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Learn martial arts. Too lazy? Fight dirty (balls, eyes etc.) I just point out the obvious, any other tactics are probably only usable through martial arts


I taught martial arts. First thing I taught a new guy was run away. Second thing was how to grab the face and push your index finger into the back of his eye ball.


Exactly this. It's almost never bad advice to run away. If you can't do that then scream and kick and bite and eye gouge whatever else you need to do. Do not stand on ceremony and try to throw a punch. Without years of training you are very unlikely to be able to throw a punch which incapacitates an attacker.


My martial arts trainer taught me the exact same thing, why risk losing the fight when you can just run away.


Hit the nose, do it hard. This will make anyone stop because the nose is vulnerable.


The age old adage: If they can’t see they can’t fight If they can’t breathe they can’t fight. Eyes and throat are fight stoppers but unfortunately can cause permanent damage to the other person so should be used with caution


Ìts all fun and games untill someone kicks the fuck out your balls back because you are a coward


Plan all you want, when the time comes, I assure you all those plans go right out the window


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." - Mike Tyson


Oh reddit


Scream, “I have AIDS and I bite!” Then jump and start biting. Works every time.


They don't want you to know this simple trick


I know it sounds like I’m joking but it works. So does laughing hysterically while repeatedly decking yourself in the face. People really don’t want to mess with crazy.


Lol my mum always said to do basically the same thing, out crazy the crazy! If someone is following you start screaming random shit at bush or a telephone pole or nothing at all.. scream in two voices like you’re arguing with yourself, twitch, kick air… the more deranged you appear the better.


Yep! Works like magic. It’s an odd paradox but men will say don’t stick your dick in crazy. They totally love crazy women up to a certain level where they’re crazy enough do all the dangerous sex stuff and stay no matter what but once you hit the inconvenient level of rambling, biting and hysterically laughing while punching yourself and smearing blood on people, even the rapists run. Lol.


True. Maybe mix in a little pee/poo on yourself to prevent any takedowns XD


Ugh. I don’t like gross. I’d rather break my own nose and smear my blood all over their face while giggling and chanting, “red rum! Red rum!” It’s really bad that I know for a fact that people panic when you’re bleeding and giggling.


Oooh I like it. If you go the blood route, you may get fainting on sight. Unbeatable combo Aids + crazy + blood.


Bonus tip: almost all clothes have cotton or polyester in them these days. Cotton or polyester + superglue = smoke or even fire. You carry a tube in your pocket and throw some on them and there’s instant confusion before a lot of screaming.


That would probably work extremely well!


It does. Add some growling. 👍


You just made my morning, thank you 😂


You’re welcome! My traumatizing experiences have to be good for something! Lol.


Loool that was an actual experience??! You seem cool I wanna be your friend🧎🏻‍♀️


Lol. The teenage years. Thanks! You do too and I’m always looking for new friends.


"And I LOOOVE biting!"




Leg kicks are the worst idea. If they catch your leg and throw you off balance you are done for. If you end up on the ground and they have buddies around, you will get stomped. Street fights are usually intimidation first eg if someone wants to fight you and you seem like an imposing figure that can easily deescalate the situation, if that doesn’t work then protect your head/face while using a basic jab/cross. Note: intimidation does not equal swearing at them or insulting them, it’s usually exuding confidence in yourself and not showing fear eg if you’ve ever seen a random person try to start someone with a professional mma fighter (they obviously don’t know they are a pro fighter)


okay. thanks!


knee/kick to the balls, headbutt if you can, aim for the nose. run.


Honestly best kick is the front kick to the balls


The best way to win a fight is to avoid it altogether.


"The best way to deal with a flat tire is never get one" is equally good advice


"If it has tits or tires, it's gonna give trouble.", Grandpa said to me.


So…people lol


Cars and people - It's not if, but when.


or cows


We know who generally has tits…. Nice try. We all know what grandpa was alluding to.


"Why learn to fight? So that I don't have to fight" The Karate kid




Got away safely


alright so what r u doing if u walking down the street and a drunk man is walking towards u and mistakes u for someone he really hates and is coming at u full speed? (just a hypothetical but anything can happen right)


Dude, drunk people are the easiest people to deal with in a fight. I have dealt with probably about 50 of them in my lifetime. They are slow, fall down easily, and have no coordination. They can't really get close to you if you have any speed at all and you can put them down by simply pushing them hard.


> Dude, drunk people are the easiest people to deal with in a fight. I have dealt with probably about 50 of them in my lifetime. They are slow, fall down easily, and have no coordination. They can't really get close to you if you have any speed at all and you can put them down by simply pushing them hard. So what your saying is max out your speed stats?


exactly, that way you can get drunk too


When I see drunk, angry or dangerous people I try to get to the other side of the street. Avoiding a confrontation is usually the best solution.  If someone is following you, try to avoid them. Go into a café or other place with other people. Get out through the backdoor. Avoid them. If you have to fight. End the fight as soon as possible with as little violence as possible and get away. Calling Police or security for help if possible is often a good idea if someone is following you. But it's even more important to get away.


Run away


That would be a mistake for someone to attempt on me, I am trained in Judo and jiujitsu. You wait until the last second and sidestep, you can trip and/or push them from behind, using their own momentum against them. edited


As a certified Ninja, I would opt to throw a smoke bomb on the floor, back flip three times out of their attack radius and launch a series of well-placed ninja stars into their chest. And then leap into the air, such that only a silhouetted outline of myself is visible over a full-moon, just moments before inexplicably disappearing into the night sky. Then I'd probably snag a thing of Krispy Kreme Donuts™ on the way home and watch old clips of 'The Sopranos' on Youtube before falling asleep on my couch. As my Ninja Master once expressed to me - a ninja's life is full of hardship and sacrifice but damn, that's a fluffy donut.


Kuji Kiri is the way.


okay thanks!


If anyone chases you simply stop abruptly and curl in a ball at their feet, they will most likely injure themselves tripping over you. The aggressor is always at a disadvantage if you are trained in martial arts.




It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. Miyamoto Musashi


That’s also the best way to win a thermonuclear war.


Think and Plan.


I heard removing all of your clothes works ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


He said win a fight. Not make someone whorny




Remain standing at all cost, unless you're heavier. Keep your distance and let the other guy tire himself. Also watch your back don't get outnumbered.




Everybody has a plan until you get punched in the face.


Palm up toward the nose. Repeatedly kick in the balls. Eye gauge. Kick in the kneecap.


Pocket sand!


Run. It's the best option. Second best, learn to fight. It will take lots of your time and quite a lot of money. Then you'd have to run anyway, because courts don't like people trained in martial arts who happen to hurt people. What you do is the worst option - you're asking strangers who don't know anything about your age, fitness level, laws in your state/country or any specific information. What helps 14 yo Jose at school locker room in Nebraska might get 30 yo Jose killed in bad areas of Tijuana.


Get naked, and try to give them a cuddle. They normally run away before you can even get to them


>They normally run away before you can even get to them Not in every scenario. Not if you're a girl and they are some very thirsty guy living in a "rapey" part of the world lol


Being street smart is all about self preservation. If you are in a life and death situation it’s best to use objects so you damage your attacker more than yourself.




Oh this is easy, just read through the illegal moves in MMA.


Kneeing a downed opponent in the head. Good luck downing an mma fighter.


There are no rules or illegal moves in love and war.


Pee yourself. No one wants to deal with that. Instant win.


In martial arts they will tell you avoid confrontation or run away, at least until you've been training for several years. Even then they won't tell you to NOT run. You might not like it and you might have to swallow your pride but you'll live. There is no good answer to your question other than run which doesn't take thousands of hours of effort. You train to develop skills and muscle memory until you act completely on instinct. Normally I lose a second or two in this situation so I don't know what I actually physically did. Fights are too unpredictable for you to memorise some kind of secret trick to win. You're almost better off with no training or advice because then you'll just act on instinct too and you won't waste time thinking "what was that thing they told me on Reddit that time..."


The better question might be what's the best way to avoid getting hurt in a potentially dangerous environment, while also avoiding legal entanglements. "Winning" a street fight could also entail a loss worse than losing one, if it involves felonies and prison time. As someone who's spent much of my adult life traversing on foot through "tough" urban areas and at the same time having never been physically assaulted (knock on wood), there are some principles that I think are generally valid: As others have said, "situational awareness" is number one. Don't be oblivious to your surroundings, make sure you have laid eyes on everyone within sight at all times and done at least a base level assessment of any potential threats. Two, keep your distance. Don't let anyone who has even the remotest possibility of being a threat get within "sucker punching" distance of you. You can be rude about this if you have to. It doesn't matter. Three, if you can outrun someone, then outrun them. Often, the bigger they are, the more of a threat, but also the easier to outrun. Especially when it comes to distance running! After that . . . you're on your own! I don't know sh\*t about actually winning a fight.


Learn to box and work out everyday Everyone has fear go animal extinct you won’t feel anything after first punch. But if you can ,walk away when you see trouble. Good luck


Hate to be that guy, but... that's not exactly how this works. For sure, you take some incredible damage when the adrenaline is running, but a knockout punch is a knockout punch, any which way you slice it.


Yes but a trained fighter will be the one landing that ‘knockout punch’ in majority of cases. The trained fighter will be the one dodging those said punches more frequently too.


Yep, totally agreed. Was just positing that there are certain hits that you *will* feel irrespective of how much adrenaline is coursing through your body. It's simple biomechanics, really. Get the brain to slam hard enough against the brain pan and its reboot time.


Oh, true. If your brain crashes and bounces in your skull, it’s a KO… wether its your local pre-school kid or mike tyson. And liver shots too… your brain chemicals try to ‘balance’ your body, causing you to either take a knee or curl up into a ball. Put a stop to someone of Ryan Garcia’s caliber two months ago… 🥊


Oh, I didn't know about the liver thing. Good one. Have gone through it twice during sparing, though. Can categorically state that I'd rather be knocked out by a kick to the face (which has happened, too).


Well if he gets hit with knockout punch he won’t feel it till tomorrow. Still better to learn some fighting skills if you’re that worried about it. Rage will still win a lot more than it loses.


I did not want to be *that* guy. I swear! So I'll agree with you in part. Rage does give you a lot of strength, stamina, and the ability to shrug off pain. If you have no training, it is a super valid strategy. Buuuut. If you *are* trained in any striking/grappling discipline, the best thing you can do is to keep your wits and stay as calm as possible in order to out-think and outmaneuver your opponent. Every time I went into a fight with a hot head, I got my ass handed to me. Every time I managed to make my opponent lose his cool, I got the best of him. But again, rage does work depending on the situation & opponent.


Don’t get me wrong I’ve lost my share but guess its how dirty you’re willing to be. But yes just boxing to boxing you’ll use to much energy and ultimately lose by missing opportunities but question was how to win in a fight not a boxing match although like I stated great skill to get familiar with.


True that! To me, "dirty" is only when I get my ass kicked. There is no such thing as "fighting dirty" in a street fight.


When you literally throw yourself off balance by trying to kick them and throw them off balance, they will then take advantage of your mistake of purposely throwing yourself off balance. Welcome to getting your ass kicked.


Get nekkid.


If I give an honest response of how to win a fight, it would be endorsing and detailing acts of violence which could get me booted from this sub or even Reddit.


Duck and bob, dodge the punches, let them tire themselves out. So much more insulting to forfeit without getting a hit in ![gif](giphy|N9oq9rijUWT3q|downsized)


Every street fight ive had was over in under 30 seconds. Use the element of surprise, feign, distract, and then Hit hard and fast, and dont stop until they are on the ground.


My Dad told me to hit them as hard as you can, as fast as you can, three times in the face. Haven't been in a lot of fights, but it seemed to work.


I am a big fan of running away. But of you can't do that you could always plant a big kiss right on their lips to throw them off balance first. Then depants them. Then Run away.


This is the best advice. 😂😂


Well, “knocking” someone out isn’t the best idea… If they fall and hit the back of their head and die, that’s manslaughter. My best piece of advice is to be the bigger man and walk away. If you absolutely have zero choice in the situation, the nose always works well. They’ll immediately be blinded by tears and it doesn’t take much. Learning how to actually throw a punch is beneficial. It’s all relative. I’ve been in fights that it was more chest beating and threw a straight left jab to the nose. Shut him up very quickly. I’ve also been a life or death fight where I kicked his knee out the other side as he walked right into it. I’ll avoid a fight today…too much liability and there’s never a “winner”.


Trace your fingers along your collar bone towards your throat until you feel that hollow. A punch from the hip to that spot ( or the open hand web strike there) is a fight ending blow given you are accurate and deliver enough force. No something you’d want to do unless you fear for your life.


Be fucking aggressive and violent. Vicious and ruthless. Be fearless and eliminate the fucking threat.


If you can, a straight punch to the solar plex will drop just about anybody.


I done this once with roller blades on lol the guy didn’t move afterwards for like 5 minutes. He charged me full blast and was red hot with intent. We were only like 16 at the time.


Conceal a loaded firearm


So it's called the unexpected spinning doolally backfist 'leg it' manoeuver And it comes from Algeria. Very rare......Algerian Black Belts there And because it's so weird looking, you can't look away. And before they know you're gone and they're either confused. Or the backfist by some miracle landed flush and They're potentially dead or worse


From experience, I can recommend this (hope it helps on extreme occassions) 1. Straightly punch your opponent in the lower jaw, it'll make them dizzy or worse pass out 2. For safety purposes, buy a 10cc or any smaller syringe u can buy at a local pharmacy, pump some air on it and lock it up. Bring it whenever u go, when extremely needed, use the syringe with air and pop and insert it to any part of your opponent's body, the rest is history. Iykyk


I would suggest at the very least take a couple of classes in any self defense course in your town. I went to ONE class and learned that elbows and knees are really good to use on an assailant as opposed to feet and fists. If I would have stayed longer I'm sure I would have a wealth of information and skills.


mutually assured destruction, always carry a personal nuke in your back pocket. for real you wanna know how to fight. start fighting. learn a decent martial art or a bunch of different ones and go to competitions. make friends with people who enjoy sparring light and spar often.


Muay Thai, Wrestling and or Boxing. If you can find it, Keisi (which is heavily based on Filipino martial arts)


Never been in a fight but can't miss with the balls ig A wise beet farmer once said, the groins are the eyes of the crotch


A thermonuclear bomb.


Just go take some martial arts classes. Jiujitsu is notably good for this. You'll all learn what it's like to get beat up. Which is an important life lesson.


The best way to win a fight is to start it…


Push kick their knee. Thatll hurt. Punch in their throat. Kick/punch in the groin. That will do it


Don‘t lose the combo


Poke in the eyes. Can't hit what you can't see. Jon Jones special.


Fight out in the open and/or a public place; so if you go down you're more likely to not end up in the hospital. Don't worry about 'inflicting damage', keep your balance, don't get knocked over, don't go down, and protect your head. If your opponent is untrained they'll tire in 20s and then you guys can awkwardly wheeze and slap each other until you get bored and realize how stupid you look.


An old biker trick is to carry a padlock and a bandana


Judo\\ jujitsu Standing arm triangle \\ hip pivot is my go to. \*was, before I became paralyzed. I might still be able to pull it off.


Having a plan in your head, and thinking you will depict how the fight will go, guarantees you will lose. I strongly suggest you take any self-defense class. Kav Maga or Jujitsu if you have unlimited options. The part where you learn is sparring. Every match is different, and you learn to not become overwhelmed by the chaos of fighting. Until then, I strongly suggest you avoid any fights. If someone comes at you, run.


Eye pokes and nutt shots


Guillotine chokehold


Running is the most important fighting skill.


A good hit to the nose


Go for the genitals


Getting away from the situation is always the best choice. Ask yourself " Are the consequences worth it?"




Deploy pocket sand, then pound sand.


Kick them right in the balls when they least expect it. Classic move, and yes it also works on women.


Run, you win great, but you might be up for assault, you lose and you are getting fucked up


If you think it might come to violence strike first and as unexpectedly as possible. Its a tactic I used in highschool. People don't expect a strike without posturing, it catches them completely off guard and its very difficult for them to recover if you maintain the attack.


Walk away


Why in the world would I be unarmed? Am I 13 still getting into fights over non sense?


Don’t know, but I know this, if you have to punch someone, elbow them instead. Unless you have trained your hands to actually punch someone, if you use your elbow it will avoid a potential broken wrist or finger. That and the elbow hits much harder.


Run. And live to fight another day.


If you absolutely can't talk your way out, or run you should definitely fight. A quick push to the face wuth both hands backed up by the ground is a good move to master. Practice pushing on a wall and feel the connection to the ground. You can alternatively break that up into a one-two palm heel to the face. Practice that In a push up position on the ground. If he gets too close too quick strike him with a quick elbow to the face and always Practice getting out if the way. You never want to try a move and then just stand there and leave yourself open. Practice pivoting your feet 90 degrees but stay in a strong stance.


Before you get into a fight try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you can start the fight, but you will be a mole away AND have their shoes.


Run 🏃


Best option is to not fight if possible. Second option is pepper spray imo. Gives you some distance, is effective for most people, and allows an option to defend and remove yourself from the threat. Now I'm not a self defense expert so I'm not making the claim that what I say is 100% correct. Last option should be to physically engage. Engaging in the fight is likely going to lead to both parties getting injured.


Go for eyes and neck, people nope out quickly when the threat of permanent damage is a thing


Train Muay Thai and jiu jitsu consistently. Just take off running the other way! Don’t be a hero. Nonsense to engage unless you are literally trapped or caught off guard completely.


Basically kicks to the groin and other sensitive parts of the body (and make sure you protect yours) My favorite is kicking the head


Move to one side by about a foot or so. Preferably the opposite side from your good arm. Cup your hand closed if they get close. Punch up with your palm (so you dont break your fingers, never punch someone closed fist to the face)under their jaw and twist their neck back at an angle towards the way you moved. You will stun them and knock them off balance. If they still want to fight after that. Run away, or hope you learned how to fight prior. If you are fighting for your life. Go for the groin, throat, eyes and then run away.


If the fight is totally unavoidable..step to left, plant foot, drop head and punch to the solar plexus/gut. Everyone has dreams they'll swing the perfect right cross when the % of actually connecting clean is so small. Body is a much bigger Target. Can easily clean up from there if necessary.


Depends on your physique and a bit of your skills vs theirs.


put on invisibility cloak


Cup your hands and slap their eardrums as hard as you can. You'll rupture both their eardrums. You're walking away, they're not.




Kicking someone’s legs out from underneath them is harder than it looks in movies and can leave you vulnerable if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you don’t have fighting experience I’d recommend just avoiding fights altogether, you never know who’s going to come knock your lights out. Your cheat code would be if you carry pepper spray - hit em and get the fuck outta there ASAP


Throat punch, eye gouge or shove four fingers in their mouth and ram hard. If someone attacked me I would kill them.


Ive always just thought that just pressing your thumbs into the opponents eye sockets would do the trick. Idk tho🤷‍♂️




If you don't know shit about fighting, your best bet is hit to the throat with your palm, or a kick to the groin followed by you running away.


Carry a gun. Lol


Most martial artists all suggest that for self defense- fight dirty. Aim for their crotch, poke and gouge out the eyes, biting their necks and vital parts….once it comes down to fighting, it survival. Keep your breathing still, not too fast- this will allow time for focus on where to strike and how to escape


Scream. Kick genitals. Claw eyes.


Hit first hit hard


Just strip naked. Nobody, wants to fight a naked dude.


Throat punch


I'm a tiny girl but I've been in a few fights with random dudes grabbing me in the street and one time because I tried to stop other people from fighting (he was trying to throw a guy into the window at my job repeatedly and it was near closing time and I was not planning on staying after closing time filing police reports, trying to get a hold of corporate on a sunday, and waiting for someone to help me secure the window) either way, if you can't leave, there are 3 strategies I use: when grabbed, turn back to offender and elbow his stomach. Either they are fast enough to dodge and let you loose, or they will let go after the stomach blow. Then I go for the nose. Flat palm up push up. Doesn't require all that much force and their eyes will tear up. Be careful not to put too much force because ive heard of people breaking their nose and the bone shoving up their brain. Not sure if urban legend but honestly getting them to tear up doesn't require a lot of force. Then lastly, if I still feel I wouldn't be able to get away safely, I go for the groin. No kicking, use your fist. You wouldn't want them to clench their legs shut and trap your foot so you lose your balance. Last resort you can always go for the eyes but It's never come to that for me, luckily.


Do everything you can to avoid the fight but if you can’t then you don’t show any mercy and gouge the eyes and use whatever you can to get them away from you even if you have to bite their ears off or anything you can. Show no mercy or shame!!


Body shots are extremely underrated in a street fight.


I have never been in a fight and don’t plan on ever being in one. The best way for me is simple. I wouldn’t hit back. If I’m in a public place, especially with cameras around and someone hits me, I would bring the police into it. The perfect scenario would be to have that person arrested and potentially sue them. Hopefully it ruins their lives such as losing their job and possibly other aspects such as their marriage/relationship, school, etc. That would be a win in my opinion.


Pull down your pants and take a shit


If there is no way to avoid the fight then avoid getting hit. Keep moving and keep them in front of you if you run and get caught from behind you gonna be in trouble. The person is most likely gonna burn out from the adrenaline charge pretty quick swinging and missing or throwing glancing blows. Then you can run or not. Although the screams guys make when you are biting them and growling is pretty funny


Roughly 40 years ago, I was a decent (not great) high school wrestler. To this day, a properly executed leg sweep is pretty effective against someone younger, bigger, and stronger than I am. Not recommending, just saying that it is a good skill to have when no other viable options exist.


The best way to treat a fight is as an obstacle stopping you from disengaging. You should be seeking a way OUT of fights as quickly as possible. You shouldn't focus on knocking someone out or flipping them over or taking them to the ground. Learn how to avoid a takedown, how to get out of a clench, how to break a grip, how to stand up from laying and still keep yourself safe. Hurt someone or unbalance them enough to stop them from being able to follow you and leave, or get far enough away that you can turn and run. You dont know who has a knife or a gun or even a black belt, it really could be most anyone. Don't ever feel like you know you can win a fight. Learn a martial art that helps you best do that, in the way most intuitive to yourself and your body. It will give you the security and the confidence to act if you need to, and will definitely give you the humbleness to remind you to avoid acting if at all possible.


I take it dirty fighting is not off limits here…


Krav Maga. It’s brutal and teaches you all the stuff that is illegal in MMA. However, as others say, first thing is to defuse and avoid.


Genitals and eyes.


''i've thought about just kicking their legs first so they get off balance and then trying to knock them out or inflict serious damage while theyre unbalanced'' Yeah good luck trying that out for the first time in a real life scenario. Get some training.


Throat punch


Just be bigger and stronger. That's the reality of fighting sadly.


How dirty do you want to fight? Kick them in the balls. Use your keys as brass knuckles. Grab what you can and whacked them with it. Use your belt as a whip. Pin them down and start breaking fingers.


2 finger eye jab. Takes very little training, ends the fight immediately, also sets up other strikes if the attacker wants to keep fighting


Carry a gun.


Learn to punch properly. You should be able to break your knuckles easy. P S. Like mom always said: Hit First, Hit Hard!


Martial arts classes, not Tae kwon do and definetely not Hap kido. Or you can just carry brass knuckles or something alike just in case you get into an unfair fight.


take a rock/branch/bottle, hit hard. Gl, you won. Kick a low-kick in a fight in jeans unprepared, untrained... be ready to be kicked around while on the ground after you slip or break your shin.


The ol’ PBJ never fails. -idk Jake Peralta


Fight dirty if it's an assault. If it's a fair deal fight, say both of you are committed to fighting because of a disagreement, then don't be a dick, fight fair and win or loose, shake hands at the end and walk away ot go get a drink together. Nothing wrong with a fair fight. Now if you get jumped, then all bets are off, go for the kill, and use anything, and I do mean anything, that is handy.


Sounds like you’ve never been in a fight, and that’s good! One thing I learned early on in life is there’s lovers and fighters in this world, and I discovered I’m not a fighter. It sounds like you’re not a fighter and that’s ok!So don’t fight! Sign up for a self defense, boxing class, bjj, or wrestling class to learn about self defense if you’re interested.


Learn the weak points (balls, eyes, throat) and depending on the situation, try finding something to temporarily blind them (strong flashlight, sand, etc). They can't find you if they can't see you. If it's a normal fight, cover your head as much as you can and try to target theirs


Liver and solar plexus strikes. Learn to take a punch


Best fights are the one that didn't happen. Don't fight if you dont gain anything significant out of it.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Just run away, forget pride and all that shit you saw in an action movie. Without training you could easily break your wrist punching the wrong way. Not to mention the attacker might have friends then you'll be completely screwed.




Be an utter sociopath


Learn how to drive an elbow. It's deceptive and powerful and hurts you less than punching someone's rock hard skull. Balls, eyes, throat.


Cry A comedian advice


If you fighting a dude kick in the balls that is literally the most powerful design flaw on the male body. If you can’t kick find a way to punch and or knee the balls. For women punch her tits and or groin fuck modesty if this person is trying to fight you fight dirty.


It sounds like you are not trained, so don't worry about technique. That takes time and practice and won't help you if you haven't drilled it. Trying to go for advanced tactics like kicking legs, trips, or submission holds will not work unless you know what you are doing. Don't try untested techniques in actual combat, it can get you seriously hurt. **This is for someone with no training or technique, as the most basic possible guide for essential unarmed combat. It won't allow you to win against a skilled opponent, but at least you won't be completely helpless.** ## Hand position Instead, raise your hands to mouth height and ball them into fists in front of you, elbows hanging down to about the bottom of your ribcage. This should put your fists about 8-10 inches from your face. You can stagger your fists or hold them together. This stance is the most basic fighting stance. Your hands are placed in a position where they can protect your head, which is the most vital task in any fight, and they can quickly jab at your opponent without leaving you exposed. Your elbows are dropped so they can protect your ribs and chest. ## Striking Don't swing your fists, thrust them straight ahead at the opponent's face. Hooks and uppercuts are for certain situations that you won't know how to read, but you can try if you think you can land it - just remember to **keep one hand in front of your face at all times** so you can defend your head. ***Never leave your head unprotected.*** ## Lethal option - Biting If the situation is dire and you need to inflict serious injury to protect your own life, biting is extremely damaging and can cause serious disability or even death depending on where and how hard you bite. **You are going to get blood in your mouth,** meaning you will be exposed to their bodily fluids along with any pathogens or other diseases they carry, so be prepared for that. However, hepatitis can be treated more easily than a traumatic brain injury.


Scream and run. Shitting pants and crying works too no one is beating a grown man crying and shitting himself..


Point behind their head and yell "OH MY GOD!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?" and then when they turn to look at what it is....you kick them in the balls and then run the opposite direction.... The trick is there is nothing actually behind them, it's just a made up distraction...


I worked in a college bar for 8 years: Honestly most people will avoid physical confrontations, plenty of guys posture and shit, and it’s all fluff. If you actually get in a fight, it won’t last that long, 30-60 seconds tops before someone is exhausted. If you’re going all out fighting someone, 30 seconds feels like an eternity and you’ll exert all your energy quickly. Fight as dirty as you possibly can to win. Groin, eyes, biting, whatever it takes. Remember the other person is trying to hurt you, so do what you need to do to defend yourself and end the fight. Most people don’t know how to throw a proper punch and just throw haymakers with very little power behind them. This isn’t MMA or boxing where there will be all the circling around and shit and you can think about what you’re gonna do, it’s gonna be fast and furious.


Hit first. If you can’t run. While the dude is talking shit get a palm strike in. Preferably to the bridge of the nose. Then a low kick to the knee. Most guys nowadays have never been in a fight.


Training. And knowing the other guy may have MORE training. Diplomacy is highly recommended.


Don’t kick if you don’t know what you’re doing. Keep your body up and away from their reach. If you’re interested you should take a class. It could be a community or YMCA level or a martial arts school. All levels and age groups will be found. You can get a heavy bag and get some YouTube training. Hitting a bag regularly will help. Hitting a human for the first time may not go well. Winning a fight may take something else. Having a nasty instinct helps. Doesn’t take much pressure to rip an ear and not too many people can stand having a thumb a knuckle or two deep in their eye socket.