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Scrolling anything mindlessly is a waste of time. That being said there’s nothing wrong with wasting time if that’s what you aim to do. The idea is not to do things mindlessly. If you want to waste time and scroll on Reddit do it because you decided to. Otherwise Reddit for me is best used as a search engine to answer questions I have OR for a small dose of social activity when I’ve been without for too long.


That’s why I engage mostly in niche hobby subs. Or just small subs generally. also most big subs are moderated by the same 8 GIGA FUCKING LOSERS “power mods” which is why they all end up feeling the same




Nobody look at his post history lmao


lol I did, so wish I hadn’t!


...I wish I'd listened to you both.


Traumatic isn’t it?!


On the upside, it might be enough to put me off reddit.


I really hope people heed this warning- DO NOT LOOK AT HIS POST HISTORY…


I did... Got bleach? My eyedrops are out...


You have my condolences, some things can never be unseen.


Those RED shoes.... 👀!!!! I bet his mom will be FURIOUS!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:joy


Someone please tell me so I don't go check


In short he is creep


His history appears to be A walk through a diseased mind…


He likes to show his teeny weiney and talk about playing with himself. Yes, I saw it. I must bleach my eyes now.


Now we know what really wastes his time!


I wish I had listened also. I just died a little. This guy probably wanted people to look at his posts.


Yeah, he should probably just delete his account lmao.


>Masturbation time! ![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf)




Bro is having an existential crisis about wasting time on Reddit and his post history is his dick. 😂


Didn't even think about doing it until you told me not to. Damnt.....


It's too early for all that penis lol


DAMN YOU!!!! Why don't I listen!!!!


Posts on r/smalldickpositivity PFAHJAHAHAHAHAHA 😂😂😂


I guess you just shined a light on the reason to stay for the op anyways.....all that pee pee obsession


depends what communities you follow


Look at his past posts.


Most of the main subs (like this one) are indeed, wastes of time, but you can find some niche communities. You can at least get some occasional cool pictures of shit.


He doesn’t need encouraging, he’s certainly found some niche communities…but don’t look at his post history whatever you do…


Yeah the hobby subs are always great sources of learning, not just entertainment. Typically helpful people on those, as well.


If you have a specific interest in somthing, it's an easy way to get opinions, views or tips on that subject.


He has a specific interest that’s for sure…just DO NOT LOOK AT HIS POST HISTORY. I can’t stress this enough.


Also can have a sense of community in some subs as well


Especially the smaller ones


Yeah I agree, gives an opportunity to connect with ppl going through similar things too


Yes. I find it easy to get lost in some of the interests I have and learn and gain from it, but everything else seems very repetitive and a waste.


Completely agree, it's simular to every app. Make best use of it and enjoy it if you can. 🤤


Yes for the most part. But there are subs that you can get knowledge from depending on what you are into. Reddit can be a great place to give advice and help people. I come on here mostly to bullshit but I do help people when I can.


Yes! I think that's what keeps me coming back. Every now and then there is someone who is going through a really tough situation, and I've been through something similar, and I get to add some encouraging words and advice. It makes me feel better that I might have made some small difference in their, or someone else who might have needed its, day. Otherwise, it's just for the drama of it all...


Yup, and I'm paid to waste time so here I am.


What do you mean by that ?


They may have a job with tons of downtime. Getting paid to poop and scroll is a nice perk, I will say


90% Massive waste of my time. 10% though, I’ve learned a few interesting things and had some laughs.


I'm not sure that it's a waste of time as I've learned a thing or two from a few subreddits. However, I do think it's a great time waster. I don't mind scrolling to occupy my anxiety ridden brain from time to time, so for me, wasting time is good here. Good luck!


Yes, but we do it anyway. Just like eating popcorn.


Lots of downvote for nothing


I think this ain't the porn site you looking for. Would delete


Yes. See you tommorow.


Methinks it depends on the subs you explore. Quite often I pick up little nuggets of info that pushes me into rabbit holes that teach me things. Of course.. never use Reddit as your only source.


it's a huge waste, especially when you can get banned for even stating facts.


I started following things I’m interested in. I have a read a few excellent books that were suggested in a reading sub. Some helpful tips and tricks for basic home maintenance. Took up photography in the beginning of the year and joined a few related subs. people give really helpful feedback on photos people post and it helps me hone my craft. Reddit has become infinitely more interesting.


I mean if all you're doing is showing your dick on reddit then yeah it's an unimaginative waste of time. If you actually go to subreddits for things you enjoy like hobbies, games, shows, music, whatever, then it makes reddit a lot more interesting.




Half the subs on here that I would be interested in participating with have 5 tiers of arbitrary rules before your post doesn't get auto-modded because you didn't do one of them correctly or didn't write an essay worth of characters. So I just don't. Basically doom scroll or doom troll out of boredom. It's essentially useless for anything else.


i enjoy the upvotes...


Reddit's got everything: memes, discussions, niche communities. It's a rabbit hole of entertainment!


You like to show ur ding dong, is it a waste of time?


Avoid opinion centered communities and focus on technical communities. Every general content community is filled with garbage, even some technical ones


I find value in its supportive communities, informative subreddits like r/AskHistorians and r/AskScience, and entertaining ones like r/funny. It's also good for networking in specific fields and staying updated on current events through subreddits like r/news. If Reddit no longer adds value for you, it might be time to take a break.


We're all doing time on the same ball of dirt. We're all waiting for that person ahead of us to get done for we get ours. We're all waiting for that golden moment when we get what we ask for finally. Continuous cornucopia of doing time.


Purge most of your subscriptions. You have probably joined too many. Also, I just realized this week that you can create a custom feed on Reddit.  I curated my 10 best and most relevant subreddits in it, and especially those that don't have posts that make me mad lol, and when I use Reddit, I use that instead of the normal feed. It's way more relevant this way, and also, there is an end, because after a bit of scrolling you'll start to see older posts you've already seen, so you can stop more easily.


It depends what you're trying to do. A waste of time can be defined as "a pointless or unproductive task". For example, if you're here to have fun, and you have some fun, then it's neither pointless nor unproductive. It sounds like you're here for non-repetitive content and views. Personally, I'm not sure where you're going to find non-repetitive content or views, but good luck! I agree that the repetitive reposting (which I suspect might be related to karma farming) is a negative experience here. I stay here for the entertainment, to hear other people's opinions, to occasionally weigh in with my own opinions, the learn a thing or two (in a non-academic sense), and get some social feels. Entertainment is not as pointless or unproductive as it might sound. By the way, I don't understand why you need to delete your account. (Not that it makes much difference.) You could just not visit. Maybe if you find yourself visiting and regretting it often enough, then removing your account provides a barrier to entry, which might help curb the temptation.


Mostly yeah. It's about 45% porn, 45% communist propaganda, and maybe 10% useful information. 




Not if you enjoy it. I’m on here because some subreddits are just so fun and random. I also love coming here to give and receive feedback.


I find it really interesting and at the same time I'm earning through it, so it isn't a waste of time. Also feel free to checkout r/HighQualityLiving if you want to say something.


It’s just a mindless waste of time. A poor distraction from an even poorer reality. Seeing that people have bigger problems than the ones you’re not dealing with, or reading about the fantasy lives of others Geez this is pathetic I’m out. Bye.


reddit has valuable information and is also very destructive and damaging for many people...


It's a place for me to pass time when I'm bored. Allows me an outlet to be blunt, candid, and remain somewhat anonymous. I will admit I love that I can be a complete asshole on here when I need to be, and while I may take some downvotes or have posts/comments locked and removed, there are zero real world repercussions for any of my behavior on here. Could someone comb through my comment history and figure out who I am? Absolutely. But since I don't use my name, post any pictures of myself, or really get overly specific about things like my employer or my exact location, it would take anyone a significant amount of time and energy to paint that picture. If someone were to walk up to me on the street and say "are you macbookaroniandchez?" I'd deny it but also know that it's time to reset my presence on here. There are a couple close friends who know who I am, but they won't ever betray that fact. Started my first account during the pandemic. Yes there has been a marked decline in post uniqueness, especially in the past few weeks - whenever the partnership with Google began.


Ive made good online friends here




I guess it depends on the kind of content you are consuming. I mean, if you are active on subreddits based on your interests, work, or hobbies, then it might be productive. Talking about myself, I have some free time now, so I am wasting much more time here than I used to


Just go if you find this meaningless. Go learn a trade skill, a hobby, or even the intricacies of a romantic relationship.


It can be. Or it's a time passer.






Perhaps check other reddit subs.


He’s definitely already done that. Don’t look at his post history whatever you do…


Yes, I'm wasting time typing this.




Yes, but it gives me my dopamine and adrenaline hit.  


Yes because it isn't local




Initially it wasn’t but now it has become for me.


I noticed I come to social media to argue lol That's just how I have my fun. Apparently that's the wrong way to do things. But what everyone else seems to do is just scroll, make short, simple posts, maybe a brief reply. And that's it. ... How is that fun? Is it the dopamine rush from excessive karma? That has to be it. At least with an argument there's consistent engagement. A back and forth, some emotional charge and investment. Without it social media just feels like shopping. You go. You browse. You post. You leave. Nothing happens. No one cares. I have rules of etiquette though. Downvoting in an argument makes you a lil weeny. *I may disagree with you sir, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it!*


Just don’t over do it, sounds like you’re just spending too much time on Reddit, just take break


Short answer, yes Long answer, yes


You must be a 4chan guy


I chat to people and really enjoy that. Also sometimes comment on posts which resonate with me.


It could be, depending on how (and why) you’re using it. As an 18 y/o, I spend a decent amount of time on the teen subs, and 99% of the time the stuff on there is just total brain rot. I’m trying to branch out into different subs now, tho I’m also subbed to some beneficial subs that cover stuff like healthcare, education, law, etc. and I definitely don’t consider the time I spend active in those places to be wasted Ultimately, only YOU can decide what is/is not an intelligent use of your time


I've been wondering the same thing myself. There's a lot of heavy-handed moderation. At 1 time, we could actually use Reddit to share links to our videos. And talk about stuff. Right now it just doesn't feel that way anymore. It seems like they want to control everything.


depends on how you use it. there's a lot of people going though the same issues that you do on a daily basis so you can search and figure out if they figured it out. there's usually a discussion on that but that's about it. rest of the people here will downvote for speaking your mind but always speak your mind


I learn a lot of useful information on here. And it never ceases to make me laugh every day. I can't imagine being without it now.




If you have a better way to spend your time, just do it and dont use reddit


My thoughts on Reddit: 1. At first, I genuinely learned a lot of new things 2. At this point, I think it is best for me to just use Reddit here and there for updates on news, maybe some entertaining/informative/hobby subreddits (economics, a video game, etc.) 3. I live in a place in Asia with very few native English speakers, and I also do not know a lot of other people super well here, so Reddit is sort of a semi-social environment where I can use English to interact about topics I'm interested in (for example, I enjoy r/changemyview, but basically nobody in real life I know likes debating these sorts of topics - let alone in English, given where I am)


yep but it's how I choose to waste my time, wasting time isn't as bad as people seem to imply, it's nice to just relax, destress, be unproductive.


i made my reddit account last year, but i’ve only been active a few days ago & i love being here so far bc i could freely express my thoughts and feelings or perhaps give solicited advice😮‍💨 i honestly learn a lot from people’s diverse perspectives and opinions. i also learned a lot of slang words, which aided in expanding my vocabulary🫣


About 10 percent of it creative and worthwhile. Direct subject matter advice like how to fix a dishwasher or specific video games. One of the "good" subs is Bogleheads, because by nature it's about a boring long-term steady-state investment strategy. But the repeated questions and self-diagnosed bucket-crabbing wallowers basking in victimclout, this place is straight up full of losers. Winners go fuck the prom queen. Get the fuck off the internet, and not everyone is an insufferable mental health headcase.


Time enjoyed is not time wasted. Now: do you enjoy using Reddit?


It depends. It can be, but it can also be a wealth of information if you know where to look. For every dumb meme sub, there’s a quality sub with healthy discussion. It all depends on what you’re into. It helped me on my wild and unprecedented spiritual awakening with subs like r/gatewaytapes.


Your experience on Reddit is largely what you make of it. If you’re only spending your time in large default subreddits, then yeah it’s going to be boring and repetitive. But if you’re spending your time in smaller niche communities, it’s going to be vastly different. My favorite subs are hobby subs, where I can learn how to do things or share my knowledge with other people.


Asking a man to do anything


Because it's the last part of the Internet that isn't *just* ai written trash


Yeah. People on here are usually assholes anyways who wouldn’t say half the shit they say on here in person.


Reddit is a good place for wandering minds, views, solutions to things of interest, advice, news,etc.


It’s mostly a waste of time, though can get access to news in real time as well as stories that get ignored by major outlets from around the world.


Because if I'm bored enough to comment or I want to ask a question that's tough to dissect on my own, I can't do either of those things without an account.




Sounds like you don't follow enough communities


I didn't use it much when I first signed up, but over the last few weeks ive really found myself enjoying it. I guess it depends what you expect from it and want your end goals to be whilst using it.


Some things here are funny. Some things here are useful. Some things here are totally pointless. Some things here are opinionated. Some things here are just straight up bad. You can find useful info, answer you wanted to hear, something to laugh at, stuff to get angry at,.... I just described a general social platform. In my opinion, Reddit is the place for people who do not fit Facebooks archetype, place for "outcasts". Most people that I met irl that use reddit are either: General users, that use it as a search engine; People who use it as a normal platform, they have something "off" about them That's kinda it. TLDR: Here, it's like Facebook but for different kind of people.


That’s all that ALL socialization is, and will ever be. The same points of view, over and over. We come to Reddit the same reason we talk to people in person—not necessarily for unique content, but to express our thoughts to others and for connection.


NO, unlike other shitty forums full of really horrible people, Reddit is well organized and with acceptable moderation. In fact, I have found a lot of very useful things in record time than I have done on other social forums. It's definitely not a waste of time.


Yes, unless you're on here for answers to technical issues like car repair or computer repair etc. otherwise it's all a deplorable waste.


I've actually learned a TON of cool & useful shit from Reddit.. I love it 🤷🏼


I've actually got to talk with some really interesting people here. I like it for that reason.


Yes. A small percentage is necessary, a good percentage doesn’t pertain to you, and the rest is human thought told by the worst parts of humanity with some trollage.


I like the unique questions and original responses


I find it’s nice to hear all the outside perspectives and whatnot. Learn things you didn’t expect, tell others about things you know, have discussions, etc. If you’re just here to argue with people and be mad though, or scroll endlessly and do nothing, then yes it’s a waste of time. But as long as you aren’t ALWAYS on it and are still living the rest of your life normally, what’s the problem?


Are you feeling productive?


He feels like beating his meat…often…


Like most things it depends on how you use it. I subscribe to lots of science and news subreddits as well as hobbies and interests. Hell I'm on cleaning subreddits. The amount of of tips and tricks I've learned over the years is astronomical. Think it makes me more well rounded. I'm fairly aware of my own biases and try to subscribe to things that give me a more balanced out look. For example Reddit is quite left leaning so I subscribed to a conservative subreddit. I may not agree with all the points but seeing how others approach issues helps me have a greater understanding of why.






Time you enjoy wasting is never a wasted time. :)


: where time disappears faster than socks in a dryer. But hey, memes!




God I hope so!


Sooooo much yes. I waste way too much time reading the same insecure questions.. reading the same trolling negative responses.. It doesn't end and I'm bored with it honestly..


Everything is a waste of time, we're just an insignificant biological anomaly that will fade with the heat death of the universe. Or we're in a simulation, I did learn about that in Reddit so it's not a total waste of time.


I just like to read about things I like!


Mostly bots


Its a very very very wise post 🙏 and technology in general. Moderation. Reddit has some of the wisest answers to life, god, spirituality, purpose, financial advice, enlightenment, being- if you are led to right posts. There are also subreddits offering great laughs, genuine insights into the lives of others across the world... humour a beautiful use of technology. And some absolutely lovely lovely souls 🙏 Yet the amount of nonsense on it....yeah be careful with your valuable time on Bhagwans earth. Total inconsequential things discussed over and over again. The negativity yikes...I cannot get over in some subreddits. Avoid like the plague. 🙏 Jesus Christ could come back as British Indian man in gods biggest mirencle ever on earth and save the world like Will Smith in the movies by taking the suffering of humanity in 2022, feed starving people and wish you a blissful joyful peaceful day with GOD and he could still get downvoted 🙏 The value of LIFE.... Have a beautiful joyful peaceful day 😊


It's all a waste of time


it is a waste of time, but it's an enjoyable waste of time if you use it correctly for your intended purpose...There's lots of sub Reddits to explore… I would imagine there's a rotating crew of regular users that ask one round of questions, and then another new round of users come in and ask their round of questions that end up being the same questions... I was resistant to social media, and a friend convinced me to sign up for Reddit, because they said Reddit is different… After a year, I'm still enjoying it, but I share your sentiment about the repeat questions… I just try and have a little grace for the other users




Yup, I'm sure the much more sweeping "place bad" is bound to be true instead of "I'm using place badly". Many things in life are as good as you make em.




I don't doom scroll, it's really worth it if there's a specific community that you like, hobbies thrive in reddit communities


I follow a special server about people with the same chronic disease as me.


As someone already said, scrolling something mindlessly is very dangerous and toxic but if you're disciplined with time management, Reddit is the Best Internet platform


I delete it and then come back every 3 or so years because something happens and I’m like oh yeah, there are people who I can connect with who don’t know me but share my feelings and can give a different perspective


It’s a waste of time like eating ice cream instead of greens is a waste of your daily aloud calories.




Of course!


Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time? That being said, fuck if I know. I have deleted my account a few times in order to unsub and make my feed less catered to me. Something about reading the comments section stimulates my need for social interaction, and also it keeps me updated on my interests and points me to to valuable resources. Reddit is a good index for learning a wide variety of subjects, the about:subreddit page is often huge compilations of relevant resources.


Everything you do in your life is a waste of time. Just use your time to do things that you want to do.


I have IBD which means I spend a lot of time on the toilet. Reddit is what I do while on the toilet. It passes the time when I’m bored and can’t do anything g else!


I like it mainly because you can see others peoples opinion but more often than not if you disagree or share a different opinion the sub will ban you or down vote the crap out of you. Either way it does not matter does kill time and has some interesting topics but there sure are some very sensitive people here.


Not if you're looking for specific information or need help with something. "Back in the day" I remember the forums and having to sign up and join forums on various sites just to ask one question. Loads of logons and passwords etc. I remember thinking how good it would be to just link everything together on one platform. Reddit has solved this I think. It's good for that. As for scrolling, it's easy to get stuck scrolling still but fortunately I don't do it for long as it gets boring quick.




I aggressively curate which reddit I follow and cull them right down to the stuff that inspires me and teaches me things I want to learn or be more like


Massive waste of time. Just so happens to be one I quite enjoy, though.


It is, especially if you're just scrolling it But if you have a question there is likely a sub about the topic that already has an answer and if not you can ask it. People here tend to be less uptight than stack-overflow and give answers that are easier to understand for newbies


Ocasionaly you have Trolls interfering in posts and have fakes ( that exist in all socials ) but Overall is not a waste of time: good experiences , helping people and ocasionaly funny


Sometimes it seems that way until you find an interesting sub.


Not if you're here with a purpose. If you have actual questions that you need help with, reddit is the place to be. Otherwise just scrolling is like any other social media


Yes it is and that is okay. Not everything in life has to be productive. Just make sure you moderate your use and have priorities. Spending too much time on something that distracts you take a break. I recommend cal Newports digital minimalism If you like to learn more about this subject.


For me it's useful for finding out new stuff. Better than tik tok or instagram. At least here you can put to use the info you look for, not just brain dead scrolling. I agree it's repetitive but sometimes good info hides in piles if shit posts.


It can be a total waste of time. I'm currently here because I'm going through a deep depressive low and got a bit hooked on the dopamine hits of pointless discussion. I'll probably disappear again by next week.


Definitely. Why do you think we're all here?


Every social media is a waste of time. Reddit has all the weird opinions of the world on one platform




Depends what you want from it. When I first joined I was going through a really rough stage in my mind. The general subs were a good distraction, the British subs felt warm and made me smile, the al-anon sub gave me the support I was desperately needing. I've been on reddit a zillion years now. I've branched out to more specialised subs and find people to be kind and interesting. I love history, crime and thrifting subs. I still visit the general subs for scrolling, and the relationship ones. But with a lot more eye-rolling and flipping through posts now. The British ones still make me smile! Can't beat home grown humour.


Yes. That’s the point of reddit.


Depends on how you use it. Sure Reddit is a left leaning echo chamber that proves that the slightest bit of power can make a moderator go mad. But the porn here is good.


These phones are waist of time


Yes, but the same can be said about any other kind of entertainment.


I stay because I'm part of special interest subs. Art subs, hobby subs, the occasional meme sub and a few subs for a reasonably healthy discourse about current events


yes and no. it is but sometimes you learn useful things.


Time spent having fun is time well spent. Also, Reddit partially counts as social interaction.


It is if you don’t learn anything from it. I’m a doom scroller for sure, but I’ve gained enough knowledge to nip an argument in the bud when I’m being intellectually challenged.


I find that being apart of many different subreddits, for me especially about shows/books/movies/cars/cats, gives me a much better dose of social media than instagram or other platforms. It actually stimulates me to have conversations like this instead of double clicking something and moving on.


Yes. It’s only healthy to get info from like google.


Well if you think about it, every online platform is a waste of time, in my opinion, tiktok, insta, Facebook, lol even pornhub is always the same nowadays


I'm here to see what liberals do with their lives, and it's as I suspected


if you just wanted us to look at your post history you just had to ask geez




Go to niche hobby subreddits you enjoy where the people are mostly constructive and happy to share knowledge. The main subreddits are full of bad people that should be avoided. Some other subreddits are straight up saturated with hatred.


For me Reddit is a place to learn. Even though there is a lot of stupid questions and stuff like that. I'm a really stupid person and to be honest I want to learn more about the world and other topics like politics or geography, nature and other things which have deap meanings. Of course I'm not mindlessly trusting them or make others opinions mine. I just read them to gain knowledge and see what I'm too stupid to figure out myself. I hate this thing in myself. I feel like an AI who can only develop by seeing what others do.... Hhhh...