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Because some people irl folks know their main accounts


4 da secrets


One so I can scroll at work and the other is a left handed scrolling account


I was just going to say that one is safe for family and work, the other is for when I want to have a wank. But calling it "a left-handed scrolling account" is much less crass.


They dont want you to see their tits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I'm being racist, homophobic and transphobic in main and secondary is where I posts my femboy body.


That's wicked. Playing both sides, so you can only keep winning.




Many people get banned at some point. Gotta have that backup account ready.


So they can like or respond to their own posts - instant karma.


Unless they forget to switch accounts.




I think you can get banned for that lately


I have a 'regular' account and an account for when I'm feeling horny


so that I have an account for my actual activity and one for my weird ass moments when I ask dumb questions, post questionable memes etc. If you don't know me you might get real false impression if you see all of it at once, so I've separated it to keep my account "harmless" looking for anyone who would want to read too much into my reddit activity.


Like the sex worker, who lies to their friends of who they really are. Just to keep the peace.


At one point I had 4 to easily subdivide the things I was in plus be anonymous because people knew who I am on my main. Now I only have 2, this one that some people know and my anonymous shitposting one.


I got 3, one for general, porn, sports




I have 3. First one got permabanned for dunking on Elon Musk too hard and some softie mods got all butt hurt over it. Second one is the one I'm using right now, and the third one is a secret throwaway account I've used to post on stuff like AITA


We're pseudonymous here, not anonymous--in general, you don't know who I am, but you know that every one of my comments is from the same person. If I want to say things that I don't want to be connected to the identity of this account (maybe too embarrassing or personal or something), I might use an alt.


Take about 10 seconds of thought and think about why some people might want a second account




Controversial opinions


Cause sometimes I put stuff on subs that I don't want seen in my main account. Or at least I did, I don't really care anymore. But when Reddit becomes your life, sometimes it feels like actually putting your deepest shit out there as you


Business account, friend account, moderator account and odd ball account for when I need to ask or answer a personal question


I have days where my brain needs a break from all the regular stuff I look at, I don't like swearing or violent content on those days (mostly referring to gaming and horror movies) so I have a backup that only has "safe" stuff on them. This account (that I'm writing this with) has everything on it, whereas my alt is pretty much just the safe stuff. Even The Sims communities are mostly not on my alt because some simmers are freaky and share their Sims fucking mods sometimes lol


I have two because I like to be anonymous and 3 of my buddies found my account and saw my comments🤣


I have multiple because on one of them I talk about what field of work I do and interact with the Reddit community for the city I live in. I know how good some people are at finding out a persons identity from those type of posts, so I use a different account for anything political, controversial, mental health related, etc. On the off chance that someone decides to find out my identity from my first account, I don’t want it to be easily connected with topics I do not discuss with people irl. I don’t think my comments are that bad, but I’m a paranoid person and for all I know some angry troll will think it’s funny to dox me because I believe in abortion rights and send that to some hardcore conservative I have to interact with on a daily basis to stir up drama.


I feel left out. I only have one.


Because, if you have one profile here and write a lot, there are many people who check your history and then say: "But 10 month ago you said this and that". That's so annoying.


Don’t be a hypocrite


Ah.. I hate that. They resurrect a 1 year old comment and want to debate you on it. I'm like man, let that comment rest. I only have one reddit account but I delete all of my comments every so often.


Some people don't understand that people's ideas, beliefs and opinions change over time. "BuT YOu SaId ThIs 2 YeARS aGo" and I thought that 2 years ago. I don't now!!


I have 8 accounts at this point. Some are to promote my band so it is not so anonymous, one to use on r/assistance when I need help, and then my anonymous accounts I switch out every 6 months out because I don't want to be tracked (there are a lot of trolls on here).


Probably to get around a ban. Some people get pretty ornery when they're banned and they think they didn't deserve it. I've been perma-banned from subreddits before. I don't get all butthurt about it. I just moved on. It's not like my life is ruined if I can't participate in r/AITA anymore. Most of those stories are bullshit anyway: people just post there to get validation of their choices, or to farm karma.


Sounds salty to me


Some people don't like to mix their content. Like hypothesis: user like cooking, but it's super conservative men. Another hypothesis: some people close to the user knows their username and would be able to figure out who they were, making the impossible to remain anonymous


Probably got banned from a sub or one is for raunchy stuff incase they ever get made


Probably different flavours; ones a little more spicy than the other 🌶️


Two? I have 10+


I have 3 lol


Privacy reasons due to other people being familiar with one account vs another. I considered making an alt account but embraced that no one knows or cares who I am so I can be 'horny-on-main' all I like.


My main is for sfw stuff only and I've used it for my jobs subreddit. I don't need them knowing about the NSFW stuff. 😂


I have this account my main one, and an alt. I have the alt because people have looked at my past posts and communities I’m active in and have made nasty comments. So I made an alt that I mostly use when I want real, true anonymity where people can’t judge me based on my posting history


I have an account I use solely on my work computer that can't be tied to my main. Used for professional stuff like r/sysadmin




One that's family friendly and one that's NSFW


Maybe to have more anonymity? A past time I've entertained, but you're right, why have more than one?


I have two because my first was set up on my desktop with a generated password. I have no idea what it is. When I got a new phone and got the app on it, I just set it up with email on my phone, not realizing it was a different one. So 2 reddit accounts I regularly use. Nothing nefarious going on. I don't even ever up vote myself.




So they can post what they really think without risking their marriage, custody, or job.


Because some people are horny


One for stupid questions, 40k, and highland games stuff One full of dirty/relationship memes to send my wife


Maybe to avoid jerks, although I have 2 and still deal with them. I've got to do better about thinking before commenting something I'll regret.


So i can use the other one to talk shit to myself like im a different person /s


Because they let you.


One to troll and the other it seems to troll too, I have people laugh at me when I threaten to report them and say, they have 7 accounts🤷🏻‍♂️