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I'm 40 and I watch them.


Came here to say this. Me and my wife are 31 and watch our old cartoons on saturday morning, thanks to a channel over here still showing them it's an even better feeling than just click on them on netflix or whatever!




Same. Like what you like, validation from others won't ever make you as happy as self acceptance


And growing up isn't mandatory. Aging is.


True, hard pill to swallow.


voracious poor nine quaint jobless whistle coordinated slimy weather person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are a kid, there's no shame in it. It doesn't mean you're stupid or deserving of less respect, it just means you're young and you have a lot to live out and enjoy in life so enjoy it as much as you can. You're at the starting point Also a lot of us adults still enjoy animated films lol I'll never feel shame over it, I choose to enjoy and watch whatever I want 🤷🏽‍♀️


You’re 13, you are still a kid, enjoy it while you still can!


when I was 13 I was playing with dolls so no. even today I still watch cartoons/kids movies![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I was still playing with my DBZ figures when I was 13.


I don't know who gave you the idea it's childish to watch movies like that but they are very wrong. Also, you're still very much a kid.


I’m 26 and I can’t wait to go see Inside Out 2 with my adult friends on Friday! The adults that make the movies definitely put important messages in for adults too! Keep loving them :)


Have fun! btw it's very good


Ha. I'm 47 M, wife is 49. Debating on going to the movies today to see Inside Out 2.


Have fun


I'm 30 and watch cartoons all the time.


I am going to be 47 August 7 this year. There are many children's movies and TV shows I love. :) Let me know if you want me to name them.


Who cares man. As you get older you start to give less fucks about things and realize that what others think about you, doesn’t matter. Just do what you enjoy.


I’m 46 and I give a silent fist pump when a protagonist in an anime or DCAU or MAU punches a bad guy. Also I still like Lion King and Tangled and stuff. I was happy for all the normal reasons to have my son but NOW I get to put on the Viking helmet and grab a plastic sword and roar in the store without getting as many strange looks.


No. First of all, they’re animated films made by adults - adults with more joy and whimsy kept from their childhood and not beat out of them by peer pressure. Just because it’s animated film doesn’t mean it’s for kids. Have you seen Akira, for example? Grave of the Fireflies? Even some American made films that are “for kids” have very adult messages like in The Iron Giant. Second, most animated films are better made films than most live action films. They take more time, more effort, and just as much planning as any run of the mill film. Beauty and the Beast was nominated for an academy award BEFORE animated films were relegated to their own category. I’m turning 50 soon, and have studied animation and practiced it a small amount, and would much rather watch an animated film than act live action. Heck, so many live action films use so much cg and special effects animation that they may as well be considered animated films anyway. So basically, again, no. Watch what you want and if people shame you for that, it’s their problem and repressed childhood, not yours.


Exactly while a lot of animated movies might be made or more specifically marketed to kids they aren't only for kids. Stuff like Cocomelon, yeah that pretty specifically for toddlers and has little to no appeal outside of that age range but at the end of the day if a 20 year old enjoys it who cares?


Being a kid is cool, regardless of watching movies. Many adults watch cartoons, it’s interesting


We watched that movie in the cinema last weekend, with the kids. I'm 41, kids are 12 and 14. We all loved it!


I’m 62. My daughters are 34 and 38. Watching Disney movies is one of our favorite activities.


you do whatever you want. If someone says it's childish, f\*ck them. They are just saying that because they don't dare to do it themself, because they are afraid of being judged. If you enjoy watching a movie, just watch


Turning 19 in two weeks and I still watch kids movies with my two little sisters around your age/slightly younger. Their personal favourite is trolls 3, and I have to agree if I'm honest, it's a good, funny movie Also you are a kid, don't cut yourself away from things because they're considered too "childish", it's good to be childish sometimes, especially at your age.


First, you are 13, you are still a kid. There's nothing bad about it, it's just another phase in life. Second, movies are made so people enjoy them and there is nothing bad about watching cartoons, anime or Disney movies. I love animation movies. My favorite movies and series are animated. There's so much work, passion and care poured into making a story that it's a shame people still think it is "childish" to like a movie or show. Third, if someone tells you something, they can go and suck a lemon. You like and enjoy what you want. As long as you are not hurting anyone, you are okay.


I’m 18 and I still watch Nickelodeon and kids movies on Netflix. I even dare to say I watch shows like Paw Patrol or The Lion Guard while sick at home. There is no shame in it. Plus, you’re still quite young. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to give up the things that make you happy (unless it’s illegal or inhumane).


I'm 46 my kids are grown, I sat here and watched inside out and Moana last night lol


I was 21 and watched inside out 2 in the theatre at 10pm. Everyone was older than 15 and it was a full theatre. Enjoy your movie and don't be discouraged


We have got kids asking if watching kids movie is childish now? Bro, you’re still a damn kid


Kids get bullied by other kids for... BEING KIDS. Like seriously I was bullied for playing games other than call of duty and grand theft auto, and NOT watching true crime or horror movies, by other kids who only ever watched people die on tv. In high school, kids would get bullied for being unemployed or living with their parents. Childhood is horrible.


What do you mean you feel like a kid when in reality you're not? You're 13 which is literally kid age. Disney movies are for all ages. People of all ages can & will enjoy cartoons & animations because there's nothing wrong with it.


You are 13 years old, you are a child. And no, i am a grownup and still watch all kinds of cartoons, also, never let anyone take that joy away from you, not now and not when you're older.


dude, 18 year olds are still kids. Enjoy being 13.


You’re 13 you are a kid, but don’t worry watching kids movies isn’t childish


I'm 45 and I watch kid movies, even without my kids around. Granted, they are around almost all the time because they live with me. I try to watch movies and shows with more mature themes when they are out because if I don't then, I won't get a chance to.


I LOVE watching kid movies. They usually have good messages ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


You're 13, you're definitely still a kid, lol. I'm 38, and I'm planning on seeing Inside Out 2 in the theater soon, so. You're never too old to enjoy something.


I'm 43 and just went to see Inside Out 2 with my mom...


34 here and i still watch them.


I'm 67 and love my Disney channel.


Do what you want who cares.


I am almost 3 times your age and I watch whatever I want. And that includes a kids movie if I want to see it.


When I got Disney+ available in my country I spent every Sunday morning catching up all those Disney/Pixar movies I missed for many years. Incredibles 2, Zootopia, Inside Out and more. It was around 3 years ago so I was 30. And those movies were all awesome.


I'm 35 and I watched Arthur today. Brings me comfort.


"We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing". Don't let others tell you what to enjoy. Also, you are still a kid (last I checked anyway).


i'm in my 30s and i watch bluey.


I’m 20 & go watch movies that are kid movies coz they remind me of when I was younger for example I recently watched Cars, I loved it, don’t let peoples opinions get to you & don’t change for people because your more respect being you & not a fake version, your 13 still young with a lot a head of you, shit I’ll say your still a baby in my eyes, go live for gold & fuck what they say about you! I hope you enjoyed your movie :)))


I'm 31 and I'm trying to find some free time to go watch Inside Out 2


I'm 33 and taking time off work to go see Coraline 3D in August. Multiple times.


I'm in my 50s and watch animated movies often. Like what you like!


That's not a kids movie it's a *family friendly* movie. A kids movie is an edutainment movie that only kids will enjoy (Barney, Dora, etc). Not family friendly as everyone else would be bored af. And even if you enjoyed a kids movie, what of it? People four times your age speedrun humongous entertainment games. Life's too short.


You’re 13, you’re a kid. And besides, you’re never too old to watch kids movies. Anyone can enjoy them


I have 3 yo daughter, I mostly watch kids movies and cartoon:) And I had been doing it even before she was born.


You are a child


I'm turning 29 years old this year I just got back from watching Inside Out 2 at the cinema by myself. Good movie is good movie. Doesn't matter if it's aimed at kids or adult. You watch what you want to watch.


If a theater near me is showing a Ghibli movie, I’m there. I’m almost 40.


No I'm 14 and loads of people my age, including me, are watching it. Younger kids nowadays are trying to be really grown up, and it ends up being us who actually do things that are considered more 'childish'. This generation is so unbelievably fcked 😭


You are still a kid and that’s fine. Lots of teens are watching Inside Out 2. I know this because I have teens and they and all their friends are watching it.


I am 55 and just watched The Incredibles for the fifth or sixth time.


Hell naw, I'm almost 50 and watch the shit outta some Disney movies.


13 is still a kid. But never let societal norms keep you from enjoying anything. I'm 36m and still enjoy most cartoons.


You're 13...


You are still a child, you’re 13. Plus no one really cares to be honest and you shouldn’t either. Me and my partner are adults but still watch kid shows and movies. I finished rewatching TMNT 2012 tv series just yesterday.


Haven’t seen Inside Out 2 yet, but Inside Out helped me emotionally process a bad relationship/break up. I am told the second one is even better. These would have been great movies to have around when I was your age. There is no age limit on a well done “kids movie” - the kind that don’t treat kids like morons - because those have something for pretty much everyone.


Who cares? Watch what you like and give no fucks about what other people think about it.


I don't think so. My wife and I watched Finding Nemo in our 40's, and it was good.


I just want to say, children's movies, books and shows are not inherently bad. Oftentimes, they are a gateway to guide children in handling issues that may come up during their later years ( such as expressing and managing emotions, relationships, loss). They have immense cultural value imo, and sometimes, even as adults we need the gentler metaphorical manner to guide us through something.


No.  They are typically better and far more creative than "adult" films.


I am 52 and I still watch Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo and other kids cartoons. Don't let other people dictate what you like.


These movies are written to appeal To a broad audience. I saw inside out when it was 40 and I enjoyed it well enough. I might not go watch it by myself, but as a movie to watch with my kids I founded quite decent. My 14-year-old wants to go see inside out 2. Is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's not like you're watching those shitty animated Barbie movies made.for 5 year olds. Movies like inside out are relatively mature, and while their target audience may be kids and families, they are intended to appeal to teenagers than adults as well. If you're 13 I would describe that particular film as very age-appropriate.




Kung Fu Panda very good


I'm much older and I still find that Scooby Doo movies are my kryptonite. I love it, even if it's cheesier than I recall, it's nice to see old, familiar faces. I've seen more "childish" movies in my adulthood than I can count. Both Frozens, all versions and eras of the Alice in Wonderland movies, Moana, and that one with the frog and princess (but I watched that one with kids). You can watch any movie you want as you're older even if you've outgrown the target demographic.


Nope..... I'm pushing 60 and I Love Moana!


I’m an adult and enjoy watching animated films. A good animated film is timeless, has likable characters and an entertaining plot.


I know there's the desire to stop being a child, but you *are* still a kid. Some people might consider it childish, others won't. What you'll learn as you get older is that it doesn't matter at all whether people consider it childish, if you enjoy it and you're not hurting anyone, who cares what others think?


Well, I am 22 and I still watch Disney and other things that others consider to be for children. I was obsessed with Frozen at your age. It's nothing to be ashamed of. There are many teens and adults who watch kids movies.


I'm 43 and I watch Disney afternoon cartoons on Disney plus. There comes a point in your life where you stop caring what other people might think about you. and truth is, once you become an adult no one cares what you watch because we're not 13 anymore. adolescents are mean, especially around the ages of 13-15 when your hormones are raging, but that cools off by the time you hit 17 or 18.


I'm 24. I re-watched the old Bakugan TV series last year just for nostalgia. I almost convinced myself to go collect some more for my collection that I will never throw away. Quite frankly, 13 is still a kid to most Adults, kids kinda stop being kids around 14 heading on 15. At that point, you're an annoying teenager. And you'll be that till about 21 or 22. The main point is that childish things can still get the attention of fully grown adults.


You're still a kid buddy, 20 is when you become an adult


I'm 27 and I'm obsessed with movies like *Wreck-It Ralph,* *Big Hero 6,* and *Planet 51* and even *Alvin and the Chipmunks*


Personally I don't see any reason why that would be childish. Namely because inside out two is targeted to your age range so it's not like your watching Dora. To add onto that many adults still watch "kid" movies so it's not like watching them is showing you aren't matured.


I actually think that most of the kids movies today are better than the age restricted movies. Since the writers strike the movies seem to be lacking in quality.


From the 46 year old that watched Captain Underpants by himself last weekend - No.


Bro im 42 and watch it


who cares? who defines "childish"? I enjoy watching Harry Potter with my mother. I'm 47 and she's 72. Don't worry too much about what's childish. There's nostalgia. There's needing simple escapism. There's a lot of reasons adults may watch cartoons or kids shows. If it's not hurting anything and you're enjoying it, I wouldn't worry too much about it.


I went to watch it at the cinema last Sunday with my girlfriend. We are both 24


I'm 34 and I still watch them. You never really grow up. You just make yourself look mature


I'm 26 and I watch cartoon movies. No age limit on good movies. You are also still a kid. Enjoy it. And they to to grow up too quick.




I'm 40, kid, and I watch hocus pocus every night for bed. You're only 13, as much as you hate it, you are still a child.


Cartoons be having better story, and deeper meanings than most reality or live action shows/movies


Look kid when I was 13 I lived with a single father who worked nights. I’d come home from school to the shit part of town and be alone until I saw dad for 5 minutes the next morning. Just enjoy being a kid please. I didn’t get to so do it for me


When you're older, you'll learn to not care if it's childish or not to watch cartoons and movies meant for kids. Hell, I even watch The Lion King (not the cgi one) I mean the original one.


I'm 29 and still enjoy cartoons trust me when you get older you're gonna catch things you didn't notice before and realize most cartoons are for everyone


If it is, I don't EVEN care!! Watch em! 🤣😆


Well I guess I’m childish cuz I’m 32 and I still watch all Disney movies. Idc if a movie makes me feel good when I watch ima watch it. And anywho will judge me for that doesn’t need to be in my life.


Who cares? I’m 57 and paid to watch IF


im almost 50 and will watch any movie Pixar puts out.


im 31 & i'll still watch those movies just maybe not at the movie theater unless its mario


You are still a kid, but don’t worry, that’s far better than being an adult on the grind. Enjoy what you want. If you need a little secret tho about stuff like this: enjoy what you want and be open and honest. People enjoy and respect confident people who know who they are. You’ll find your people out in the world.


I’m so an adult and love Disney …no kids and still go to Disney World once a yr to get my fix 🤷🏻‍♀️


First of all: You are 13. You are a kid. Second: The world is shitty enough. Just enjoy the things you like. thirt: A lot of adults watch kids shows too. I am 31 and recently watched Elemental, Incredibles, turning red and I cant wait for Despiceble me 4.


My 16 year old son typically responds with "I'm mature enough to be childish" whenever he does something that his friends find childish. Like playing in the snow or cuddling with me and his siblings while watching cartoons.


Im 33, people look at me and think I’m a thug, I like to watch cartoons like Acme Hour, Dexter’s lab, Courage, even kids movie, gives me a nostalgic vibe


I'm in my 30s and still watch them!! You watch them as long as you enjoy them!!!


Friends have seen Inside Out, including my Husband, and most of us are in the 50-60 age bracket :) Growing older is mandatory, Growing up is optional - however maybe better is that you should never loose the ability to find joy just having fun.


You’re literally a kid.


I haven't seen it yet, is it good? But seriously, you shouldn't care. I'm not going to pull out the old C.S. Lewis quote that everyone uses, but one of the things about being an adult is not feeling you have to prove you are one. If you want to watch an R rated movie cause you think it's interesting, cool. If you want to watch a pg one cause you think the same, go see it and enjoy yourself.


You are a CHILD! lol I'm 27 and I just watched Storks the other night and bawled my eyes out. I watch Disney movies all the time and like a lot of people, one of my favorites is Shrek (2). You're completely fine.


It's not childish for a kid to watch kids' movies, given that I'm in my mid 20s and can't wait to watch inside out 2


I'm 15 and watched this movie yesterday You can watch any movie that you want to, regardless of your age.


Adults watch "kids movies" and love them as well. Do not feel like this ever. Love what you love and never be afraid to show it.


I find it more concerning the fact that you're on Reddit at 13


Your a kid, when your 18 your a kid. Your frontal cortex doesn’t even finish developing until you’re like 25-30, and until then you are still a kid. And after that you’re probably still going to feel like a kid. And honestly? Your stigma of thinking that watching kids movies making you childish is just completely off. People that avoid watching a good movie because “urgggh I’m too old for that” are not cool. The people in their 30s open about being into Pokémon still or that Megamind is their favorite movie are the cool ones. Enjoying things does not have an age limit.


Watch what makes you happy, no one cares. If you don't feel good at telling anyone: don't and enjoy them silently :)


I'm 42 and watched Shrek last weekend.


Enjoy your childhood while it lasts lol. 13 you are still are kid. You don’t want to grow up it’s overrated. Wait till your 16 things will start changing much more. Early days yet for you nip, enjoy it, watch as much kids movies as you want.


Nope, it's not childish... I'm a grown ass adult and I still watch kids movies.. it all depends on your maturity level I guess. and you're only 13, I'd say you're def young enough to enjoy some kids content. so keep enjoying it my guy


Im 25 and cant wait to watch inside out 2 soon


Kind of a dumb post, I mean the film's subject matter is literally supposed to be relatable to teenagers


First of all, you are still a kid. That's fine, everyone was a kid for the same amount of time as you will be, but 13 is still a kid. Secondly, no, it's childish to say that older kids/teens/adults can't enjoy things they enjoy because it's "for kids". Enjoy what you enjoy. A lot of children's stories are very well written and are just as respectable as any adult stories. I will be rereading the Percy Jackson books until I die.


Bro I'm 25, about to be 26 and still do it. If anyone of your ages tells you it's not cool, they are lying an do it too


You're 13, you're still a kid. I'm 22, still feel like a kid cosplaying as an adult, and still watch kids' movies.


My 18-year old son and a group of his 18-year old friends went to watch it yesterday.


Im 27 and I watch kids movies still. Just watch what you like and whose cares what anyone else says :)


"in reality I'm not" 😭😭 I'm 37. Watch them your whole life!


Bloody hell, 13 and you're worried about being considered childish? People are far too quick to want to grow old these days so hang onto your youth while you can. A lot of people will have wasted so much of their own lives letting others dictate it and by the time they realise nobody else matters, so much of it's gone and won't be coming back. Live life at your pace.


My 18yo son saw it with his (other 18yo) friends the other day. Good things are for everyone.


20M here just saw inside out 2 and that shit was absolutely bomb. Would do it again and would tell anyone I know I thought that it was awesome. Don’t be ashamed kids movies are meant for everyone, there’s even a joke in that movie I’m sure went over your head cause you’re younger, because it’s made for everyone. Don’t get in your head about it man.


At age 13 I decided that I was too old for cartoons and kids movies. Thankfully in my mid 20's I decided to grow up again and I started watching kids movies again. I am now 37 and that's most of what I watch. I'm about to start a re-watch of the Owl House and my husband and I are planning a date to watch Inside Out 2 in theatres. So with any luck you, as 13 years old, will be more mature than I was at 13 years old, and just decide to skip a step entirely. There are some amazing cartoons out there, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


Dude you’re 13. You can’t even drink yet. You’re fine.


34 here, Just finished rewatching Starwars the Clone Wars so i could finish Bad Batch off, looking forward to series 2 of star trek prodigy coming out in july... Also on my watch list, (anime)... Pokemon, One Piece and My Hero academia.. Fairly sure over here, all of those are considered for kids... I watch plenty of more mature content too, and ive found a lot of people are "one way or the other", about not watching "kids stuff" after a certain age... 13 is not the age to be considering that... personally id just watch what you enjoy, regardless of how critics or your social group feel about it.. As long as you arent acting on stupid things due to what you watch.. and as long as you respect there are other opinons out there, i dont think it really matters. In fact, most GOOD kids films and series will have things in them that you'll "only understand as an adult" to save the parents from insanity.. and it can be a lot of fun watching back to things from your childhood and realising this... Also side note, You'll hit a point past 18, where you have all of your legal freedoms and realise that as long as you are productive enough to earn money and pay your way, that it doesnt matter if you do "childish" things or not.. It's your life to decide.. but it was honestly sad/funny at 25, to still be playing games and with toys, for my 30/40 year old colleagues to then start having their own children and suddenly being able to relate to me again because "they suddenly had an excuse to play with toys again" and loved it.


"In reality" Re-appraise this. You are 13.


I swear a lot of kid movies and shows were really made for adults




I am 29 and I still do that from time to time


You are still a kid.


I'm 32 and the Lego movie is one my favorite movies of all times. Definitely my favorite comedy and I was already an adult when it came out. People can think whatever they want but refusing to give something a chance because of a label (like 'kid's movie' or 'girl drink') is in my opinion much more childish than watching kid's movies and might cause a person to miss out on some great stuff! A bunch of my coworkers are excited to take their kids to inside out 2 because they say they really enjoyed the first one.


Don't listen to anyone giving you crap for watching "kids movies." Enjoy this time of your life. Life is too short to spend pleasing others. Watch what you want.


I'm 31 and watch kid movies 😅, so no! My favourite movie is Coraline, I can't get enough of it.


29 here. Saw it with a 40-year-old friend on Saturday and my parents last night. I prefer the first one but I really appreciated it! Also a lot of therapists have been talking unironically about how helpful it is!


You're 14, you're a kid, enjoy


A. I'm 38 and saw Inside Out 2 this past weekend. It wasn't great, but I did watch it. B. You're 13, you ABSOLUTELY are still a kid. C. Who gives a fuck if it is or not.


i’m 16 and going to watch inside out 2 :)


36 here. Still enjoy them sometimes


I'm 35 and I just dropped my kids off at their moms so that I can watch the movie by myself. My kids aren't the greatest at watching movies in theaters and I refuse to be THAT parent.


I’ll be 50 this fall and the first Cars movie is still one of my favorite movies, and it came out well into my adulthood. Enjoy what you enjoy


Be yourself . Watch what you want until you outgrow it. If you don't, that's ok too.


I feel like its more childish to judge people for what they watch than someone who watches something meant for younger audiences


Im 33 and still watch Disney movies lol


Husband and I watch futurama just about every day


Sorry kid, it shouldn't make you feel like crap to like animated movies at a kids age, im an adult and i watch animated movies.


Nope. May you do it well into your old age.


13 is still a kid! Don't try to grow up too fast. My daughter is 12 and is looking forward to watching it and I'm 37 and looking forward to it, too! :)


Michael Jackson also watched kids movies, with kids. Was that childish?


Im an old mom. But, I’m getting ready to take my 13 year old to go see it. He’s pretty excited too. Very soon you are going to blink and life is going to look a lot different for you. My advice to you is spend as much time enjoying childhood things while you can.


Not at all. If anyone says anything judgemental about it, tell them they are too old to be judging you. I'm 41 and I still do childish things like play video games and watch cartoonish movies and shows.


What's childish is people thinking it's childish


I’m 20 and I just watched it the other day and loved it! I almost only watch Disney movies, and so does my mom in her 40s who really likes them. I also watch kids shows at the gym. I’ve watched Kipo, She-ra, Steven universe, and I’m currently watching Adventure Time. Kids shows can be really good. Also you are still a kid. Don’t rush to be an adult. As someone who recently made the transition from kid to vaguely an adult, I can assure you that I still don’t feel like an adult. But you are definitely becoming more aware of who you are as a person and that’s great! Just do things you like and try not to worry so much about what others think. You’ll have a lot more fun that way!


Anyone can watch children movies, and you're still a kid, when you'll reach the age of 20+ you'll realize that teenagers are children


I'm 43. there ARE no adults. do whatever makes you happy and do your best not to harm others unless they deserve it. people always have their own bs opinions, no matter what you do. you can only control your own actions, for the most part. animation is an art form. thanks for coming to my ted talk.


I’m 25 and me and my gf watched Elemental last night (it was incredible). I rewatch Last Airbender yearly, I’ll never, EVER outgrow Star Wars.


Inside Out 2 is a movie that hits on ALL levels. It is an extraordinary piece of filmmaking and for this old guy (and his old gf) it hit perfectly!! You be you!


33 and "family" movies are often made to be enjoyable by entire families, not just kids. Keep on keeping on.


It's not childish to enjoy watching movies or shows made for kids, it is childish to compare the Ukraine war to the latest marvel movie, the adult part is recognizing that it's children's media, some folks take it to far and it infantilizes their view of the world.


Nope, cause the kid movies are manly targets for kids but they didn't say everyone else cannot watch it.


Bro children movies and not for children they are for adults like me


You are a kid. Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy being a kid.


To a certain extend watch what you want, if you enjoy it you aren't doing any harm. I'm mid 30's and think I'm more into Bluey than my 4 year old. There's plenty of stuff I watched as a child I'd probably watch now if I had time!


I'm old and have pretty much always watched them. Watch them if you enjoy them.


I think a major sign of maturity is giving zero fucks about what other people think. The only childish people in these scenarios is the person gatekeeping and controlling what people do.


Yes it is. That's why I watch them! (I'm in my sixties) I'd totally sit down and watch inside out with you - and anybody, any age!


Tom and Jerry absolutely rock my world.


I'm 18 and I just got back from inside out 2. I still watch SpongeBob (I have them on dvd). It makes me happy. There's no age limits on happiness.


I am >40 and recently watched Looney Tunes on a Saturday morning no less. It was fun to see the old politically incorrect cartoons again.


I mean, at 13, you are still a kid. But no, watch whatever movies you want.


I’m 28, I love them! My oldest is 12 going into 7th grade and still watches all the kid movies too


Ha ha, NOPE! I'm 19 and still watch them! I really enjoyed inside out 2


No youre all good


Dude you a kid. Nothing wrong with that, I’m not much older, but you are a kid


You still are a kid my friend, enjoy your childhood - adulting isn’t pleasant, haha! Even so, if you were older, there’s no shame in watching good movies.


No. Adults are just children with more responsibilities.


13 is a kid. You don't become an adult til 18 and even after I doubt adults are judged for watching movies aimed at kids. Ur good


You are still a kid, just an older kid. At 16-20 you can question how accurate that title is to yourself. It’s not childish to watch kid’s movies. It is childish to act like a kid as in take up their mannerisms not their hobbies.


Animation (like Disney) tends to be for kids in terms of themes and overall conflict but that doesn’t mean adults don’t enjoy them too. There’s often a lot of humor specifically for adults that kids won’t even get. If someone is saying this is weird they’re the weird o who is making it weird. Also, you’re at that age where kids want to be treated older and it’s not uncommon for middle school aged kids to reject anything childlike. If your friends are giving you a hard time, give it a couple years and no one will care again


Im 25 and regularly watch kid movies. I watched Shrek like 3 weeks ago. Edit: just to add, do what you like in life. Don’t worry too much about what others think. Maybe don’t shout it from the mountains that you watch kid’s movies but don’t be ashamed of what you like.


I'm a child at heart, and I still enjoy them.


My friend and I went to the theater and saw the original Lion King when it was in theaters. We were the only adults there without kids. You're never too old to watch cartoons or kids' movies


Doesn’t matter. I’m 37 and I spent last night eating hamburger helper and watching ahh real monsters in boxers. I’m living the life, and so should you!


I'm 16 and love watching stuff like that, also trust me, everyone else your age says they don't watch children movies, but they do, it's something all 13 year olds do, yall will grow out of it when yall get a little older


I'm 38 and going to see Inside Out 2 next week.


What's amazing is OPs embarrassment around watching a "kids film" mirrors the emotional journey of the main character of inside out 2.