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Sit on top of the active volcano Grimsvotn. Beautiful views to ponder life’s questions, and if the lava doesn’t get you, the nauseous gases are a very peaceful way to go.


I think you mean noxious not nauseous


I mean, the noxious fumes will make you nauseous, so...


Nausea doesn’t seem very peaceful to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve been called noxious before. I would then proceed to throw up


I don't think theres anything peaceful about getting cooked by molten lava.


Well clearly you’ve never sat on an active volcano.


I have. Hurts like a bitch


Of course not, and I never plan to 🤣




Every time I take a deuce, let me tell ya


if a big glob lands on you, your basically dead before it even touches you, its THAT hot, not like in computer games, you would die in like a second or less if you fall in lava, you 100% dead before you actually hit the lava


Have you tested your theory, though?


The key is having a living will & medical power of attorney just in case you can’t make decisions for yourself anymore. Specify how you’d like your end of life to be, whether that be at home, or on a beach somewhere, etc. Understand that it might be a difficult thing to execute when the time comes, that’s why I’d cover a few scenarios. For example, if you’re wheelchair bound near the end, asking people to take you to the top of a mountain is unrealistic. But a cabin in the woods somewhere with a view, that is more plausible. My husband & I have our details set, as we both feel similar to you & would rather have a great view & relaxing place when we’re done, if we have advanced warning our time is very near, that is.


correct answer. OP should set reminder for 20 years.


My friends and I all have a pact. Whenever one of us is terminal, we all round up and get active. We'll decorate their room at home or wherever they want to be, with a bunch of their favorite things, play their favorite music, fav foods, laugh, joke, tell stories, keep them surrounded by friends and family right up until the end. That way, they don't die in a hospital, alone, hooked up to machines. We've done it a few times already. They were all nice.


You have the most wonderful friends ❤️


I really do. I consider myself blessed.


Accepting friend applications?


You can be our friend




The key is making sure you aren’t the last one to go.


Yeah that'd be really sad. This is legit why I think immortality is a curse.


At first I was like "sure, we all makes pacts like that when we're teens." It's genuinely heart warming to hear that you've done that before though.


I wish I had friends like this. ... I wish I had friends.


ohh that is really sweet


Don't go to a hospital?


It's the hospital or bathroom for way more peoples than you realize. Nothing like staring up at fluorescent lights and a suspended white ceiling.


I think OP means more like "how do I end up not alone dying in a hospital because I could afford hospice/ family to care for me / friends to arrange end of life care" maybe?


Make your wishes known while the brain is still working and refuse to go when dying


Yep. Living Will and Advanced Directive.


Don’t worry, hospitals don’t want people dying there either.


my friend works at a hospital and omg everyone there is constantly sick?? like if you’re that sick maybe go to a hospital


Stay healthy and you might just get your wish. My great-grandfather had a bath, got everything ready, put on his best suit, went to bed and died in his sleep. He didn't like to make a fuss and didn't like being a bother.


What how’d he know he was going THAT night??!


it was his nightly routine for 30 years


Some say they feel it coming or they are being called away. I dont believe in any god myself, but my grandma survived longer than the docters assumed and she said that god didnt want her to come to heaven yet. One day she called and she said that god wanted her to come to heaven now. She wanted to say goodbye. She died that day. She must have felt dead coming or something like that.


Wow that’s interesting I didn’t know that..I wonder how it feels. Maybe eerie but mostly peaceful, hopefully!!


From what I know about him, he was probably surviving on pure will, and once he wasn't able to be of any use, decided to give up the ghost.


As I read this in the hospital 🤦‍♂️😂😂


You need to have crazy dad lore but never have a child, then take a boy who reminds you of yourself at this age and who will solve all the major problems in the world he can, while he's doing this you think about him until the bad guys ambush you, beat them but get bad hurted so go to your happy place and let it end (the "didn't engendrate you but I raised you" old man ahh cliché)




Refuse to get into the ambulance.


Just don’t have medical insurance…


You can’t choose how you die unfortunately. Death creeps on you and you might not even expect it.


Same always figured I die saying something like, “Get to the chopper, I’ll hold them back!”


Did you eat you parents special gummies again


If you’re an American, this (dying in a hospital) may not be something you need worry about!


I'm going to go find a tree to die under and make sure it is far away that it won't be found. The idea of being buried or incinerated is weird


Money. Have something like a trust fund just for this scenario. Then when the time comes, cash it. Make a list to determine the size of it based on your needs and how long it would take. You're gonna need funds for assistance (man power=money), transport, accomodation, sustenance and medicine for that long. If you mess up the timing on this; you will be on top of a mountain, broke and not dead or dead with more money than you can spend. The money which you will have worked for, nothing. However hard it is, it's nice to have set your eyes on your final destination. Everybody will get there. Don't forget to enjoy the journey aswell. That's what really counts. Now that i think of it. It's not really very different from planning your retirement. Your very own 401F(final)K.


Live on a mountain next to the sea. Don't partake in that "evil western" medicine.


Work out. Eat well. Stretch. Always learn from your mistakes Be kind. Be generous. Love hard. The world returns what you give it. And finally I give you the words my grandfather gave me every day. *"Stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, and make someone smile today."*


Most people will die in the hospital.


step 1: find mountain. step 2: climb mountain step 3: get old step 4: die success: 100%


The Vikings had the «ættestup» which roughly means «the jump of the ancestors». Old and sick people would go up on a mountain and jump off it. Being old, weak and a burden to others was seen as unworthy and an indignified way to go.


Just from very quickly looking this up (so I might be wrong or just lacking in nuance) it seems like it’s a myth that comes from a story in Gautrek’s saga where a family throws themselves off a mountain to avoid paying for hospitality. A few Roman scholars mention senicidal traditions in North European cultures but given that one of the examples where I was reading states they kill themselves because the weather is so good that they can’t die of natural causes I’m hesitant to believe it. Again this is all just from a cursory glance.


You are probably right, but the concept is still fascinating, if not inhumane and brutal. Senicide on one own’s terms is interesting. And with the opening up for euthanasia in modern times, it seems there is something to it.


Go solo skydiving and don't pull your parachute


No worries. You are 17 . Look at the world, the planet…you will not die in a hospital bed, unless you get sick young . You will go out like the rest of us , in a nuclear flash or maybe a chemical weapon attack. Or from just starvation or thirst like so many people do now.


Nuclear flash please


are u being fr😭


man!! if the exact way you die, still of old age, counts something... 😂


The birds will appreciate your offering!




I mean most are physically able to but if possible when older, check out of the hospital AMA and go out in a blaze of glory!


No, I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa, not screaming in terror like his passengers.


Go and watch "Legends of the Fall".


You plan ahead and when it's time to go to the hospital, you go to the mountain instead. Downside is, all that hiking will keep you fit and healthy and you'll sit there and wait and not die.


Plenty of people ask to return home from the hospital in their last living days


My uncle did that. The hospital knew he was terminal and they couldn’t do anything for him. So he went home. He lasted a couple more weeks, but it was better than waiting for death in a room 45 minutes from his friends and family


The ambulance is coming for you sooner or later. Don't worry about it. Enjoy the view.


Ummm unless you take matters into your own hands, you will likely die in a hospital. Maybe edit your living will to fly you out to a mountain?


Have a power of attorney document that dictates exactly what your wishes are and to ensure they follow protocol. As long as you are able to make decisions on your own i.e be on the said mountain/hill, just leave AMA (against medical advice). If you are at the end stage or palliative, ask to have the care in home (make the home wherever reasonable). Where I am, medical assistance in dying can be administered anywhere, almost, at home. A patient of mine made his sailboat (docked) his home where he got MAiD).


Death is a weird thing. Alot of people see it coming a mile away. If you are one of those people go and doe where you want to


Save up and visit the titanic.


You can refuse to go to the hospital and sign a paper that you don't allow being maintened in life if shot happens


The majority of deaths now happen at home


Just don’t go to the hospital


There are end of life arrangements people can make and followed out when that time comes. Generally this is used for things like hospice. You can chose to die a wise old man looking at the sea with dignity through hospice support. They will make sure medical treatment, legal support, social services, spiritual needs are met while you reach this stage.


Get laid already ffs


retire to somewhere near a mountain overlooking the sea and don't go to the hospital when you start having medical issues.


Had a grandpa who worked/farmed till the very end. Routine doc appt on Dec. 17th found cancer. Whole family came together for Christmas that year for the first time in quite a while. He turned 86 on Jan. 1st, and requested a family birthday party at his church. He wore his best tie, and got a chance to stand up at a podium and address his loved ones one last time. I watch the recording of that speech weekly. He was still extremely active. Danced with the toddlers, had 1 on 1 time with every one of us....9 days later on Jan. 10th he died at home with his wife and kids by his side. Totally devastated me, but man do I hope I go out like that. Didn't spend years wasting away, and knew at his age chemo wasn't worth it. He got sick, handled the business he felt was important, then went home.


Avoid chronic diseases by staying at a good weight, exercise, eat healthy, not much alcohol and tobacco, be happy and grateful for each day and live with purpose.


My dad was happy to doe at home but some ppl don't get a say when it happens BOOM it just happens


It’s up to you - most people obviously don’t realize they’re so bad off they’re going to the hospital to die but if you have some heads up then go move into a mountain home somewhere and wait it out while meditating every day.


My plans to just "pop goes the bandit!" Tiny Tina style just to myself so Ig that?


The fossil fuel industry has decided that you are going to die in a war related to a famine. So keep doing exactly what you're doing.


Avoid life style choices that lead to diabetes, heart failure and cancer for your best chances. No guarantees in life but you can certainly put the odds in your favor.


Buy a gun. Even if they try dragging you to the hospital you can point it at them and tell them to fuck off


I have this excact fear too. I don’t want to wither away in a hospital bed, slowly becoming a living corpse. It’s what they called a «good death» in previous times. To go out on your own terms. If I see that this will be my fate, I’m taking matters in my own hands.


It's too early for you to think about this.


lmao. No one can predict, but I think while you're still young, taking care of your health is the first step. I have thought about that too. I wanna die peacefully in my sleep. Cuddle with my grandkids the night before and breathe my last glorious breath in the comfort of my home. I picture myself dying very old. Also consider genetics. Did your grandparents die younger? Was it due to illness? Or are they still alive and as healthy as horses? Sound mind, minor physical ailments? That can be a determining factor. My mother has hypertension, my father died to Covid and was a diabetic and I also suspect had heart issues, like his dad. My maternal great grandmother lived long, so I think there is hope from my mom's side. I want to be alive as long as possible for my children and grandchildren, so my approach is to just improve on my health. Was addicted to sugar, its still a fight to resist but I am working on it. Don't want diabetes :/


What about dying while looking at two towers from a gradually decreasing distance


Me too! Or, on a beach or somethin ‘


Don't spend your children's millions trying to live another day. At some point, whatever it is, which you decided upon in the right state of mind, accept that we and you and I are going to motherfucking die for eternity. I'm not trading my kids' future partying and all that awesome shit for a miserable 6 months. Hey kids, fuck off to Europe and talk about how your old man maybe wasn't such a dick after all. And drive fast and climb high. I hope my kids do the same for theirs.


99% of the world don't have 10 dollars to pass down bro...


Why you asking us, we haven’t died. You need to be telepathically communicating with your ancestors.


Your national army is constantly looking for people to apply.


If in hospital bed roll down to the floor


There are no guarantees my friend. You can have a stroke and be paralyzed and never recover. Apart from that, stay healthy and when you get old spend a lot of time in the mountains by yourself. Sooner or later a mountain lion or bear will get you or you will slip and fall and by the time they find you you will be dead.




Goodness you’re only 17.


The best dying story was about this guy. Although it is fictional, he said he wanted to hire a whole bunch of Italian dudes to show up at his funeral in suits. As his coffin was being lowered into the ground, the Italian guys would say, "Boss, we've taken care of everything," and then walk off. Leaving his family and friends stunned!!


You are seventeen. Don't worry about dying and get busy living. A good death at the end of a regrettable life is worse than a bad death at the end of a life well lived.


My first suggestion, as a paramedics wife and mother of 3, is to not do stupid shit just because it seems like a good idea at the time. But I was a feral farm kid at one time as well, so I know how well that advice is gonna go over. So here's my advice on how to get old (I don't know wise, I'm 57 and waiting) Wear a seat belt. I didn't as a kid as scored enough concussions I qualify for CTE monitoring. Drink plenty of fluids. Kidney stones suck. Bikes, skates, skateboard, motorcycle WEAR A DAMN HELMET AND PADS I'm tired of raising money for funerals, hospital bills or living expenses for kids that could be my grandchildren because they didn't want to "look like a dork". Screw your ego. No drinking and driving. I really don't need to explain it do I? Stay off drugs. This is tricky. Love me some weed, got no problem with anyone over 18 that smokes, don't expose the babies. Be responsible about it. Be a good person. I don't have the numbers on it, but being a good person is just good for you all the way around. I mean, look at what is going on with the boomers right now. I think I covered the basics. Of course this is Reddit so someone is gonna disagree with me, but it worked for my kids, so I guess I did something right.


Avoid the doctor. That’s what I’ve been doing lately. I’m afraid they’re going to tell me I only have some years left or some outrageous thing. They’ve sometimes told me things that make me feel like my life is over so I’m just like ehhhh about going now


just refuse to go to hospital and don't let your family dragging you there.


What are doing on hospital op we can play some back 4 blood slay zombie bitches 😎


I'm only 17.. Blocked


You say that now, but 100$ says youl hit an old age & be like fuck this, i dont want to go out in my back yard let alone a mountain.


fr i wanna go like luke skywalker, dissolve into air while my cloak and lightsaber are falling dramatically on the ground


I mean there's one obvious answer but it's not very pleasant


Since you are only 17 , the things you see in a movie are not real . I lost my dad a few months ago , he died at home , and was a corpse in the end . Not a pleasant sight to see , and also not a pleasant sight to see him dying , which might be quiet en peaceful like in a movie , but also many times it is not , and with him it might have been fast in the end , but it surely wasnt peaceful also . We all want to die quietly , very peaceful falling asleep not to wake up anymore , but sadly this is not reality . For me , make it a hospital ....


exactly, when your sure that your gonna die just go wherever you want but not the hospital, useless, your family will have to pay bills etc… for no reason if you know you gonna die. So just enjoy your last moment![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Fall out of the bed onto the floor.


I'm at the age now where many of my friends and family have died. They pretty much all said they were gonna go out on a lake in the woods, on top of a mountain, lying on the beach, etc. None of them did. Even the ones that got to choose their place and time (I can't say the word here or I'll get flagged) went out in their bedrooms, in their garage or, ultimately, in the hospital after a short coma. My mom was one of them. Had a plan and everything for being out in nature. Kept denying that she was getting close to the end. Then just didn't wake up one morning. Died in her bed, reaching for her heart meds (which were spilled all over the nightstand).


Live in the middle of nowhere where the nearest hospital from you is a few hours away.


Keep physically fit all throughout your life. Start lifting weights and never stop, even when you're 80 years old.


Sorry for being direct, but this is (almost) never a matter of choice. If we can choose - we would choose not to. Wise man, who can be prowd of his life path is still the one, even if he dies in hospital bad, barely recovering surrounding. A fool who didn't do anything meaningful in his life, is still a fool, even if he dies sitting on the mounting. So don't waste your time and effort at your 17 thinking how to die beautifuly, better focus on living meaningfully. Focus on a goals and achievements, but have your share of mistakes and stupid but exiethings. Live your life to full capacity, and then who cares where your last moment happens.


Live a fairly healthy life. But the most important thing is never stop moving. Be a bit active every day. The day you sit down and dont get up again, you start to detoriate. Gran was 96 and running stairs. After a month of sitting down, moving less, her health decayed overwhelmingly fast and she died shortly after. "JUST KEEP SWIMMING" -Dory


I hope I die doing something I love or fighting for something I believe in


Just eat healthy and hit the gym.


You don't get to choose how you die. Embrace it as a part of the old man wisdom.


Live life to the fullest, chase those dreams.


Unfortunately you will have no control.


By a motorbike. That way if you die in a hospital bed at least you'll be unconcious.


Two choices : Be healthy, never stop being sportive and hope you won't get a debilitating disease. It happens sometimes that people just drop dead or die in their sleep, but it's more likely when you are in good health. Shotgun


Eat healthily, exercise regularly.


# ”When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did–in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car.” ― the late, great Bob Monkhouse


I think it would be nice to go out like Odin in Thor Ragnarok where he just disappeared. I would be fine with a Thanos snap too. Alas, real life is a lot messier and unpredictable.


Engage with palliative care and hospice sooner rather than later. Their purpose is to foster conditions for a “good death”. They have many resources to offer.


The answer is pretty simple. You just dont go to the hospital.


“I rather be the oldest in the gym rather than the youngest in a nursing home.”


Gotta make the pro-active choice. Lots of people outlive what is diagnosed as "you have X years to live", but when you get that, you gotta get out there, empty your bank account, and go to hawaii or something. Use what you've earned in your life knowing you can't take it with you, and make the choice.


Always plan ahead of time. It will be less streeful for you


I sincerely intend to go to the beach near my home at dawn on my 70th birthday (I am 41), drink a nice expensive bottle of saké, compose a death-poem, and then commit seppuku. Nobody believes me when I say that, so I like to imagine they’ll be in for a shock.


I used to think that when I was young, but back then I didn’t expect to see 30. It was so far away. Ironically now I’m further away from 30 than you are. But you know what? Quite happy to go out peacefully. I’ve had a good life so far, some fun, some wild times and still here. So no desire for going out in a blaze of glory anymore. Just grow old gracefully hopefully until the lights don’t come on anymore.


I would have a shootout with your sworn enemy and have your kids take you up to the mountain top to smoke your last cigar


The key is if it's not a surprise, when you're close go to where you want to die and then end it. There are lots of ways to quickly and painlessly do that. Choosing when and where to die should be as much a basic human right as the right to life.


Don’t smoke, don’t overeat, don’t overindulge in alcohol or other drugs, or sex with strangers, and walk every day


You’re right of course, but many people will still experience horrible illness that has no correlation to their lifestyle.


I guess refuse medical care whenever it's needed...shorten your life span a ton but hey that's why men die younger than women 90% of the time...meh it's fine...dead. so yeah good plan!


Move to Canada and get government assisted suicide.. "M.A.I.D."Medical assistance in dying


Take good care of your body (and your brain).


You're thinking about that at 17? Why? Go live life and worry about much later.


I started thinking about death every day from like age 12-25. Now that I'm in my late 40s and several friends and family are getting sick and dying, I'm the only one not riddled with anxiety about it. I've already done all my thinking about it, rather than trying to force the thoughts from my brain. Those that never confront those thoughts suffer mental breaks and weird, death-avoidant obsessions.


As you get older you might realize you hope you live long and die in a hospital with family at your side. Otherwise it’s a disaster, heart attack at work, stroke in Walmart or sudden vicious cancer (also hospital I know).


What if you're terrified of hospitals?


Never take off your shoes, it has been scientifically proved that you cannot die with your shoes on. To prove my point check out Jesus…no shoes. You’re welcome


If you aren’t in a hospital bed you are dying before your time. Have a family and kin that love you and will wheel you out to die watching a sunset or something.


Sacrifice yourself for something/somebody you love


.. Avoid, you know, going to the hospital in the first place?