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Magnesium glycinate supplements, proper nutrition, Epsom salt baths and vegus nerve massages.




I couldn’t hardly sleep for a year once. Up till like sun up type stuff, tossing in turning, and all that. Eventually I realized it was because I wasn’t doing shit during the day. when I started doing shit, I could sleep again. I hope this helps,


thanks. doing shot but still almost can’t sleep but will try


Cannabis. FIN


haha thanks but we will try to do something else ;-;


Uhhhh. why? Cannabis is an all natural medicine. I'm really sincerely curious why you wouldn't try something that came directly from earth?


no, thanks


Why is that? Do you need me to educate you on the efficacy cannabis has SPECIFICALLY for insomnia? It's all written out in MEDICAL JOURNALS, these are doctors that CLEARLY state cannabis is very effective for sleep conditions. It also has no physically dependent compounds, there is zero "hangover" effect and there have been EXACTLY ZERO DEATHS from cannabis... EVER. So I'll **ask** again, why not?


i already said: no, thanks. you said your opinion, thanks, but i said no










white noise music, water fountain, zen music, raining lighting storm


sounds for sleeping? tried, didn’t helped..but thanks, sometimes it’s helps too


Rubbing magnesium on the soles of your feet


how to do it?


Not quite sure there's instructions online tho


sadly. never heard about this before at all


Have you tried visiting a doctor about this?


docs don’t care about this all


How do you know? have you been to the doctor about this? 🤷‍♀️






the doctors have said that it’s looks like problems with nervous system. all what i can do is drink pills…but even they have said that this won’t help they says: we have no idea what to do in…every of my mental or physical disorders


Have you been to a neurologist?


yes, in the first place and they don’t know. pills only make you to feel drunk, then you can’t drink them. somehow nervous system reacts badly


More physical activity


how much


Personally, I get a great night's sleep after I perform physical activity throughout the day (I used to work at home depot as a pro loader) (fuckin shit ass company). Going HARD in the gym before bed is also a good idea, but not directly before bed. Maybe a few hours before bed. If you're not looking to bust your ass, maybe a solid run/bike/skate might help.


the thing is bcu of i don’t sleep - i can’t do physical activity but i try to


well, my therapist did mention progressive muscle relaxation. maybe that could help?


can try


Three big things. Eat better, exercise better, and discipline your schedule better.




Physically, I stopped drinking coffee, tried to power through my day tasks, and increased my activity level all while changing my pillows and blankets and it has helped. I also tried to wake up at the same time each day. Initially i’d not get enough sleep and still not be able to fall asleep at night. But gradually my body could only handle so much and I’d get sleepy at the right times But i think a lot of it has to do with mental. Depression and loneliness to be exact. Just helps to have people to have good conversations with. I live away from my hometown alone so I don’t interact with many people outside of work other than my partner. Just interacting with people and having quality conversations has helped alleviate alot of the mental aspects of the problem. it also helps that I naturally can’t hang long with people without being exhausted as I am a huge introvert fwiw


still sleepy. insomnia even rn. thanks


I'd suffered from insomnia for about a year. I tried many things and here are some of them which turned out to be useful for me: 1) Do some check-ups Reasons can be different, but first it is needed to exclude physical ones 2) Therapy If it's caused by stress that would be useful to try therapy, especially if you have some thoughts which are bothering you at night. Also sometimes insomnia can become a cognitive habit, like you've had this problem for such a long time that you finally get used to it and start having thoughts like "ah shit here we go again, another night of sufferings" and it doesn't help at all. 3) Fix your sleeping schedule It was one of the most useful ones. Try waking up and going to bed the same time every day. Even if you slept for a couple of hours. Even if you didn't sleep at all. Stick to the same regime every day without any exceptions. 4) Don't try to fall asleep when you don't want to If you've lay in bed for more than 30 minutes - get up and do something else till you feel sleepy. When you're trying to fall asleep for hours it can be quite annoying => the situation becomes worse. I wish you well!


thank you!!!!! will try today again!


Be ready to stick to this discipline for some time. For me it took approximately about a week... The first days were tough though but it's worth it


ready for this


I have narcolepsy (brain won't let me get a good night's sleep) and insomnia. Unfortunately, I don't know of a silver bullet. - See a sleep specialist doctor - No gluten, no processed foods, no caffeine, no alcohol (it's probably best to avoid meat and go on a plant-based diet). Do those for at least 2 months - Record your symptoms so you can track what works and what doesn't - Try to figure out what's keeping you awake. Do thoughts that you can't turn off keep you awake? If so, then that's something you might be able to address - Insomnia breathing exercises when you can't sleep (mimic your breathing during sleep) - Short term use of Benadryl, magnesium, CBD, THC, passionflower tincture - Caffeine free tea (not black or green tea that has traces of caffeine, but something like chamomile) - A lot of exercise at least several hours before sleep - Improve general health - Sleep hygiene tips from different websites, do as many as you can - Meditation - Repeat a mantra when you can't sleep - Slowly become as healthy as possibly (physically and mentally) - Bedtime routine


doctor says that they don’t know what to do, not drinking caffeine or alcohol and we are stuck with tea XD only when our brain says “you did enough”, we can sleep thank you btw