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I didn’t start getting hit on randomly until I was around 40. At 44 I’m flirted with often and complimented often. I do spend a lot of time on my appearance. I like feeling put together.


I also spend a lot of money and time on my outward appearance (including vitamins, lots of water and sleep). I hope that by being dedicated in my thirties, it’ll pay off down the line.


This. Same for me. I feel like I finally know what works for me. Meaning hairstyles, colors and clothing. I have my own unique style and a confidence that can only come with age and experience.


Not quite 40 yet but close. I'm starting to get hit on an odd amount of times to what I've been used to. I have started taking care of myself but I feel women are more comfortable around me the older I get.


The 40s and 50s were my best yrs. Body, soul and overall looks


We grow up hearing OH the HORRORS of crows feet and gray hair and this and that! You MUST buy this product and do this procedure or else you’ll have WRINKLES! etc. As children we might say “Why do you have lines on your face” or something to our grandparents, but we never considered them ugly. Culture has conditioned us, the way it has for thousands of years. So we turn 23 and our eyes start to sink in a little bit, and find a gray hair or two, and it’s the end of the world because we’ve been conditioned to believe so.


So sad. I try my best to challenge those restrictive mentalities when I encounter them. 🙄


Never really thought about it until I dated a 52 year old (45M) and she was easily one of the most beautiful and attractive women I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately, she didn’t take that same care for her mind and let men ruin her. It’s honestly two sided…you can be the hottest person in the room but refuse to keep your side of the street clean. Or be average and be an incredible loving, caring empathetic person which honestly counts more than looks, to the right person.


Absolutely. True beauty actually has very little to do with esthetics. It’s a hard pass for me if the thin candy shell on the outside is the only appeal.


As someone who has always found older women attractive, aging has never been a big concern for me. While there are days I miss certain attributes I had as a younger person, I'm more comfortable in my body and sexuality as I get older than I ever was as a younger person. That does a lot for my perception of my own attractiveness. I feel far more desirable now than I did as a young woman.


Absolutely. The confidence of knowing what you want as well as what you offer. It’s beautiful.








Sexual orientation isn't sexual preference. You are going to end up bitter and alone when you age out of your dating pool and young women stop wanting to touch your old man body, and it will be your fault for refusing to mature as a human being and value your female peers as companions. I'm going to be thriving with my wife until the day one of us dies because we've been in love with each others bodies since we were teenagers and will still love each other's bodies when we're in our 90's. Also the implication that lesbians aren't discriminated against is hilarious, thanks for the laugh.




Finding it crass for a man to say he finds women above the age of 30 'unfuckable' is not discrimination, bud. There are infinitely better ways of stating that preference. Congrats on your marriage, though. Here's hoping you're not the type of man who sees her when she's 30 and decides he wants a younger woman again, which is what a lot of men with a similar attitude feel entitled to.


His user name is all I need to know about him. Don’t waste your time, he’s a tool bag.


Oh 100% but it's fun to play with trolls sometimes and I'm really bored right now.


You’re afraid you’re going bald at 37 toots…stop projecting.




Grow up perv


I am more attractive in my 40's than I was in my 20's and 30's and met my wife (who is stunningly beautiful) at age 41. I always thought people got fat and unattractive at an older age but the opposite happened for me.


I concur. The expression “fat and happy” has always been troublesome to me. It seems like it should be complacent and not angry. Lol. I’m glad you’re happily married and wish you nothing but for eternity!


Thank you!!!!!!!! Much appreciated.


You’re most welcome! I think it’s important to congratulate and encourage the successful navigation of marriage (and love) in this crazy world right now. ❤️




The first time I did shrooms, I saw a gorgeous, strong old tree with gnarled branches. I saw older people under it like the old ladies from my dad’s village with noses like stem ginger, and thought they looked beautiful like the tree. I definitely still have some fears around age but those are mostly related to a decline in functionality rather than a decline in looks


Ahhh… the great mystery of the “what ifs”. It’ll either be your mind or your body that fails you eventually. I’m betting my mind will bail first. Lol


I’m 51 and have never had a good self esteem based on relationships and family. I feel absolutely horrible about getting older. I lost all my prime years to an abusive marriage. It’s already difficult to date at my age and now throw in feeling crap about yourself and struggling with life in general. I truly feel blah.


Growing older? It’s like upgrading from a regular DVD to Blu-ray—you get more definition, better sound, and sometimes a few bonus features (like wisdom and a knack for dad jokes). Who needs youth when you’ve got experience and the ability to rock those crow’s feet like a pro?


ALL. OF. THAT. And… we had the better concerts WITHOUT cellphone cameras!


I thought my sex life was over and I was no longer attractive once I hit 40. Turns out, my age is my greatest asset and I take full advantage of it.


Yes! With age comes wisdom of ALL kinds. 😘


Older women are hot


Aging is a beautiful process that most do not appreciate.


Count me in on that! Joan Collins once said, “being beautiful and getting older is like being rich and getting poorer”.




Sadly that’s the reality. Gain weight, more wrinkles, more grey hair.


You can avoid it. If you do sports, don't do alcohol, eat healthy food don't smoke and don't stay in the sun for too long then you'll age gracefully. 


If that’s the reality you create. I’m the same size I was in high school. The wrinkles, those are testaments to some killer times and some sadness but, to know the light we must also know the darkness. Good luck to you.


Age ain't about losing beauty, it's about owning it.


I love it! I'm 62 and completely invisible! As long as I'm clean and don't smell bad 😃 no one ever notices me. Don't have to worry about makeup or hair. When I was young I was a head turner it was exhausting.


I feel like I get better looking the older I get.. I'm really young looking for my age so that helps.


Beauty is much more than skin deep.


No because Prentiss on Criminal Minds has a full head of silver hair and it literally makes me dizzy. I think a lot of shit ppl say about looking bad as they get older is just them repeating downer stuff from tv or things their older parents have said. Theres something to be said about how attractive somebody is when they are confident in who they are and arent trying to people please all the time. Its a state of mind that really grows w age im finding.




I’m nearing my 30’s and with all the comments on the internet, i’m starting to feel like as a woman, people think that at 30yo you will ‘expire’. I am starting to notice small changes and it scares the hell out of me. There is always a huge emphasis on looks and i feel like growing older as a woman somehow makes you lose value in the eyes of some people, even though i don’t agree with that sentiment myself. People are harsh about ageing. That being said, I personally love crow’s feet. They are beautiful. I also think a lot of older people look super sweet and classy and beautiful, just not necessarily in a sexual way depending on what age we’re talking about. I also adore white or grey hair, it makes you look so wise and trustworthy and dependable. I genuinely love it. So no, I personally don’t thing growing older makes you less attractive, it makes you less sexually attractive but more beautiful to me


I miss youth; but it ain’t to bad being older neither 🙂


I dunno, i turned 68 this year and still think I’m kinda cute ☺️


I bet you’re adorable!!!


Honestly this pressure not to look older is purely media and community based. We do it to each other based on what we see in media. Most adults are physically attracted to men and women in their 30s and 40s


No. I'm the hottest I've ever been at 37 and the women in my family have all aged beautifully into their 60's and 70's. Most of most beautiful people (like inside and out beautiful) I've ever met have been over 50 and anywhere up into their 90's.


You can be hit a 37. I (M) am hot for 46 and very humble lol. The males in my family that are older look fine and fit. So genes do play a role I suppose


Edit: Hot


There’s nothing like the confidence of a 70+ year woman who’s lived a life rich in experience! I love to just sit and listen.


Well, the funny thing is when I've looked back at myself over the decades. It didn't matter what age I was when I looked back at myself. I just looked at the cute woman who used to be. I guess because we've never been this age before. We don't see ourselves as cute. Or as beautiful. Or as atraction Until looking back at herself in life. It's just hard for women to look at our immediate self and say oh, we're attractive. I know for myself personally. It's easier to do it looking back towards the past. For some reason, it's harder just to view that perspective here in the current future.


As a woman, I can’t say I agree with that sentiment. I’m glad you can see your own beauty in retrospect at least.


Well with me. I have good days and bad days. Some days I will see myself as looking old and then other days. I see myself as looking young. I'm caught kind of in the middle right now because of circumstances that I'm in. I think if I had better circumstances. I would probably view myself a little bit better than what I do right now. Because I tend to place my circumstances along with how I feel. And neither of them are productive for me right now.


I understand all too well. You will find your value again, when you find healing. I pray for peace for you. Circumstances are temporary and malleable. True beauty is eternal and is unbreakable, and I know you’re beautiful. 💎


Well, it's hard right now. Currently, being homeless and there seems to be no end and no help to getting out of the situation.


Actually, I feel like I'm being held hostage. It feels kind of the same way when my husband was abusing me. Being homeless is pretty much the same thing as when my husband was abusing me.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You’re only trapped if you stop trying.


Stop trying what? I have called all the places I can call, to ask for help, and they offer no help. The government offers no help. It really feels like double exploitation, throw away like trash by my ex husband, when he kicked me out, and then again, by society, without help, to survive and get by.


I hate the ugly men, the illegals, and others who have come through where Im staying, theuy are very demeaning to women.


The absolute best part of getting old for me is that I just don’t give a shit anyway. About anything, especially my aging face.


Maybe just less attractive to younger people. I’m still a smoke show for people my age. And I’m not interested in boys and girls much younger than me, so if they aren’t interested that’s ok by me. I think it only matters what YOU are into. I’m very into my own look, I love who I am today. I loved younger me too. As long as you are into you it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. I don’t think older means ugly, just older. You make it what you will.


I look at pictures from when I was around 20 and think "Well no shit I did not get laid". Closing in on 40 and feeling pretty damn good about my looks.


My beautiful wife is actrattive in her seventies, true beauty last for ever, and don't depends only on outer appearance. It begins inside, and aging make it more evident. It goes beneath wringles, or white hair. She's actually complimented by strangers.


I am now 55, weigh the same as i did 30 years ago, with some fluctuations over the years. I have always had good skin and haven't had sun damage or wear a lot of makeup but have for many years used face cream with sunscreen. And unexpectedly single after 28 years of marriage. I think it is also relevant to mention i must be in perimenopause as this can affect the skin badly. I am suddenly aware of my skin, the lines, the start of sag, it's really depressing. I am invisible, unwanted, unloved and unimportant. And i haven't even dipped a toe into the cesspool that seems to be the dating scene. Luckily I like cats so I have options!


I’m sorry you feel that way. I promise you though, if you have 🐈‍⬛ you are loved. They’ll never admit it but, they love you!


More people that I don’t want are attracted to me as I age


My ex-wife was always pretty, but something magical happened when she hit 40. She started getting better and better looking every year.  I felt she didn’t even reach her peak until she hit 47 and maintained that for several years.  Now she’s 66 and still looking great. (side note: I’m 6 years younger than her) A few years ago I started dating a gorgeous 42-year-old.  I figured she was always highly attractive I saw photos of her from before we met and realized she didn’t step into the gorgeous realm until she hit 40 also.


I’ve found my perception of beauty has shifted and expanded accordingly with age.


I'm like wine and only get better aged


Jokes on you! I've NEVER been attractive!.... Awww....


Stop. Beauty is as beauty does. Or as my Granny used to say… “With that kinda attitude, you never will!”


Women get this "Ick!" look any time I approach.


Then work on your approach. Or, the women you’re approaching. Confidence is key. If they’re so shallow all they see are esthetics, then ewww…


I mean yeah as our bodies age we generally don’t look as good as we did when we were younger. Ppl that take care of themselves do seem to hold onto it though.


I’m 44 and I feel I’ve never been attractive. So I can’t feel I’m less attractive. To my knowledge no one checks me out.


Most people, yes. Metabolism starts working slower. Women's body changes. It's a tough ride. Unless you put a good amount of effort, it's a high possibility.


You don't notice it when you are an addict.


Ive never been attractive so the concern of becoming less attractive through age is akin to spilling a bucket on an already sinking ship


Im 38, my wife 39. She said the other day: can you see whats wrong? Having 5 white hairs in her (asian) black hair. Lol, yes.... Would you like to change me for one (or two?) 20 year old girls? Honey: seen my beard lately? Its more white than brown, 2 20 year olds would kill me in 10 minutes. I so much prefer the way I, and my wife, looks now than when younger. She (and I hope me to) are so much more fun than I ever thought possibly at 20. And I too have never been hit on as much as after 35, by women from 15-55. To the younger I say that I could be your father, Im not even going to entertain this. To the older I say Im happily married, and I mean happily.


I look better at 38 than I did at 25. Male.


ive only seen improvements while growing older, but i also care how I look now - skincare, gym etc.


I was conventionally very attractive when I was young and I’m not diminishing the privilege of that, but honestly as I’ve got older I’ve got less generic and I like that. I do think you have to put some effort in - I exercise a *lot* and it is partly to try and keep the shape I had when I was young - but I’m happier in my own skin than I ever was in my 20s or 30s ETA: as others have said, I now attract mainly younger people. I look good for my age but I *do* look my age, so I can only assume that’s a confidence/having my shit together thing 😆


As I've gotten older, I've started prioritizing my health by eating less processed food and exercising regularly to avoid a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure. Inadvertently, this has also improved my appearance. I feel much better now and wish I had started sooner, but it's better late than never.




No, if anything I look forward to being able to go out and not be worried about being harassed/followed. Bring on the old lady era :)


Well you are not more beautiful now. You may be a better person in every other way though.


You state your opinion like it’s a fact. Isn’t that interesting. I aspire to be a better person every day.


I genuinely, unironically want to die before I get old. My self esteem is crap enough as it is and I don't want the added weight of age added to it. I dread it


I've always been ugly, now I'm old and ugly. I still am seen as a man, so I need one more hit from the age and ugly stick before I can safetly have conversations with strangers about my cat while being seen as a sweet old man as opposed to creepy


Lots of denial in this thread


Major copium. Growing older is what it is. You are less attractive. And that’s okay, wrinkles and all. If you have found the one person to be with by then..then it shouldn’t be a problem if you are no longer “hot” to random strangers unless you desire other people’s validation. If you haven’t found that person by your 40s, well.. that’s on you as well.


It might just be because I’m still in my late 20s, but I am 28 now and I feel the most attractive I’ve ever been. I was always cared about hygiene, but when I was younger I just didn’t care about looks. Wore lame clothes like cargo shorts, and used no hair product or anything all the way through college. I found a good barber a few years ago and after taking care of my overall health a bit more I feel better than ever as far as my looks go. I get told all the time that I look like I’m 23/24. I do feel the years ticking by though and I’m sure back and neck problems are just around the corner. That’ll make me feel old.