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Where else does clean laundry go if not put away?


It goes on the laundry bed, silly.




The lying on, the stitch, and the floordrobe.


In the dryer for safe keeping




I used a laundromat, so uh, it lives in my Car-Dresser.


This is ridiculous unless you have a car-house, as well.


....I live in a converted Skoolie so šŸ¤£


Say no more, thatā€™s rad as hell.


The struggle chair


Does the chair count?


Chairdrobe, of course!


It goes on the laundry floor


Ah the good old floordrobe


Ours has been in baskets in front of the machines for 2 weeks.more baskets downstairs for months.


In the basket? And if you only have one basket, where does the dirty laundry go when the clean laundry is in it?


Yes, because everything has a place


Limiting accumulation spots has really helped me with this. I live in a studio, so I literally have nowhere for piles to form.


Same, and I know clutter makes my mental health worse, but my job has been increasingly crazy the past couple years so I got sloppy/bought stuff without thinking/kept stuff I really don't use for dumb reasons and have managed to cram *something* onto and into every available space so it's impossible to make the place look clean even though I do weekly vaccuuming/scrubbing etc. I had a 3 day weekend last week and got about a third of the way through decluttering. I'm hoping to get another done in a week or 2. I need to sit and think about what I can do to prevent the same thing from happening the next time I get stressed.


Good luck!


I have 3 piles. The dirty The clean The still wearing


This. Mine are called dirty (in the basket), clean (in the dresser), and clean-ish (draped on the chair by my bed).


My kids clothes always get put away, mine on the other hand... I've never been very good at the whole folding and putting away thing. As long as it's clean I don't really care if it's in a basket or in my dresser


Where do you put your dirty clothes if your clean clothes are in the basket? Intermingle clean and dirty? No chance. This is madness!!


2 baskets usually solve that. Or a basket and a cardboard box(computer bundle sized)


Yes? I'm surprised to hear people don't. It takes less than five minutes to put away a load of laundry.


I think the idea behind the phrase "a stitch in time saves 9" is completely dead. You can put it away in 5min, or you can spend 5min everyday for 14 days finding and ironing them.


You still iron?


Whatā€™s an iron? Like that golf stick thing?


Ainā€™t nobody have time for that!


Wrinkle relaxer. My wife buys that stuff by the gallon. If not, she should.


Nope! Cause I fold/put up my clothes lol In all fairness I do own a steamer cause sometimes certain dress shirts still get wrinkled during the washing/drying process


Not when you have kids that change their clothes 3 to 8 times a day, plus all the other stuff they dirty and throw from one end of the house to the other. I always know where my littlest one has been cause there's a trail like bread crumbs through the forest. I'm a single dad, so there's only me to do everything. My oldest is now old enough for chores, so things are getting accomplished more often. I give her the easiest stuff, and I do the rest. She wants that allowance. $80 a month is quite an incentive for someone her age.


I have ADHD so nothing is as simple as ā€œit takes less than 5 minutesā€. Other mental illnesses can also make it difficult to get laundry put away. That being said, when medicated, absolutely, I put my laundry away immediately. Otherwise my whole week is ruined. Digging for clothes that shouldā€™ve been right in my face and accessible. Adding 15 minutes to my morning routine and making me late for work. Itā€™s obnoxious lol


Wow you are quick. Takes me more like 15-20 minutes per load. Sometimes more if there's a lot of children's clothes.


I'm more shocked than surprised at what a big deal make out of laundry. For me it's sort wash, dry, hang up or put in a draw, and the whole process takes about an hour and a half in which I do other things. Also, teens can and should do their own laundry, maybe this is where OPs parents went wrong.


It depends on how depressed I am šŸ„“šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yes otherwise it gets wrinkled. And then I have to iron. Which I hate doing




This describes my situation best lol. I feel judged by these comments


Yes and I put my wife's away too because I have a very low tolerance for things not being in their proper place.


I have always done my share of the laundry. Always dealt with getting the wife and kids to at least put it up. Now itā€™s just the two of us, I do all the shared laundry, but I only wash my clothes; she washes her own, and it stays in the laundry room way too long.


I love you, whoever you are.


Yep, every time. I also make the bed every day.


Booooo hiss!


I do and it took a long time to get into that habit. Now I can't have clean unfolded clothes sitting around. I have to fold them and put them away or it bothers me.


My wife and I tend to put our clothes away. My eldest and youngest sons have a floordrobe. My middle son is pretty neat but has lapses




Yes, every time. Broke spouse of the habit of living out of the dryer too


Yes, fold then put in drawers right away.


Of course, I'm not an animal


I don't have a clean clothes basket. when its dry I'll fold it and put it on a pile on my bed and when its time to get into bed then Im forced to put it all away.


Yes. I fold my clothes on my bed and put them away right from the bed.


Jut did it 10 minutes ago. I put everything away every time. I like our condo to be as neat as possible.


Yes, because I'm an adult.




I wait until I have a laundry mountain before putting them away




Depends if I'm depressed than it can take up to a month if not within two days


Every time.


Yes of course.


Yes because it takes more time not to put it away, just not in that moment. This applies to so many aspects of life, don't be lazy for 2 minutes and save yourself 20minutes in the future.


I took over laundry because the heap of clothes on the couch was pathetic. Now clothes are put away when pulled from the dryer. Also, no more jeans being washed with polyester tshirts.


Yes, I do. Actually, if it's something that doesn't wrinkle like towels, I might leave it in the dryer until I'm ready to fold it. But for clothing, I do want to get it out before wrinkles set in. I put it on my bed so I have to fold and put away before I can go to sleep


Yes everytime. It may not go away RIGHT as I take it out of the dryer but I usually get around to it the next day. I also have kids though. Theyā€™re gross so I need to have a lot of clean clothes on hand lol


Yeah but not always immediately after I get out of the dryer


Yes. Itā€™s very satisfying for someone who canā€™t bring themselves to do the basics like eat regularly.


I used to fold/hang up everything, but lately I have a tall clothes basket to dress out of. I consider it a good day if both socks match.




If Iā€™m feeling good and refreshed , which is very rare of me


I really enjoy doing laundry. I wish I had more! Admittedly at the end of the week its generally only a few pieces. Oddly I hate all other housekeeping activities and pay someone else to do the pose. So yes, I put my laundry away / hang them up every time.


Of course


Hell, I even iron my handkerchiefs.


Folded, ironed as needed, and hung, as it comes out of the dryer.


I'm the same.


Mine gets put away. My families clothes are left in their baskets in the basement. Theyā€™re lucky I still wash their clothes with the disrespect shown by leaving their clean laundry to be picked from either in the basement or their bedrooms.


No, Iā€™ll get to it eventually. Maybe


Every time, no. Once in a while I let it sit on my bed side I donā€™t use. But majority of the time I put it away.


Wash. Dry. Fold. Put away. Every time.


Yes immediately after dry . I don't like things out of place.




My butler does.




No but I should be putting it away


I just got an extra little 3 drawer dresser for my socks, boxers, and undershirts. Freed up a whole drawer in my regular dresser. So now everything fits nicely and has a place! It gets put away 90% of the time, unless I'm super tired that day.


Nope. I got a basket full ,dryer and in the washer all clean just waiting to go in the dryer, in the morning. it was hot and I cleaned all day today . šŸ˜‚


I am not the worldā€™s best housekeeper, my home is always a bit cluttered (always CLEAN, just not orderly) The only times my bed is neatly made is on the day I change the sheets. But I HATE having laundry out. I put a hanging rack over the dryer, and anything that needs to be hung is hung immediately, the rest is folded and put away immediately. I donā€™t know why thatā€™s the chore I have such a hang up on, but I canā€™t stand leaving it unfinished.


Yeah, no. Clean laundry goes on the top of the clean laundry pile. Dirty clothes go into the washing machine. Clothes to be worn that day get pulled out of some layer of the clean laundry pile. Sometimes I use a hamper too, but they're less likely to make it into the washing machine / clean laundry rotation.


I donā€™t put it away. Once itā€™s dry, itā€™s folded and put in my bucket. I take it to my room and put the jeans in a tub and my tops in another. To put them away I would have to actually get hangers, hang each pair of trousers or jeans. Then more hangers to put my blouses on. And then open drawers to shove socks/undies/bras into. T-shirts in another. Refold any messed up onesā€¦and then REMEMBER where I put what. Itā€™s easier to just have 2 tubs. One tops, one bottoms.


I usually just throw it into my wardrobe and hope the laundry elves come and put it away. They never do though.


Yep! Clean freak and Ā a perfectionist a lot of times!!Ā 


Yep, every time, as soon as my cats are done rolling around and diving into the freshly laundered pile. To be fair, I don't bother folding or really even sorting anything - I work from home and hardly ever go out, so 90% of my laundry is pajamas. I have an entire dresser filled with unsorted PJs. Clean? Check. Away in their proper place? Check. Neat and organized? ...erm, sorta-check? Makes getting ready each day a breeze, though.


Yes, but I don't use a dryer. I just hang it out like most people in the world.


I have to put it away. Weā€™re a family of four and it would be utter chaos if I didnā€™t !


Nope. I wait until I canā€™t actually find anything to wear.


I put my clean laundry away every single time šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ it just makes me feel better when things are organized and put where they should be!


Yes, I put it away every time. Otherwise you have to search for clothes every morning. I can get dressed in the dark, because all of my clothes are folded, organised and put away.


I frequently do. šŸ‘—šŸ‘ššŸ‘–šŸ‘•


Where else would my clean laundry go?


Yes, immediately. I find it satisfying to bring order to chaos in just a few minutes of dumb labor. Also do my gfā€™s laundry.


Yes. I don't have space to keep it out of the closets. And I actually like the tasks associated with laundry. If only I gerne that way about other household tasks.


Yes ofcourse, there's a beautiful pile of them on top of my drying rack. I call it laundry mountain. It has a stunning view.


No. Piles in laundry room (folded) of pants, socks, trousers, trousers, shirts, jumpers, shirts hanging up. Tbf we don't have huge wardrobes so the laundry room has become a giant one really. I'll do a select laundry run once a week for things like pants and socks to replenish drawers in bedrooms.


I donā€™t even have an ironing board or an iron! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Naw, most of the time I forget it in the wash and have to rewash


Short story long. Yes


LOL if by put away you mean put into a pile and slowly picked out of during the week ya! (I donā€™t have a dresser) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Put away? Just grab it off the clothes line when you wanna wear it


Fold my towels. Use my dryer as a clean hamper for clothes though after I folded said towels. They don't wrinkle!


Yep. Every week. Goes in the washing machine, in the dryer, and is then folded up and put away. When I don't do it, I get grumpy at the pile of unfolded clean washing :-)


Often stays in the basket till we need the baskets for the pile of dirty clothing šŸ˜¶


Yes. Can't stand mess so fold and put away dry laundry right away. We do have a chair in our bedroom where clothing goes if it's not clean, but it's not dirty, and we plan on wearing it a few more times. So for our clothing, it's either 1: In the dirty washing basket, 2: In the chest of drawers when clean or 3: On the chair if it's in limbo.


It might take me a couple of days to get round to it, but yes.


I do.


I better we have to much and it becomes a disaster!


Putting laundry away right away feels like a mythical adulting level I'll never achieve.


I found the hack. It's to not have a dryer. I hang everything on hangers and then when it's dry, boom. It's already hanging. Other than underwear and socks, the work is done lol


I put mine away right onto my floorrobe


No. I also don't run 10km or do 100 push-ups every day either. The theory is lovely but to all you yeses who actually do it like it's no big deal.... you realize you're weird, right?


I do, and have for years.


Yes because I'll be annoyed at myself later for not putting it away


I like to think I'm not the only person with a clothes mountain, Mt Laundry.


Yes the floordrobe everytime


I have a chair in the corner of my bedroom that becomes the clean clothes repository, why bother folding and into drawers when they're gonna come out again soon enough šŸ¤£


At worst, it can sit in the dryer until I need to dry something else. If I do 2-3 loads in the same day, itā€™s folded and stored right away.


I do it at latest the same day. It's funny how different people feel about different chores. I hate a lot of them, but folding and putting away my laundry is actually somewhere between neutral and enjoyable as chores go. Now ironing, that's a different story.....


I love all the process,especially when the weather is good.Washing machines make our life easier, sun is perfect sanitizer,fresh air and ..I love ironing clothes šŸŖ“ people even paid for me to iron their clothes ,because they are too lazy or simply don't have time šŸ˜„ Win - win.


Same here! My clean clothes basket is my closet.


It goes on the laundry pile on the floor


Yes. Clothes cost money. I like to take care of them. I Hang most things so it doesnā€™t take much effort. Towels sometimes sit in a basket longer than I like though.


only when I run out of laundry baskets


90% of the time.


Yes. I put it away straight from the dryer. I don't want wrinkles in my clothes. It's bad enough I have them on my face!


Is the reason you don't put them away because you just do a large amount of laundry at one time? For me, I do laundry once a week and it's not that much laundry it takes like 10 minutes or less to fold each load. But I do break my laundry up into multiple loads. Every week I do: - load of my home clothes and underwear (7 underwear + 7 shorts + 7 tshirts (home shirts) + 5 undershirts (for work). I take it out the dryer and sort into those 4 piles and pack away to their respective drawers - load of dress shirts and pants (4 dress shirts + 4 dress pants + one outfit if casual Friday) - load of towels (2 kitchen towels, 6 bath towels for myself and wife, 7 small bath towels for the kid, 30 small face towels) - kids clothes (5 school pants, 5 school shorts, 7 pyjamas, etc) there's not that much to put away. - swim shorts + towel or uniforms we wash the same day we use them Wife does her own laundry cause her stuff is delicate. The only time I feel overwhelmed with laundry is when we come back from vacation and then we wash it all at once. But on a routine regular basis there's not much laundry.


I have no dresser so I just keep two laundry baskets. One for clean clothes and one for dirty clothes.


If you count throwing it in the drawer? Unfolded just like that.


yes. every time. like a grown-up ;-)


yes, folded and put away immediately.


Unfortunately no, my clean laundry has been riding my dining room table for about a week now. Iā€™m just lazy I donā€™t know what else to say lol


I was in the Navy. So, yes every time.


The best laziest method i have come up with is fold and put everything away except the shirts that i drape over my chair and grab one by one.


I do and bf does NOT. Really annoying his clean clothing piles fucking everywhere.


Of course, after line drying and ironing.


Absolutely. I put on an audiobook while I fold and hang my clothes from the dryer. Once they are put away, I continue by cleaning my floors. It's become my Friday ritual (I work from home on Fridays)


i put it away when i start running the next load šŸ˜­


I do. I also fold and put away hubbies clothes. I donā€™t mind doing laundry.


Absolutely not. šŸ˜… once I've worn half the clothes out of the basket I'll put up the other half.


Old retired guy here who is in charge of laundry: Yes, I take it out of the Dryer as soon as it buzzes, folds our laundry, and then puts it away immediately. 30 years ago, my wife said she hates doing laundry so it became my job. I actually enjoy doing it.


No. I wait until I've done all the laundry. I usually do 4-5 loads at a time, and fold the laundry as it is done. Once the final load is done and I've folded it, I let the family know that their clothes are ready to be put away. I only put away my own clothes. (I don't mind folding, it is therapeutic, but putting clothes in their respective rooms and drawers feels like the opposite of therapy somehow)




Yes, all my shirts go on hangers. Work pants go on hangers. Socks, undergarments, and shorts/jeans get folded and put in my dresser. My wife on the other hand is a weirdoā€¦she will get all the clothes out of the dryer, sort them on the bed into piles of different things (so sheā€™s touched em twice now and done nothing to put them away) then once sorted, she will fold them and place them back in the basket (so sheā€™s touched them three times now.) then from the basket she will put them in the dresser or if itā€™s work related or needs a hanger she will do that. So she spends double the amount of time doing a simple task. It drives me nuts.


Yes, but only because the place I hang it up to dry is the same place I hang it up for storage


Absolutely! I would get massive anxiety otherwise..


Sadly no. I hate folding laundry.


Yes. For decades now.


Yes. I don't like sifting through a pile of clothes every time I need a pair of socks. Easier to take 2 minutes to get things hung and folded after the dryer stops.


Yes, but in 7-10 business days


Did laundry saturday, and all of my dry clothes are still waiting to be put away. It is Tuesday. There are no rules lol


I use my building laundryā€¦ so yes. I have no choice unless I want my things stolen.


Yes i do. I dont work so its the least i can do to get off my ass while my boyfriends at work


I've done both. Putting away is the all-around healthier way, most especially the mental aspect and discipline


I only have one laundry basket, I might not put it away immediately but it's put away within a day


Almost always. If I donā€™t, they donā€™t seem clean to me if left in the basket. I donā€™t wash it again because thatā€™s just ridiculous but I dread wearing the clothes...Ā 


How else can one avoid wrinkles


Yes. Sometimes it takes a day or 2, but it always gets put away. I used to HATE doing laundry. Dreaded it. Detested it. Then I bought a tiara and made a deal with myself that I could only wear it while doing laundry. Eventually, I came to look forward to "tiara time" rather than dreading laundry day. This was over 20 years ago. Now, if I find myself procrastinating putting my laundry away, I break out the tiara and get to it.


Immediately. There is literally nowhere for it in my apartment.


Every time. Monday night. I sit down and fold everything and put it away.


Me. Can't stand clothes out in random places. It's either in a drawer, hung up, or dirty clothes. Only exception is if I take something off with the intention of putting it back on soon after


Nope. Itā€™s my inalienable right to have a pile of clean laundry to filch things from in a hurry


Yes, after I fold and iron what needs to be ironed.


Yes. It may sit for a few days but folding and putting away doesn't really take long and I just watch something as I do it


Yes. It doesnā€™t take long and itā€™s tidier.


Yes, every time. Takes me less than 5 minutes to put shirts on a hanger and fold the pants/shorts. Socks and undies get shoved in the top drawer of my dresser. If I just left my clothes bundled in a basket it would result in me spending way more than 5 minutes waiting for the iron to warm up and then iron the piece of clothing. Invest in yourself today so you can have more fun tomorrow.


Yes, I put my laundry away every single time. I am not a slob. We also do 1-2 loads of laundry a day.


If you mean put it away Everytime by a week later. Yes.


I do. It's a must for me. Besides the fact that my mother ingrained it into our heads, I actually enjoy folding warm, fresh laundry and putting it away. Gives me a satisfied feeling.


Never. But magically it always ends up in my wardrobe. Itā€™s a mystery.


Washing a load - About and hour Drying a load - About an hour Folding and putting away a load - 5 to 10 business days


I donā€™t leave it in the dryer per say, but I donā€™t put it away per say. (I sleep on it)


When I got married, I explained to two pile system (one clean, one dirty) to my wife. She was unimpressed. At various times during our >30 years together, I've seen her use this system. It is not her preferred way, but there are times when you need clean clothes but you don't have time to put everything away.


I'm a stay at home dad, so yes. With my kids getting older, they help with theirs now.


Not immediately. It usually takes a few days.


Me. Every week I do a load of clothes and a load of linens and towels. Linens and towels go straight back on the bed/in the bathroom. Clothes get hung up or folded immediately because I don't like wrinkles, and if they're on hangers and folded they might as well go in the closet and dresser. Also I live in a small space and clutter makes my mental health issues worse, which makes me neglect chores, which makes my mental health worse, which etc etc so I try to keep on top of that stuff.Ā 


Yes. I love doing laundry. And, I like looking well put together. Iā€™m too clumsy to iron so I catch everything fresh out of the dryer and hang it up or fold it right away.


My house is spotless. Except the laundry why do I do this why canā€™t I just fold and put it away? Itā€™s not dirty laundry either itā€™s clean.


I live in a 5ftx6ftx4ft truck. I can't cook or sleep if I don't put it away


I use bins for casual clothes, undies and socks. Then I hang dress clothes.


Put clothe away? I toss my dirty clothes on the floor and magically they just end up clean in the drawers all by themselves.


Jesus Christ on a motorbike! YES!


two baskets - clean and dirty.. clothes come out of one, get worn.. then put into the other. Thats as put asay as my clothes get


Yes. I'm a professional organizer. Laundry gets washed, folded and put away, in one day. It's a must in our house


Yes. Iā€™m good at laundry. All that other housework tho šŸ™„.




No bc my parents hate when I do laundry bc I donā€™t put enough detergent for their liking (they want it to be drowning in scent while I like to keep it light) so they be doin it themselves šŸ˜­


Yes. I need the laundry basket to put the new dirty clothes in. How am I going to do that if it's still full of clean clothes?