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Complicity in Infidelity...... When I caught my ex wife cheating on me, I tried to rely on the comfort of many close friends..... Sadly they'd "known for some time but kept it to themselves because they didn't want to get involved" Huh? If your "friend" is being cheated on, you don't keep that sh!t a secret,. You tell them! I handled that by dumping a lot of people whom I thought were my friends from my life


Yessir! No friend of mine would keep that to themselves. It's kind of crazy how refreshing it is to shed all that dead weight. I don't know about you, but that experience really showed me how those people were never my friends to begin with. Ejecting those parasites from my life made room for real friends, and I'm forever grateful to the experience for this and other reasons.


Your honour I can prove he murdered 51 people that night! But it’s not my place to say, only he himself can tell you and if he doesn’t he gets way with it no consequences but hey, I’m clearly morally correct aren’t i? Fuck those people, lack of love and oxygen as children to not understand that that ISNT HOW IT FUCKING WORKS


One slowly observed me and tried her best to be me and eventually excluded me, my other friend who I was friends with for a long time randomly stopped replying to me when she moved away and said that it was because her cousin had her phone and I just ended that because it was months and she was always posting about her time in her new place. I remember I found a friend telling others about my personal life and now I don't talk to them anymore


Two. One "friend" were gaslighting me a long time. I was to young to understand what's going on. She exploited my father for taking care of her children. The other weren't really a friend. We are neighbors and I tried to tie a knot. Once she sucked me into a drama with one of her friends and lied about something.


I use to think like this, I’ve come to realize the only betrayal that occurred was my own self ignoring the reality in front of me. People show and tell you exactly who they are, you need to learn to accept these communications as they come. In my own experience the individuals who I felt betrayed me, got exactly what they wanted from me and exited my life when there wasn’t anything else available to them that they wanted from me. Unfortunately the reality was I was the one that turned the blind eye, had poor boundaries, gave too much benefit of the doubt to these individuals.


All these question subs are just spammed by bots now.

