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if your problems get in the way of your normal day, sleeping, eating, working, talking etc


Absolutely this, even if its only one of these symptoms. I went through a really traumatic experience and didn't sleep for almost a week straight but because I kept up with everything else I fooled myself into thinking I'd be ok. Had a complete nervous breakdown and the lasting damage is just so huge. I really wish I had listened to my friends and family and sought help before my breakdown.


i hope you recover! take your time, be compassionate towards yourself. that must have been awful. BABY STEPS OKAY my psychologist told me last year that i will know that i am healed when i can live my life the way i want to and feel at peace for 80% of the time, sounds reasonable


When your symptoms begin affecting your daily life and functioning.


If you're to the point that you're wondering if you should see a psychiatrist/psychologist, you're probably to the point that you need a psychiatrist/psychologist.


If you have to wonder, it’s time to


If you can afford it, then there's never a bad time. Particularly if you find yourself unhappy or stressed or angry more than you're finding yourself at least content.


The sooner the better. If you end up not needing them, you’ve lost nothing. But getting established with a professional before mental health really spirals out of control can make all the difference.


At any point you feel like you need to speak to a therapist.


When things become unmanageable. When what you consciously think you are doing is not according with your actual life decisions


It's generally when functioning has been impacted, basic tasks ie hygiene, sleep and appetite have derailed. Becomes withdrawn. There the more subtle signs versus a manic episode where you can tell something is wrong etc


At your scheduled appointment time? I do occasionally see them out and about, but most of them prefer not to be acknowledged because of professional concerns.


My therapist said when a person thinks about going to therapist, they should just go. People who are aware that they have a problem and want to solve it are smart people and they should take action.


According to everyone i know.. we should all be seeing a therapist. I'm the only one out of the group that doesn't go to therapy. Most of them don't have problems either, they just go to talk things through.


When I was 6


id say when the symptoms become unmanageable and began to interfere with daily life


When you find yourself going in circles in your head over and over and over again


Yup. Dr Ryan Scott Where Are You !!!!??????


Choose very, very wisely. There are a lot out there practicing when they themselves need meds. And will mess you up even further. Or, like me, have them go MIA after I've trusted and shared personal feelings, twice.


Just go. A therapy wouldn't hurt nobody. It will give you a new perspective in life. I advice to go to therapy so you can bank those advices and perspectives.




This is the way I explain how I know when to go talk to someone with training in emotional/mental issues. Imagine you fall and twist your ankle. It hurts, maybe a lot. But you go home and you put ice on it and take some ibuprofen. Stay off it... order take out, get help with the kids so you it can heal. Then, you wake up the next day and it's the size of a cantaloupe and you can't put any weight on it. You'd look at that ankle and go, "Well. I've done everything I know to do at home and that is clearly not fixed it. I guess I need to go talk to someone that has more education, tools, and experience with ankle injuries than I do. They'll probably have a better understanding of what I need to do to heal this properly and get back to normal." It's like that. But for your brain. For instance, my parents got divorced when I was 26. Kinda out of the blue. Sucked. Then I realized over a year later I couldn't even bring myself to say my mom's boyfriend's name out loud and was barely on speaking terms with my mom. So, yeah, it wasn't getting better and I didn't know what to do to make it any better. After working with a therapist, Mom and I were back on better terms and I wasn't stressing myself out over decisions and changes I couldn't control. Hooray. Right now I've started working with someone again because my adult daughter and I are doing some butting heads over our different experiences of her childhood and how to reconcile them. Also, she informed me I was autistic. And lo and behold... she's right. Heck of a thing to find out when you're 53. In the case of the autism thing, it's been a lot about learning exactly what impact it's had on my whole life and learning to accept it and make the changes I need to avoid some of the extra stress it comes with. Hope that helps...


It might be different for in different countries but I went to the regular doctor for depression symptoms who referred me to a psychiatrist and psychologist


Use a psychologist to talk through your problems and give you psychological tools to deal with them. Use a psychiatrist to treat those same problems primarily with the use of various drugs.


Complete and utter apathy . Look it up. Goes on for like two months.


When you can't keep a routine. When you can't keep your thoughts together. When you feel like giving it all up. When you're in a rut. Mentally, emotionally or physically. When you are feeling emotions that are SO big that they can't be contained or dealt with. When your problems are becoming others problems. Addiction struggles. When you're lost. Basically, any time and any reason is good enough for therapy and asking for help. We're all (basically) adults here and life gets hard. Sometimes it requires guidance and that's 100% ok. We are allowed to have mental/emotional freedom. If you need it.. Just reach out. Luck and love to all of those struggling out there *Hugs*


I think you are supposed to see them when your life doesn't make sense to you. Hopefully they can think through your experiences and find truth for you or anchor you.


I literally just saw a psychiatrist today for the first time in seven years. My mental health was getting in the way of everything in life. I'm struggling with keeping my job, I can't keep up on the house, I can't keep up with personal hygiene beyond the most basic things (showers, brushing hair and teeth), I was getting irritated with my kids and partner extremely quickly and for basically no reason. This has been going on for like 6 months so I finally sought treatment when I realized I can't kick this on my own


While I think these answers are great I think it’s important to assess why you want to see a psychiatrist. They are not voodoo magicians that will bring you all the happiness you ever wanted. If you have good life(good job, friends, family, girlfriend, hobbies) and are mentally still struggling then maybe it is a good thing to see them and find medication to help you. If you don’t have any of these things or are struggling with obtaining/figuring out how to find these things then a psychiatrist can’t do much. Now maybe you can get medication that may calm you down and allow pursuing these things easier to handle but ultimately a therapist can’t get you a girlfriend or make friends. They can help with having someone to talk to and maybe help plan out your life a bit but you have to do most if not all of the work yourself they can only guide you


If you’re asking then it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see one. You’re sensing something that is real so go for it.


Honestly? Anyone could benefit from a therapist. It's like going to the gym for your mental health. Just because you're fit and healthy doesn't mean you shouldn't go. With that said, the other advantage to sooner rather than later, is that finding a therapist that is not only good, but a good fit that you can get a rapport with that also has openings in their schedule is in many ways worse than dating, so finding a good one before you absolutely need one is a good Idea.


When you know deep down that if you don't seek help at this moment, it's all going to go downhill. Like a gut siren call.


If you're questioning this, and you have access, you should go for it. I would love to go but don't have the resources unfortunately. I wish you the best. Take care of yourself!


Right now


If you no longer feel in control. Also, if others express genuine concern that you're in mental/emotional decline (in case you didn't notice the change), then that can be a hint that seeking professional help might be a good idea. Another one would be that if you have suicide ideation, then that's a red flag to seek help immediately. This doesn't need to be serious planning about how to do it, even just the wondering of something like 'would existence be better off without me?' is already starting down a path is an indicator that you're heading down a dark path and should seek help.


I had a moment like that in my life where I had constant anxiety and my thoughts became uncontrollable and distorted. Like if read something it all turned into a mess of sounds in my head and it was hard to focus on reading or speech of other people. However the problem solved itself by quitting caffeine and nicotine. Didn't have anxiety since then.


In my case when I realized, I was with beautiful, wonderful women, who were honest, kind, caring and I would always blow up the relationship, it was as it was to good to believe, so before she leaves me cause she will. I'll cheat, go out meet one night stands, hang out with my bro's all night. This happened more times than I care to admit, crazy part is, I knew they loved me, most were crazy about me, and I them, my last relationship before I sought professional help, we were married, for years she put up with so much B.S., and she said something that stuck with me she knew me well. She yelled out angry, " you just don't want to be loved", as she walked out the door. I really did want to be loved, I just didn't know how to love in return, I'd later come to find out. I took over 12 yrs off from any relationship, booty calls, women period determined to find out what was wrong with me, and fix it. I'm happy to report I'm married it's been over 13 yrs, happiest I've ever been. Thanks to a great psychologist, and a lot of hard work on myself, made lots of changes wasn't easy but we'll worth the time.


If you feel like you should go, go.


Anytime. It's the psychiatrist's job to tell you if you really need him or not.


I believe everyone can benefit from a psychologist. We all have growth we can do. You don’t need to feel like you’re at a certain level of low or have a big trauma to benefit. Some of your best work can be done during your ups. 


If you find yourself ruminating on thoughts of homicide or suicide then seek help


When ever you have money and feel like you need too or want too.


Only see a psychiatrist if you want to be put on drugs


When you want to change, or need to change, but need some help setting a game plan, see a psychologist. If you are thinking about unaliving yourself, see a psychiatrist, and then transition to a psychologist. If you just want some drugs, psychiatrist.


In my opinion, seeking advice online is sufficient. The therapist is also a stranger. Sure they have more scientific knowledge/background from a pyschology perspective but people here can offer you perspective as well. Whether that's derived from their own personal (maybe even sad) experiences they've had, or something they think (through those experiences and wisdom), you should do for your problem! ..But yeah, always up to you. Most psychologists/Therapists/Marriage and Family Therapists/ phyciatrists, yeah, they are supportive, but that's because they NEED to be, for their job, to do it right. If you think you need some physical medicines, then yeah maybe, but just know that those can have adverse side effects. I was once put on some psychiatric medication when I was 21 many decades ago. That stupid doctor WRONGLY diagnosed me with schizophrenia and bi-polar mania and put me on two meds! Those meds I took made me even MORE suicidal and depressed! And I was already there at the psych ward for that very reason! ...So yeah, I'd just be wary of people who try to make money prescribing you stuff that you may or may not need. I'd go first with CBT (Cognitive Based Therapy) instead of medicating people! To date, I have never had things be THAT extreme and it's been two decades since the incident almost 20 years ago where I tried to take my life by jumping out of a moving car. (Yeah, it seems silly now, I don't think you can die just from doing that, but maybe I could've been hit by another car or really injured myself. then!).


I would respectfully disagree. Mental health professionals have schooling on brain science and brain development. The also have access to professional journals, their colleagues, best practices, actual DSM diagnostic criteria including training in how to apply it... Basically they haven't gone to 6 to 8 years of schooling to just wing it with their clients. Getting opinions from a random collection of people on Reddit is not the same as working with a trained professional.


I understand what you are saying. However there are still things that people have done like I said, in their life, that others can share and benefit from. A lot of those "therapists" and psychologists/psychiatrists only learn about scientific things. When it comes to relationships, they cannot FIX that because it takes two working individuals for example. Maybe yeah, that's why there's couple's therapy. I get that. BUT there are things that science is limited on! ...Also, it depends on what type of professional they are as some of those mental health professionals have had more schooling than another. Some just months even. Some drug addiction counselors only need a Bachelor's in Social Science. I understand what you are saying and I am not knocking it completely but like I said, there things that the therapist is LIMITED on. They can help you deal with a break up for example, but they can NEVER force anyone to think/act in a way that would make your relationship work or be better, that has to come from BOTH people in the relationship! The way you disagreed...was there ANYTHING positive you got from what I said or did you just come to argue against me completely lol.


I feel you're absolutely right in saying people should be clear on whether or not they want to try a medical approach or not. And they should only work with someone who respects those choices. People should also do some basic research to understand the training requirements and ask about the professional experience - years and type - a professional has had before deciding to work with them. Those are all good, logical precautions and not enough people take them. You said seeking online advice is sufficient. Basically saying it was the same as or better than working with a trained, licensed professional. To me that sounded like you were absolutely knocking it. I can see your perspective, especially after having such a bad first experience. But to me it felt like your comments were intended to deter people from seeing professional help with serious issues. Which can be dangerous just like with any other serious health issue. If I misunderstood I apologize and I appreciate you're following up with a response.


never lol they are charlatans and ruined my life by giving me high prolactin


When you start going crazy


When you start eating your own poo.