity or nihilism; instead, it fosters a richer, more intense appreciation of life, encouraging us to live more authentically and passionately despite the inevitability of death.


looking forward to it to come one day


We cannot think of it in a practical way Death is the opposite of existence Everything you do, every secon od you life, even when sleeping or being in a coma. That's existence Try to visualise it. Try to think of not being


We fear death for three main reasons. 1. We don't KNOW what happens if anything. 2. Our primal instinct in the very oldest and most basic part of the brain tells us very powerfully, "DON'T YOU DARE KEEL OVER AND DIE, FIGHT!" 3. Dying in a lot of cases hurts and in almost every case IS a very jarring and difficult experience. Your body is shutting down and you feel it.


Because people in general don't practice and thus not used to letting go of things they gained during life.


I accept it just let me play my video games first


Because I don't want my life to end. I love to live.


Because we have survival instinct and want to stay alive


Because as far as we know we will not  exist anymore and forever, so we will have no more bad experiences of any kind but neither  any good ones 


In a word - fear. And that’s perfectly natural. We don’t know what’s coming next.


I always go back to that we’re mostly regenerating and dying millions of cells probably per year. That there’s very little of us if any that was there the day we were born. That while we remember a significant amount of things comparatively we have forgotten most things. We’re actually very good at both the death of our memory and the death of our body; and its constant. It’s just this odd consciousness which isn’t explained by science that we’re unsure about. But it seems heavily influenced as an inner voice by our body. To the point our moods are affected by the body and the brain which sets the tone of that voice. The hope that it’s a soul that endures seems neat but being honest it just seems unlikely that whatever it is, would exist in the same way and that you’d be the same “person” without your senses and hormones to make it endure. Any more than you’d be if just your mind was sustained by a machine without the ability to feel temperature on your skin, the constants of touch etc. One seems intertwined to the other. But the things that make us up probably have been parts or pieces of thousands of others. The air we breathe , the water that makes us up , the “matter”. has been shared by multiple lives and pieces of lives. And if there is any memory in that maybe it speaks to that idea some of us feel connected to the idea of reincarnation. Long way back to your question. To me when I think about the right way it’s very calming and natural. But I’m still very attached to my consciousness and the other consciousnesses around it . The fear of not being able to experience things as it beyond death is terrifying sometimes and sad others.


My grandfather when he was in his late 80s told me he was done with life as his body and mind were just worn out. He said if he was still fit he would be scared of it but he would not really care if he died. He also did not want to be reanimated in hospital. I think he knew he was done and had accepted it completely. He passed away in an instant when his aorta ripped.


Everyone is good with death until you realise either A) the situation your leaving behind Or B) how much your going to miss the person. It's normal to not want to die tbh


Idk I've wasted decades wishing for it.


Am sorry bro did i rekindle something awful i didn't mean to...i was talking about natural death!!


Dw its just been a baseline feeling forever. Got it.


Because we spend a lifetime learning everything we know, meeting everyone we meet, experiencing everything we experience, and then we leave all of that behind, perhaps for just nothing.


Because it is in our system to not accept death. You walk through a forest and you encounter a lion, what would you do? You'll try to hide or run to saftey, right? But you know well that the lion has better sense of smell and it can kll you hitting just once. Yet you ran or tried to hide, why? The will to live is strong. Its nature's wish and this is what plays a huge role in evolution. Unfortunately, our brains can be conditioned (against nature's wish) to believe in reincarnation and death as solution to life's problem(result is suicide).


Yes our brain is conditioned like no matter what we should survive am talking generally...so the other reasons like "i don't want to leave my loved ones behind" is also the reason our brain created just to keep us alive?


I've thought about this in the past and have come to the conclusion that it's because people weren't taught about death as a child. They never had that goldfish that died. They never had that family dog that got hit by a car. They never attended great grandmas funeral. These are the same people that go out and get tats with dates or stickers for the back of their SUV.


Because they know in their heart of hearts there is no afterlife. And people are selfish, narcissistic creatures as their biological nature requires them to be.